How to share the same environment file with Helm and Docker-Compose - docker

The docker-compose will automatically read the .env file if it resides in a same with the docker-compose.yml directory. With this in mind, I go ahead and in .env file define the app-container environment variable to store the container URL, like so:
In a docker-compose.yml file I then substitute the container URL with the environment variable app-container.
version: '3'
context: .
dockerfile: my.dockerfile
image: ${app-container}
It would be great if I could pass the same app-container environment variable to substitute the container's URL defined in Helm's values.yaml file. So, instead of storing the container's URL explicitly
the Helm's values.yaml file could use the same app-container environment variable that was already defined in .env file and used by docker-compose. The Helm's values.yaml file could be then simply defined as:
image: ${app-container}
I wonder if sharing the same env file between docker-compose and Helm is possible?

Try this, its little hacky way:
First set the environment variable from .env file.
$ cat .env
$ while read LINE; do export "$LINE"; done < .env
NOTE: You need to remove - from app-container name. Otherwise you will get this error while setting environment variable bash: export:': not a valid identifier
Now explicitly set that env in values.yaml using --set option.
helm install --set app.image=$appcontainer ./mychart
But ideally it would be good to have separate env for your docker-compose and helm chart.
Hope this helps.

Not directly, you would have to write a script to convert one format into the other.


set value for ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to docker-compose up cli command only

If I want to provide custom value for ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to docker-compose up cli command how would I do that?
Is it possible to provide this through cli or I need to use docker-compose.yml file (this solution I would like to skip).
Unlike docker-compose run, docker-compose up does not provide this - unfortunately. Alternatively, you can make use of env_file for this:
image: aspnetcore-image
- .env
By creating a file named .env (it can be named as desired) and placing it in the appropriate directory (here it is placed in the same directory as docker-compose.yml), docker-compose up will then export the respective env vars to the docker container.

Docker-Compose Environment-Variables blank string

I'm trying to get the Env-Variables in Docker-Compose to work. My Files:
version: '3'
build: .
image: xyz:latest
container_name: xyz
- env/test.env
user: "${XUSER}"
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose config
WARNING: The XUSER variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
context: xyz
container_name: xyz
XHOME: /home/you
XUSER: you
image: xyz:latest
user: ''
As you can see user: '' is an empty string, but the env_file works. I found some old Bug reports about this issue, I'm not sure I doing something wrong or not.
Although the other answers are both correct they do not highlight the underlying misunderstanding here enough:
With the env_file option you can specify a file with variables to be injected into the environment in the container.
Using variable substitution in the docker-compose.yml you can access variables in the environment of the docker-compose command, i.e. on the host.
You can set these using the usual mechanisms of your OS/shell, e.g. in bash:
export XUSER=you
docker-compose up
Additionally with docker-compose you can use a .env file in the current directory.
So in your concrete example you should just move env/test.env to .env to add the variables to the environment of docker-compose for variable substitution.
If you also want to add them to the environment in the container you can do it like this:
version: '3'
build: .
image: xyz:latest
container_name: xyz
# add variables from the docker-compose environment to the container:
# or even shorter:
# use variable from the docker-compose environment in the config:
user: "${XUSER}"
It says WARNING: The XUSER variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. because ${XUSER} doesn't exist at the time this is executed:
user: "${XUSER}"
${XUSER} is not in your environment (you can verify this by running: env | grep XUSER, which should output nothing), and docker-compose didn't find any .env file at the same level or no .env file was passed at the time you ran docker-compose up --build or docker-compose config
Flexible solution:
Rename env/test.env for .env and place it a the root of the folder container your docker-compose file so that docker automatically parses it.
Or use:
docker-compose --env-file path/to/env/test.env up --build
docker-compose --env-file path/to/env/test.env config
Permanent solution:
Export them manually in your environment by running:
export XUSER=you && export XHOME=/home/${XUSER}
Or you use your env/test.env file as a source (note that you'll need to prefix with 'export'):
export XUSER=you
export XHOME=/home/${XUSER}
And then your run . /path/to/env/test.env or source /path/to/env/test.env
What you need to do is create .env file at the same directory as your docker-compose.yml file, the content of .env is :
then run docker-compose config
reference :
Since +1.28 .env file is placed in project root, not where docker-compose is executed. If you do that the variables will be automatically pulled through to be available to the container.
This works great in dev, especially with a a bind-mount volume to make .env available to compose in project root without also going into image build by including .env in .dockerignore
But in production I was not comfortable including it in my project root especially since I was pulling those project files down from github. The Compose file expects them to be in the production environment to replace for substitution SECRET_VAR=${SECRET_VAR}
So one hack solution was to stick the .env file high in my production directory tree, far away from my project (ideally these would come from an environment store on the hosting service, or another encrypted store), but inject those variables into the container at runtime by using the --env_file flag in Compose up.
The env_file flag works Like this:
docker-compose -f --env-file ../.env up -d
Its in the docs
I also started encountering this after upgrading to Docker Desktop 4.12.0. This error started happening for quoted strings inside of .env (when using env_file to load variables in docker-compose.yml). In that case, be sure to use single quotes instead of double quotes, i.e.
# ... instead of...
Try this, I hope it will work.
You need to escape the variable if you want it to be expanded inside the container, using a double-dollar sign ($${envVariable}).
If however, you want it to be interpreted on your host, the $envVariable needs to be defined in your environment or in the .env file. The env_file option defines environment variables that will be available inside the container only.

