How to traverse associations - ruby-on-rails

I'm finding it tricky to traverse associations in Active Admin.
In my application I have a SupportSession which appears on an Invoice. Through an association with SupportAllocation I can traverse up the chain to get the SupportRate(s) chargeable on a SupportSession. I can use these rates in calculations for the value of the invoice.
My models are:
class Invoice < ApplicationRecord
has_one :support_session
class SupportSession < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :invoice, optional: true
belongs_to :support_allocation
class SupportAllocation < ApplicationRecord
has_many :support_sessions
has_many :support_rates
class SupportRate < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :support_allocation
I've created an Active Admin resource for Invoice where I'd like to do some calculations:
ActiveAdmin.register Invoice do
index do
column 'Reference', :reference, :sortable => 'invoices.reference'
column 'Raised', :created_at, :sortable => 'invoices.created_at' do |invoice|
column 'Due by', :due_by, :sortable => 'invoices.due_by'
column :value do |invoice|
# The next line retrieves an array of SupportRate(s) associated with this SupportSession on this invoice
invoice.support_session.support_allocation.support_rates.each do |support_rate|
# If the current SupportSession's support_type matches the SupportRate's support_type
if support_rate.support_type == invoice.support_session.support_type
# Do some calculations based on the support_rate.price attribute, plus some other bits I've omitted
# The next line returns the correct price but obviously it's too clumsy and doesn't do the match on support_type
# invoice.support_session.support_allocation.support_rates[0].price
I can see that data is being retrieved correctly. I can also see it is an array. But if I try to do anything with it, e.g. print out support_rate.price within my 'If' condition, I just get (e.g. for the first record):
[#<SupportRate id: 3, support_type: "mentoring", price: 0.3e2, support_allocation_id: 2>, #<SupportRate id: 13, support_type: "study_skills", price: 0.45e2, support_allocation_id: 2>]
In this specific example, the matching support_type was 'study_skills' - I need to use that support_rate's price for my calculations.
I imagine the solution lies in doing some sort of loop through the array or matching rates, as I've attempted? Active Admin doesn't seem to like it though.
Thank you for your help.

I fixed this by calling a query on the associations available (the find_by method):
Invoice.calculate_value(invoice.support_session.support_allocation.support_rates.find_by(support_type: invoice.support_session.support_type).price
I remembered that an association is an object so inherits all the usual query methods available to it.
In order to do the necessary calculations, I just created a custom function that I hand the values to, it then returns a calculated value:
column :value do |invoice|
Invoice.calculate_value(invoice.support_session.support_allocation.support_rates.find_by(support_type: invoice.support_session.support_type).price, invoice.support_session.rounded_duration_mins)


How to display Parent record with total number of its Child record in rails

class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user, foreign_key: :creator_id
belongs_to :deal_task, foreign_key: :relation_id
class DealTask < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :attachments, foreign_key: :relation_id
I have parent table called DealTask and child table called Attachment
I want a list of DealTask records with associated total number of attachments do |deal_task|
slice(:id, :name).
merge!(total_attachment: deal_task.attachments.count)
Or, if you don't care about indifferent access and you don't mind having all the DealTask attributes, you can write this with on a single line:{|deal_task| deal_task.attributes.merge!(total_attachments: deal_task.attachments.count)}
Breaking it down... do |deal_task|
Is going to return an array. The array will contain the results of the do block.
Gives you the attributes of each deal_task in a hash that can be access with strings or symbols (thus, "indifferent_access").
slice(:id, :name)
Keeps only the :id and :name of the deal_task hash.
merge!(total_attachments: deal_task.attachments.count)
Adds the attachments count to your hash with the key total_attachments.
Results should look something like:
{id: 1, name: 'name1', total_attachments: 12},
{id: 2, name: 'name2', total_attachments: 3}
I found the best solution for Parent child relationship count
counter_cache: true
because all above queries take too much time to load from database
so you all must prefer to use this
1-> Add one column in Parent table called DealTask
rails g migration AddAttachmentsCountToDealTask attachments_count:integer
2-> Open Migration add Edit it
class AddAttachmentCountToDealTask < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
def up
add_column :deal_tasks, :attachments_count, :integer, default: 0
DealTask.find_each do |deal_task|
DealTask.reset_counters, :attachments
def down
remove_column :deal_tasks, attachments_count
So when you rollback the migration it will not raise an error or exception
you can also use any loop instead of using
find_each, DealTask.all.each do...end
but yes, While resetting counter Must use class name like
3-> Set Counter cache
class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :deal_task, foreign_key: :relation_id, counter_cache: true
class DealTask < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :attachments, foreign_key: :relation_id
suppose name of your model is sub_tasks than your counter_cache column must be
if you want your own column name than you have to specify that column name in counter_cache
suppose column name is total_subtasks than
belongs_to :deal_task, foreign_key: :relation_id, counter_cache: :total_subtasks
and make changes accordingly for updating counter_cache
now when you Add any Attachment, attachments_count column increase by 1 and this is done automatically by **counter_cache
one Problem is there
** when you delete any child counter_cache is unable to decrease **
so for that solution make a callback
class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :deal_task, foreign_key: :relation_id, counter_cache: true
before_destroy :reset_counter
def reset_counter
DealTask.reset_counters(, :attachments)
so when you delete any attachments it will reset countet_cache for its Parent by relation_id which is parent_id or Foreign_key for attachments
for more info
see video on Railscast counter cache 23
Try this { |deal_task| deal_task.attachments.ids }.count
DealTask.first.attachments.count #This will give count of attachemenets
#To show all records and all the count
DealTask.find_each do |dt|
print dt.inspect
print "\n"
print dt.attachments.count
DealTask.joins(:attachments).select("deal_tasks.*, count( as count").group("")
For much nicer format
.select(",, count( as attachments")
#This will gve you something like
{"id"=>34332630, "name"=>"some name", "attachments"=>1},
{"id"=>71649461, "name"=>"some name", "attachments"=>1}
This will be lot faster as you get all data in a single query

