Concatenate file name in pipeline steps script - jenkins

I am trying to concatenate a file name by appending strings and the build number within the steps script in my Jenkinsfile and then pass it to create a zipFile, but the environment build number does not get recognized in the concatenated string. What is the correct syntax?
stage ('Publish Reports') {
steps {
script {
def fileName = "reportFiles/" + '${env.BUILD_NUMBER}' + ".zip"
zip zipFile: fileName, archive: false, dir: 'target/site/main'
With this syntax, the fileName gets saved as:
instead of the actual build number, for example :

Actually, i found a resolution of the issue, it was a silly syntax error. The correct declaration was:
def fileName = "reportFiles/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.zip"


Special charts in yaml key: Pipeline Utility Steps

I am using the Pipeline Utility Steps to read and updated the yaml files in my repo. However there is one key (chart-name) which has "-" (not "_", I know this is not preferred but its there). Now the problem i am facing is that "-" is considered as "binary expression" and its giving the error.
script {
def filename = "values.yaml"
def data = readYaml file: filename
data.chart-name.image.image = "imange name"
sh "rm $filename"
writeYaml file: filename, data: data
(data.chart - name.image.ports.containerPort) is a binary expression, but it should be a variable expression at line: 96 column: 51. File: WorkflowScript # line 96, column 51.
name.image.ports.containerPort = "${param
You can use the quotation syntax for accessing Map-like objects in Groovy, e.g.:
data.'chart-name'.image.image = "image name"
Of course, you might want to make sure nothing on that chain returns a null value...

Jenkins : [parameterized-trigger] Properties file

I am using "Parameterized Trigger Plugin" to trigger child job. I am using "parametres from properties file" and in the "Use properties from file" in need to pass the name of the file as a variable...I get this error.
[parameterized-trigger] Properties file $propeties_file did not exist.
enter image description here
If you click on the ? you will see the usage / syntax for the property file:
Comma seperated list of absolute or relative paths to file(s) that
contains the parameters for the new project. Relative paths are
originated from the workspace. The file should have KEY=value pairs,
one per line (Java properties file format). Backslashes are used for
escaping, so use "\\" for a single backslash. Current build
paramenters and/or environment variables can be used in form: ${PARAM}
or $PARAM.
So your file needs to exist and you should put the path to the file to where you are putting your $properties_file - I don't believe it will accept a variable, you should put the file name in there.
A sample pipeline to trigger parameterize build using parameters from the properties file
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('S1') {
steps {
echo 'In S1'
sh '''
echo "param1=value1" >
echo "param2=value2" >>
steps {
script {
def props = readProperties file:"${WORKSPACE}/"
build job: 'called_job', parameters: props.collect {string(name: it.key, value: it.value)}

Cannot replace line after string match in jenkins pipeline using variables

I need to replace a line in a file. If the line starts with the term "url", I need to replace the value.
file.txt --
url :
I need to change this value to
url :
I tried the following code but it did not work -
sh("sed -i \\"s?^url.*\\$?url: ${FACEBOOK_URL}?\\" file.txt")
I'm using a Jenkins Pipeline. I need to replace the string using a variable.
Jenkins 2 Pipeline builds use Groovy and it is very easy to read the file using readfile and then we can do the changes
def text = readFile "file.txt"
text.replaceAll("url.*", "url: ${FACEBOOK_URL}")
The above code will help in replacing the text in the file, if you want to write the content to file, you can use writeFile
You can use this for replacing a string in a file in Jenkins 2 Pipeline builds:
def text = readFile file: "file.txt"
text = text.replaceAll("%version%", "${VERSION}")
writeFile file: "file.txt", text: text

Jenkins...Modify XML Tag value in xml file using Groovy in Jenkins

I am using jenkins for automated deployment.
I needs to modify xml tag value in xml file using groovy script. I am using below groovy code. When I try to edit xml tag value I am receiving error unclassified field xml.uti.node error.
Node xml = xmlParser.parse(new File("c:/abc/test.xml"))[0] = ''
FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter("c:/abc/test.xml")
XmlNodePrinter nodePrinter = new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(fileWriter))
I need to modify host tag value and host is available inside DeployerServer tag.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Here is the script, comments in-line:
//Create file object
def file = new File('c:/abc/test.xml')
//Parse it with XmlSlurper
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parse(file)
//Update the node value using replaceBody[0].replaceBody ''
//Create the update xml string
def updatedXml = groovy.xml.XmlUtil.serialize(xml)
//Write the content back
I was wanting to read / manipulate the CSProj file and NUSPEC files in a Pipeline script. I could not get passed the parseText() without the dreaded "SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog".
There are quite a few threads about this error message. What wasn't clear is that both CSProj and NUSPEC files are UTF-8 with BOM - BUT this is invisible!
To make it worse I've been trying to automate the NUSPEC file creation, and there is no way I can tell the tools to change file encoding.
The answers above helped solve my issue, and once I added code to look for 65279 as the first character (and deleted it). I could then parse the XML and carry out the above.
There didn't seem to be good thread to put this summary on, so added it to a thread about Jenkins, Groovy & XML files which is where I found this "known Java" issue.
I used powershell to do this change in app.config file.
My problem was with passwords. So, I created a Credential, in jenkins, to store the password.
If you do not need to work with credential, just remove the withCredentials section
Here is part of my jenkinsfile:
def appConfigPath = "\\server\folder\app.config"
stage('Change App.Config'){
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'CREDENTIAL_NAME', variable: 'PWD')]) {
powershell(returnStdout: true, script: '''
Function swapAppSetting {
param([string]$key,[string]$value )
$obj = $doc.configuration.appSettings.add | where {$_.Key -eq $key }
$obj.value = $value
$webConfig = "'''+appConfigPath+'''"
$doc = [Xml](Get-Content $webConfig)
Don`t forget to update your powershell. (minimum version 3)

Getting original filename from Jenkins pipeline file upload

I am creating a Jenkins pipeline job that asks for a file from user to upload.
Here is the snippet:
stage('Upload a file') {
def inFile = input id: 'file1', message: 'Upload a file', parameters: [file(name: 'data.tmp', description: 'Choose a file')]
sh "echo \\\"Uploaded ${inFile}\\\""
When I uploaded a zip file "", this original filename is lost and is renamed to "data.tmp", which is what I obtain from the variable inFile.
Other things that I tried that didn't work (I know some of them are silly):
file(name: '')
file(description: '')
Do you know if it's possible to get the original filename when uploading a file using Jenkins pipeline input step?
As far as I can tell, you can't do this right now.
See this code in Jenkins - the original file name is simply not available in the FilePath object that gets returned by the input step:
