Walmart product search api - walmart-api

I have one question when search product using walmart api.I get response but i want to need some detail of their property. what is meaning following properties name which is get in response of walmart search api.
productTrackingUrl & affiliateAddToCartUrl return error somethink like that "The link you clicked on is malformed. Contact the editor of the originating page."


How to filter outlook messages by attachment name or subject using “Microsoft Graph” rest API?

We have integrated outlook to our iOS application using Microsoft Graph API. We have a use case where we have to filter outlook messages by attachment name or by subject. We are using query parameters to hit graph API.
Link to microsoft documentation.
As per above documentation, $search parameter is used to filter outlook messages. When are hitting below API, we are getting wrong responses. It’s returning messages which have “Test Mail” in both subject and message body. But it should return only the messages whose subject line is “Test Mail”.$search="subject:Test Mail”
The same problem we are facing when we filter messages by attachment name, by hitting below API. In fact we are getting a empty response in this case.$search=“attachments:test.png”
Is the above URL formation is correct? Why we’re not getting desired response? Please help us out on this.
For searching Subject only, you can use:
/v1.0/me/messages?$search="subject:search term"
or a filter:
/v1.0/me/messages?$filter=contains(subject, 'my search term')
(in this method the search term must exactly match a portion of the subject string)
For searching attachments only, you must use the keyword 'attachment' instead of 'attachments' (exchange documentation):
/v1.0/me/messages?$search="attachment:search term"

How can I get list of all data set codes of Quandl API?

I want list of all dataset codes for each company,Ex. for Facebook dataset code is FB,for MICROSOFT it is MSFT.How can I get such list of all available codes for data sets ??
You can get the list of all the available datasets in a database provided you have the database name.
Replace the value <database-name> and <api-key> in the above URL. This will return a list of dataset object. Each object will have a dataset_code field having the required value.
Make sure you register on the quandl website for getting the access key. You do not have to pay or give credit card details for registration.
For JSON response you can use the below. Also you can mention the current page and page size as below -${databaseCode}&api_key=${apiKey}&current_page=${currentPage}&per_page=${perPage}

Itunes api for music store list

I am learning angular, for that i was use itunes api for my references. I want to list music albums and click that album i want to show details. I have found one url but in that there is no unique id. I want to unique id from each one from the list of albums. I have include that url below,
enter link description here
In this json, I did't get unique id from each item of the list. please provide correct url for get information and detail view of each items. If i get correct url i will practices small application in angular.
The first result from the URL you linked is:
{"wrapperType":"collection", "collectionType":"Album",
{""artistId":211192870, "collectionId":211192863,
{""artistName":"Louis Prima & Gia Maione", "collectionName":"Let's
{"Fly With Mary Poppins", "collectionCensoredName":"Let's Fly With
{"Mary Poppins",
{"with-mary-poppins/id211192863?uo=4", "artworkUrl60":"http://is2.
{"7b64-6dd6-b845750f88ce/source/60x60bb.jpg", "artworkUrl100":"htt
{""collectionPrice":9.99, "collectionExplicitness":"notExplicit",
{""trackCount":12, "copyright":"℗ 1965 Buena Vista Records",
{""country":"USA", "currency":"USD",
{""releaseDate":"2007-01-16T08:00:00Z", "primaryGenreName":"Jazz"}
Here's the URL to get those album details from the collection ID in that result:
I solved this using,
From this i get track id, and passed in to
i passed this url and get detail page. Thanks

How to retrieve list id by list name in Twitter API

I've to call this Twitter API's method
to retrieve the tweets by the user in the list.
But my customer provide me only the name of the list and I've no idea how to get the list id using the list name.
The list is this:
I've tried with this method
to get the id list but always return this message
{"errors":[{"message":"Your credentials do not allow access to this resource","code":220}]}.
I'm logged with api key and api secret and get the token well, but this method doesn't work.
Ideas ?
The list name in the URL is referred to as the slug. When you want to request statuses from a list using a slug, you simply also need to pass the owner_screen_name.
For example, in your case:
More details on this are on the endpoint's doc page at

Twitter API and operator

I want to make a simple Twitter API get using JSON. The idea is to get only the posts from a known corporation (say BigCorporation) sent to the main corporation (#BigCorporation). The idea is to just get the main annoncements and filter out anytime the BigCoporation answer a question from a follower (i.e. BigCoporation tweets: #someguy we are anwering your question)
So Tweets from:BigCoporation with the #BigCorporation
I came up with this API get but I seem to get both #BigCorporation or from:BigCorporation tweets. I want only the Tweets that are #BigCorp AND from:BigCorp
Your search query is malformed.
It should be:
That will show you all the tweets I have sent which contains the string "#edent"
You can use this URL :
The REST method GET returns the most recent tweets (20 by default) of a user whose username (here BigCorporation) is in the parameter screen_name. When set to true (or t or 1), the exclude_replies parameter excludes the tweets that you want to avoid ("#someguy we are anwering your question").
You can visit this page on the Twitter API website for further details.