return the count for element in a has_many relationships

i have 2 models one is listing and user
user has_many listings
listing belongs_to user
i have a view setup , i want to display for each user their own listings count ,i try this code :
<% User.all.each do |user| %>
<%= user.listings.count %>
<% end %>
i want to grab the listing count for each user . i found a bunch of solution here , all return the loop .other solutions i tried is to create a class method .
def count_listings
Listing.where(:user_id =>
try to call this way <%= User.count_listings%> it doesn't work .
for some reason there something i'm missing ,can't quite figure it out .
The :counter_cache option can be used to make finding the number of belonging objects more efficient. Consider these models:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :customer
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :orders
With these declarations, asking for the value of #customer.orders.size requires making a call to the database to perform a COUNT(*) query. To avoid this call, you can add a counter cache to the belonging model:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :customer, counter_cache: true
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :orders
With this declaration, Rails will keep the cache value up to date, and then return that value in response to the size method.
Although the :counter_cache option is specified on the model that includes the belongs_to declaration, the actual column must be added to the associated model. In the case above, you would need to add a column named orders_count to the Customer model. You can override the default column name if you need to:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :customer, counter_cache: :count_of_orders
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :orders
Counter cache columns are added to the containing model's list of read-only attributes through attr_readonly.
source: Rails guide on associations
..scroll down to options of belongs_to
If all you need is what you show in the example you can do it better as follows
<% do |user, count| %>
<%= "user: #{user} has #{count} listings" %>
<% end %>
This does a single query to the database and fetches only what you need.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, user_id AS user_id FROM `listings` GROUP BY user_id
and returns a hash like:
1: 123,
2: 231
#{ user_id: count }

Rails: How do fetch, then iterate over all child (+child, etc) models of a parent model?