How do I use environment variables in .env file in docker-compose.yml?

I am trying to use an environment variable in the docker-compose.yml file. I have a file my-great-env.env.
Here is how they look:
version: '3.4'
images: greatimage
- "${MY_PATH}:c:\\FinalFolder"
When I try to docker run this, I get
The MY_PATH variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
How do I use the environment variables defined in the .env file in docker-compose.yml?
There are two aspects of your problem:
if you want to use the environment vars in docker-compose.yml file, you have to put them in file named .env as stated here:
you can use the env_file configuration option to use any file with variables definitions as described here: BUT! they will be visible only in containers, not in the docker-compose.yml file.

Why does variables substitution not work when using multiple env_files in docker-compose.yml?

I'm trying to get a docker-compose file working with multiple .env files, and I'm not having any luck. I'm trying to setup three .env files:
global settings that are the same across all container instances
environment-specific settings (stuff just for test or dev)
local settings - overridable things that a developer might need to change in case they have conflicts with, say, a port number
My docker-compose.yml file looks like this:
version: '2'
- ./.env
- ./.env.${ENV}
- ./.env.local
image: postgres
.env looks like this:
and the .env.development looks like this:
.env.local doesn't exist in this case.
After running ENV=development docker-compose up, I receive the following output:
$ ENV=development docker-compose up
WARNING: The POSTGRES_PASSWORD variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The POSTGRES_DB variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The POSTGRES_PORT variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because:
services.db.ports is invalid: Invalid port ":5432", should be [[remote_ip:]remote_port[-remote_port]:]port[/protocol]
From that error message, it looks like none of my environment variables are being used. I just upgraded to the newest available docker-compose as well - same errors:
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.8.0-rc1, build 9bf6bc6
Any ideas here? Would be nice to have a single docker-compose.yml that would work across multiple environments.
In order to apply different/multiple env_files depending on the running environment, such as development/staging/production, I think a better way for docker-compose is to use multiple docker-compose yml files.
For example:
1. Start with a base file that defines the canonical configuration for the services.
image: example/my_web_app:latest
- .env
2. Add the override file for development, as its name implies, can contain configuration overrides for existing services or entirely new services.
build: .
- '.:/code'
- 8883:80
When you run docker-compose up it reads the overrides automatically.
3. Create another override file for the production environment.
- 80:80
To deploy with this production Compose file you can run
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up
My Docker version:
$ docker -v
Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a
$ docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.22.0, build f46880fe
Keep in mind that there are 2 different environments where you are defining variables. The host machine where you are executing the docker-compose command, and the container itself (running the db service in your case).
Your docker-compose.yml file has access to your host's environment variables. Hence ENV is reachable from the docker-compose command, but not these in your .env files.
On the contrary, the value for ENV is not reachable inside the container, but all variables defined in your .env files will.
I don't know if you really need your db container to access the variables defined on your .env.development. But at least seem that your host machine needs to have the content of that file, so when the docker-compose command is called, the POSTGRES_PORT variable is defined.
To fix your specific problem you would need to define the environment variables on your host machine too, not only for the container. You could do something like this:
#Set for host
#Also sets the variables on the host
source ./.env.$ENV
#POSTGRES_PORT defined in .env.development is used here
docker-compose up
#since env_file also contains .env.development, the variables will be reachable from the container.
Hope that helps.
There is a misconception regarding the .env file and the env_file option in the docker-compose.yml, as it is very ambiguous. Shin points it out very nicely in the github issue docker-compose doesn't use env_file. I will just quote his summary:
Variable substitution in your docker-compose.yml file will be pulled (in decreasing order of priority) from your shell's environment and your .env file.
Variables available in your container are a combination of values found in your env_file files and values described in the environment section of the service.
Those are two entirely separate sets of features.
while reading this page:
and from my understanding, you should do the following:
for the global variables(that should not change) make an env file like so:
and for the others(that might change) you should add their name under environment in docker-compose.yml like this:
- VAR1
- VAR2
this will take the VAR1 and VAR2 values from the shell you are running docker-compose.
I hope this helps.

