SingleValueExtendedProperty is propagated only when room accept the event - microsoft-graph-api

I'm doing some code that book meeting rooms integrated with Outlook Office 365.
I'm using Microsoft Graph to do that and my solution requires some extended properties that are used in many functionalities.
My problem is:
When I update the extended properties of some event in the owner's calendar, the change doesn't propagate to the room copy of the event. The extended property is propagated only when the room needs to accept the event again (e.g. start date changes).
Piece of code I'm using to update event:
Event toUpdate = new Event
Id = eventData.EventId,
SingleValueExtendedProperties = new EventSingleValueExtendedPropertiesCollectionPage()
new SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty
Id = "String {00020329-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} Name SkipBookingCancellation",
Value = "True"
await calendarService
It's kinda strange because when I create the event in the owner's calendar, it is propagated through rooms correctly, but when I update the extended property, it works on the original event but it doesn't affect the room's copy (unless the room needs to accept the event again).
Perhaps Graph is missing that old functionality of EWS that informs to the update method to force sending the invitations again, SendInvitationsOrCancellationsMode.SendToAllAndSaveCopy.


Create Microsoft Graph Api Subscription for accept/reject meeting event by attendees

In my project, I have created Rest API project to create subscription and to listen notification from Microsoft Graph API.
I want subscription for following things:
When I create meeting room event then I want to get notification if any attendees accept/reject that meeting room event.
If whole meeting event is cancelled or moves to another time slot or added any new attendees.
I was expecting all above gets covered by following code but it is not :
var subscription = new Subscription
ChangeType = "updated,deleted",
NotificationUrl = $"{_notificationHost}/listen",
Resource = "me/events",
ClientState = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
IncludeResourceData = false,
// Subscription only lasts for one hour
ExpirationDateTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1)
It does not send notification when accept or reject done by attendee with 'Do not send a response'. How I can get notification for this?
I managed both scenarios :
I am getting notification for attendees's reject/approve response on my listen api : NotificationUrl = $"{_notificationHost}/listen",
If new attendess added/removed or meeting time change or meeting cancelled then also we can get notification in Listen api.

Graph Subscriptions Beta - AdditionalData

in the Graph Beta Subscriptions API, there is a property that can be set or got on the Subscription object called AdditionalData.
I am trying to use this when creating a subscription to transport data that will be sent back with change notifications and provide more context to my task.
I am finding though that even though I set the property, it does not keep my added dictionary items but replaces with its own additional data.
Not sure if I am using this property for something that I shouldn't be or whether this is a bug or am I just setting it wrong? I am doing something like this:
var subscription = new Subscription
Resource = $"users/{userObjectId}/mailFolders('{resource}')/messages",
ChangeType = "created",
NotificationUrl = notificationWebHookUrl,
LifecycleNotificationUrl = lifecycleNotificationWebHookUrl,
AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "test", "123"} },
ExpirationDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 4200, 0)
The subscription object doesn't support storing additional data. You can have custom data passed back to your notification URL when notifications are being delivered two ways:
You can include some of that data in the clientState, although this property is designed to be used as a security feature, you can put anything you want in there.
Any query string parameter included in the notification URL will be passed back when notifications are being delivered. I just authored a pull request to add that missing information.

Multiple Immutable Id's for same mail message?

I am writing an Office Outlook add-in that has a React frontend and a dotnet core backend. I have set up a subscription using the Graph API to receive notifications when a new email appears on the SentItems folder. I want to correlate the email from the notification with information I have stored in a database.
Unfortunately the item id changes when the email is sent and moves from the Drafts folder into SentItems so it isn't useful for matching.
There is a new ImmutableId that doesn't change when the email is moved between folders. I've been unable to get the Office.js lib to generate an ImmutableId but there is a translateExchangeIds method that when given an email item id will return an immutable id.
// convert to immutable
var translateRequest = new {
inputIds = new string [] { mailMessage.ItemId },
targetIdType = "restImmutableEntryId",
sourceIdType = "restId"
var immutableResponse = await graphClient.PostAsJsonAsync("me/translateExchangeIds", translateRequest);
var immutableId = await immutableResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
I can use that immutable id to retrieve the email message using the Graph request:
await graphClient.GetAsync($"Users/cccccccc-dddd-eeee-ffff-ba0c52e56d99/Messages/AAkALgAAAAAAHYQDEapmEc2byACqAC-EWg0AQ-irLc2NFESKcGAhz1k_GBBDB5JMOwAA/
But the immutable id that is returned with the subscription notification is a different immutable id for the same message. So it's not possible to match the notification mail message with the message info stored in my database. So I still have to attach a custom property to the message for the sole purpose of matching the database entry with the SentItems notification.
Is there a better way to deal with this issue?
Update: my theory is the difference occurs because the immutable id is derived when the item is in different folders? When translating the item id to an immutable id, the item is still in the Drafts folder. When the subscription notification occurs, the item is in the Sent Items folder. The following responses were from queries using the different immutable id's but identify the same message - the myId GUID is a custom property attached to the message and used to correlate the notification with the message info stored in a local database.
We fixed this and now you should see the same ImmutableId for draft and sent messages. Can you try and let us know if this is working as expected?