Is there a way to easily and efficiently fetch the corresponding (child) models of a parent model and then render it in a template? I would like to know how to do it with and without joins
For Example, Consider these 3 tables:
# ProductGroup is the highest parent
class ProductGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :merchant_id
has_many :product_items
has_many :product_group_selections
# ProductItem is a child of ProductGroup
class ProductItem < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :base_price, :name, :product_group_id
belongs_to :product_group
# ProductGroupSelection is a child of ProductGroup
class ProductGroupSelection < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :price_extra, :product_attr_group_id, :product_item_id
belongs_to :product_group
has_many :product_group_selection_attrs
# ProductGroupSelectionAttr is a child of ProductGroupSelection
class ProductGroupSelectionAttr < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :product_group_id
belongs_to :product_group_selection
What I want is a data-structure that looks like this (when searching product_groups for merchant_id = 1)
merchant_id 1 => {, ProductGroup.merchant_id,
ProductItems => [...],
ProductGroupSelections => {, ProductGroupSelectionAttrs => [...]}
This way I can loop through, in-turn, all groups and their sub models to generate a form using ERB.
Thank you
When iterating over a collection of records that in turn have collections you'll run into the infamous N+1 query. Essentially for every ProductGroup you would run a query to pull back all of it's ProductItem records. And worse if your working with 2 levels of relations.
To make this work more efficiently you want to make use of includes which ActiveRecord defines as a means of eager loading associations in as few queries as possible.
ProductGroup.includes(:product_items).includes(:product_group_selections => :product_group_selection_attrs)
From there you simply add on any conditions you need and whatever gets loaded for ProductGroup will ensure that all of the associated models also get loaded.
Now you just iterate normally over your associations. Assuming #product_groups is has a collection of ProductGroup
#product_groups.each do |product_group|
# do stuff with product_group
product_group.product_items.each do |product_item|
# do stuff with product_item
product_group.product_group_selections do |product_group_selection|
# do stuff with product_group_selection
product_group_selection.product_group_selection_attrs do |product_group_selection_attr|
# do stuff with product_group_selection_attr
The default way that rails sets up associations should fulfill the data structure you asked for, just with actual records instead of a hash of hashes, which you would need to load anyway to create the hash of hashes.
Maybe something like this:
class ProductGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
# I have no idea what to call this method
def merchant_data
{:name =>, :merchant_id => self.merchant_id, :items => self.product_items, :selections => self.product_group_selections}
Inside of your controller you would have something like:
def merchant_search
#product_group = ProductGroup.find_by_merchant_id(params[:merchant_id})
#merchant_data = #product_group.merchant_data
##merchant_data => {:name=>"...", :merchant_id=> 1, :items=>[....], :selections=>[..]}
Simply make use of the hash inside your view similar to how you would work with any other instance variable, only this time with a Hash. For instance if you wanted to loop through all the items inside of the returned data structure simply:
#merchant_data[:items].each {|item| ... }

:counter_cache for total items

I hava a simple set of two related tables of an 'order' that has many 'line_items'. There is also a quantity associated to a line item, e.g.
line_item a: 'basket weaving for beginners', quantity: 3
line_item b: 'a dummies guide to vampirism', quantity: 1
When I establish the migration I can include the quantity using:
Order.find(:all).each do |o|
o.update_attribute :line_items_count,
which gives me the correct number of items (4), but I don't appear to be able to do it on the Order model because I'm unable to pass in the quantity of line items, and so it just counts the number of line items (2).
So in the line_item model I have:
belongs_to :order, :counter_cache => true
Is there any way I can specify the quantity so that it correctly says 4 instead of 2?
The 'counter_cache` feature to meant to maintain the count(not the sum) of dependent items.
You can easily achieve this by writing few lines of ruby code.
Let us assume that you have a column called line_items_sum in your orders table. The value of this column should default to 0.
class AddLineItemsSumToOrder < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :orders, :line_items_sum, :integer, :default => 0
def self.down
remove_column :orders, :line_items_sum
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :line_items
Now add the callback to the LineItem class.
class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_numericality_of :quantity
belongs_to :order
after_save :update_line_items_sum
def update_line_items_sum
return true unless quantity_changed?
:line_items_sum => (quantity - (quantity_was || 0))
return true
I think your best bet would be to write your own method for caching the total quantity. If you don't follow the "Rails way" for keeping the counter, you're better off writing your own.

Rails: Getting random product within several categories

I have a question about random entries in Rails 3.
I have two models:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
Product.find :first, :offset => ( Product.count * ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.random_number ).to_i
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products
I'm able to get a random product within all products using an random offset castet to int. But I want also be able to get random products WITHIN several given categories. I tried something like this, but this doesn't work, because of the offset index:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
self.random cat=["Mac", "Windows"]
joins(:categories).where(:categories => { :name => cat }).where(:first, :offset => ( Product.count * ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.random_number ).to_i)
Anybody here who knows a better solution?
You could try and simplify this a little:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.random(cat = nil)
cat ||= %w[ Mac Windows ]
joins(:categories).where(:categories => { :name => cat }).offset(ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.random_number(self.count)).first
Rails 3 has a lot of convenient helper methods like offset and first that can reduce the number of arguments you need to pass to the where clause.
If you're having issues with the join, where the number of products that match is smaller than the number of products in total, you need to use ORDER BY RAND() instead. It's actually not that huge a deal performance wise in most cases and you can always benchmark to make sure it works for you.
the offset happens after the order, so you can add .order('rand()') then you will be getting random elements from multiple categories. but since the order is random you also do not need offset anymore. so just:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
self.random cat=["Mac", "Windows"]
joins(:categories).where(:categories => { :name => cat }).order('rand()').first
