Rectangle is not drawing the bullish engulfing pattern - mql4

I wrote the following code to look through the last 100 candlesticks and draw a rectangle around a bullish engulfing candlestick patterns. I hope extend it for bearish engulfing pattern too. I don't know why, but the rectangles don't draw. Please take a look at the code below
bool isBullishEngulfing(int current) {
if((iClose(_Symbol,0,current) > iOpen(_Symbol,0,current)) && (iClose(_Symbol,0,current + 1) < iOpen(_Symbol,0,current + 1)) &&
(iOpen(_Symbol,0,current) < iClose(_Symbol,0,current + 1)) && (iClose(_Symbol,0,current) > iOpen(_Symbol,0,current + 1)))
return true;
return false;
void showRectangles() {
for (int i=100;i<=1;i--) {
if(isBullishEngulfing(i)) {
bool drawBullRectangle(int candleInt,const double top,const double bottom)
const datetime starts=iTime(_Symbol,0,candleInt);
const datetime ends=starts+PeriodSeconds()*Numbars; //Numbars shows how long the rectangle should draw
const string name=prefix+"_"+(candleInt>0?"DEMAND":"SUPPLY")+"_"+TimeToString(starts);
printf("%i %s: failed to create %s. error=%d",__LINE__,__FILE__,name,_LastError);
return false;
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_COLOR, clrAqua);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_FILL, true);
return true;
void OnDeinit(const int reason){ObjectsDeleteAll(0,prefix);}
void OnTick()
return; //not necessary but waste of time to check every second
bool isNewBar()
static datetime lastbar;
datetime curbar = (datetime)SeriesInfoInteger(_Symbol,_Period,SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE);
if(lastbar != curbar)
lastbar = curbar;
return true;
return false;
I would appreciate help to resolve this.

The error is mainly in the loop, it should be for (int i=100;i>=1;i--)
The other "possible" error is in the logic of theisBullishEngulfing() function.
Usually, the Close of the previous bar is equal to the Open of the current bar, so the following condition doesn't get fulfilled(most of the time)
iOpen(_Symbol,0,current) < iClose(_Symbol,0,current + 1)
(So, I suggest to remove this line, but this is just a suggestion, note there are occasions that your condition get fulfilled as well)


