Native module cannot be null is happened from? - ios

I pull the last changes from git in my react-native project, when I run the application the process in XCode finished without errors, but when the application is opened gave me this error: "Native module cannot be null".
I have seen many issues in git and the configuration of Libraries is fine, I don't know where is came from this error.
If somebody has encountered this kind of error, please help me.
Thanks in advance


Flutter pod: An error occurred while processing the post-install hook of the Podfile

The problem is that when I run a flutter app after having installed a plugin (firebase_core in this case) I get an error:
An error occurred while processing the post-install hook of the
undefined local variable or method `continue' for
#<Pod::Podfile:0x00000001099e67b8 #defined_in_file=#Pathname:/Volumes/Coding-IT/Coding/Projects/flutter_37hours/ios/Podfile,
label=Pods>, #post_install_callback=#<Proc:0x0000000109a07e40
#clean=true, #deduplicate_targets=true, #deterministic_uuids=true,
#integrate_targets=true, #lock_pod_sources=true,
#disable_input_output_paths=false, #preserve_pod_file_structure=false,
#incremental_installation=false, #skip_pods_project_generation=false>>
continue if xcframework_file.start_with?(".") # Hidden file, possibly on external disk.
The problem appears to be with the continue word, but I don't know exactly why this is happening and how to solve the problem :(
I've tried reinstalling cocoapods multiple times, from homebrew and from rubygems, I tried flutter clean, I tried reinstalling ruby and changing versions. No luck. Hope someone can help me, thanks
I'm looking into this too. It seems to be related to this issue:
But it's closed the fix seems to be merged with flutter master branch. Idk! Might need to wait for next flutter update.
edit - I just tried this on beta channel and pod install completed. So you can wait till it's on stable or switch channels to run iOS. Cheers!

unable to spawn process '/usr/bin/touch' (Exec format error)

Strange error encountered. I never faced this issue while building iOS project in Xcode.
Is anyone have any idea about this about how to solve this problem.
This might not be what yo want. But I ran into the same issue where xcode was complaining it can't spawn a process where it was trying to invoke a shell script. In my case, I was using react-native
The following helped for me. Hoping it will do for others who stumble upon this question as well.
change #/bin/sh to #!/bin/sh

installReactHook is not a function / installReactHook is undefined

Suddenly I can't get my react native project to start on ios simulator or device. I don't know what happened in between. I tried to clear all cache, reinstalled the node modules, pod install, but nothing works. Can't find anything except that in the react native documentation that this is part of Systrace. I'm stumped.
I did run npm link yesterday - maybe it messed something up, but still after that building was not an issue.
I'm sure i messed something up myself, but hopefully someone has a hint.
Not sure this will help, but sometimes cleaning the ios build folder fixes weird things
This was a bit of a headache.
I also saw the error Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication). But that was not really the issue.
Whilst checking if android build has similar problem, I found that the module react-native-animated-linear-gradient had two issues
It gave problems with ReactNativeFeatureFlags.js.
It had a duplicate definition of react-native (as if it also included the whole react-native project through its package.json
By continuing to remove this package completely, unlinking it manually, reinstalling npm packages and cleaning my npm cache I finally got it to work again, both on android and ios.
I wasn't using that package, but due to lingering in my package.json and running npm update it went and broke something in my setup I suspect. If only I had removed it completely after not testing and deciding not using it.
I hope it helps people giving direction if you suddenly see installreacthook not found. It costs me 4 hours to figure out.

Open source project has `No Scheme` in Xcode

I have uploaded an open source project called SuperCrack! to Github. I made it with Xcode 8.3.3. It's quite a large project with lots of pods. I asked a friend to download and build it but he complains that there is No Scheme:
He tried the solutions here but said they didn't help.
If anybody could tell me where I went wrong and fix this problem I'd be grateful.
I had the same problem when trying to run this app turns out I just had to run 'pod install'
YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.pbxproj is missing. seems like something went wrong when pushing your project to the server...

Pub error: Pub build failed, [255] Wrong script snapshot version

I have started getting this issue now after going through a lot of "chaos" with performing a system restore (I'm on Win8.1) while trying to get a certain game working again. Now that that mess is over and done with, I have been left with a few apps and such removed and needing to be reinstalled, including the JDK which I have already reinstalled. Since I have a project I need to work on I opened up DartEditor again and when I tried to do pub build I get this error:
Pub build failed, [255] Wrong script snapshot version, expected
'f6711525cff9f7d0d08595166664b767' found '836a274342f7f88d6b5a9bb59b2649a9'
Googling led me to this old issue but that's labelled as fixed...what could be going wrong here?
Ok, so deleting the dart directory (the one with the editor executable, relevant .jar files and all that other stuff) and downloading it anew did resolve my issue. I'm curious though as to whether anyone knows what might have caused the issue, and/or what other things I might have been able to do to resolve it.