How can I use environment variables in docker-compose?

I would like to be able to use environment variables inside docker-compose.yml, with values passed in at the time of docker-compose up. This is the example.
I am doing this today with a basic docker run command, which is wrapped around my own script. Is there a way to achieve it with compose, without any such bash wrappers?
hostname: $hostname
- /mnt/data/logs/$hostname:/logs
- /mnt/data/$hostname:/data
The Docker solution:
Docker-compose 1.5+ has enabled variables substitution: Releases ยท docker/compose
The latest Docker Compose allows you to access environment variables from your compose file. So you can source your environment variables, then run Compose like so:
set -a
source .my-env
docker-compose up -d
For example, assume we have the following .my-env file:
(or pass them via command-line arguments when calling docker-compose, like so: POSTGRES_VERSION=14 docker-compose up -d)
Then you can reference the variables in docker-compose.yml using a ${VARIABLE} syntax, like so:
image: "postgres:${POSTGRES_VERSION}"
And here is more information from the documentation, taken from Compose file specification
When you run docker-compose up with this configuration, Compose looks
for the POSTGRES_VERSION environment variable in the shell and
substitutes its value in. For this example, Compose resolves the image
to postgres:9.3 before running the configuration.
If an environment variable is not set, Compose substitutes with an
empty string. In the example above, if POSTGRES_VERSION is not set,
the value for the image option is postgres:.
Both $VARIABLE and ${VARIABLE} syntax are supported. Extended
shell-style features, such as ${VARIABLE-default} and
${VARIABLE/foo/bar}, are not supported.
If you need to put a literal dollar sign in a configuration value, use
a double dollar sign ($$).
The feature was added in this pull request.
Alternative Docker-based solution: Implicitly sourcing an environment variables file through the docker-compose command
If you want to avoid any Bash wrappers, or having to source a environment variables file explicitly (as demonstrated above), then you can pass a --env-file flag to the docker-compose command with the location of your environment variable file: Use an environment file
Then you can reference it within your docker-compose command without having to source it explicitly:
docker-compose --env-file .my-env up -d
If you don't pass a --env-file flag, the default environment variable file will be .env.
Note the following caveat with this approach:
Values present in the environment at runtime always override those defined inside the .env file. Similarly, values passed via command-line arguments take precedence as well.
So be careful about any environment variables that may override the ones defined in the --env-file!
The Bash solution:
I notice that Docker's automated handling of environment variables can cause confusion. Instead of dealing with environment variables in Docker, let's go back to basics, like Bash! Here is a method using a Bash script and a .env file, with some extra flexibility to demonstrate the utility of environment variables:
# Note that the variable below is commented out and will not be used:
# You can even define the compose file in an environment variable like so:
# You can define other compose files, and just comment them out
# when not needed:
# COMPOSE_CONFIG=another-compose-file.yml
Then run this Bash script in the same directory, which should deploy everything properly:
docker rm -f `docker ps -aq -f name=myproject_*`
set -a
source .env
cat ${COMPOSE_CONFIG} | envsubst | docker-compose -f - -p "myproject" up -d
Just reference your environment variables in your compose file with the usual Bash syntax (ie ${POSTGRES_VERSION} to insert the POSTGRES_VERSION from the .env file).
While this solution involves Bash, some may prefer it because it has better separation of concerns.
Note the COMPOSE_CONFIG is defined in my .env file and used in my Bash script, but you can easily just replace {$COMPOSE_CONFIG} with the my-compose-file.yml in the Bash script.
Also note that I labeled this deployment by naming all of my containers with the "myproject" prefix. You can use any name you want, but it helps identify your containers so you can easily reference them later. Assuming that your containers are stateless, as they should be, this script will quickly remove and redeploy your containers according to your .env file parameters and your compose YAML file.
