CNN for audio recognition has near perfect test and validation accuracy but not generalizing to new data - machine-learning

I am creating a CNN to recognize a friend's speech. She uses unique vocalizations (not in any language) to communicate. To begin, I recorded 60 samples of three of these sounds (180 .wav samples total). After training the model, I was getting near perfect accuracy from both the test and validation data. I then recorded new sounds immediately after this training, and was getting about 50 percent accuracy, which showed some level of learning and generalizing, since random guesses on 3 classes should have been getting about 33% accuracy.
The next day I tried recording new audio again, and the model's predictions were as good as random. My guess as to the problem is that the model is sensitive to very small changes in environment. It showed some learning immediately after training because the environment would have been very similar. However, the following day, there were probably more substantial changes to environment (background noise, distance from microphone, sitting in different part of the room, etc.). Does this seem like a reasonable guess as to the cause of the problem? And if so, how can I make my model less sensitive to environment? Would adding white noise help? Are there ways to add background noise to my samples? Any help would be appreciated.

That is to be expected! 180 samples is not nearly enough to train the CNN on. A CNN contains thousands up to millions of parameters so you could quite possibly have many more parameters to tune than bytes of data in your dataset!
Futhermore, your claim of getting perfect accuracy on the test set seem suspicious. I'd wager that you have accidentally used test data to train the model with.
You could try "growing" your dataset by adding randomized noise to the sound files. I don't think that would help much though. The network would become resilient to the type of white noise you added, but probably not to the type of noise found in actual recordings. For example, in speech recognition noises people make when speaking like breathing, saying "uh" and "eh", or clearing their throats, can confuse the recognizer. It is very hard to synthetically add such noises.
Also, while two sounds may sound similar to human ears, their waveforms might be completely different. A song played in different keys sound similar or even identical to human ears but have totally different waveforms. You have the same effect if you listen to someone talking indoors vs. outdoors vs. in a noisy bar. Even whether someone is standing or sitting can completely change the sound of their voice.
Bottom line: you need waaaay more data. I also recommend experimenting with RNNs and Bidirectional RNNs. They are a better fit for temporal data like sound samples than CNNs. Generally they also require less parameters so training is faster.


train a neural network on real subject input/output to have it behave similarly to subject

The goal is to create an AI to play a simple game, tracking a horizontally moving dot across the screen which increases speed until no longer tracked.
I would like to create an AI to behave similarly to a real test subject. I have a large amount of trials that were recorded of many months, position of dot on screen and user cursor position over time.
I would like to train the network on these trials so that the network behaves similarly to a real test subject and I can then obtain very large amounts of test data to observe how changing the parameters of the game affects the networks ability to track the moving dot.
I am interested in learning about the underlying code of neural networks and would love some advice on where to start with this project. I understand AIs can get very good at performing different tasks such as snake, or other simple games, but my goal would be to have the AI perform similarly to a real test subject.
Your question is a bit broad, but i'll try to answer nonetheless.
To imitate a subjects behavior you could use and LSTM network which has an understanding of the state it's in (in your case the state may include information about how fast and in which direction the dot is going and where the pointer is) and then decides on an action. You will need to feed your data (the dot coordination and users behavior) into the the network.
A simpler yet effective approach would be using simple MLP network. Your problem does not seem like a hard one and a simple network should be able to learn what a user would in a certain situation. However, based on what you mean by "perform similarly to a real test subject" you might need a more complex architecture.
Finally there are GAN networks, which are somewhat complicated if you're not familiar with NNs, are hard and time-consuming to train and in some cases might fail to train at all. The bright side is they are exactly designed to imitate a probability distribution (or to put it more simply, a set of data).
There are two more important notes to mention:
The performance of your network depends heavily on your data and the game. for example, if in your dataset users have acted very differently to the same situation MLP or LSTMs will not be able to learn all those reactin.
Your network can only imitate what it's taught. So if you're planning to figure out what a human agent would do under some conditions that never happened in your dataset (e.g. if in your dataset the dot only moves in a line but you want it to move in a circle when experimenting) you won't get good results.
hope this helps.