Launch macOS shortkeys in Processing on visual button

In Processing, I'm building a simple buttons interface. And the idea is that when you click on a button in the sketch. A text snippet from a different macOS application will launch a text snippet box.
At the moment, this text snippet box will be launched if I type a word in an email. So let's say I type (sample-a) in the email, and this will open a text snippet box that I have set up with this application.
But I want to trigger (sample-a) on a button click in Processing and not have to type this word in the email.
I searched the internet and looked at io.popen, os.execute and launch. But I wondered what the best way is to trigger a macOS "word" from Processing on a button click? Maybe do something with an echo command?
I hope someone can give me some tips or have an example code to create this function?
*added updated code:
// Import library for textfields
import g4p_controls.*;
GTextField txf1;
String sample;
boolean background = true;
// Button setup
final int btnX = 100;
final int btnY = 100;
final int btnW = 200;
final int btnH = 200;
public void setup() {
size(400, 600);
background(209, 209, 209);
// Button
rect(btnX, btnY, btnW, btnH);
// Textfield setup
txf1 = new GTextField(this, 100, 400, 200, 20);
public void draw() {
if (keyPressed && key == ENTER) {
public void handleTextEvents(GEditableTextControl textcontrol, GEvent event) {
if (txf1 == textcontrol && event == GEvent.ENTERED) {
sample = txf1.getText();
// Button trigger
void mousePressed() {
if (mouseX >= btnX && mouseX <= btnX + btnW && mouseY >= btnY && mouseY <= btnY + btnH) {
println("button clicked");
exec("open", "/Applications/");
New code for button interface with ControlP5 and Robot Class
import controlP5.*;
import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
boolean background = true;
// Robot function
Robot robot;
String keyString="template-1";
Robot1 robot1;
String keyString="template-2";
ControlP5 gui;
void setup() {
size(1440, 900);
gui = new ControlP5(this);
//Add a Button
gui.addButton("Template 1")
.setPosition(50, 50)
.setSize(100, 100)
gui.addButton("Template 2")
.setPosition(200, 50)
.setSize(100, 100)
// Robot function
try {
robot = new Robot();
robot1 = new Robot1();
catch (AWTException ex) {
// Robot function
public void Template1(int value) {
println("Template 1 Button pressed");
sendKeys(robot, keyString);
public void Template2(int value) {
println("Template 2 Button pressed");
sendKeys(robot1, keyString);
public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {
// Robot function for Template 1
void sendKeys(Robot robot, String keys) {
for (char c : keys.toCharArray()) {
int keyCode = KeyEvent.getExtendedKeyCodeForChar(c);
if (KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED == keyCode) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Key code not found for character '" + c + "'");
// Robot function for Template 2
void sendKeys(Robot1 robot1, String keys) {
for (char c : keys.toCharArray()) {
int keyCode = KeyEvent.getExtendedKeyCodeForChar(c);
if (KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED == keyCode) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Key code not found for character '" + c + "'");
void draw() {
Here is your source code as posted in the comments:
boolean background = true;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
void draw() {
rect(100, 100, 200, 200);
boolean isMouseOver(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x + w && mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y + h) {
return true;
return false;
void mousePressed() {
// if (isMouseOver(width/2, height/2, 100, 100) == true){
if (isMouseOver(100, 100, 200, 200) == true) {
println("button clicked");
// Process proc = I'm doing more research on this exec("open", "/Applications/");
// name of the TextExpander abbreviation / shortcut = "(sample-a)"
// code that fire the word "(sample-a)" so that a TextExpander snippet will popup
As written there is a problem with mousePressed(); it will only pick up a button click toward the bottom of the button. Clicks at the top do nothing. That's due to an error in the line if(isMouseOver()== true) because the parameters are incorrect; they should be the same as the parameters that you used to create the rect initially, ie (100,100,200,200).
Alternate revision which shortens the code by obviating the function isMouseOver(). Rectangle coordinates are made constants so that if you want to change the size of the button later you only will have to change the parameter once instead of finding multiple occurrences in your code. Your initial version will certainly work as is, but I am only showing you a possible way to improve it. As you continue to experiment we can edit this post to reflect changes. Keep on experimenting and you should hopefully achieve your goal.
boolean background = true;
final int btnX = 100;
final int btnY = 100;
final int btnW = 200;
final int btnH = 200;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
rect(btnX, btnY, btnW, btnH);
void draw() {
void mousePressed() {
if (mouseX >= btnX && mouseX <= btnX + btnW && mouseY >= btnY && mouseY <= btnY + btnH) {
println("button clicked");
// Process proc = I'm doing more research on this exec("open", "/Applications/");
// name of the TextExpander abbreviation / shortcut = "(sample-a)"
// code that fire the word "(sample-a)" so that a TextExpander snippet will popup
Robot revision:
You don't need two robots; one will suffice. Likewise you don't need two sendKeys() function. Use one robot and send it a different string depending on which button is pressed. Whatever name is used for the button, that string is also used to called a corresponding function and the two must match precisely. That is, if you title the button 'template_1' then the function needs to be 'template_1()' also.
import controlP5.*;
import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
Robot robot;
ControlP5 gui;
String keyString = "template-1";
String keyString2 = "template-2";
void setup() {
size(350, 250);
gui = new ControlP5(this);
// Function that's called must match the button title.
.setPosition(50, 50)
.setSize(100, 100)
.setPosition(200, 50)
.setSize(100, 100)
try {
robot = new Robot();
} catch (AWTException ex) {
void Template_1() {
println("Template 1 Button pressed");
void Template_2() {
println("Template 2 Button pressed");
public void controlEvent(ControlEvent evnt) {
void sendKeys(String keys) {
println("sendKeys fired.");
delay(3000); // Give user some time to set cursor
for (char c : keys.toCharArray()) {
int keyCode = KeyEvent.getExtendedKeyCodeForChar(c);
if (KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED == keyCode) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Key code not found for character '" + c + "'");
void draw() {

How can I solve the duplicates of pending order issues?

