How to show hidden button by *ngIf in iPhone X - ios

I am creating a simple screen with ion-slides. On the last slide, i want to show a button to pop the screen.
I already accomplished this using the code below:
In my HTML
<ion-slides (ionSlideDidChange)="change()" (ionSlideReachEnd)="end()" class="slider" pager="true" paginationType="bullet" parallax="true"
centeredSlides="true" effect="slide" [options]="slideOpts">
<ng-container *ngFor="let image of imgs;">
<h1><img src={{image}}></h1>
<div class="skip" *ngIf="!isSlideLast()" (click)="skip()">Skip</div>
<div class="next" *ngIf="!isSlideLast()" (click)="next()">Next</div>
<button class="start" *ngIf="isSlideLast()" (click)="skip()">Start</button>
In my .ts, I have these:
max_slide:any =3;
last: boolean = false;
callback: any;
imgs:any = [];
slideOpts = {
initialSlide: 0,
speed: 400
isSlideLast() {
return this.last
async skip() {
console.log("skip is pressed")
this.callback().then(() => {
change() {
this.slides.getActiveIndex().then(val => {
if (val < this.max_slide-1) {
this.last = false;
end() {
console.log("end is pressed")
this.last = true;
next() {
console.log("next is pressed")
There is no problem with other iPhones and android. The button shows on the last slide. But when testing with iPhone X, the button is not showing at all. The skip and next link also doesn't hide.


How to show Mat-dialog opening/loading indicator

I am using mat dialog to create a dialog box with 100's of input boxes. So it will take few seconds to load. I want to show a busy indicator when the dialog is loading.
Very simple code. On a button click I set a boolean to true and call Then set it to false on dialogRef.afterOpened() event.
But the boolean doesnt get set to true until the event is completed. I can't figure out why.
StackBlitz here
Enter value of say, 1000;
I am expecting the text 'Dialog opening...' (near to Add button) to appear soon after I click Add button. But it flashes for a second after the dialog is ready.
The solution does not answer the question as per the intended question but will act as a workaround solution.
Instead of showing the loading icon when loading any number of data, as per UX, it better for the user to show a limited number of input boxes and add a button that will add more input text field in a dialog box.
selector: 'dialog-overview-example-dialog',
templateUrl: 'dialog-overview-example-dialog.html',
export class DialogOverviewExampleDialog implements OnInit {
animals: any[] = [];
getTotalCountVal = null;
start: number = 0;
end: number = 20;
public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<DialogOverviewExampleDialog>,
#Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: DialogData) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.getTotalCountVal =;
if (this.getTotalCountVal) {
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
loadMore() {
if(this.end < this.getTotalCountVal) {
this.end += 20;
onNoClick(): void {
<h1 mat-dialog-title>Total - {{data.totalCount}}</h1>
<div mat-dialog-content>
<p>Add favorite animals</p>
<ng-container *ngFor="let animal of animals | slice: start: end; let index=index">
<input matInput [(ngModel)]="animal" name ="animal">
<button *ngIf="end < animals.length" mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="loadMore()">Add more animals</button>
<div mat-dialog-actions>
<button mat-button (click)="onNoClick()">No Thanks</button>
<button mat-button [mat-dialog-close]="animals" cdkFocusInitial>Ok</button>
stackblitz working demo

