EZLoadingActivity giving issue on Carthage Update in Swift - ios

I have opened project after 5 months.
Setup it in new macbook. Cloned porject.
Now when i go to set dependencies using Carthage. Cartfile is same is before and code was working 5 months ago.
now i am able to get all my dependencies. But EZLoadingActivity giving error on carthage update.
Pasting terminal console here:
*** Building scheme "EZLoadingActivity_iOS" in EZLoadingActivity.xcodeproj
Build Failed
Task failed with exit code 65:
/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -project /Users/mac/Git/project-ios/Carthage/Checkouts/EZLoadingActivity/EZLoadingActivity.xcodeproj -scheme EZLoadingActivity_iOS -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/mac/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/10.3_10G8/EZLoadingActivity/2.1 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive -archivePath /var/folders/gb/tm7hcwvs05s3zkqdp1lndwgm0000gn/T/EZLoadingActivity SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT=NO (launched in /Users/mac/Git/project-ios/Carthage/Checkouts/EZLoadingActivity)
This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile. Please check the xcodebuild log for more details: /var/folders/gb/tm7hcwvs05s3zkqdp1lndwgm0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.hbqgmp.log
Also pasting logs as mentioned here /var/folders/gb/tm7hcwvs05s3zkqdp1lndwgm0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.hbqgmp.log
/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -project /Users/mac/Git/arteciate-ios/Carthage/Checkouts/EZLoadingActivity/EZLoadingActivity.xcodeproj -scheme EZLoadingActivity_iOS -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/mac/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/10.3_10G8/EZLoadingActivity/2.1 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive -archivePath /var/folders/gb/tm7hcwvs05s3zkqdp1lndwgm0000gn/T/EZLoadingActivity SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT=NO (launched in /Users/mac/Git/arteciate-ios/Carthage/Checkouts/EZLoadingActivity)User defaults from command line:
IDEArchivePathOverride = /var/folders/gb/tm7hcwvs05s3zkqdp1lndwgm0000gn/T/EZLoadingActivity
IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/mac/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/10.3_10G8/EZLoadingActivity/2.1
Build settings from command line:
SDKROOT = iphoneos12.4
note: Using new build system
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
Build system information
error: SWIFT_VERSION '3.0' is unsupported, supported versions are: 4.0, 4.2, 5.0. (in target 'EZLoadingActivity_iOS')
Build system information
error: SWIFT_VERSION '3.0' is unsupported, supported versions are: 4.0, 4.2, 5.0. (in target 'EZLoadingActivity_iOS')
Please guide me how to resolve it so i can use EZLoadingActivity libraray in my project and can able to run my project.


Xcode build issue- "xcodebuild: error: Unknown build action."

When I try to build from the command line:
xcodebuild clean archive PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=${IOS_APP_ID} -workspace $cur_dir/../ios/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcworkspace -scheme $IOS_SCHEME -configuration $IOS_CONFIGURATION -derivedDataPath $cur_dir/../ios/build -archivePath $cur_dir/../ios/build/Products/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcarchive
I'm getting the error below:
Integrating client project
[!] AFNetworking has been deprecated in favor of Alamofire
Pod installation complete! There are 91 dependencies from the Podfile and 95 total pods installed.
Archiving the project
Command line invocation:
/Applications/Xcode_13.2.1.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild clean archive PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=com.company.us.qa.test -workspace ./../ios/Testhouse.xcworkspace -scheme Testhouse QA Managed -configuration RELEASE -derivedDataPath ./../ios/build -archivePath ./../ios/build/Products/Testhouse.xcarchive
User defaults from command line:
IDEArchivePathOverride = /Users/runner/work/Testhouse-Mobile/Testhouse-Mobile/ios/build/Products/Testhouse.xcarchive
IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/runner/work/Testhouse-Mobile/Testhouse-Mobile/ios/build
IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES
Build settings from command line:
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.company.us.qa.test
xcodebuild: error: Unknown build action 'QA'.
Error: Process completed with exit code 65.
I tried hard coding the scheme and tested the xcodebuild. Still getting the same error.

When build the framework on Xcode 14 and fetch it via POD, I get an unsupported Swift architecture error. how to solve this?

Using Xcode 13,  I generated a framework to distribute via pod for integration, and it was successfully compiling for both device and simulator at the application side.
However, when I used the same xcodebuild command with xcode 14 to generate and distribute the framework, it threw a 'unsupported Swift architecture error' when  tried to integrate the framework via pod to application.
The framework is generated using the xcodebuild command.
Command line invocation:/Applications/Xcode_14.0.1.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild build -workspace <workSpacePath> -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator -scheme <Scheme_name> -derivedDataPath <Derived_path> CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO ENABLE_BITCODE=YES BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode SKIP_INSTALL=NO
Build settings from command line:
SDKROOT = iphonesimulator16.0

iOS - Objective C dynamic framework emit bitcode for arch x86_64 (simulator)

Have setup a sample on Github, I'm using Xcode v 9.4.1
Basically I'm trying to build my framework to include bitcode in the x86_64 simulator build. I tried various settings and tried building on command line, xcodebuild refuses to include bitcode in my simulator build, however it is very happy to include it in the arm64 (device) build.
All the following commands should be able to run from the same folder the above framework is checked out.
Following are the commands I've tried to build the above framework:
xcodebuild ENABLE_BITCODE[sdk=iphone*]=YES BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION=1 -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Release -target TreeFramework clean build
xcodebuild OTHER_CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode" ENABLE_BITCODE[sdk=iphone*]=YES BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Release -target TreeFramework clean build
xcodebuild OTHER_CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode" ENABLE_BITCODE="YES" BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE="bitcode" -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Release -target TreeFramework clean build
Ran the following to verify bitcode is emitted (it doesn't in this case).
otool -arch x86_64 -l build/Release-iphonesimulator/TreeFramework.framework/TreeFramework | grep LLVM
However when I build for a device, bitcode is included.
xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release -target TreeFramework clean build
Verify bitcode is emitted:
otool -arch arm64 -l build/Release-iphoneos/TreeFramework.framework/TreeFramework | grep LLVM
Appreciate any help.