My code below places sell pending orders when certain candle patterns are met on the H_1 chart. But duplicate pending orders are created when I change the chart timeframe and return to H_1. Also old orders that should have hit stop loss or take profit seem to still be open.
I need to have multiple pending orders, but the duplicates and orders that should have closed are not wanted. How can I solve this?
string prefix = "HG";
const int N_bars = 1;
int numBars = 1;
int numBarsArray[];
int tempVal = 0;
int NumOfDisplayBars = 300;
int count = 0;
extern double lotSize = 0.01;
int magicnumber = 1337;
void showRectangles()
for (int i=NumOfDisplayBars;i>=1;i--)
drawBearRectangle(i + 1,iHigh(_Symbol,0,i + 1),iOpen(_Symbol,0,i + 1));
bool isBearishEngulfing(int current)
if( (iClose(_Symbol,0,current ) < iOpen( _Symbol,0,current ))
&& (iClose(_Symbol,0,current + 1) > iOpen( _Symbol,0,current + 1))
&& (iOpen( _Symbol,0,current ) > iClose(_Symbol,0,current + 1))
&& (iClose(_Symbol,0,current ) < iOpen( _Symbol,0,current + 1))
return true;
return false;
bool drawBearRectangle(int candleInt,const double top,const double bottom)
const datetime starts = iTime(_Symbol,0,candleInt);
const datetime ends = starts+PeriodSeconds()*N_bars;
const string name = prefix+"_"+(candleInt>0?"DEMAND":"SUPPLY")+"_"+TimeToString(starts);
printf("%i %s: failed to create %s. error=%d",__LINE__,__FILE__,name,_LastError);
return false;
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_TIME1, starts);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_TIME2, ends);
ObjectSetDouble( 0,name,OBJPROP_PRICE1,bottom);
ObjectSetDouble( 0,name,OBJPROP_PRICE2,top);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_COLOR, clrChocolate);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOT);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_FILL, false);
if(_Period == 60){
double entryPrice=bottom-3*_Point;
double stopLoss=top;
double slDist=fabs(entryPrice-stopLoss);
double dTakeProfit=entryPrice-2*slDist;
int ticketSell = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLLIMIT,lotSize, entryPrice,0,stopLoss,dTakeProfit,"SellOrder",magicnumber,0,Red);
return true;
void OnDeinit(const int reason){ObjectsDeleteAll(0,prefix);}
void OnTick()
return; // not necessary but waste of time to check every second
bool isNewBar()
static datetime lastbar;
datetime curbar = (datetime)SeriesInfoInteger(_Symbol,_Period,SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE);
if(lastbar != curbar)
lastbar = curbar;
return true;
return false;
Q : How can I solve the duplicates of pending order issues?... when I change the chart timeframe and return to H_1.
Well, this is rather a feature of the MQL4/5 code-execution ecosystem.
Configure a preventive checkmark, setup in MT4-Terminal in Tools > Options > Expert Advisor-tab so as to become:
[x] Disable automated trading when the chart symbol or period has been changed