Google Calendar: Sync recently created calendar within my Google account

I just played around with the Google Calendar Java API within my Scala Webframework and managed to create a new calendar programatically. After that, I create a new event within that calendar.
My problem is, that the event in the new calendar does not seem to be synced with my client devices (my tablet). However, if I create an event in my "primary" calendar, I immediately see the event on all of my devices.
If I go to, the recently created calendar is checked. So actually I would expect all events to be synced on my devices.
I'm using the JAVA API within a Scala context:
def addCalendar(serviceCalendar: = {
val calendar = new Calendar()
calendar.setSummary("test calendar")
//code fragment where a new event is inserted into an existing calendar
val credential = new GoogleCredential().setAccessToken(token.get.value)
val calendar = Auth.getCalendarService(credential)
//create a new test calendar
val testCalendar = addCalendar(calendar)
val event = createEvent
//insert new event into "primary" calendar."primary", event).execute()
//insert event into the new calendar, event).execute()
Both events appear in the Google Calendar web interface. However only the event in the "primary" calendar is synced.
If I look into the "calendar list" of my Android (Samsung S Planner, Android 4.3.) application, I don't see the recently created calendar as "in sync". (The primary calendar is marked as in sync!).
So I guess this is the reason why I see the "primary event" but not the other one. But actually I would expect Google to send some kind of push notification that a new calendar has been added to the account.
Can I enforce that programatically? Or is it simply a matter of time?
Syncselect only influences iCalendar, iOS and other CalDAV clients. It's not used for Android. In there the toggle for calendar syncing is on the device and AFAIK needs to be done manually.

