Where i get Fulfillment URL? - google-assistant-sdk

I have tried to create action in google assistance.
I am already adding the name of smart home action and account linking step.
The next step is to add the Fulfillment URL? Where I get this address?
If I want to add action like Light 1, 2,3 on or off where I want to include these details?

The fulfillment URL is the publicly accessible URL that the Google Assistant will call to send commands to turn on and off a bulb, and request service details like the devices that a given user may have.
You should visit and read the smart home documentation to understand how to process the requests and generate responses. You should also check out the sample project to understand how all the pieces fit together.


Direct links to Twilio Console resources within sub-accounts

Is it possible to create URLs that point to the Twilio Console page for a specific resource (e.g. a Call or a Conversation), even if that resource exists in a sub-account?
My use case is a back-office web app where I would like to give users the option to easily open up the Twilio resources corresponding to our entities&processes. I'm currently trying it with URLs like these:
This works for resources in one sub-account, but not others (confusingly regardless of which sub-account was "active" in the Console before opening the link). For channels/conversations, I'm getting a Console page with error messages; for calls it's a 502/Bad Gateway error 😮
Is there any way to supply the sub-account ID as a parameter to URLs like the above?
This is, as of now, not possible.
PS: Maybe the Twilio API can help you to retrieve and display the required information in your web app.

How can my slack custom command produce /remind me like links

I am writting a custom slack command that implements a
task manager like interface (I know ... there are many out there :-), mine interfaces with odesk/upwork to outsource my micro-tasks :-) ) .
Anyway, I like a lot how the /remind command included Complete Delete etc links in its output to facilitate subsequent interactions with the user that entered the command and I am trying to figure out how to do the same trick.
What I have thought so far is to include links in my output that are ... GET /slack-link?method=POST&token=xxx&team_id=xx&command=.. ie carry in their query string the complete json payload that slack would have produced from a normal custom command. slack-link acts as a "proxy" whose sole role is to submit a POST back to my normal slack endpoint. I can even reuse the same response_url for these command-links.
I have not tried it but I think these URLs will just open another window so that path wont exactly work...
Has anybody tried something like that before?
As you've learned, those are currently only available to built-in commands. However, as I was curious and wanted to know how those are done, I looked in the API and found out that the URLs are just formatted normally but have a special "protocol":
You asked me to remind you to “test”.
​_<slack-action://BSLACKBOT/reminders/complete/D01234567/1234//0/0/5678|Mark as complete>
or remind me later: <slack-action://BSLACKBOT/reminders/snooze/D01234567/1234//0/0/5678/15|15 mins> [...]
Clicking on such a link results in an API request to method chat.action, with the following parameters:
payload: reminders/complete/D01234567/1234//0/0/5678
token: xoxs-tokenhere-nowayiampostingithere
So it looks like those URLs have three parts:
<slack-action://BSLACKBOT/reminders/complete/[...]|Mark as complete>
slack-action://: the "protocol" like prefix to let Slack know this is a chat action URL.
BSLACKBOT: the bot which (who?) will receive the payload. Can only be a bot user and the ID must start with B, or the API request will fail with invalid_bot.
the rest of the URL: the payload that gets passed to the bot. It doesn't look like this is parsed nor handled specially by Slack.
This is actually not a new feature, since they used to have API URLs back in late 2013 or early 2014 (I don't remember precisely) which they removed for "security reasons".
It could be interesting to see if we can use chat actions with custom bots, and if so, what we could do with it.
I got the answer from Slack support:
In regard to your original question: currently Slack doesn't provide
the ability to embed 'action' links in our custom integrations. Only
built-in features like /remind can utilize these at the moment. For
external services, you'll need to link to a URL that opens in an
external web browser.
We do hope to provide a similar function for custom integrations in
the future, allowing for interactive messages.

How to integrate BurstSMS API into asp.NET application?

I have situation that if anyone send SMS to my virtual number(CallerID) the BurstSMS API will call my handler which get the response from query string and proceed further.
So, I want to know only that ,how and which things needed to integrate the BurstSMS API in my APS.NET application.
I couldn't find the information from the documentation of API site and as well as not any article on the google.
Thanks in advance.
This is what you need to do.
Log in to your account
Go to Messaging -> Keywords
Click Edit from the Actions column of the campaign you would like to receive responses for
In the form which pops up fill in the "Send Response to URL" field with a URL to a script on your server which can process the responses, e.g. www.clienturl.com/sms.php
Click Save
From then on we will forward all SMSes for that campaign to your script with an HTTP GET request. For example, if you send "Property 25" to your longcode, we will call
From that you can see the parameters we use.
You could also add other parameters your own reference such as the longcode or an internal client id by using a different URL in the "Send Response to URL" field, e.g.
In which case we would send to you
Source burstsms

Its possible to set fields values of a site and submit then with a Programing Language?

I have this site:
And I want to put info in the fields values and submit then, to get the next page and navigate in that site. Thats because I want to create an android app or something like that. Im using lua in first case, with luasocket(http).
I know that the input has its names, but I dont know how to set then and send then to the server. If someone can help me with this.
Thank you.
You can use POST method with luasocket. See the official documentation and a detailed example in this SO answer.
Since you seem to be doing authentication, you'll probably need to save the cookie value returned to you as part of the login response and then pass that cookie back to the server (otherwise your subsequent requests will fail as the server will reject those requests as non-authenticated).
Since you are sending this over https, you'll need to use LuaSec, which provides ssl.https module as replacement for the http module that luasocket provides. You may check my blog post for some example of how this can be done.

Using non Google Analytics tag in URL alongside regular Google Analytics tags

I'm having some issues with Google Analytics URL parameters. Prviously I've built URLs with the Google Analytics URL Builder. these have enabled me to track where visitors to my site have been coming from, how successful various marketing campaigns have been etc.
Recently, I've started using another tag in the URL, one which has nothing to do with Google Analytics, but acts to alter the telephone number on my site when the visitor arrives on it. For example, I'll add &ctcc=adwords onto the end of my tracking URL, and a specified phone number will appear on my site when the user comes through so I can track how many calls my adwords spend has generated.
However, when I've been using this ctcc code, Google Analytics no longer seems to be tracking the traffic numbers to my site :(
Any idea how I can incorporate the two parameters into the URl, and ensure that they both work as expected?
Thanks in advance
It looks like this is a problem with how your server is redirecting traffic with a ctcc query parameter. Look at the following request and its response headers:
So the ctcc parameter is used in some server side tracking (as best as I can tell), and the server is set up to redirect & strip ctcc whenever it gets a request with ctcc. Not being familiar with the system in use, I can't provide details, but you need to reconfigure the redirects to stop changing & into ;. It's the replacement of ampersands with semicolons that is messing up your GA data.