Rectangle on a specific timeframe doesn't extend on a lower timeframe

I have written the following code that draws a rectangle for bearish engulfing patterns for two inputed timeframes. I set the defaults to daily and 4 hours. When I am on the daily chart I expect that only the daily rectangles should appear for one candle and when I am on the 4 hour chart, the daily rectangle region should extend for 6 candles whiles the 4-hour rectangle shows for only one candle, and so on as I move to lower time frames.
The general idea is the rectangle should extend to cover the candles that sum it's period. But that is not happening, only one candle appears always. How can I solve this? Here's my code below:
int numBars = 1;
extern ENUM_TIMEFRAMES higherRegionPeriod = PERIOD_D1;
extern ENUM_TIMEFRAMES lowerRegionPeriod = PERIOD_H4;
extern color higherRegionColorSupply = clrRed;
extern color lowerRegionColorSupply = clrChocolate;
bool isBearishEngulfing(int current, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES cDuration) {
if((iClose(_Symbol,cDuration,current) < iOpen(_Symbol,cDuration,current)) &&
(iClose(_Symbol,cDuration,current + 1) > iOpen(_Symbol,cDuration,current + 1)) &&
(iOpen(_Symbol,cDuration,current) > iClose(_Symbol,cDuration,current + 1)) &&
(iClose(_Symbol,cDuration,current) < iOpen(_Symbol,cDuration,current + 1)))
return true;
return false;
void showRectangles() {
for (int i=300;i>=1;i--) {
if(isBearishEngulfing(i, lowerRegionPeriod)) {
drawBearRectangle(i + 1,iHigh(_Symbol,lowerRegionPeriod,i + 1),iOpen(_Symbol,lowerRegionPeriod,i + 1), lowerRegionPeriod, lowerRegionColorSupply);
if(isBearishEngulfing(i, higherRegionPeriod)) {
drawBearRectangle(i + 1,iHigh(_Symbol,higherRegionPeriod,i + 1),iOpen(_Symbol,higherRegionPeriod,i + 1), higherRegionPeriod, higherRegionColorSupply);
bool drawBearRectangle(int candleInt,const double top,const double bottom, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES cDuration, color rectColor)
const datetime starts=iTime(_Symbol,cDuration,candleInt);
const datetime ends=starts+PeriodSeconds()*NumBars;
const string name=prefix+"_"+(candleInt>0?"DEMAND":"SUPPLY")+"_"+TimeToString(starts);
printf("%i %s: failed to create %s. error=%d",__LINE__,__FILE__,name,_LastError);
return false;
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_COLOR, rectColor);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOT);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_FILL, false);
return true;
void OnDeinit(const int reason){ObjectsDeleteAll(0,prefix);}
void OnTick()
return; //not necessary but waste of time to check every second
return; //not necessary but waste of time to check every second
bool isNewBar(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES cDuration)
static datetime lastbar;
datetime curbar = (datetime)SeriesInfoInteger(_Symbol,cDuration,SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE);
if(lastbar != curbar)
lastbar = curbar;
return true;
return false;

MQL4 Listenting to Candle Bar Open event

I am really new to MQL4, and still trying to grasp the concept. I would want to have an event handler to detect every candle bar opening (or every previous candle bar closing). Trying to wrap that around my head but it is not working:
So I have a function to check for the tick:
bool checkingFirstTick(){
datetime currentTime = iTime(Symbol(), Period(), 0);
if(currentTime - lastCandle > 0){
lastCandle = currentTime;
return true;
return false;
where lastCandle is a global variable.
Now when I put it into the OnTick() event:
void OnTick(){
Print("It's an opening!");
The It's an opening! statement never get printed.
Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Or is there any more efficient way to listen to an opening of the candle bar, no matter what is the period I set?
Try this:
// --- Global Variable ----
datetime ArrayTime[], LastTime;
void OnTick() {
if(NewBar(PERIOD_H1)) {
// insert your program here
bool NewBar(int period) {
bool firstRun = false, newBar = false;
if(LastTime == 0) firstRun = true;
if(ArrayTime[0] > LastTime) {
if(firstRun == false) newBar = true;
LastTime = ArrayTime[0];
return newBar;

Error due to invalid combination of Toast and OnSensor Changed

In this the error being displayed is mentioned below. I have searched online for the right answer none is applicable so far. I am trying to toast a simple message upon detecting a sudden change in the accelerometer readings so as to detect a fall. I don't think there is any other mistake in the code, if there is you are most welcome to rectify it.
Error: cannot find symbol method maketext(MainActivity,String,int)
This is my Code:
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
if (started) {
double x = event.values[0];
double y = event.values[1];
double z = event.values[2];
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
Data data = new Data(timestamp, x, y, z);
double gacc=SensorManager.STANDARD_GRAVITY;
double a=event.values[0];
double b=event.values[1];
double c=event.values[2];
long mintime=System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean min = false;
boolean max = false;
int m = 0;
double xyz=Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(b,2)+Math.pow(c,2)));
min = true;
if(min && max==true){
Toast.maketext(MainActivity.this,"FALL DETECTED!",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
if (m>4) {
You are calling maketext instead of makeText. Note that camelCase.
Replace with:
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"FALL DETECTED!",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
After you correct it, make sure that you are using the android.widget.Toast.
