Last Element in List in Thymeleaf - thymeleaf

I have a list in Thymeleaf and I want to use th:with in a div to grab the last element in a list. I've tried:
<div th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(licence.registrations)}"
th:with="lastRegistation=${licence.registrations[__(#lists.size(licence.registrations) - 1)__]}">
<td><span th:text="${}"/></td>
However this gives me the error:
org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Could not parse as expression: "(#lists.size(licence.registrations) - 1)" (template: "admin/viewLicence.html" - line 103, col 10)
Does anyone know a way I can get the last item in a list with Thymeleaf?

If you're using preprocessing, you need to surround the expression with ${...}. Like this:
th:with="lastRegistration=${licence.registrations[__${#lists.size(licence.registrations) - 1}__]}"
That being said, there is no reason to use preprocessing in this case. (And I would remove the extra unused tags as well.) This will work:
<tr th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(licence.registrations)}"
th:with="lastRegistration=${licence.registrations[#lists.size(licence.registrations) - 1]}">
<td th:text="${}" />
You can also get fancy with collection selection & projection, but I'm not sure this is an appropriate use. Still, it seems to work:
<tr th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(licence.registrations)}">
<td th:text="${licence.registrations.![name].$[true]}" />


Convert thymeleaf to freemarker

Please help, i cann't find in freemarker guide how to convert from thymeleaf this:
lists.isEmpty and for each
<th:block th:if="${#lists.isEmpty(employees)}">
<h3>No employee</h3>
<th:block th:unless="${#lists.isEmpty(employees)}">
<tr th:each="contact,iterStat : ${employees}">
<td th:text="${iterStat.count}"></td>
<td th:text="${}"></td>
<td th:text="${}"></td>
Maybe Something like this? (sketch, not tested)
<#list employees as contact>
<h3>No employee</h3>
<#list> Will generate a <tr> element for each item in the employees sequence, containing <td>'s for each field.
If the employees sequence is empty it will generate the <h3> element.
See List Directive Doc
It gets the zero based index of the item using the build-in function
?index. See built-ins and loop variables in the help. Freemarker built-ins Doc. If you want one based, you can add one to it.
It's works
<#list employees as contact>
<h3>No employee</h3>

How to iterate two objects at a time by using thymeleaf?

I am new to thymeleaf. I am trying to iterate two objects at a time on table. Because i am getting value from two objects.
I tried my way but it not working properly.
<tbody th:each="trn,iterStat : ${avngs}">
<tr th:each="emp,iterStat : ${list}">
<td th:text="${}">Name</td>
<td th:text="${emp.address}">VPA</td>
<td th:text="${emp.accountno}">Accont No</td>
<td th:text="${trn.daylimit}">Yes</td>
<td th:text="${trn.weeklimit}">Yes</td>
<td th:text="${trn.monthlimit}">Yes</td>
Here,,address,accountno are getting correctly. But trn.daylimit,weeklimit,monthlimit are getting only same to remaining records
What is wrong in my code?
Make some meaning out of this. I have two lists, part1 and part2, I get values of part 2 from the index of part 1. This considers that your part 1 and 2 are supposed to display values in a linear - side by side manner. I got my parts by splitting a string.
<tr th:each= "part1, status : ${part1}">
<td th:text="${status.index + 1}"></td>
<td th:text="${part1}"></td>
<td th:text="${part2.get(status.index)}"></td>

Grails inside a <g:each> who creates rows change class of a <tr>

I have my grails view, and using a api rest I Receive an array of items,that I put in a table,and I want to make the pair rows with tr class="alt">
I want for first for second ,and so on.
I was thinking to do that with a or creating a tag,but donĀ“t know really if there is something useful that can use for similar cases.
The tr that I want to change In the code is as
<table id="customers">
<g:each in="${results}">
**<tr >**
<td><img src="${it.thumbnail}"></td>
<g:each in="${results}" status="ix">
<tr class="${ix % 2 ? 'light' : 'dark'}">

dartlang: how do you highlight table rows?

I'm new to dart so this might seem like a silly question but I'd like to apply different CSS to different rows based on column values:
<table id="requests">
So far I can do this:
queryAll("tr td").classes.add("foo");
But I'm wondering how to get all rows whose columns have the value "Approved".
Here is a quick dirty way to do it from code:
(tr)=> tr.children.any(
(td)=>td.text == 'Approved'
But i really recommend you to use a databinding framework (like Polymer, or AngularDart) to set different styles/classes depending on data. It's far more easy to use.
[A new thread was opened about doing this using Polymer]

Click on element which is dynamically generated using watir-webdriver

I have the following HTML code :
<table class="report" width="100%">
<tr class="alt">
<a onclick=";return false;" href="/search/searches/1563/reports/946"></a>
<td class="_"> Report </td>
<td class="_"> 09 Apr 2012</td>
<td class="_"> Noor</td>
<td class="_"> 2.8 MB</td>
<td class="_">Ready</td>
I want to click on href="/search/searches/1563/reports/946"> but I do not want to use XPATH. I tried a lot of things but failed, is there a way to click on this href without using XPATH. Thanks a lot.
You can use the href => '/search/searches/1563/reports/946').click
or the text => '').click
or you can use variations with regex matches => /reports/).click
or => /
Is it the only link in that table? or always the first link in that table?
browser.table(:class => 'report')
If there are multiple tables, then you have to figure out how to find the one you want. perhaps by the text inside the table. If in your example the text Noor is unique to that table, then you could try something like this
browser.table(:class => 'report', :text => /Noor/)
or if you know the structure above will persist where the link and the info about the report are on a single table row)
browser.row(:text => /Noor/)
You'd have to try to decide which is going to be the most robust or least brittle
