Prebid server handling of 204 response from bidder - prebid

I am looking to capture a case when the prebid server receives no bid responses from a bidder. As per the openRTB spec, the bidders can respond back with a 204 or set the nbr attribute and http 200. How does the prebid server handle each of these cases? Does it forward the response directly as is ?
I randomly got a case where the prebid server seems to be sending back http 200 to the client, so I am not sure how to parse the case with no bid.

I believe prebid-server simply returns an empty bid response back to Prebid client side, then Prebid client side will filter out empty responses in that auction. If you are looking to handle this programmatically on your page I would recommend using the [public API from Prebid] (, specifically getBidResponses. Also, there is really no action you need to do as Prebid handles the no bid response on it's own.


Misconceptions about GET and POST

Apparently I was under the misconception that GET and POST methods differ in the sense that the query parameters are put in plaintext as a part of the URL in GET method and the query parameters are THERE IN THE URL IN ENCODED(ENCRYPTED) FORM .
However , I realize that this was a grave misconception . And after going through :
and after writing a simple socket server in python and sending it both GET and POST (through form submission) and printing the request in server side
I got to know that only in GET the parameters are there in the URL but in POST the parameters are there in the request body .
I went through the following question as well so as to see if there is any difference in sending a GET and POST at lower level (C-Level) :
Simple C example of doing an HTTP POST and consuming the response
So as in the above question above I saw that there is no special encryption being applied to the POST request .
As such I would like to confirm the following :
1.The insecurities associated with GET and POST are only because of the GET method attaching the parameters in the URL .
For somebody who can have the whole request body , both the GET and POST methods are equally vulnerable .
Over the network , both the GET and POST body are sent with the equal degree of encryption applied to them .
Looking forward to comments and explanations.
Yes. The server only gets to know about the URL the user entered/clicked on because it's sent as the data of the request, after (transport) security has been negotiated so it's not inherently insecure:
you type into a browser:
browser does DNS lookup of
browser connects to https port 443 of retrieved ip
browser negotiates security, possibly including if the server is using SNI certificates
connection is now encrypted, browser sends request data over the link:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: my
(other headers)
//Probably no body data
---- or ----
Host: my
(other headers)
param=value //body data
You can see it's all just data sent over an encrypted connection, the headers and the body are separated by a blank line. A GET doesn't have to have a body but is not prevented from having one. A POST usually has a body, but the point I'm making is that the data sent (param=value) that is relevant to the request (the stuff the user typed in, potentially sensitive info) is included somewhere in the request - either in the headers or the body - but all of it is encrypted
The only real difference from a security perspective is that the browser history tends to retain the full URL and hence in the case of a GET request would show param=value in the history to the next person reading it. The data in transit is secure for either GET or POST, but the tendency to put sensitive data on a POST centres on the "data at rest" concept in the context of the client browser's history. If the browser kept no history (and the address bar didn't show the parameters to shoulder surfers) then either method would be approximately equivalent to the other
Securing the connection between browser and server is quite simple and then means the existing send/receive data facilities all work without individual attention, but it's by no means the only way of securing connection. It would be conceivably possibly not to have the transport do it but instead for the server to send a piece of JavaScript and a public part of a public/private key pair on the page somewhere, then every request the page [script causes the browser to] makes could have its data individually encrypted and even though an interim observer could see most of the request, the data could be secured that way. It is only decryptable by the server because the server retains the private part of the key pair

How to send large no of parameters with post request

Currently, I need send large no of user input parameters to the servlet. (more then 5000) But my ajax post request is giving 400 error bad request header too long.
How to handle this?
I'm taking all user entered parts as an array and passing as below:
var url = "/bin/maxim/legacy/tradecompliance?partNum="+ encodeURIComponent(array);