Since this answer seems pretty popular, I wrote a blog post that describes my Docker deployment workflow in more depth: Let's Deploy! (Part 1) This might be helpful when you add more complexity to a deployment configuration, like Nginx configurations, Let's Encrypt certificates, and linked containers.
It seems that docker-compose has native support now for default environment variables in a file.
All you need to do is declare your variables in a file named .env and they will be available in docker-compose.yml.
For example, for a .env file with contents:
You could access your variable inside docker-compose.yml or forward them into the container:
image: ${IMAGE_NAME}
Create a template.yml, which is your docker-compose.yml with environment variable.
Suppose your environment variables are in a file ''
Put the below piece of code in a sh file and run it.
rm -rf docker-compose.yml;
envsubst < "template.yml" > "docker-compose.yml";
A new file docker-compose.yml will be generated with the correct values of environment variables.
Sample template.yml file:
privileged: true
cpuset: "0"
command: /bin/sh -c "chmod 777 /tmp/start; /tmp/start"
container_name: ${ORACLE_DB_CONTAINER_NAME}
Sample file:
export ORACLE_DB_IMAGE=<image-name>
export ORACLE_DB_PORT=<port to be exposed>
The best way is to specify environment variables outside the docker-compose.yml file. You can use env_file setting, and define your environment file within the same line. Then doing a docker-compose up again should recreate the containers with the new environment variables.
Here is how my docker-compose.yml looks like:
env_file: variables.env
docker-compose expects each line in an env file to be in VAR=VAL format. Avoid using export inside the .env file. Also, the .env file should be placed in the folder where the docker-compose command is executed.
The following is applicable for docker-compose 3.x
Set environment variables inside the container
method - 1 Straight method
POSTGRES_USER: 'postgres'
method - 2 The โ€œ.envโ€ file
Create a .env file in the same location as the docker-compose.yml
$ cat .env
and your compose file will be like
$ cat docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
image: "webapp:${TAG}"
postgres_password: "${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}"
When using environment variables for volumes you need:
create .env file in the same folder which contains docker-compose.yaml file
declare variable in the .env file:
Change $hostname to ${HOSTNAME} at docker-compose.yaml file
hostname: ${HOSTNAME}
- /mnt/data/logs/${HOSTNAME}:/logs
- /mnt/data/${HOSTNAME}:/data
Of course you can do that dynamically on each build like:
echo "HOSTNAME=your_hostname" > .env && sudo docker-compose up
Don't confuse the .env file and the env_file option!
They serve totally different purposes!
The .env file feeds those environment variables only to your docker compose file, which in turn, can be passed to the containers as well.
But the env_file option only passes those variables to the containers and NOT the docker compose file ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ
OK, let's say we have this simple compose file:
image: ubuntu
hostname: suchHostname # <-------------- hard coded 'suchHostname'
- /mnt/data/logs/muchLogs:/logs # <--- hard coded 'muchLogs'
- /mnt/data/soBig:/data # <----------- hard coded 'soBig'
We don't want to hard code these anymore! So, we can put them in the current terminal's environment variables and check if docker-compose understands them:
$ export the_hostname="suchHostName"
$ export dir_logs="muchLogs"
$ export dir_data="soBig"
and change the docker-compose.yml file to:
image: ubuntu
hostname: $the_hostname # <-------------- use $the_hostname
- /mnt/data/logs/$dir_logs:/logs # <--- use $dir_logs
- /mnt/data/$dir_data:/data # <-------- usr $dir_data
Now let's check out if it worked with executing $ docker-compose convert and inspecting the output:
name: tmp
hostname: suchHostName # <------------- $the_hostname
image: ubuntu
default: null
- type: bind
source: /mnt/data/logs/muchLogs # <-- $dir_logs
target: /logs
create_host_path: true
- type: bind
source: /mnt/data/soBig # <---------- $dir_data
target: /data
create_host_path: true
name: tmp_default
OK it works! But let's use the .env file instead. Since docker-compose understands the .env file, let's just create one and set it up:
# .env file (in the same directory as 'docker-compose.yml')
OK, you can test it with a NEW terminal (so that the older environment variables we set with export don't interfere and make sure everything works in a clean terminal) ๐Ÿ–ฅ Just follow step 4 again and see that it works!
So far so good ๐Ÿ˜ƒ However, when you stumble upon the env_file option, it gets confusing ๐Ÿค” Let's say that you want to pass a password to the docker compose file (NOT the container).
๐Ÿ™„ In the wrong approach, you might put a password in .secrets file:
# .secrets
and then update the docker-compose file as follows:
image: ubuntu
hostname: $the_hostname
- /mnt/data/logs/$dir_logs:/logs
- /mnt/data/$dir_data:/data
# ๐Ÿ”ฝ BAD:
- .env
- .secrets
entrypoint: echo "Hush! This is a secret '$somepassword'"
Now checking it just like step 4 again would result in:
WARN[0000] The "somepassword" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
name: tmp # ^
services: # |
foo: # |
entrypoint: # |
- echo # |
- Hush! This is a secret '' # <---- ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ Oh no!
dir_data: soBig
dir_logs: muchLogs
somepassword: 0P3N$$3$$#M! # <--- ๐Ÿค” Huh?!
the_hostname: suchHostName
hostname: suchHostName
image: ubuntu
default: null
- type: bind
source: /mnt/data/logs/muchLogs
target: /logs
create_host_path: true
- type: bind
source: /mnt/data/soBig
target: /data
create_host_path: true
name: tmp_default
So as you can see, the $somepassord variable is only passed to the container, and NOT the docker compose file.
Wrapping up
You can pass environment variables to docker-compose files in two ways:
By exporting the variable to the terminal before running docker compose.
By putting the variables inside .env file.
The env_file option only passes those extra variables to the containers ๐Ÿ“ฆ and not the compose file ๐Ÿณ
Since 1.25.4, docker-compose supports the option --env-file that enables you to specify a file containing variables.
Yours should look like this:
And the command:
docker-compose --env-file /path/to/my-env-file config
To add an environment variable, you may define an env_file (let's call it var.env) as:
And add it to the docker compose manifest service. Moreover, you can define environment variables directly with environment.
For instance, in docker-compose.yaml:
version: '3.8'
context: .
dockerfile: ./docker/Dockerfile.myservice
image: myself/myservice
- ./var.env
- $HOME/myfolder:/myfolder
- "5000:5000"
Please check here for more/updated information: Manuals โ†’ Docker โ†’Compose โ†’Environment variables โ†’ Overview
env SOME_VAR="I am some var" OTHER_VAR="I am other var" docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml
Use version 3.6:
version: "3.6"
image: "nginx:alpine"
foo: "bar"
baz: "${OTHER_VAR}"
some-label: "$SOME_VAR"
image: "nginx:alpine"
hello: "world"
world: "${SOME_VAR}"
some-label: "$OTHER_VAR"
I got it from Feature request: Docker stack deploy pass environment variables via cli options #939.
You cannot ... yet. But this is an alternative, think like a docker-composer.yml generator:
Basically a shell script that will replace your variables. Also you can use Grunt task to build your docker compose file at the end of your CI process.
I have a simple bash script I created for this it just means running it on your file before use:
Basically just create your compose file using double curly braces to denote environment variables e.g:
build: "{{APP_PATH}}"
- "{{APP_PORT_MAP}}"
Anything in double curly braces will be replaced with the environment variable of the same name so if I had the following environment variables set:
on running subber docker-compose.yml the resulting file would look like:
build: "~/my_app/build"
- "5000:5000"
To focus solely on the issue of default and mandatory values for environment variables, and as an update to #modulito's answer:
Using default values and enforcing mandatory values within the docker-compose.yml file is now supported (from the docs):
Both $VARIABLE and ${VARIABLE} syntax are supported. Additionally when using the 2.1 file format, it is possible to provide inline default values using typical shell syntax:
${VARIABLE:-default} evaluates to default if VARIABLE is unset or empty in the environment.
${VARIABLE-default} evaluates to default only if VARIABLE is unset in the environment.
Similarly, the following syntax allows you to specify mandatory variables:
${VARIABLE:?err} exits with an error message containing err if VARIABLE is unset or empty in the environment.
${VARIABLE?err} exits with an error message containing err if VARIABLE is unset in the environment.
