How should i match the Elmish toNavigable argument types - f#

I'm trying to learn the SAFE Stack at the moment, specifically attempting to handle URL navigation via Elmish; I've followed the example code on the Elmish site that defines a route mapping function and then passes that to the parsePath function.
However, Program.toNavigable expects a Parser<'a> type (a type alias for Location -> 'a) as its first argument, but the sample code (parsePath routes) first argument is a Location -> 'a option.
Obviously i can use function composition to get the correct typing, but it seems like I'm missing something here. Can anyone familiar with URL navigation in Elmish advise?

Well, a Parser<'a option> is a Parser<'a> (just with another 'a), so things should compose just fine.
Say, e.g., that the following type defines all navigation:
type Route = Blog of int | Search of string
Then the parties involved should have the following types:
init: Route option -> Model * Cmd<Msg>
parser: Parser<Route option>
urlUpdate: Route option -> Model -> Model * Cmd<Msg>
and you compose your program thusly:
Program.mkProgram init update view
|> Program.toNavigable parser urlUpdate
|> Program.withReactBatched "elmish-app"


F# - (NUnit ApplyTo) member matches multiple overloads ... please restrict it to one

I'm trying to write custom equality constraint to compare 2 objects.
open FsUnit
open NUnit.Framework.Constraints
type equalCompany(expected:Company) =
inherit Constraints.EqualConstraint(expected)
override this.ApplyTo (actual:Company option) =
//actual.IsSome |> should equal True
//actual.Value.Id |> should equal expected.Id
ConstraintResult(this, actual, true)
// example of usage:
actualCompany |> should equalCompany expectedCompany
It complains because the ApplyTo implementation matches multiple overloads and I can't find the right syntax.
Ideally I like to compare to Company option but still just Company is fine.
The types involved are the following:
type CompanyType =
| Bank
| Exchange
type Company = {
Id: string
Types: CompanyType list
and I'm trying to write my equality constraint because the simple existing equal does not work properly with Types (the list, also if sorted, appears always different)
How can I properly override the ApplyTo function?
I think the issue is that the ApplyTo method that you are trying to override is generic and needs to have a signature ApplyTo<'T> : 'T -> ConstraintResult.
If I understand your code correctly, you are trying to define a comparison between Company and Company option. To Do this, you would need to check (at runtime) that the value passed to ApplyTo is of the right type. Then you can cast it and implement whatever logic you need.
Here is a minimal sample that worked for me, written as an F# script file:
#r "nuget: nunit"
#r "nuget: fsunit"
type Company(s) =
member x.Name = s
open FsUnit
open NUnit.Framework.Constraints
type equalCompany(expected:Company) =
inherit EqualConstraint(expected)
override this.ApplyTo<'T>(actual:'T) =
match box actual with
| :? option<Company> as co ->
ConstraintResult(this, actual,
co.IsSome && co.Value.Name = expected.Name)
| _ ->
ConstraintResult(this, actual, false)
let actualCompany = Company("Test")
let expectedCompany = Company("Test")
// This passes, because it has the right type
Some actualCompany |> should equalCompany expectedCompany
// This does not, because the 'ApplyTo' logic does not handle this type
actualCompany |> should equalCompany expectedCompany

'No type class instance was found' on multi-parameter type class

Is it reasonable to have multi parameter type classes in PureScript?
The compiler raises an unreasonable 'No type class instance was found' error (see full output) for the below type class definition:
class Transform model turn where
transform :: turn -> model -> model
delay :: Maybe turn -> Int
The error arises from the definition of the delay function which doesn't depend on the model type parameter. As evident from the compiler output linked above it substitutes a t0 for the absent model.
What is the proper way to fix this? Currently I workaround this issue by changing the kind of turn as below:
class Turnable model turn where
runTurn :: turn model -> model -> model
turnDelay :: Maybe (turn model) -> Int
rightfold from the FP slack channel gave this answer:
add fundep | turn -> model
Then the instance is looked up only through turn
Consequently I changed the type class definition to this:
class Turnable model turn | turn -> model where
runTurn :: turn -> model -> model
turnDelay :: Maybe turn -> Int
This made the compiler happy. For details, consult Functional dependencies (fundep) in the Haskell wiki and the 24 days of PureScript post. the old days we had used a Proxy ( to help the compiler decide which instance to choose.
e.g. :
turnDelay :: Proxy model -> turn -> Int
turnDelay _ turn = .....
and call it by passing in a proxy:
turnDelay (Proxy :: Proxy FooModel) barTurn
I agree FunDeps are the right way to go.

