How to add an image that is local to the pdf generator file, cordova-plugin-pdf? - cordova-plugins

Good morning I find myself trying to upload an image to the pdf that is generated with this library, but I don't know where in my project I should have the image and how the code should be to import it. Can someone please support me
Structure of my project:


Image manipulate in lexical editor

I am working on blog like web project using lexical editor in nextjs.
I am trying to implement image plugin in lexical editor. For now it coverts to base64 format which will be expensive for storing in database. Instead of storing base64 I want to store the image link along with other text inside database. Also I am facing issue to implement image plugin of lexical editor in nextjs.
steps I want to follow
I want to upload image in aws s3 and then want to show in editor as image.
Another way I am trying to implement like a modal will open where image can be selected
and it uploads to aws s3 and gets image url, then want to show image url in editor.
Is there any solution for it?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion

How to highlight text in pdf using PdfKit

I am creating app where i need to load the pdf file from document directory and need to highlight text manually by user.
Also we need to export the updated pdf file and upload it to the server.
Is there any way to manage the same using pdfkit ?
Please share the sample code if available.
We are using the library as a reference is listed below
This library is using the same concept as we need but exporting the pdf is the main task we need to achieve.
In simple word we can say that user can highlight some text from the displayed pdf text and upload it to the server.

XML SDK 2.0 - Images - Excel file

With the use of the Open XML SDK 2.0, I did preformed the Reflected Code of an Excel file.
Along with other things, the Excel file has some images in some of the cells. When I run the code that was generated, the file show the images just fine.
What I need to do is to programatically inject images in place of the
images that are there now. The thing is, I cannot find where the images are at in the code that was generated. How can I figure this out? Also what is the easiest way to replace those images with new ones programmatically?
You may want to take a look at a similar question about inserting images into Excel files with OpenXML SDK: C# & OpenXML: Insert an image into an excel document.
Basically, those files are created as separate document parts. The answer I linked to should show You how to insert a new image into a document, however, in order to substitute existing images with your custom ones, you could probably just modify the binary data of appropriate ImagePart (and some other associated properties).
If You need some help with the code performing this task, let me know.

PDF generation in XCode

I am a newbie in iPhone development. I am planning to do a PDF application for iPhone. The functionality is:
User will type their input in a text field (which is going to be the content of the PDF file).
I have to modify the PDF file through code while saving (paragraphs, tables, bullets etc).
User can save it in their own name.
User can send the PDF file as attachment of MFMailComposer.
So I have searched and got many links. However I didn't find any leading details to create and modify a PDF file in iPhone/iPad.
Can anyone please provide me a good reference to do this. Are there any alternatives to do this?
I've used this reference:
It contains theoretical explanations and source code examples
Please use the below link to download sample apps for PDF Reader/Viewer in iOS
PDF Reader/Viewer in iOS
Also please look at detail about pdf creation, manipulation etc in below links PDF Document Creation, Viewing, and Transforming
If you were doing a Phonegap app I'd say got for jsPDF, which would enable you to create (basic) PDF files in Javascript. I don't do Obj-C, but a quick look on SO provides good links.

How to import tweenmax files to my project

while im working on simple animation like text rolling.. in that i created external xml for menus. As im new to flash im learning it from tutorial, but its not clear. I download tweenmax rar file. i dont know how to import that file into my project. guide me
when you want to use a tween class.
either save the FLA file in the same directory of the tweenlibrary so the .com folder(tween library) would be present next to your flash project file or go into the classpath of your document and link it there, your best to look at the documentation for this method through the provider of the tween class.
