How to get version of application - extjs6.5.1

How do i get the build version of my application developed using EXTJS.6.5? Is there a way to increment the version of my application programatically everytime a build is done?
Your help would be much appreciated. Thank you.


Registering Flutter plugins in iOS

I'm using hive and path provider on different isolate, when I try to access them I'm getting MissingPluginException, I'm trying to register these plugins manually but not sure how to do it. Can anyone help me in solving the issue
Thank's in advance,

Auto deploy .apk to Android Things using gitlab ci scripting

I recently started in a project where Android Things is used.
When I joined the team, I read up on Android Things.
I very much like the Android Things Console and the way it can push updates.
However, instead of uploading a new version of an apk by clicking around in the webUI of Android Things Console I would prefer uploading a new version to Android Things console by using some scripting (preferably in gitlab CI).
Does anyone here know of a way to do that?
I can't find anything about this in the Android Things documentation.
Thanks in advance!
At this time, there is no API you can use to upload APKs. You will need to do it manually via the Android Things Console. But I do understand how this would be helpful for your workflow.

Can't update calabash server version

Having a problem updating the Calabash server version.
The problem is that I can run basic tests that check for elements... However, once I try to "touch" buttons calabash returns
RuntimeError: Could not parse response ''; the app has probably crashed
The origin of the problem, I believe, is that my server version is old/incompatible. Not rocket science:
WARN: The server version is not compatible with gem version. Please
update your server.
gem version: '0.14.3'
min server version: '0.14.3'
server version: '0.9.169'
The link is outdated, but I followed all steps in many times.
And still when I check the version it is 0.9.169
irb(main):006:0> server_version['version']
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Finally solved it!
It turns out that it all had to do with the calabash component in my Xamarin project.
When I first started experimenting with tests few month ago I added the calabash component (image below)
When I started adding some more tests now, I still had the same component. This component is up to date as far as I can tell. I then tried to remove it and add it again but I could no longer find it.
Turns out that now it is called "Xamarin Test Cloud Agent". I installed that component and DONE.
Hope this helps anyone.

Use nativeDroid theme in Appery

I'm trying to use nativeDroid as theme for an app built with Appery, but it doesn't work and I have no idea why. Can anybody explain the correct procedure?
It may be a problem with jquery-mobile version. Be surre you run version lower to 1.4. Otherwise it will show everything messed up
If you are using jQuery mobile version 1.4 try this native droid version nativeDroid v0.2.4
#Note : It is an experimental version

Where can I find Java SDK 1.4.2 compatible with windows 32?

I need Java SDK 1.4.2 on my system which is 32 bit compatible. I am unable to find it.
Can someone please help me out?
Thanks in advance
You need to go to previous releases to get 1.4. Here is the link
You need to loop for windows version at the Link to Java 1.4.2_18 others have provided.
I can see there is a j2sdk-1_4_2_18-windows-i586-p.exe which is the 32-bit version you need.