Seperation of instruments' audios from a single channel non-MIDI musical file

My friend Prasad Raghavendra and me, were trying to experiment with Machine Learning on audio.
We were doing it to learn and to explore interesting possibilities at any upcoming get-togethers.
I decided to see how deep learning or any machine learning can be fed with certain audios rated by humans (evaluation).
To our dismay, we found that the problem had to be split to accommodate for the dimensionality of input.
So, we decided to discard vocals and assess by accompaniments with an assumption that vocals and instruments are always correlated.
We tried to look for mp3/wav to MIDI converter. Unfortunately, they were only for single instruments on SourceForge and Github and other options are paid options. (Ableton Live, Fruity Loops etc.) We decided to take this as a sub-problem.
We thought of FFT, band-pass filters and moving window to accommodate for these.
But, we are not understanding as to how we can go about splitting instruments if chords are played and there are 5-6 instruments in file.
What are the algorithms that I can look for?
My friend knows to play Keyboard. So, I will be able to get MIDI data. But, are there any data-sets meant for this?
How many instruments can these algorithms detect?
How do we split the audio? We do not have multiple audios or the mixing matrix
We were also thinking about finding out the patterns of accompaniments and using those accompaniments in real-time while singing along. I guess we will be able to think about it once we get answers to 1,2,3 and 4. (We are thinking about both Chord progressions and Markovian dynamics)
Thanks for all help!
P.S.: We also tried FFT and we are able to see some harmonics. Is it due to Sinc() in fft when rectangular wave is input in time domain? Can that be used to determine timbre?
We were able to formulate the problem roughly. But, still, we are finding it difficult to formulate the problem. If we use frequency domain for certain frequency, then the instruments are indistinguishable. A trombone playing at 440 Hz or a Guitar playing at 440 Hz would have same frequency excepting timbre. We still do not know how we can determine timbre. We decided to go by time domain by considering notes. If a note exceeds a certain octave, we would use that as a separate dimension +1 for next octave, 0 for current octave and -1 for the previous octave.
If notes are represented by letters such as 'A', 'B', 'C' etc, then the problem reduces to mixing matrices.
O = MI during training.
M is the mixing matrix that will have to be found out using the known O output and I input of MIDI file.
During prediction though, M must be replaced by a probability matrix P which would be generated using previous M matrices.
The problem reduces to Ipredicted = P-1O. The error would then be reduced to LMSE of I. We can use DNN to adjust P using back-propagation.
But, in this approach, we assume that the notes 'A','B','C' etc are known. How do we detect them instantaneously or in small duration like 0.1 seconds? Because, template matching may not work due to harmonics. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Splitting out the different parts is a machine learning problem all to its own. Unfortunately, you can't look at this problem in audio land only. You must consider the music.
You need to train something to understand musical patterns and progressions in the context of the type of music you give it. It needs to understand what the different instruments sound like, both mixed and not mixed. It needs to understand how these instruments are often played together, if it's going to have any chance at all at separating what's going on.
This is a very, very difficult problem.
This is a very hard problem mainly because converting audio to pitch isnt very simple due to Nyquist folding harmonics that are 22Khz+ back down and also other harmonic introductions such as saturators/distortion and other analogue equipment that introduce harmonics.
The fundamental harmonic isnt always the loudest which is why your plan will not work.
The hardest thing to measure would be a distorted guitar. The harmonic some pedals/plugins can make is crazy.

