missing default argument on trailing parameter pack on clang - clang

Clang complains about trailing parameter pack is not defaulted but as far as i know it is in standard and possible. Am i doing wrong or is it a bug of clang ?
It is my in repo, if you want to look at full source code, it is here.
Clang version is :
Apple LLVM version 10.0.0 (clang-1000.10.44.4)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin
Code is :
template<typename... T>
auto make_server ( const QHostAddress &address = QHostAddress::Any, speech::port p = speech::port ( 0 ), T... generators) -> std::unique_ptr<tcp_server<decltype ( generators )...>>
using server_type = tcp_server<decltype ( generators )...>;
return std::unique_ptr<server_type> ( new server_type ( address, p, generators... ) );
Error message is :
error: missing default argument on parameter 'generators'
auto make_server ( const QHostAddress &address = QHostAddress::Any, speech::port p = speech::port ( 0 ), T... generators) -> std::unique_ptr<tcp_server<decltype ( generators )...>>


Find all the macro declarations as string using clang preprocessor?

#define engine_exhaust_gas_temperature_raw 100
#define engine_exhaust_gas_temperature_scaled 20
#define Sum(x, y) ( ( x )+ ( y ) )
int main(){
return 0;
I am working on MISRA C Rule 5.4 Macro identifiers shall be distinct for which I need the list of the names of all the macros defined in a C program as strings.
For ex: In the above code I will need:
[ "engine_exhaust_gas_temperature_raw", "engine_exhaust_gas_temperature_scaled", "Sum"]
Is there any way to get this list using clang AST?
I have found that we can use clangs https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Preprocessor.html Preprocessor class to get the iterator to macros but even this is not producing any output for me. I have used it in the below code. What am I missing here?
bool distinct_macro_identifier(CompilerInstance *C_I, ASTContext *Context){
auto st= C_I->getPreprocessor().macro_begin()->getFirst()->getName();
auto x= C_I->getPreprocessor().macro_begin()->first;
auto p= C_I->getPreprocessor().getMacroInfo(x);
return true;
You can compile it with this command:
clang++ -E -dM -nostdlib file.cpp

What's a way to retrive the "path" portion of dxlHere() and go up two dirs?

We are regularly setting up new DOORS installations on standalone networks, and each of these networks use slightly different drive mappings and installation directories. We have a set of DXL scripts that we copy over to each network that uses DOORS, but these DXL scripts reference some Microsoft Word templates that are used as the basis for custom-developed module export scripts.
We no longer have a DXL expert in-house, and I'm trying to make the scripts more portable so that they no
longer contain hard-coded file paths. Because we copy all of the templates and DXL files in a pre-defined directory structure, I can use the dxlHere() function to figure out the execution path of the DXL script, which would print something like this:
What I'd like to do is extract everything before file\includeFile.inc:123>, excluding the starting <. Then I want to append templates\template.dotx.
For example, the final result would be:
Are there any built-in DXL functions to handle string manipulation like this? Is regex the way to go? If so, what regexp would be appropriate to handle this?
I got this... kind of working.
dxlHere is something I don't work with much, but this seems to work- as long as it's saved to a an actual dxl or inc file (i.e. not just run from the editor)
string s = dxlHere()
string s2 = null
string s3 = null
Regexp r = regexp2 ( "\\..*:.*> $" )
Regexp r2 = regexp2 ( "/" )
if ( r s ) {
s2 = s[ 1 : ( ( start ( 0 ) ) - 1 ) ]
s3 = s[ 1 : ( ( start ( 0 ) ) - 1 ) ]
int x = 0
while ( r2 s2 ) {
s2 = s2[ ( ( start ( 0 ) ) + 1 ) : ]
int z = 0
for ( y = 0; y <= length( s3 ); y++ ){
if ( s3[y] == '/' ) {
if ( z == ( x - 2 ) ) {
s = s3[ 0 : y ]
print s
So we're doing a single regexp to check if we have a valid 'location', then running through it to find ever '/' character, then leaving off the last 2 of them.
Hope this helps!

Weird antlr grammar rule

I have found an old file that define antlr grammar rules like that:
rule_name[ ParamType *param ] > [ReturnType *retval]:
$retval = NULL;
OtherType1 *new_var1 = NULL;
OtherType2 *new_var2 = NULL;
subrule1[ param ] > [ $retval ]
| subrule2 > [new_var2]
if( new_var2 == SOMETHING ){
$retval = something_related_to_new_var2;
$retval = new_var2;
somethingelse > [new_var_1]
/* Do something with new_var_1 */
$retval = new_var_1;
I'm not an Antlr expert and It's the first time that i see this kind of semantic for a rule definition.
Does anybody know where I can find documentation/informations about this?
Even a keyword for a google search is welcome.
It should be ANTLR Version 1.33MR33.
Ok, I found! Here is the guide:
I quote the interesting part of the pdf that answer to my question.
1) Page 47:
poly > [float r]
: <<float f;>>
term>[$r] ( "\+" term>[f] <<$r += f;>> )*
Rule poly is defined to have a return value called $r via the "> [float r]" notation; this is similar to the output redirection character of UNIX shells. Setting the value of $r sets the return value of poly. he first action after the ":" is an init-action (because it is the first action of a rule or subrule). The init-action defines a local variable called f that will be used in the (...)* loop to hold the return value of the term.
2) Page 85:
A rule looks like:
rule : alternative1
| alternative2
| alternativen
where each alternative production is composed of a list of elements that can be references to rules, references to tokens, actions, predicates, and subrules. Argument and return value definitions looks like the following where there are n arguments and m return values:
rule[arg1,...,argn] > [retval1,...,retvalm] : ... ;
The syntax for using a rule mirrors its definition:
a : ... rule[arg1,...,argn] > [v1,...,vm] ...
Here, the various vi receive the return values from the rule rule, each vi must be an l-value.
3) Page 87:
Actions are of the form <<...>> and contain user-supplied C or C++ code that must be executed during the parse.