Ionic Framework textarea keyboard scroll issue after Apple Testflight processing

We are using the ionic framework with iOS.
In the iOS emulator and in Safari browser, for one of our pages, clicking in a textarea shows the keyboard, and scrolls the textarea upwards so it is still viewable.
When the app is archived and processed through Apple iOS TestFlight, the behaviour is changed. Now, clicking in a textarea shows the keyboard, but the textarea no longer scrolls upwards so it is hidden.
Looks like something in the archival process is causing an issue.
Here's the code (there's another div above it). There's only the one textarea.
<div ng-if="!dy_compl">
<div class="wi-bottom item ">
<div ng-repeat="(key, dy) in element.dys">
<div id="wi-scroll-div" ng-if="key == dySel" style="height: {{scroller_height}}; overflow: scroll;">
p.wi-icon:before {
background: url("img/old_building.png") no-repeat !important;
<p class="wi-icon" ng-bind-html="dy.intro | to_trusted"></p>
<div ng-if="dy.ref">
<p class="wi-intro-my3" ng-bind-html="dy.ref.intro | to_trusted"></p>
<div ng-repeat="data in track by $index">
<p class="wi-intro-my3-table" style="margin-left: 5%;" ng-bind-html="data | to_trusted"></p>
<label id="wi-input" class="item item-input item-stacked-label">
<span class="input-label" style="width:100%; max-width: 100%;">
<div class="wi-bottom-input-label" ng-bind-html="dy.notelabel | to_trusted"></div>
<textarea class="wi-bottom-input" ng-model="dy.note" type="text" placeholder="{{dy.note}}" ng-style="{'background-color': textAreaBackgroundColor}"></textarea>
<button class="wi-bottom-button button button-assertive col text-center" ng-click="dy.saved=true;saveNow()">
Save Notes
If you can't make it work with the plugin, check out this code I used on one project.. Looks a bit overhead, but it works:
<ion-content scroll-handle="user-profile-scroll">
<textarea maxlength="160" ng-model="" ng-readonly="!editMode || focusAddInterestInput" placeholder="Write your bio..." class="user-bio">< </textarea>
$scope.windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
$scope.keyboardHeight = 0;
$scope.$on('$ionicView.loaded', function() {
var scrollView = {scrollTo: function() { console.log('Could not resolve scroll delegate handle'); }};
$timeout(function() {
var instances = $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('user-profile-scroll')._instances;
instances.length && (scrollView = instances[instances.length - 1]);
}).then(function() {
$scope.unbindShowKeyboardHandler = $scope.$on('KeyboardWillShowNotification', function(evt, info) {
$scope.keyboardHeight = info.keyboardHeight;
var input = angular.element(document.activeElement);
var body = angular.element(document.body);
var top = input.prop('offsetTop');
var temp = angular.element(input.prop('offsetParent'));
var tempY = 0;
while (temp && typeof(temp.prop('offsetTop')) !== 'undefined') {
tempY = temp.prop('offsetTop');
top += tempY;
temp = angular.element(temp.prop('offsetParent'));
top = top - (scrollView.getScrollPosition().top || 0);
var inputHeight = input.prop('offsetHeight');
var requiredSroll = $scope.windowHeight - $scope.keyboardHeight > top + inputHeight + 11 ? 0 : $scope.windowHeight - $scope.keyboardHeight - top - inputHeight - 12;
$timeout(function(){ scrollView.scrollTo(0, - requiredSroll || 0, true); });
$scope.unbindHideKeyboardHandler = $scope.$on('KeyboardWillHideNotification', function(evt, info) {
console.log(evt, info);
$scope.keyboardHeight = 0;
$timeout(function() { scrollView.scrollTo(0, 0, true); });
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
andm finally in app.js:
window.addEventListener('native.keyboardshow', keyboardShowHandler);
window.addEventListener('native.keyboardhide', keyboardHideHandler);
function keyboardShowHandler(info){
$rootScope.$broadcast('KeyboardWillShowNotification', info);
function keyboardHideHandler(info){
$rootScope.$broadcast('KeyboardWillHideNotification', info);
Turns out that we had one view that was manually disabling the keyboard scroll using:
We weren't re-enabling this on a switch to another view.
The result is that in the emulator, the scroll disabling didn't traverse the scope to the new page, whereas after archival and TestFlight, it did.
Thanks for the other answers, comments.