Other extended shell-style features, such as ${VARIABLE/foo/bar}, are not supported.
This was written for Docker v20, using the docker compose v2 commands.
I was having a similar roadblock and found that the --env-file parameter ONLY works for docker compose config command. On top of that using the docker compose env_file variable, still forced me to repeat values for the variables, when wanting to reuse them in other places than the Dockerfile such as environment for docker-compose.yml. I just wanted one source of truth, my .env, with the ability to swap them per deployment stage. So here is how I got it to work, basically use docker compose config to generate a base docker-compose.yml file that will pass ARG into Dockerfile's.
.local.env This would be your .env, I have mine split for different deployments.
docker-compose.config.yml - This is my core docker compose file.
context: .
dockerfile: docker/apache2/Dockerfile
Now sadly I do need to pass in the variables twice, once for the Dockerfile, the other for environment. However, they are still coming from the single source .local.env so at least I do not need to repeat values.
I then use docker compose config to generate a semi-final docker-compose.yml. This lets me pass in my companion override docker-compose.local.yml for where the final deployment is happening.
docker compose --env-file=.local.env -f docker-compose.config.yml config > docker-compose.yml
This will now let my Dockerfile access the .env variables.
FROM php:5.6-apache
# Make sure to declare after FROM
# Access args in strings with $PLATFORM, and can wrap i.e ${PLATFORM}
RUN echo "SetEnv PLATFORM $PLATFORM" > /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/environment.conf
RUN echo "SetEnv DEVELOPMENT $DEVELOPMENT" > /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/environment.conf
This then passes the .env variables from the docker-compose.yml into Dockerfile which then passes it into my Apache HTTP server, which passes it to my final destination, the PHP code.
My next step to then to pass in my docker compose overrides from my deployment stage.
docker-compose.local.yml - This is my docker-compose override.
- ./localhost+2.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/localhost+2.pem
- ./localhost+2-key.pem:/etc/ssl/private/localhost+2-key.pem
Lastly, run the docker compose command.
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up --build
Please note if you change anything in you .env file you will need to re-run the docker compose config and add --build for docker compose up. Since builds are cached it has little impact.
So for my final command I normally run:
docker compose --env-file=.local.env -f docker-compose.config.yml config > docker-compose.yml; docker compose --env-file=.local.env -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up --build
As far as I know, this is a work-in-progress. They want to do it, but it's not released yet. See 1377 (the "new" 495 that was mentioned by #Andy).
I ended up implementing the "generate .yml as part of CI" approach as proposed by #Thomas.
Add an environment variable to the .env file
Such as
Then save it to
prepare() {
local inFile=$(pwd)/$INPUTFILE
local outFile=$(pwd)/$RESULT_NAME
cp $inFile $outFile
while read -r line; do
sed -i -e "s/\${${pair[0]}}/${pair[1]}/g" $outFile
done <.env
deploy() {
docker stack deploy -c $outFile $NAME
Use .env file to define dynamic values in docker-compse.yml. Be it port or any other value.
Sample docker-compose:
- c:/logs:c:/logs
- CONSUL_URL=http://${CONSUL_IP}:8500
Inside .env file you can define the value of these variables:
I ended up using "sed" in my script to accomplish this, though my requirements were slightly different since docker-compose is being called by Terrafom: Passing Variables to Docker Compose via a Terraform script for an Azure App Service
eval "sed -i 's/MY_VERSION/$VERSION/' ../docker-compose.yaml"
cat ../docker-compose.yaml
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve \
-var "app_version=$VERSION" \
-var "client_id=$ARM_CLIENT_ID" \
-var "client_secret=$ARM_CLIENT_SECRET" \
-var "tenant_id=$ARM_TENANT_ID" \
-var "subscription_id=$ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
eval "sed -i 's/$VERSION/MY_VERSION/' ../docker-compose.yaml"
It's simple like this:
Using command line as mentioned in the documentation:
docker-compose --env-file ./config/ config
Or using a .env file, I think this is the easiest way:
- web-variables.env
Documentation with a sample
