'The certificate bundleId did not match that of your app' Firebase Cloud Messaging - ios

I am trying to integrate remote push notifications in iOS using Firebase, but I have run into an issue. When I upload my Development APNs Certificates, I get this error: 'The certificate bundleId did not match that of your app.' I don't understand why I am getting this issue and some help would be much appreciated. For some context, the file I am uploading is called 'Certificates.p12.' This was created when I exported my Certificate downloaded from my developer account. One possible issue I found is that I might have to upload a file called 'CertificateRemoteNotifs.p12.' The only issue with this is that no such file exists on my computer and I am not quite sure as to how I could get one. Other than that, I have no idea.

I think it is much better if you switch from Certificates to keys.
Check here how to generate it.


Fail to upload iOS APNs Certificate on Firebase

I can't upload my production APNs Certicate on Firebase. There was an error reading your certificate.
I can't find out the cause of this error.
You should select only the certificate and don't select the private key . See this screenshot
I experienced the same issue before due to not proper "Certificate Signing Request". You may miss the Common name when you create a "Certificate Signing Request" or you may mentioned any other mails that didn't include in your xcode as developer Account.
Please try to put a common name and do the process again to create a new APN Certificate.
I think you make some mistake's to create the certificate. Follow this link to create certificate correctly and try.
In my case I have faced this issue because I was exported 2 items Apple Development Push Services along with private key, and uploaded .p12 file to firebase. Then it said there was an error reading your certificate.
So the solution is don't export private key along with Apple Development Push Services item. Now generated .p12 file uploaded in Firebase. And the upload was successful.
Hope it will help to someone.

The APNs certificate provided does not match the current environment

It's my first time to update one app in app store after implementing the Firebase push notifications in the project. I'm trying to upload the "Production Certificate" in Firebase Console, but it gives me this:
The APNs certificate provided does not match the current environment
I want to make sure that after updating the app users will receive notifications.
Any link with tutorial to update one app in appstore is welcome.
The mistake I was making was that I was exporting the "private key" part of the certificate in Keychain Access instead of the "certificate" part. As soon as I re exported the .p12 using the correct item - it worked.
Please refer to the answer given here
The other possibility is:
You are confusing the development certificate with Production one in the certificate list of Key Chain Access.
Try to "Export" from the correct one.
This is what brought me here :)

ios pushwoosh implementation error

i have download the sample of ios pushwoosh-phonegap on my mac and i want to run on the device, but it gave me this error that pushwoosh/pushnotificationmanager.h is not found. What is the problem?
and ther is another problem, when i configure the ios on pushwoosh site, it said that can't generate the certificate. i have the apn certificate on the key, i exported .cer file. also i try to upload the download version of the certificate. same error. should i upload the dev certificate. i use free account , so i canot make auto configuration. any help, and Thx.
That's strange, I've just tried the sample and it worked well.
Do you see Pushwoosh.framework added to your project?
Also the other way is to use Phonegap/Cordova CLI to add the plugin using this guide:
When uploading the certificate make sure you upload APN certificate not your developers certificate. It should come as .p12 (that's export from your keychain) and .cer file.
This guide might help:

"Application failed codesign verifications" Phonegap build app failed to upload to App Store

Ive developed an app using Phonegap. I could build the app for testing using development certificate. And the app works fine.
Now i want to upload the app to app store. But im getting an error saying
"Application fialed codesign verification. The signature was failed, contains disallowed entitlements, or it was not signed with an iPhone Certificate."
After googling lots of time i found the solution. Refer the link for more details - >Click here
One thing to note is that please also make sure to export the .p12 by selecting the certificate associated with the key and not the key. (this ensures we have the correct common name and a valid certificate)
This was the root of problem. It might help someone someday.

Apple MDM Vendor genenrated plist file is invalidate when upload to apple push certificate port

I create the plist file step by http://www.softhinker.com/in-the-news/iosmdmvendorcsrsigning, but when i post this plist file to apple push certificate port, it failed and reported as invalide servicetype, service type invalidate null, can anyone help me? Thanks very much!!!
Do you get the vendor's certificate and private key? You should upload the plist_encoded file but not the plist.xml file.
I was dealing exactly the same error a few days ago, it's surprisingly true that "ServiceType null" is the only logging statement for this problem, good job Apple...
So you need to check a few things to get it working:
make sure the account you are using is an enterprise one WITH the mdm option checked when first purchased.
when choosing the type of certificate when creating mdm certificate, make sure you use the MDM CSR one under Production, not "Apple Push Notification service SSL (sandbox)" under Development or any other one.
also as Kun said, use the encoded_plist, but if you do use the plist.xml, I think you will get another type of error saying "Invalid signing request"
Hope this helps, good luck.
