I am using Spyder 4.0 beta 4. I would like to know how to exclude files (__pycache__, source control files, etc.) from projects using any kind of text pattern. Under Tools > Preferences > Files, I tried unchecking the box for "Show all files", and it had no effect, even after restarting Spyder and creating a fresh project. Is there any way to exclude or ignore file name patterns in Spyder projects?
(Spyder maintainer here) I think there's no such option right now. Please open an issue in our issue tracker, so we don't forget to do it before the final release of Spyder 4.
I'm wondering why my Visual Studio missing "Remove unused references" on right click menu project and references both.
Please Don't tell me try Migrate packages.config to PackageReference, I just did it, but nothing change.
First of all you need to have an SDK style csproj like it is said here.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"/>
Second, you must have it enabled like #Stan1k mentioned in his answer:
Microsoft says that the feature is off by default. You need to enable it from Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced tab > Show "Remove Unused References" command in Solution Explorer (experimental).
And finally make sure you you run dotnet restore in the project console and build the projects (this was the issue for my why it was not showing).
Do you have an older Visual Studio Version? This Feature got released with Version 16.10.
Also notice this statement from the article
Microsoft says that the feature is off by default. You need to enable it from Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced tab.
The option appears in Options>C#>Advanced and is on. When you right click on project the option does not appear making me think all references are being used. Perhaps depends on the project.
This utility was available for VB projects up until around VS2015 I think, maybe VS2013, then it got removed or limited for some reason. I've never seen it available in C# projects. And now it's not even available for VB unless your have an SDK project type. It's a bit ridiculous because often downgrading a NuGet package (eg RestSharp) will leave a load of "reference rubble" which you have to (carefully) clean up.
As an aside, whenever I install a new version of VS, it seems that much of their effort goes into UI look and feel rather than actual functionality improvements. Quite frustrating.
For a project I'd like to use an existing website as a base for a cordova app. My project setup looks as follows:
One Solution with two projects
A ASP.NET webservice project (with website aka html/js/css)
An tools for apache cordova project
I don't want to copy the html/js/css files from the website on every build. Instead, I thought I could get away with some kind of a link to the www-folder in the ASP.NET project. I tried several approaches:
Creating a filesystem link (tried 'mklink' with parameters /D and /J - /H is not working for directories
Editing the .jsproj file and add a tag to link to the other project's www-folder
The second approach didn't work at all. Just got some weird errors when trying to load the project again (saying something about file duplicates).
The first approach worked a little bit: It is working, when targeting the windows platform. It is NOT working, when targeting iOS.
When targeting iOS, everything is copied just fine to the platforms\ios folder (read, all the content of the linked www folder is copied to the platforms\ios\www folder). But it is not copied correctly to the remote build tool on Mac OS X! It really just copies the directory link as a file. Remotebuild then failes with a 'missing www directory in top level' message.
Any suggestions how to add a link so the content is copied (instead of the actual link)?
Is there a way to take detailed influence on the build process for specific platforms?
Is there a way to create a hardlink to a directory in windows? What are the drawbacks?
I'd really like to avoid copying the files on build (which would be simple enough with a prebuild script), because there's a high risk of loosing changes made while debugging.
I'm aware that setting a link is also not the best solution, since it has to be done per machine and can't be checked in to a version control system. So, if somebody knows of a better aproach to handle my scenario, let me know.
I work on the Tools for Apache Cordova in Visual Studio at Microsoft.
I'm sorry but VS-TAC does not support add as link. To prevent confusion we removed the option in update 3.
The best solution I can give you is to copy files from one project to another. Another user asked this question a week ago and came up with a hacky solution. Please see this for more information:
VS2015 typescript cordova add as a link
Sorry for the trouble and thank you for the feedback!
I copied my grails app to another computer and now .gsp files do not open in the editor. They also show a G icon with an arrow next to them. Dragging and dropping or double clicking do nothing. Updating intellij didn't help either
As Dónal mentioned, Grails is not one of the frameworks supported by IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (you need the Ultimate Edition). You can view the feature comparison here.
Hi I am probably answering now when u no longer need the answer but I bumped into the same issue yesterday and only solved it now. There are chances that you associated the .gsp file type with a program which cannot be opened by intellij in your case GOSU. To fix it go to: File>Settings>Editor>File Types
In the file types go to Gosu Program Source and *.gsp should be in the registered patterns. Remove it and apply changes then you are good to go.
Re-installing community version fixed and gsp files now open in the editor
I am trying to install opencv in windows. The manual (secn 1.4) says "choose a build [e.g. vs2010, win32] and download", but there is only the full executable file available (for 2.4.2). So I downloaded that file, which then expanded into several directories. However, this directory list does not match what is shown under item 7 of the section - mainly the "bin" directory is missing. So I guess something more has to be done besides just clicking on the executable.
Under "build" dir, I see x86/vc10/bin (I am guessing that vc10 stands for visual c++ 2010). But how do I install these and link visual studio 2010 with it? The manual only says to setup "OPENCV_DIR" variable which should have "bin" under it, but I dont have that.
This seems like a real problem any new user would face with opencv installation. Any correct instructions and link available on how to install for windows+visual studio 2010?
Updates: Full solution posted below.
