I have a table with different colors and each color represents something, when I convert my table with jspdf-autotable, it creates the table but skips the styles, can I copy the styles too.
let pdf = new jsPDF('l', 'mm', 'a4');
pdf.autoTable({html: '#table'});
Try the useCss option. It copies over some basic styles.
How can we add header and footer same for all pages through out pdf using jsPDF. And apart from this please let me know that what are all ways to create pdf using jspdf like using HTML content or a string or some HTML template so please help me out on both query
Although jsPDF does not have a dedicated header or footer functions, you may use
var doc = new jsPDF();
doc.text("Header or footer text", x, y);
Where x is margin from left of the page and y is from the top.
You may have to position it as per your page dimensions require.
And about your second query, jsPDF has addHTML and addImage (Older versions of jsPDF) functions to help you generate PDF.
addHTML take in raw HTML code as input while addImage takes image as input which can be positioned on the PDF page.
addImage requires additional libraries such as html2canvas for image generation.
JsPdf-autoTable is a very good pdf export software and very simple to work with.
Now, I want to add different font colors/style to a text in 1 of my columns.Like shown in the below image. But I can't figure out how I can add this.
Is there an easy working example ?Thanks in advance.
I want to convert entire html page to pdf. Thanks to stackoverflow, i got idea, but i want to convert both divs and ng-grids.
Try1: While including both in specialElementHandlers, data and column headers in grid are not displayed properly in pdf. [column headers are displayed as individual rows and unwanted ng-grid code snippets are captured (Total Items: 0
(Showing Items: 0)
Selected Items: 0
Page Size:
/ 1)]
Try2: After converting all my divs to tables, some data are not properly displayed in pdf. Data are not properly placed in table structure.
Kindly let me know, if this is due to html design issue or jspdf property setups.
You can convert it to an image and insert your image in a html document. Or you put this document in a ftp server and load this.
Want to create complete report in pdf. i successfully draw text and images in PDF by using Apple documentation but i am unable to find any solution to create table in PDF with rowspan and colspan functionality, also if table size greater than pdf page size then it displays remaining table to the next page. Any solution,API or library which helped me for this Problem?
PDF has no builtin notion of tables. In fact, the only PDF primitives are Glyphs, Shapes and Images. If you want to generate a table, you have to stroke all the lines of the table yourself, using, for example, CGContextStrokePath (after you have built a path with the lines in the table).
I am using XMLWorker 5.5.3 and itextpdf 5.5.3 to convert html to pdf.
my html contain table with cells that conatin images.
i.e. part of my code :
my problem is that some cells add padding > 0 so the td that contain the image is bigger than it should be.
Is there a way to define style for images so the will not have padding and margin ?
I am looking at css Demo of Itextpdf and not finding a solution , any help/trick /ideas will help .
I found a solution:
when I create the table I define columns width :
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(vColWidth.length);
when creating the Image object I define :
RegularImg = Image.getInstance(imgsrc);
when defining the td :
cell = new PdfPCell(RegularImg);
if(rowSpan!= "")
this solutions works o.k. if the table is not so big or complicated with the colSpan , rowSpan .
In complicated cases I advise people to convert the table of pictures as a Canvas , not using a table. just place each Image in the specific place in the doc . (the performance are much faster.