Error building Alamofire and Texture in same Cartfile using Xcode 10.1 + Carthage

I have an iOS project that uses both Alamofire and Texture. I haven't been able to build both at the same time using Carthage and Xcode 10.1.
With carthage update --platform ios, Alamofire fails with "thread-local storage is not supported for the current target"
With #Saik0s workaround script, Alamofire fails with no message at all (log below)
Has anyone else had success with Carthage, Alamofire, and Xcode 10.1?
Empty project exhibiting the failure is at github/kenstir/swift-samples/SadCarthage
Carthage Output
macken:SadCarthage kenstir$ ./carthage-update
*** Cloning Alamofire
*** Cloning texture
*** Cloning PINCache
*** Cloning PINRemoteImage
*** Cloning PINOperation
*** Cloning libwebp
*** Checking out Alamofire at "4.7.3"
*** Checking out PINCache at "3.0.1-beta.6"
*** Checking out texture at "2.7"
*** Checking out PINRemoteImage at "3.0.0-beta.13"
*** Checking out PINOperation at "1.1.1"
*** Checking out libwebp at "v0.6.0"
*** Downloading PINOperation.framework binary at "Just fixing some warnings"
*** Downloading PINCache.framework binary at "3.0.1-beta.6"
*** Downloading PINRemoteImage.framework binary at "3.0 beta 13: Animated WebP support / better GIF handling"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/r7/c4y6r2q156xbl58p59x61_740000gr/T/carthage-xcodebuild.H7FuEl.log
*** Building scheme "Alamofire iOS" in Alamofire.xcworkspace
Build Failed
Task failed with exit code 4:
/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -workspace /Users/kenstir/Documents/xcode/swift-samples/SadCarthage/Carthage/Checkouts/Alamofire/Alamofire.xcworkspace -scheme Alamofire\ iOS -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/kenstir/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/10.1_10B61/Alamofire/4.7.3 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive -archivePath /var/folders/r7/c4y6r2q156xbl58p59x61_740000gr/T/Alamofire SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT=NO (launched in /Users/kenstir/Documents/xcode/swift-samples/SadCarthage/Carthage/Checkouts/Alamofire)
This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile. Please check the xcodebuild log for more details: /var/folders/r7/c4y6r2q156xbl58p59x61_740000gr/T/carthage-xcodebuild.H7FuEl.log
xcodebuild log
macken:SadCarthage kenstir$ cat /var/folders/r7/c4y6r2q156xbl58p59x61_740000gr/T/carthage-xcodebuild.H7FuEl.log
/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -workspace /Users/kenstir/Documents/xcode/swift-samples/SadCarthage/Carthage/Checkouts/Alamofire/Alamofire.xcworkspace -scheme Alamofire\ iOS -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/kenstir/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/10.1_10B61/Alamofire/4.7.3 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive -archivePath /var/folders/r7/c4y6r2q156xbl58p59x61_740000gr/T/Alamofire SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT=NO (launched in /Users/kenstir/Documents/xcode/swift-samples/SadCarthage/Carthage/Checkouts/Alamofire)User defaults from command line:
IDEArchivePathOverride = /var/folders/r7/c4y6r2q156xbl58p59x61_740000gr/T/Alamofire
IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/kenstir/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/10.1_10B61/Alamofire/4.7.3
Build settings from command line:
SDKROOT = iphoneos12.1
Build settings from configuration file '/tmp/static.xcconfig.30m4Ve':
I took a clue from the above message ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = (empty), so I edited the carthage-update script like so:
--- SadCarthage/carthage-update
+++ SadCarthage/carthage-update
## -8,7 +8,8 ## IFS=$'\n\t'
xcconfig=$(mktemp /tmp/static.xcconfig.XXXXXX)
trap 'rm -f "$xcconfig"' INT TERM HUP EXIT
-echo "ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = YES" >>$xcconfig
+echo "ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES" >>$xcconfig
export XCODE_XCCONFIG_FILE="$xcconfig"
+cat $xcconfig
carthage update --platform ios $#
Now it builds! I'm not convinced this is the final answer but it's working so far for me.

Carthage Installation: Build Failed Task failed with exit code 65

I'm having an issue when I try to carthage update
Build Failed
Task failed with exit code 65:
/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -project /Users/Shared/projectLocation/source/Carthage/Checkouts/ActiveLabel.swift/ActiveLabel.xcodeproj -scheme ActiveLabel -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/main/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/9.4.1_9F2000/ActiveLabel.swift/1.0.1 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive -archivePath /var/folders/nx/tqnzdw9x5_d73x7tjcmvrv2r0000gn/T/ActiveLabel.swift SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT=NO (launched in /Users/Shared/projectLocation/source/Carthage/Checkouts/ActiveLabel.swift)
This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile. Please check the xcodebuild log for more details: /var/folders/nx/tqnzdw9x5_d73x7tjcmvrv2r0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.LEmVYA.log
I had the same issue, but I resolved.
ActiveLabel.swift was updated on 10/9.
If you use Xcode9, please try to use the tag/0.9.0.
It's written in the below release note.
