Convox multiline environment variables - environment

How can I add multiline env variable to convox? I’ve tried to add it via, and only first line is added, other lines are being truncated. Tried via convox env set VAR $VAR, and it’s being set as a single line. Tried with convox env set VAR "$VAR" and got an error bad flag syntax: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----.. Tried HEREDOC, got same error.
Any ideas how to get this thing working?

The best way to use a multiline environment variable with Convox is to encode it with something like base64. You can then decode it in your application before use.


How do I update my zsh prompt when an env variable changes?

I'm using oh-my-zsh. My theme file looks like this:
PROMPT="${AWS_PROFILE}%(?:%{$fg_bold[green]%}➜ :%{$fg_bold[red]%}➜ )"
PROMPT+=' %{$fg[cyan]%}%c%{$reset_color%} $(git_prompt_info)'
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX="%{$reset_color%} "
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIRTY="%{$fg[blue]%}) %{$fg[yellow]%}✗"
It's based on a popular theme. The only thing I have added is ${AWS_PROFILE}.
The prompt does show my AWS profile as intended. But even if I the environment variable changes the prompt doesn't change. This is not as I had intended. It does change if I run source ~/.zshrc.
Can I make the prompt update when my env variable changes?
Copying #chepner's comment into an answer:
AWS_PROFILE is expanded immediately when you define PROMPT, since you used double quotes. Use single quotes, or consider using a precmd hook to set the value of PROMPT.

Using an environment variable as a map for common tags in a locals block

I've run into a specific problem while trying to automate a tagging process in terraform. I've set an environment variable that is essentially a list of all the tags we'd be using for all resources provisioned in the apply. It looks like this...
export TF_VAR_taglist='{JiraEpic = "ETOS-56","AssignedResearcherPri" = "Isaac",AssignedResearcherSec = "Matt"}'
After setting the environment variable I added a variable called "taglist" in the file that grabs the aforementioned environment variable. It looks like this...
variable "taglist"{}
Lastly, I have another file where i set a common_tags variable. Like so...
locals { common_tags ="${var.taglist}" }
When i terraform apply, the build fails while trying to map the tags properly. This is the error i receive...
Error: Incorrect attribute value type
on line 9, in resource "aws_instance" "master":
9: tags = local.common_tags
| local.common_tags is "{JiraEpic = \"ETOS-56\",AssignedResearcherPri = \"Isaac \",AssignedResearcherSec = \"Matt\"}"
Inappropriate value for attribute "tags": map of string required.
I then decided to define the type of the variable as map(string in the file like this
variable "taglist"{ type = map(string) }
I had hoped that this would allow terraform to recognize this variable as a map of strings and not just a string literal, but I was wrong, and these are the errors I get when that definition is applied.
Error: Missing attribute separator
on <value for var.taglist> line 1:
(source code not available)
Expected a newline or comma to mark the beginning of the next attribute.
Error: No value for required variable
on line 11:
11: variable "taglist"{
The root module input variable "taglist" is not set, and has no default value.
Use a -var or -var-file command line argument to provide a value for this
I'm really stuck on this, and I feel like I'm close. Can anyone provide some insight into this and how I should go about solving it?
I want to first thank Martin Atkins for giving me the idea of using colons instead of equal signs in my environment variable, because that was the ONLY issue. The variable was not properly represented as a JSON object so terraform was interpreting it as a string.
I changed
export TF_VAR_taglist='{JiraEpic = "ETOS-56","AssignedResearcherPri" = "Isaac",AssignedResearcherSec = "Matt"}'
to this
export TF_VAR_taglist='{"JiraEpic":"ETOS-56","AssignedResearcherPri":"Isaac", "AssignedResearcherSec":"Matt"}'
The build purrs like a kitten on catnip now.
Terraform uses the type constraint of a variable to decide how to interpret a string representation of its value. By default, Terraform will assume the value expects a primitive type such as a string or number, because that's the most typical case for variables set via the command line or environment variables.
Since your tag list is a list you need Terraform to interpret it as a map expression rather than as a string. You can tell Terraform to do that by telling Terraform which type of value you expect:
variable "taglist" {
type = map(string)
You can read more about this in the Terraform documentation section Complex-typed Values.
You then need to make sure that the value in the environment variable is a valid object expression in order to avoid a syntax error. If you're setting the environment variable from the shell command line then you need to be mindful of escaping/quoting to ensure that Terraform will see the value with all of the quotes intact, and without any extra metacharacters.
The result is often hard to read clearly, which is why the Terraform documentation recommends using a .tfvars file to set complex-typed variables, instead of the -var command line option or environment variables. However, since you are using automation you might find it easier to generate a .tfvars.json file instead, which uses standard JSON format and is therefore easier to generate using JSON libraries available in most programming languages. Here's the .tfvars.json equivalent of the value you showed in your question:
"taglist": {
"JiraEpic": "ETOS-56",
"AssignedResearcherPri": "Isaac",
"AssignedResearcherSec": "Matt"
Note that subjectively I'd find it pretty confusing to have a variable whose name ends in list when it actually expects a map. A more typical name for this variable would be just tags, though if it's useful to mention its type in order to distinguish it from other variables then I'd suggest tag_map instead, to make it less confusing.

How to write Travis env variable to file?

I'm trying to write a custom Travis env variable to a file for a simple proof of concept thing that I need. However, I'm having trouble getting this to work.
How would I define this in the travis yaml file if my variable is called VARIABLE_X ?
One way to do this is using linux commands, something like:
printenv | grep VARIABLE > all_env
However I don't know how Travis handles the environment (take a look at their docs, here) but it might not work as easily due to encryption, but it should work since your apps wouldn't function if they didn't have the same level of access. If such a case occurs, modifying a few parameters (maybe TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS) is worth looking into.
If you solved the problem in another way, consider sharing with the community.
Write the environment variable as usual (Shell - Write variable contents to a file)
Define the following within script:
- echo "$VARIABLE_X" > example.txt

Viewing exported env vars with elixir

I understand how you set an environment variable using elixir.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id
Okay that works, but what if I'm not confident that I typed everything correct and I want to check what the value is? How can I do this with Elixir?
You could leverage the following function: System.get_env/1.

How can I define values from outside my script?

I'd like to pass some variables into my .nsi script. Either from the environment or the command line, how do I do this?
I found a section in the documentation that suggests I can use the syntax $%envVarName% to use environment variables in my script, but this doesn't seem to work, when I have
File "/oname=$pluginsdir\inst.msi" "$%VERSION%-Installer-64bit.msi"
I get the error
File: "$%VERSION%-Installer-64bit.msi" -> no files found.
$VERSION is in my environment.
Is there something I'm doing wrong with trying to read environment variables, or some other way of passing values into my script?
$%VERSION% should work if you used set VERSION=
Or you can create defines: makensis -DVERSION= myscript.nsi and File: "${VERSION}-Installer-64bit.msi"