How do I get the table length of a lua table in c?

I have a c function that is called from lua. The first parameter is a table. That table is abused as an input array of numbers to an underlying api. So right now my code looks like this:
int n = 0;
lua_pushnil ( L );
while ( lua_next ( L, 2 ) ) {
lua_pop ( L, 1 );
int *flat = alloca ( n * 4 );
lua_pushnil ( L );
int i = 0;
while ( lua_next(L,2) ) {
flat[i++] = (int)lua_tonumber( L, -1 );
lua_pop ( L, 1 );
I typed the code blind, so please forgive errors. Also no error checking. But the problem is that I have to do the while loop twice. Is there an easy way to avoid that? I want to optimize for the case where the input is good - a table of ints.
The function you're looking for is unintuitively named lua_objlen, or in Lua 5.2, lua_len (there is a lua_rawlen if you wish to avoid metamethod invocations). It serves many roles (though some, like the length of a string, aren't very useful when you can just use lua_tolstring to get the string and its length), so you should be familiar with it.

Using LPEG (Lua Parser Expression Grammars) like boost::spirit

So I am playing with lpeg to replace a boost spirit grammar, I must say boost::spirit is far more elegant and natural than lpeg. However it is a bitch to work with due to the constraints of current C++ compiler technology and the issues of TMP in C++. The type mechanism is in this case your enemy rather than your friend. Lpeg on the other hand while ugly and basic results in more productivity.
Anyway, I am digressing, part of my lpeg grammar looks like as follows:
function get_namespace_parser()
local P, R, S, C, V =
lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.V
namespace_parser =
* V("WS") * V("NAMESPACE_BODY") * V("WS"),
NAMESPACE_BODY = "{" * V("WS") *
V("ENTRIES")^0 * V("WS") * "}",
WS = S(" \t\n")^0,
SPACE_WS = P(" ") * V("WS")
return namespace_parser
This grammar (although incomplete) matches the following namespace foo {}. I'd like to achieve the following semantics (which are common use-cases when using boost spirit).
Create a local variable for the namespace rule.
Add a namespace data structure to this local variable when namespace IDENTIFIER { has been matched.
Pass the newly created namespace data structure to the NAMESPACE_BODY for further construction of the AST... so on and so forth.
I am sure this use-case is achievable. No examples show it. I don't know the language or the library enough to figure out how to do it. Can someone show the syntax for it.
edit : After a few days of trying to dance with lpeg, and getting my feet troden on, I have decided to go back to spirit :D it is clear that lpeg is meant to be weaved with lua functions and that such weaving is very free-form (whereas spirit has clear very well documented semantics). I simply do not have the right mental model of lua yet.
Though "Create a local variable for the namespace rule" sounds disturbingly like "context-sensitive grammar", which is not really for LPEG, I will assume that you want to build an abstract syntax tree.
In Lua, an AST can be represented as a nested table (with named and indexed fields) or a closure, doing whatever task that tree is meant to do.
Both can be produced by a combination of nested LPEG captures.
I will limit this answer to AST as a Lua table.
Most useful, in this case, LPEG captures will be:
lpeg.C( pattern ) -- simple capture,
lpeg.Ct( pattern ) -- table capture,
lpeg.Cg( pattern, name ) -- named group capture.
The following example based on your code will produce a simple syntax tree as a Lua table:
local lpeg = require'lpeg'
local P, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.V
local C, Ct, Cg = lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cg
local locale = lpeg.locale()
local blank = locale.space ^ 0
local space = P' ' * blank
local id = P'_' ^ 0 * locale.alpha * (locale.alnum + '_') ^ 0
local NS = P{ 'ns',
-- The upper level table with two fields: 'id' and 'entries':
ns = Ct( blank * 'namespace' * space * Cg( V'ns_id', 'id' )
* blank * Cg( V'ns_body', 'entries' ) * blank ),
ns_id = id,
ns_body = P'{' * blank
-- The field 'entries' is, in turn, an indexed table:
* Ct( (C( V'ns_entry' )
* (blank * P',' * blank * C( V'ns_entry') ) ^ 0) ^ -1 )
* blank * P'}',
ns_entry = id
lpeg.match( NS, 'namespace foo {}' ) will give:
table#1 {
["entries"] = table#2 {
["id"] = "foo",
lpeg.match( NS, 'namespace foo {AA}' ) will give:
table#1 {
["entries"] = table#2 {
["id"] = "foo",
lpeg.match( NS, 'namespace foo {AA, _BB}' ) will give:
table#1 {
["entries"] = table#2 {
["id"] = "foo",
lpeg.match( NS, 'namespace foo {AA, _BB, CC1}' ) will give:
table#1 {
["entries"] = table#2 {
["id"] = "foo",