Ionic Popover Works on XCode Simulator but not on iPhone

I have an Ionic Popover on my app. The popover appears when I run ionic serve, ionic emulate ios, and the XCode simulator. However, as soon as I simulate the app to my iPhone 4S on XCode or use the Ionic View app to view my own application, the popover does not appear. I've debugged EVERYTHING and the code does not work. No errors appear on my console when running the app.
Once in a blue moon the popover will appear on my 4S, but there is no logic to how the popover appears. I would change a piece of code, the popover appears, then when I change it again, the popover disappears. I repeat this process and go back to my old code version that worked and it doesn't work. This is frustrating. What's worse I fear no one will respond to this message. Any help as to why there is a discrepancy between the iPhone simulator and my actual iPhone would be great. Thanks.
Button HTML
<div ng-controller="FilterPopoverController as filterPopover" class="text-right">
<div on-tap="" ng-class="{filterButtonOpened: filterPopover.opened}" id="filter-button">
<span class="assertive" >
<i class="icon ion-arrow-down-b"></i>
<span class="bold">FILTER</span>
Popover HTML
<ion-popover-view id="filterPopover">
<ion-header-bar class="bar-dark">
<h1 id="popoverTitle" class="bold">FILTER BY</h1>
<p>Content here</p>
The Popover Controller
.controller('FilterPopoverController', filterPopoverController)
filterPopoverController.$inject = ['$ionicPopover', '$filter', '$scope', '$timeout'];
function filterPopoverController($ionicPopover, $filter, $scope, $timeout) {
var vm = this; = open;
vm.popover = null;
vm.opened = false;
//Cleanup the popover when we're done with it!
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
vm.opened = false;
$scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() {
vm.opened = false;
function activate( ) {
$ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('/templates/search/filter-popover.html', {
scope: $scope
}).then(function(popover) {
vm.popover = popover;
function open( ) {
vm.opened = true;;
I've had to remove sensitive info from some of this code but this is the gist of it.
I have made two modifications to your posted code:
first one is to change the path of popover template to be:
instead of
You need to reference this file starting from current directory instead of root directory
Second changed is to pass $event input while opening the popover, this is from official documentation of ionic Popover
After applying both of these changes to the posted code, I manage to see popover on desktop browser, ios simulator, real iPhone 4 consistenly
Here is the final code:
angular.module('starter', ['ionic'])
.run(function($ionicPlatform) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
// Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
// for form inputs)
if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
if(window.StatusBar) {
.controller('FilterPopoverController', filterPopoverController)
filterPopoverController.$inject = ['$ionicPopover', '$filter', '$scope', '$timeout'];
function filterPopoverController($ionicPopover, $filter, $scope, $timeout) {
var vm = this; = open;
vm.popover = null;
vm.opened = false;
//Cleanup the popover when we're done with it!
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
vm.opened = false;
$scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() {
vm.opened = false;
function activate( ) {
$ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('templates/search/filter-popover.html', {
scope: $scope
}).then(function(popover) {
vm.popover = popover;
function open( $event ) {
vm.opened = true;$event);
<div ng-controller="FilterPopoverController as filterPopover" class="text-right">
<div on-tap="$event)" ng-class="{filterButtonOpened: filterPopover.opened}" id="filter-button">
<span class="assertive" >
<i class="icon ion-arrow-down-b"></i>
<span class="bold">FILTER</span>
I hope that this solves your problem.

jQuery UI Accordion - Content is painted within the title when sortable is enabled