F# Suave warbler function

I've started learning F# and Suave and I'm reading the book F# Applied.
One thing I'm struggling with is the warbler function. I know its something to do with deferring execution but I don't really understand why and when its needed.
Apparently we could also use the request function as an alternative to warbler.
Can anyone provide any more detail on why and when these functions are used.
The other answer already explained the warbler function and its relation to context and request functions. I'd like to show when do you want to use these.
When you start a Suave server, you need to provide it with the request processing pipeline of WebParts - routing, HTTP methods and the response-generating functions. This means that by the time you start the web server all the parameters provided to the partially applied WebPart functions have already been evaluated.
Imagine a minimalistic web app that prints the current server time:
let app = GET >=> path "/" >=> OK (string DateTime.Now)
If you start a web server using this app pipeline, you'll always see the same timestamp generated when the app value was created, no matter when you make the web requests retrieving it.
The warbler function and its specialized versions context and request not only defer the execution, but also enable the web server to call the provided function every time it needs its result.
In the example scenario this app will provide expected results:
let app = GET >=> path "/" >=> warbler (fun ctx -> OK (string DateTime.Now))
#adzdavies' comment shows an alternative approach where you don't necessarily need warbler. In the example you can also defer the parameter evaluation if you use anonymous function syntax instead of partially applying OK.
let app = GET >=> path "/" >=> (fun ctx -> OK (string DateTime.Now) ctx)
These three functions are related in the sense that request and context are specialized versions of warbler. They all do the same thing - they inspect (some aspect of) their argument and give you back a function to apply to that argument.
Remember that the basic "building block" of Suave, WebPart, is a function HttpContext -> Async<HttpContext option> rather than some concrete object. What this effectively means is that those three functions allow you to inspect this HttpContext and based on that compose a WebPart to use.
At its core, what warbler does is very simple:
let warbler f a = f a a
// ('t -> 't -> 'u) -> 't -> 'u
You give it a function f and argument a. Function f looks at a and gives you back a new function 't -> 'u which is then applied to a.
The thing about warbler is that it's entirely generic - you can use it anywhere you'd use context or request as long as the types align, but it doesn't know anything about the domain Suave is interested in.
That's why there are the specialized versions of it that "speak the domain language":
let request apply (a : HttpContext) = apply a.request a
// (HttpRequest -> HttpContext -> 'a) -> HttpContext -> 'a
let context apply (a : HttpContext) = apply a a
// (HttpContext -> HttpContext -> 'a) -> HttpContext -> 'a
Notice that they have the same "shape" as warbler - the only difference being that the HttpContext type is "hardcoded" - making it more convenient to use.
I found the prior explanation confusing (to me). This is my attempt at clarity...
warbler resolves a problem with optimized impure eager evaluated functional languages in which partially applied arguments are evaluated early and cached. This caching presents a problem when those applied arguments are dependent on side effects and it becomes desirable to have fresh values with each invocation. For example, the following query for the string representation of the current system's time will occur and be cached at the definition of g: string -> string. As such, it will return the same value for each subsequent call to g:
let g = sprintf "%s %s" (string DateTime.Now)
g "a" //"12/09/2020 18:33:32 a"
g "b" //"12/09/2020 18:33:32 b"
However, the warbler concept is unnecessary to resolve this reevaluation issue. It is enough to simply wrap the subject function inside an anonymous function that then fully applies the subject function each time, as follows:
let f = (fun x -> sprintf "%s %s" (string DateTime.Now) x)
f "c" //"12/09/2020 18:53:32 c"
f "d" //"12/09/2020 18:53:34 d"
What warbler is doing instead is using the above anonymous function as a function factory that produces the subject function when invoked. Then invoking that subject function with its second argument. It is incidental that warbler uses its second argument to invoke the factory function but it does present a point of misdirection. Conceivably, passing the argument to the factory can allow the factory to configure the subject function function or select alternative type compatible functions to return to the warbler. Still, that is not what the warbler is intended for.
let warbler f x = (f x) x
It should be noted that for reevaluation to work, f, must be an anonymous function at the point of call. Consequently, there seems to be no longer any utility for the warbler concept and the cool name should probably be deprecated and allowed to resurface for some other useful concept.
Incidentally, my encounter with warbler is with Giraffe.

Is there a way to inject support for the F# Option type into ServiceStack?