Rails caching works only if I send the If-None-Match header manually

My rails code:
def index
battles = Battle.feed(current_user, params[:category_name], params[:future_time])
#battles = paginate battles, per_page: 50
if stale?([#battles,], template: false)
render 'index'
If I send the If-None-Match header with the last Etag manually I get 304 status code in return, If I don't send it manually (The header is sent automatically with the same If-None-Match header) I get 200 status code...
I'm checking the server using Postman rest client (Cache enabled).
I cannot comment on the Rails side of things here but this is correct behaviour if I'm following you.
When sending "If-None-Match" you get a 304 if the content has not changed (same e-tag). This is basically saying either yourself or something in between such as a proxy has the content already and so does not need to transfer the body again.
If you omit the header then you see a 200. Postman by default will send a set of a headers but it's also pretty lean in the sense that it strips a lot away. Try the same request in your browser and you'll get a 304. You'll see your browser will be set to use caching where possible.
Things may get different if you are relying upon server side caching. You may be seeing what looks like a new response yet the server is actually doing very little yet yielding a 200 response.
To summarise the header is doing the right job from your description.

Swift PerfectServer: POST request and JSON body

first of all I'd like to thank the team for this amazing project, it is indeed exiting to be able to start writing server-side software in Swift.
I'm successfully running a POC using PerfectServer on an Ubuntu VM and working on the API to interact with the mobile client.
There is one aspect I didn't quite understand yet, and that is accessing the request body data from my PerfectServer Handler.
Here is the workflow I have in mind:
The client submits a POST request to PerfectServer including some
JSON encoded body data
Once that hits the "valuesForResponse:" of
my server side Handler, I retrieve the WebRequest representation of
my request successfully
The request object does expose a many
properties of the HTTP request, including headers and the url-like
formatted query parameters.
Unfortunately, I cannot see a way to retrieve the underlying request body data. I would expect that to be some kind of public properties exposing the raw data that my handle can retrieve and decode in order to process the request.
The only example provided in the Examples workspace that comes with the project and sends a POST request that includes a body is in the project Authenticator. Here the HTTP body part takes the form os a UTF-8 encoded string where the values are query-params-like formatted.
This gets somehow exposed on the server handler by the WebRequest "param" property, that in the inner implementation of HTTPServer seems to expect an "&" separated string of key-values:
What I would expect is to have a way to provide body data in whatever form / encoding needed, in my case a JSON form:
{"name":"Matteo", "password":"psw"}
and be able to access that data from the WebRequest in my handler, decode it and use it to serve the request.
To summarise, I assume you could say that a WebRequest.bodyData public property is what I am after here :).
Is there something I am missing here?
Thanks in advance for any clarification!

Handle fetch in service worker but allow client to see redirect

I have a url, /users/sign_out, that is supposed log out a user and redirect them to my root url, /. I want to handle this fetch through my service worker, because I want to clean some items out of the cache before sending the user back to root. However, since the client doesn't see the redirect that happens on the fetch from the service worker, the user winds up on my splash screen but sees the pre-redirect address /users/sign_out.
Is there any way currently that I can handle the fetch and also allow the client to see the correct final url?
It appears that eventually there will be a Response.redirect() method that will allow updating a response with the final url. It looks like there is also likely to be some kind of finalURL option that would also address this case. But is there anything that I can use now? On Twitter, Jake Archibald (#jaffathecake) said I could construct a new Response myself - and I can, but even after looking at the spec and the MDN docs a bit, I still can't figure out how to specify the correct url for it.
If there is in fact a way to construct a Response object that does what I need, could someone show me how that works?
There's an example at showing how you could create a Response object and use it to respond to a fetch event.
In that case, we're creating a 200 OK response with a body, but there's nothing stopping you from creating an arbitrary response. You'd probably want a 302 Found for your use case, so you'd do something like:
var responseInit = {
status: 302,
statusText: 'Found',
headers: {
Location: '/' // Or whatever URL you want to redirect to.
var redirectResponse = new Response('', responseInit);
You can include code that clears your caches inside the fetch handler before you respond to the event, and you'd obviously want to check the event.request.url value first to make sure you only respond to requests for /users/sign_out with your custom response.