I have a jquery ui accordion in my mvc4 view. I have followed what explained here:
I get below weird behaviour (see picture in following link)
as you can see i have two header titles, Filter and Add Component. The weird behaviour is for example in case Filter, the content is being painted within the title "Filter", why? the same happens for "Add components" title.
HTML Code (below is within a jQuery ui tab):
/* IE has layout issues when sorting (see #5413) */
.group { zoom: 1 }
<div id="accordion1" style= "width: 790px;">
<div class="group">
<!-- some stuff here -->
</div> <!--end group -->
<div class="group">
<h3>Add component</h3>
<!-- some stuff here -->
</div> <!--end group -->
</div> <!-- end accordion -->
<div id="accordion2" style= "width: 790px;">
<div class="group">
<!-- some stuff here -->
</div> <!--end group -->
<div class="group">
<h3>Add others</h3>
<!-- some stuff here -->
</div> <!--end group -->
</div> <!-- end accordion -->
in my script section i have below:
$(function () {
function subscribe_accordion_to_hoverintent_event(accordionId) {
event: "click hoverintent"
// Collapse content
$(function () {
function set_accordion_as_collapsible(accordionId) {
collapsible: true
// Sortable functionality
$(function () {
function set_accordion_as_sortable(accordionId) {
header: "> div > h3"
axis: "y",
handle: "h3",
stop: function (event, ui) {
// IE doesn't register the blur when sorting
// so trigger focusout handlers to remove .ui-state-focus
* hoverIntent | Copyright 2011 Brian Cherne
* modified by the jQuery UI team
$.event.special.hoverintent = {
setup: function () {
$(this).bind("mouseover", jQuery.event.special.hoverintent.handler);
teardown: function () {
$(this).unbind("mouseover", jQuery.event.special.hoverintent.handler);
handler: function (event) {
var currentX, currentY, timeout,
args = arguments,
target = $(,
previousX = event.pageX,
previousY = event.pageY;
function track(event) {
currentX = event.pageX;
currentY = event.pageY;
function clear() {
.unbind("mousemove", track)
.unbind("mouseout", clear);
function handler() {
var prop,
orig = event;
if ((Math.abs(previousX - currentX) +
Math.abs(previousY - currentY)) < 7) {
event = $.Event("hoverintent");
for (prop in orig) {
if (!(prop in event)) {
event[prop] = orig[prop];
// Prevent accessing the original event since the new event
// is fired asynchronously and the old event is no longer
// usable (#6028)
delete event.originalEvent;
} else {
previousX = currentX;
previousY = currentY;
timeout = setTimeout(handler, 100);
timeout = setTimeout(handler, 100);
mousemove: track,
mouseout: clear
The problem is that you set up the accordion without the header property and try to add it later when setting the sortable. You must set it when you're building the accordion widget, like this:
function subscribe_accordion_to_hoverintent_event(accordionId) {
header: "> div > h3",
event: "click hoverintent"
And you can remove it from the sortable function:
function set_accordion_as_sortable(accordionId) {
axis: "y",
handle: "h3",
stop: function (event, ui) {
// IE doesn't register the blur when sorting
// so trigger focusout handlers to remove .ui-state-focus
JSFiddle result:
Also, the id's in your question don't match, be sure to check those too.

JQuery UI highlight effect color parameter ignored in Knockout foreach

Im trying to apply the JQuery UI highlight effect to an element when an item that is bound to a knockout observablearray is updated.
The highlight effect is applied but the highlight color used is always the elements current background color. even if I specify the highlight color using the { color: 'XXXXXXX' } option.
any ideas what might be happening?
Code below: The element is the span.tag
<div class="row">
<div class="span12">
<div class="tagsinput favs span12" style="height: 100%;" data-bind="foreach: favs, visible: favs().length > 0">
<span class="tag" data-bind="css: $root.selectedFav() == userPrefID() ? 'selected-fav' : '', attr: { id: 'fav_' + userPrefID() }">
<span data-bind="text: name, click: $root.loadFav.bind($data)"></span>
<a class="tagsinput-fav-link"><i class="icon-trash" data-bind="click: $root.delFav.bind($data)"></i></a>
<a class="tagsinput-fav-link-two" data-bind="visible: $root.selectedFav() == userPrefID()"><i class="icon-save" data-bind=" click: $root.saveFav.bind($data)""></i></a>
// This is the code that does a save via ajax then highlights the element when done.
$.getJSON('#Url.Action("SaveFav","User")', { id: item.userPrefID(), fav: window.JSON.stringify(fav) }, function (result) {
var savedFav = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.favs(), function (aFav) {
return aFav.userPrefID() == result.userPrefID; // <-- is this the desired fav?
// Fav found?
if (savedFav) {
// Update the fav!
}).done(function () {
var elementID = "#fav_" + item.userPrefID();
// Function to highlight the element
function highlightElement(element) {
$(element).effect("highlight", {}, 1500);
I would do this the 'knockout' way... use a custom bindingHandler. You shouldn't be directly manipulating DOM in your viewModel, but only touching properties of your viewModel.
Taking this approach, you simply set a boolean value to true when your save is complete... this triggers the highlight effect (the jquery/dom manipulation neatly hidden away from your viewmodel) and when highlight effect completes, the handler sets the boolean back to false. Nice and tidy.
<div id="#fav" data-bind="highlight: done">This is a test div</div>
<br />
<button data-bind="click: save">Simulate Save</button>
ko.bindingHandlers.highlight = {
update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
var obs = valueAccessor();
var val = ko.unwrap(obs);
if (val) {
$(element).effect("highlight", {}, 1500, function() {
var vm = function() {
var self = this;
self.done = ko.observable(false); = function() {
ko.applyBindings(new vm());