OpenCV poor performance of Haar classifier trained by me

I would like to use the Haar classifier to detect the presence of vehicles in a scene (trying with only cars so far). Since I have not found many trained XML files online, I decided to generate my own.
I found some image sets of vehicles that have been used for similar purposes (training computer vision algorithms) and used these to create my own XML files. It has been almost a week and some of them have finished, so I tried using them but the results were terrible. The classifiers I found online worked decently, at least it appears they are trying to detect vehicles and work fast enough for real-time application (maybe 5-10 FPS or so).
Whereas mine can take several minutes to analyze a frame using detectMultiScale() using the same parameters, and if I pass different parameters (e.g. increase min size, decrease max size, increase scaling factor) it will work faster (maybe 1 FPS) but detects absolutely nothing of note, never detects any vehicle and randomly detects some spots of asphalt as a vehicle.
Where did I go wrong in generating my files? I have limited time to complete this task and these classifiers can take a whole week to train so I have very few attempts remaining. For reference, my methodology is (following this tutorial):
-Take all positive and negative images; if no negative images supplied, take negative images from another data set, at least as many negatives as positives
-Generate as many samples as the number of positives
-Use same parameters as suggested, except image size (set to the size of images in a given data set), and nstages (set to 10 because 20 takes far too long)
-For the npos parameter, I use 1/10th the number of samples, using the full number of samples resulted in "assertion failed" after a few hours, apparently the number of samples cannot be the same as the npos according to this so I gave myself a safety margin.
TL;DR Haar classifier I trained myself performs much worse than one found online (in terms of time and accuracy), need advice on how to improve it and not waste another week training it.
There are two problems here. One, the accuracy of the classifier is low. The other, the classifier runs too slow.
There seems to be no problem with the reference that you used. The steps seem accurate, and I have personally tried them in that order and managed to get good results.
As #Micka mentions, nPos around 90% of the original sample count is good enough. minHitRate is a parameter that you can change. Did you observe the numbers that are displayed while training? How was the accuracy improving, and did your classifier stop training (or are you using the trained parameters before learning ends?)?
For the low speed in detection, the most likely reason is that your training data did not have simple features to learn quickly. Did you trying detection on the data that you used for training? How were the results in that case? Compiler settings or high image resolution can be a problem too, but if you tried the same inputs and settings with other classifiers, this is unlikely.
If you like tor try a different approach (and have a GPU), YOLO V2 should be much faster and more accurate for this task.

How long should audio samples be for music/speech discrimination?

I am working on a convolutional neural net which takes an audio spectrogram to discriminate between music and speech using the GTZAN dataset
If single samples are shorter, then this gives more samples overall. But if samples are too short, then they may lack important features?
How much data is needed for recognizing if a piece of audio is music or speech?
How long should the audio samples be ideally?
The length of audios vary on number of factors.
The basic idea is to get just enough samples.
Since audio changes constantly, it is preferred to work on a shorter data. However, very small frame would result into less/no feature to be captured.
On the other hand very large sample would capture too many features, thereby leading to complexity.
So, in most usecases, although the ideal audio length is 25seconds, but it is not a written rule and you may manipulate it accordingly.Just make sure the frame size is not very small or very large.
Update for dataset
Check this link for dataset of 30s
How much data is needed for recognizing if a piece of audio is music or speech?
If someone knew the answer to this question exactly then the problem would be solved already :)
But seriously, it depends on what your downstream application will be. Imagine trying to discriminate between speech with background music vs acapella singing (hard) or classifying orchestral music vs audio books (easy).
How long should the audio samples be ideally?
Like everything in machine learning, it depends on the application. For you, I would say test with at least 10, 20, and 30 secs, or something like that. You are correct in that the spectral values can change rather drastically depending on the length!

Classifying human activities from accelerometer-data with neural network

I've been tasked to carry out a benchmark of an existing classifier for my company. The biggest problem currently is differentiating between different type of transportation's, like recognizing if i'm currently in a train, driving a car or bicycling so this is the main focus.
I've been reading alot about LSTM, and its recent success in handwriting and speech-recognition, where the time between significant events could be pretty long.
So, my first thought about the problem with train/bus is that there probably isn't such a clear and short cycle as there is when walking/running for instance so long-term memory is probably crucial.
Have anyone tried anything similar with decent results?
Or is there other techniques that could potentially solve this problem better?
I've worked on mode of transportation detection using smartphone accelerometers. The main result I've found is that almost any classifier will do; the key problem is then the set of features. (This is no different from many other machine learning problems.) My feature set ended up containing time-domain and frequency-domain values, both taken from time-series sliding-window segmentation.
Another problem is that the accelerometer can be placed anywhere. On the body, it can be anywhere and in any orientation. If the user is driving, is the phone in a pocket, in a bag, on a car seat, attached to a suction-cup window mount, etc.?
If you want to avoid these problems, use GPS instead of the accelerometer. You can make relatively accurate classifications with that sensor, but the cost is the battery usage.