Cloud code - "Execution timed out" during saveAll call in afterSave

I have a messaging Android app providing following feature(s)
to send message direct message to one selected recipient
to create public announcement that all users using the app receive (except author)
each user sees on his phone a list of messages he got
each message is either unread, read, or deleted
I use as back-end
Current implementation
On Android client
When there is a new message, a new messageRequest of the MessageRequest class is created
If the message should be direct, the messageRequest has type 0, otherwise type 1
If the message is direct, there is recipient stored in the messageRequest object
The messageRequest object is stored to
On back-end
In the afterSave of the MessageRequest it is checked if the message is direct or public and based on that
in case of direct message - one new message object of the Message class is created and saved
in case of public announcement - for each user except author, a new message object is created and added to a list of messages, then the list is saved
In both cases, the data like content, type, etc. are copied from messageRequest object into the newly created message object(s).
The reason for creating separate message for each user is that each user can have it in another status (unread, read, deleted).
The status column representing the unread, read, deleted status is set (by unread) for the message object.
When I call the ParseObject.saveAll method in the afterSave of MessageRequest, I get the Execution timed out - Request timed out error
I think the cause is that there are some limits on time in which the request must complete
in cloud code. In my case, I'm creating ca 100 Messages for 1 MessageRequest
This doesn't seem so much to me, but maybe I'm wrong.
Source code
var generateAnnouncement = function(messageRequest, recipients) {
var messageList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) {
var msg = new Message();
msg.set("type", 1);
msg.set("author", messageRequest.get("author"));
msg.set("content", messageRequest.get("content"));
msg.set("recipient", recipients[i]);
msg.set("status", 0)
Parse.Object.saveAll(messageList).then(function(list) {
}, function(error) {
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("MessageRequest", function(request) {
var mr = request.object;
var type = mr.get("type");
if (type == 0) {
} else {
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
query.notEqualTo("objectId", mr.get("author").id);
query.find().then(function(allUsersExceptAuthor) {
generateAnnouncement(mr, allUsersExceptAuthor);
}, function(error) {
How would you suggest to solve this?
Additional thoughts
My only other idea how to solve this is to have only one Message object, and two columns called e.g. viewedBy and deletedFor which would contain lists of users that already viewed the message or have delete the message for them.
In this case, I'm not very sure about the performance of the queries
Also, I know, many of you think Why isn't he using table for splitting the M:N relation between the MessageRequest(which could be actually called Message in that case) and User?
My answer is that I had this solution, but it was harder to work with it in the Android code, more pointers, more includes in queries, etc.
Moreover, I would have to create the same amount of objects representing status for each user in the on back-end anyway, so I think the problem with Execution time out would be the same in the end
Update - mockup representing user's "Inbox"
In the "inbox" user sees both direct messages and public announcements. They are sorted by chronological order.
Update #2 - using arrays to identify who viewed and who marked as deleted
I have just one Message object, via type I identify if it is direct or public
Two array columns were added
viewedBy - containing users that already viewed the message
deletedFor - containing users that marked the message as deleted for them
Then my query for all messages not deleted by currently logged in user looks like this
//direct messages for me
ParseQuery<Message> queryDirect = ParseQuery.getQuery(Message.class);
queryDirect.whereEqualTo("type", 0);
queryDirect.whereEqualTo("recipient", ParseUser.getCurrentUser());
//public announcements
ParseQuery<Message> queryAnnouncements = ParseQuery.getQuery(Message.class);
queryAnnouncements.whereEqualTo("type", 1);
//I want both direct and public
List<ParseQuery<Message>> queries = new ArrayList<ParseQuery<Message>>();
ParseQuery<Message> queryMessages = ParseQuery.or(queries);
//... but only those which I haven't deleted for myself
queryMessages.whereNotEqualTo("deletedFor", ParseUser.getCurrentUser());
//puting them in correct order
//and attaching the author ParseUser object (to get e.g. his name or URL to photo)
queryMessages.findInBackground(new FindCallback<Message>() {/*DO SOMETHING HERE*/});
I would suggest changing your schema to better support public messages.
You should have a single copy of the public message, as there's no changing the message itself.
You should then store just the status for each user if it is anything other than "unread". This would be another table.
When a MessageRequest comes in with type 1, create a new PublicMessage, don't create any status rows as everyone will use the default status of "unread". This makes your afterSave handler work cleanly as it is always creating just one new object, either a Message or a PublicMessage.
As each user reads the message or deletes it, create new PublicMessageStatus row for that user with the correct status.
When showing public messages to a user, you will do two queries:
Query for PublicMessage, probably with some date range
Query for PublicMessageStatus with a filter on user matching the current user and matchesQuery('publicMessage', publicMessageQuery) constraint using a clone of the first query
Client side you'll then need to combine the two to hide/remove those with status "deleted" and mark those with status "read" accordingly.
Update based on feedback
You could choose instead to use a single Message class for public/private messages, and a MessageStatus class to handle status.
Public vs Private would be based on the Message.recipient being empty or not.
To get all messages for the current user:
// JavaScript sample since you haven't specified a language
// assumes Underscore library available
var Message = Parse.Object.extend('Message');
var MessageStatus = Parse.Object.extend('MessageStatus');
var publicMessageQuery = new Parse.Query(Message);
publicMessageQuery.notEqualTo('author', currentUser);
var privateMessageQuery = new Parse.Query(Message);
privateMessageQuery.equalTo('recipient', currentUser);
var messagesQuery = new Parse.Query.or(publicMessageQuery, privateMessageQuery);
// set any other filters to apply to both queries
var messages = [];
messageQuery.find().then(function(results) {
messages = _(results).map(function (message) {
return { message: message, status: 'unread', messageId: message.objectId };
var statusQuery = new Parse.Query(MessageStatus);
statusQuery.containedIn('message', results);
statusQuery.equalTo('user', currentUser);
// process status in order so last applies
}).then(function(results) {
_(results).each(function (messageStatus) {
var messageId = messageStatus.get('message').objectId;
_(messages).findWhere({ messageId: messageId }).status = messageStatus.get('status');
// optionally filter messages that are deleted
messages = _(messages).filter(function(message) { return message.status !== 'deleted'; });
// feed messages array to UI...
