Why I am getting an exception while navigating. I am a beginner for the iOS development. I am navigating once the user has log in. I have used following code. I don't understand what I am missing.
I got the following exeption at last line -
Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
let storyBoard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let secondViewController = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "taskListController") as! TaskListController
self.navigationController!.pushViewController(secondViewController, animated: true)
Please let me know my mistake.
You must add a navigation controller first before you push a VC
Navigation controller using code
func goToMyVC(){
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
if let mainView = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "yourVC") as? yourVC
self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
let nav1 = UINavigationController()
nav1.isNavigationBarHidden = true //Show or hide nav bar
nav1.viewControllers = [mainView]
} }
In your viewcontroller call this function,
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
Navigation controller from story
let vc = UIStoryboard.init(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle.main).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "controller") as? controller
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc!, animated: true)
Try the blow codes,
let secondViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "taskListController") as? TaskListController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(secondViewController!, animated: true)
and make sure that you embedded the login view controller in a navigation controller
I have used SceneDelegate to change the rootviewcontroller after login action. It works fine but when I logout I am not able to perform navigation again.
Here is my code for Scenekit:
let status = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: UserDefaultKeys.status)
var rootVC : UIViewController?
if(status == true){
rootVC = UIStoryboard(name: AppStoryBoardName.main, bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: TabBarViewController.className) as? TabBarViewController
rootVC = UIStoryboard(name: AppStoryBoardName.main, bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: LoginViewController.className) as? LoginViewController
guard let root = rootVC else {return }
let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: root)
window?.rootViewController = nav
My logout code:
appUserDefaults.set(false, forKey: UserDefaultKeys.status)
let loginVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: LoginViewController.className) as? LoginViewController
let window = UIApplication.shared.windows.first
window?.rootViewController = loginVC
And my login Button Action: (It doesnt works after logout action)
guard let controller = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: VerificationViewController.className) as? VerificationViewController else { return }
controller.mobile = phoneTextField.text ?? ""
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)
It is not working because there is an inconsistency in hierarchy of view-controllers on logout button action and in sceneKit.
In sceneKit code you are embedding your LoginViewController in navigation controller and then assign the navigation controller as the windows root view-controller.
let status = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: UserDefaultKeys.status)
var rootVC : UIViewController?
if(status == true){
rootVC = UIStoryboard(name: AppStoryBoardName.main, bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: TabBarViewController.className) as? TabBarViewController
} else{
rootVC = UIStoryboard(name: AppStoryBoardName.main, bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: LoginViewController.className) as? LoginViewController
guard let root = rootVC else {return }
// Embedding the specific controller in navigation controller and assigning navigation controller as windows root.
let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: root)
window?.rootViewController = nav
In that case you will have navigation controller in LoginViewController and the login button action works perfect i.e.
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)
But on logout you simply assign your LoginViewController as the windows root i.e.
appUserDefaults.set(false, forKey: UserDefaultKeys.status) appUserDefaults.synchronize()
let loginVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: LoginViewController.className) as? LoginViewController
let window = UIApplication.shared.windows.first
// loginVC is not embedded in Navigation Controller
window?.rootViewController = loginVC
After the above transition the LoginViewController will not navigation controller so the optional chaining of pushingViewController in login button action will fails i.e.
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)
Keep it consistent by embedding the LoginViewController in Navigation Controller even on logout, update your logout action code to :
appUserDefaults.set(false, forKey: UserDefaultKeys.status) appUserDefaults.synchronize()
let loginVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: LoginViewController.className) as? LoginViewController
let window = UIApplication.shared.windows.first
// Embed loginVC in Navigation Controller and assign the Navigation Controller as windows root
let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: loginVC)
window?.rootViewController = nav
I am using a single Storyboard named as Main and when I am trying to redirect(push) from login screen to Home screen, On Home screen in ViewDidLoad I am getting self.storyboard is nil so UI is distorting(view, Buttons, labels are changing its position). I am getting this problem too frequent but not every-time.
Can anyone please help me out, it would be appreciated.