After much experimentation, I have got opencv-2.4.2(win-exe) + vstudio2010-express working together. Thanks to Abid, for providing a helpful link, an additional helpful link is http://blog.hcilab.org/bastian/2012/06/installing-opencv-2-4-windows-7-visual-studio
Here is the full list of steps:
set system var OPENCV_DIR = install_dir\build
set system var TBBROOT = tbb_install_dir
path += ;%OPENCV_DIR%\x86\vc10\bin;%TBBROOT%\bin\ia32\vc10
create empty project: File->New->Project->Win32ConsoleApp
add the following items in project->Properties:
ConfigProperties->VC++Dirs->Include: $(OPENCV_DIR)\include;$(TBBROOT)\include
Linker->General->AdditionalLibDirs: $(OPENCV_DIR)\x86\vc10\lib;$(TBBROOT)\lib\ia32\vc10
Linker->Input->AdditionalDeps: add lib items from opencv and tbb (in Debug and Release modes).
for details of which files to include, see http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_visual_studio_Opencv/windows_visual_studio_Opencv.html#windows-visual-studio-how-to
download image-display test file from above site, save it in the project dir. But the Test.cpp in that page requires more inputs, so it does not work easily. Instead, use the code from http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/introduction/display_image/display_image.html#display-image
Properties->ConfigProps->Debugging->CommandArgs: mention file name to be loaded
Tools->Option->Debugging->Symbol->MS-Server=yes (this removes most of the "PDB not found" errors)
Tools->Settings->ExpertSettings=on (this also removes some errors)
copy tbb_debug.dll and tbb.dll from TBBROOT\bin\ia32\vc10 to the project dir (I dont know why these are not automatically picked up with the settings done above)
Ctrl+F5 to run (start without debugging)
i think your installation is OK. just need to configure with VS
in Project Properties > C/C++ >
Add Additional Include Directory: C:\opencv\build\include;C:\opencv\build\include\opencv
C/C++ > Linker > Input add Additional Dependencies :
and more if needed
add OPENCV_DIR environment variable with value C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin
more detail follow this OpenCV 2.1 with MS Visual Studio
I am migrating projects from XE to XE2 and I have noticed that I am missing my manually entered version information such as Company Name, Product Version etc. Creating a simple empty VCL forms applications I see that data typed in for version info under 'All configurations - All Platforms' disappears when you then select for example 'Release configuration - 32-bit Windows platform'. I guess I can go through the platforms re-entering my info but what is going on here? One would expect the 'All configurations - All Platforms' info to propagate across all platforms unless overriden, just like compiler options etc, or am I missing something?
Further note - As I investigate further, I see that there is a work around using DDevExtensions which adds a menu option under 'Project'. If you check the boxes at the bottom 'Apply to Selected' and 'Apply VersionInfo to all platforms' then you can get the displayed version info copied to all platforms without affecting the other projects in your group.
This is still an issue in build #16.0.4429.46931. However, I found that I can eliminate the problem by opening the project's "dproj" file and delete all of the <VerInfo_Keys> elements except for the base property group (<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Base)'!=''">). Doing this allows the "All configurations - All platforms" version information to be inherited to the different build and platform configurations without any need to duplicate.
It seems to be a bug in XE2 that causes version info not to be propagated from higher to lower levels. The QC I opened on this issue (99428) was closed on 7th November and marked as "resolved in build 16.0.4256.43595".
For production use (when we switch to XE2), I will be using FinalBuilder to get the version info correct, but I await the fix, hopefully in the next month or so, in order to get IDE builds to match the real versioning from FB. But in the mean time I will try your suggestion of using the fix pack...
I believe there is a ‘bug’ in the version information stuff where its putting multiple version configurations into the .djproj file in the project folder.
It seems to be ok if you change the Target to ALL Configurations the very first time you open it up in Delphi XE2. Then once it has loaded drop down the target and click only on the bold entries to copy down the version info. If you accidentally click on a non bold entry the text is set to the default and is made permanent in the .dsproj file.
I have fixed this by doing the following - you will need to mod the details as necessary I suggest you just look at the file first - it is usually obvious what it happening.
1) Copy the project .dsproj file then Open the projects .dsproj file in notepad
2) Locate the first occurance of it will be around line 40.
3) Copy and paste this bit above it.
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Base)'!=''">
LegalCopyright=2012 xxxxxx Services;LegalTrademarks=**xxxx**;
4) Replace the starred entries with the information from further down in the file– if you cant find the icon you will need to add it again although I have found that in most of my projects it is in the folder as a separate .ico
5) You can then remove all the other original property group entries right down to :
"The QC I opened on this issue (99428) was closed on 7th November and marked as "resolved in build 16.0.4256.43595".
Alas this is not fixed as of the latest version 16.0.4358.45540
If you migrate a project from an earlier version of Delphi, it'll create version resources at 'All configurations' level containing the copy of the older configuration. This is good.
It'll proceed to completely ignore it - this is really really bad. We didn't notice until quite late in testing that all our executable files were being built with no copyright and trademark information - it was simply being ignored.
The only solution is to hand edit all the dproj files as above. Really it needs someone to write a tool to fix this.. it's fairly mechanical & I wish I had the time.
FinalBuilder sounds nice, but $3.5k for a license on top of the $2k per developer for XE2 would give our accountant a heart attack...
I've created an application, which will remove child build config version info after conversion...
When I open an old project I then close it and run the tool.
This will ensure the version info to be properly inherited (Update 4 does not resolve this).