Updated below...
I recently started experimenting with ServiceStack in F#, so naturally I started with porting the Hello World sample:
open ServiceStack.ServiceHost
open ServiceStack.ServiceInterface
open ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints
[<CLIMutable; Route("/hello"); Route("/hello/{Name}")>]
type Hello = { Name : string }
type HelloResponse = { Result : string }
type HelloService() =
inherit Service()
member x.Any(req:Hello) =
box { Result = sprintf "Hello, %s!" req.Name }
type HelloAppHost() =
inherit AppHostBase("Hello Web Services", typeof<HelloService>.Assembly)
override x.Configure container = ()
type Global() =
inherit System.Web.HttpApplication()
member x.Application_Start() =
let appHost = new HelloAppHost()
That works great. It's very concise, easy to work with, I love it. However, I noticed that the routes defined in the sample allow for the Name parameter to not be included. Of course, Hello, ! looks kind of lame as output. I could use String.IsNullOrEmpty, but it is idiomatic in F# to be explicit about things that are optional by using the Option type. So I modified my Hello type accordingly to see what would happen:
[<CLIMutable; Route("/hello"); Route("/hello/{Name}")>]
type Hello = { Name : string option }
As soon as I did this, the F# type system forced me to deal with the fact that Name might not have a value, so I changed HelloService to this to get everything to compile:
type HelloService() =
inherit Service()
member x.Any(req:Hello) =
box { Result =
match req.Name with
| Some name -> sprintf "Hello, %s!" name
| None -> "Hello!" }
This compiles, and runs perfectly when I don't supply a Name parameter. However, when I do supply a name...
KeyValueDataContractDeserializer: Error converting to type: Type
definitions should start with a '{', expecting serialized type
'FSharpOption`1', got string starting with: World
This wasn't a complete surprise of course, but it brings me to my question:
It would be trivial for me to write a function that can wrap an instance of type T into an instance of type FSharpOption<T>. Are there any hooks in ServiceStack that would let me provide such a function for use during deserialization? I looked, but I couldn't find any, and I'm hoping I was just looking in the wrong place.
This is more important for F# use than it might seem at first, because classes defined in F# are by default not allowed to be null. So the only (satisfying, non-hacky) way of having one class as an optional property of another class is with, you guessed it, the Option type.
I was able to sort-of get this working by making the following changes:
In the ServiceStack source, I made this type public:
...and I also made this field public:
With those two things public, I was able to write this code in F# to modify the ParseFnCache dictionary. I had to run this code prior to creating an instance of my AppHost - it didn't work if I ran it inside the AppHost's Configure method.
JsvReader.ParseFnCache.[typeof<Option<string>>] <-
ParseFactoryDelegate(fun () ->
ParseStringDelegate(fun s -> (if String.IsNullOrEmpty s then None else Some s) |> box))
This works for my original test case, but aside from the fact that I had to make brittle changes to the internals of ServiceStack, it sucks because I have to do it once for each type I want to be able to wrap in an Option<T>.
What would be better is if I could do this in a generic way. In C# terms, it would be awesome if I could provide to ServiceStack a Func<T, Option<T>> and ServiceStack would, when deserializing a property whose generic type definition matches that of the return type of my function, deserialize T and then pass the result into my function.
Something like that would be amazingly convenient, but I could live with the once-per-wrapped-type approach if it were actually part of ServiceStack and not my ugly hack that probably breaks something somewhere else.
So there are a couple of extensibility points in ServiceStack, on the framework level you can add your own Custom Request Binder this allows you to provide your own model binder that's used, e.g:
base.RequestBinders.Add(typeof(Hello), httpReq => {
var requestDto = ...;
return requestDto;
But then you would need to handle the model binding for the different Content-Types yourself, see CreateContentTypeRequest for how ServiceStack does it.
Then there are hooks at the JSON Serializer level, e.g:
JsConfig<Hello>.OnDeserializedFn = dto => newDto;
This lets you modify the instance of the type returned, but it still needs to be the same type but it looks like the F# option modifier changes the structural definition of the type?
But I'm open to adding any hooks that would make ServiceStack more palatable for F#.
What does the code look like to generically convert a normal Hello type to an F# Hello type with option?
The only thing I can think of is to replace the option type with your own type, one that has an implicit conversion from string to myOption, and anything else you need.
Not all that nice, but workable. Your type would probably also need to be serializable.
type myOption =
| None
| Some of string
static member public op_Implicit (s:string) = if s <> null then Some s else None
member public this.Value = match this with
| Some s -> s
| _ -> null
member this.Opt = match this with
| Some s -> Option.Some s
| None -> Option.None
Your record type would then be
type Hello =
{ Name : myOption }
On the other hand, ServiceStack is open source, so maybe something could be done there.

Why can't a function with byref be converted directly to delegate?

Under normal circumstances, F# functions can be converted to delegates by calling new DelegateType and passing in the function as an argument. But when the delegate contains byref parameter, this is not possible directly. For example the code:
type ActionByRef<'a> = delegate of 'a byref -> unit
let f (x:double byref) =
x <- 6.0
let x = ref 42.0
let d = new ActionByRef<_>(f)
won't compile, giving the following error:
This function value is being used to construct a delegate type whose signature includes a byref argument. You must use an explicit lambda expression taking 1 arguments.
Following the error, modifying the code to use
let d = new ActionByRef<_>(fun x -> f(&x))
works. But my question is: why is this necessary? Why won't F# allow the conversion from named function to this delegate, but conversion from lambda is fine?
I came upon this behavior when researching another question. I realize byref is meant only for compatibility with other .Net languages.
I think the problem is that byref<'T> is not an actual type in F# - it looks like a type (to make the language simpler), but it gets compiled to a parameter marked with the out flag. This means that byref<'T> can be only used in a place where the compiler can actually use the out flag.
The problem with function values is that you can construct function e.g. by partial application:
let foo (n:int) (b:byref<int>) =
b <- n
When you pass foo as an argument to a delegate constructor, it is a specific case of partial application (with no arguments), but partial application actually needs to construct a new method and then give that to the delegate:
type IntRefAction = delegate of byref<int> -> unit
let ac = IntRefAction(foo 5)
The compiler could be clever and generate new method with byref parameter (or out flag) and then pass that by reference to the actual function, but in general, there will be other compiler-generated method when you don't use the fun ... -> ... syntax. Handling this would add complexity and I think that's a relatively rare case, so the F# compiler doesn't do that and asks you to be more explicit...