Try this
let startViewController = UIStoryboard.init(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "StartViewController") as? StartViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(startViewController!, animated: true)
let sb = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let moveController = sb.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "StartViewController ") as! StartViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(moveController, animated: true)
Please try below code
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
if storyboard != nil{
let VC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "HomeViewController") as! HomeViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(VC, animated: true)
Hope you will get your solution if don't than tell me
how can i show specific viewcontroler in notification action?
in appdelegate
func usernotificationcenter(_center: UNUserNotification,didReceive response: UNNotificationPesponse,withCompletionHalndler completion Handler: #escaping () -> Void){
if identifer == "SHOWVIEW_ACTION":
//I want show specific viewController at this
func redirectToSpecificVC() {
let mainStoryboard : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let initialViewController: UIViewController = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "versesVC") as UIViewController
self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
self.window?.rootViewController = initialViewController
used these function redirect to specific view controller
Add these Lines of code in did receive response, it worked for me
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let navigationController = self.window?.rootViewController as? UINavigationController
let destinationController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "YourIdentifierName") as? YourViewController
navigationController?.pushViewController(destinationController!, animated: false)
var presentedVC = self.window?.rootViewController
while (presentedVC!.presentedViewController != nil) {
presentedVC = presentedVC!.presentedViewController
In the scenario where you have a viewController which you want to present as root view above everything else what is the right way to do this?
let Storyboard = UIStoryboard.init(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let MY_VIEW = Storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("VIEWID")
//Is this the right way?
UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate.window?.rootViewController?.presentViewController(MY_VIEW, animated: true, completion: nil)
//Or this?
UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController?.presentViewController(MY_VIEW, animated: true, completion: nil)
In other words why would you use UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate.window? over UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController? and in what scenarios? What would be the pros/cons of using one or the other?
You can do as follow.
let rootController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("VIEWID") as! SplashVC
if self.window != nil {
self.window!.rootViewController = rootController
advantage of this is not getting crash when window is nil.
Another way is that(Most secure way i think)
let navigationController:UINavigationController = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as! UINavigationController
let rootViewController:UIViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("VIEWID") as! LoginVC
navigationController.viewControllers = [rootViewController]
self.window?.rootViewController = navigationController
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let viewController: MainViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("MainViewController") as! MainViewController
let rootViewController = self.window!.rootViewController as! UINavigationController
rootViewController.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)
**How to get the presenting view controller in swift. I am using storyboard id.**And for presenting next viewcontroller how can I add to the hierarchy?
I tried like this:
let mainStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let logincontroller = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("LoginViewController")
if UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController.presentingViewController == logincontroller {
let mainStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let nextVC = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier(storayboardIdentifier)
self.presentViewController(nextVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
In Appdelegate.swift
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
if isLoggedin == false {
self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let initialViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("LoginViewController")
self.window?.rootViewController = initialViewController
return true
else {
self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let initialViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("HomeViewController")
self.window?.rootViewController = initialViewController
return true
The code works, it display the view but it still have a warning
Failed to instantiate the default view controller for
UIMainStoryboardFile 'Main' - perhaps the designated entry point is
not set?
Check initial entry points.
Also to present screen below code practice is better way.
let objNextViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ID_NextViewController") as? ViewController
self.presentViewController(objNextViewController, animated: true) { () -> Void in
If you want to present viewcontroller from already presented view controller then use below code.
var currentViewController : UIViewController!
let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
if let viewControllers = appDelegate.window?.rootViewController?.presentedViewController
self.currentViewController = viewControllers as UIViewController
else if let viewControllers = appDelegate.window?.rootViewController?.childViewControllers
self.currentViewController = viewControllers.last! as UIViewController
let objNewViewController : NewViewController!
self.currentViewController.presentViewController(objNewViewController!, animated: true, completion: { () -> Void in
try this code for presentingViewControllerusing storyboard name:
let viewController:UIViewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ViewController") as UIViewController
self.presentViewController(viewController, animated: false, completion: nil)
try this code,
let storyboard : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name:"Main", bundle: nil)
let vc : WelcomeViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("WelcomeID") as WelcomeViewController
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
self.presentViewController(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
hope its helpful
My guess is that you haven't set an initial view controller for your storyboard.
To fix this open your storyboard and select the UIViewController you want to display as the first one. Then in the Attributes inspector tab(third one from the right in the utilities panel), look under the View Controller section and make sure the Is Initial View Controller checkbox is checked.