How docker detects which changes should be saved and which not? - docker

I know that when we stop docker our changes are lost. There are many answers how to prevent this - commit each time. Idea is that when docker runs it will spin up a fresh container based on the image. On the other hand container persists some data after it exists unless you start using --rm.
Just to simplify:
If you run apt-get install vim, you must commit to save the change
BUT If you change nginx.conf or upload new file to HDFS, you do not lose the data.
So, just curious:
How docker knows what to save and what not? Ex: At the end of apt-get-install we have new files in the system. The same is when I upload new file. for the container/image there is NO difference , Right? Just I/O modification. So how docker know which modification should be saved when we stop the image?

The basic rules here:
Anything you explicitly store outside the container — a database, S3 — will outlive the container.
If you attach a volume to the container when you create the container using a docker run -v option or a Docker Compose volumes: option, any data written to that directory outlives the container. (If it’s a named volume, it lasts until you docker volume rm it.)
Anything else in the container filesystem is lost as soon as you docker rm the container.
If you need things like your application source code or a helper tool installed in an image, write a Dockerfile to describe how to build the image and run docker build. Check the Dockerfile into source control alongside your application.
The general theory of working with Docker is that you always start from a clean slate. When you docker build an image, you start from a base image and install your application into it; you never try to upgrade an installed application. Similarly, when you docker run a container, you start from a fresh copy of its image.
So the clearest answer to the question you ask is really, if you consistently docker rm a container when you stop it, when you docker run a new container, it will have the base image plus the content from the mounted volumes. Docker will never automatically persist anything outside of this.
You should never run docker commit: this leads to magic images that can’t be recreated later (in six months when you discover a critical security issue that risks taking your site down). Similarly, you should never install software in a running container, because it will be lost as soon as the container exits; add it to your Dockerfile and rebuild.

For any Container working with the Docker platform by default all the data generated is temporary and all the file generation or data generation is temporary and no data will persist if you have not mounted the filesystem part of if you have not attached volumes to the container.
IF you are finding that the nginx.conf is getting reused even after changes i would suggest try to find what directories are you trying to mount or mapped to the docker volumes.
The configurations for nginx which reside at /etc/nginx/conf.d/* and you might be mapping the volume with this directory. So if you make any changes in a working container and then remove the container the data will still persist as the data gets written to the writable layer. If the new container which you deploy later with the same volume mapping you will find all the changes you had initially done in the previous case are reflected in the newer container as well.


How does Docker AUFS persist data?

I have some doubts about how docker AUFS persists data. As i understand, data inside VOLUME can be persistent and others location can not. Here made an example, pull a mysql container whose dockerfile there and do below steps:
make a test directory under /opt directory which shouldn't be persistent in docker container
login mysql and create a database, so /var/lib/mysql directory added one additional file
stop such container and start again
commit such container and then remove the container
start the committed container and check whether database still exitst
After step 3, all exists inside container including test directory
which i think shouldn't be persist in AUFS. So whether all i know about docker aufs is wrong?
After step 5 i can see database not exists in new container, but why? shouldn't file inside /var/lib/mysql be persist?
Here is my running docker command
docker build -td --name mysql_test mysqlImageId
Attention: i have not specified -v options
According to my understanding of docker, I would expect the following results from the process steps that you have described:
First up: data can be persisted in docker containers - in fact any operation on your container that creates, deletes or updates files, will trigger AUFS to write that file into the container layer. For deletes or updates this will hide entries for the same files in lower image layers. Of course any data written only lasts until you remove the container. If you start a new container based on the same image, this data will naturally not exist.
Also, the purpose of docker build is to build images from a Dockerfile. You can't use it start a container.
Regarding your observations
After step 3 I would expect all your data to still be there, since stopping and restarting a container leaves the container layer untouched. The stop merely kills the main process that keeps your container alive and the start rekindles the main process by executing the relevant entry point script.
After step 5 I still expect your data to be there, since you have committed the container to a new image. This image should now include the modified container layer. When you call docker commit, keep in mind that this is not updating the original image but creates a new one.

Using docker to file-sandbox a program

I want to use docker to achieve the following:
Run a program with access to a certain directory and then after the run reset all the changes made to that directory. I therefore wanted to create a docker image that copies said directory into the docker volume so that the program has access to the files in the directory, but the directory has the same contents for each run.
However, this seems to add a lot of overhead - are there other (better) ways to achieve the described goal?
PS: I want to measure the behavior of the program, but not for security reasons, i.e. I trust the program.
You actually don't have to do the copying, that's exactly what Docker is for: keeping and discarding changes. Volumes are a way to preserve the files (and/or share them between containers), not for discarding them.
Once you build the image (using docker build and Dockerfile), the image acts as a starting point for containers. When you use docker start <image>, you create a container based the given image. The container runs a single program (called the entry point), and when it exits, any changes it made are either discarded (docker container rm) or you can start the program again from the last state (docker start). The same image is shared as read-only layer among all running containers so that each container only stores any differences the program makes. In the background, docker uses overlay filesystem to actieve this, so if you wanted, you could also do it yourself.
So the short answer is:
Create an image containing the untouched directory
Run the image with docker run --rm <image>.
(Alternatively, you can use just docker run <image> and delete container yourself when it exits with docker rm <container>).
Everythime you do docker run, the program will see the untouched directory as it is was stored in the image. When the program exits, any changes will be discarded. Even if you run two containers in parallel, their changes will be isolated.

Deploy web app in docker data container vs volume

I'm confused about common consensus that one shouldn't use data containers. I have specific use case that I want to accomplish.
I want to have docker nginx container and behind it some other container with application. To run newest version of my app I want to download ready container from my private docker registry. The application is for now purely static html, javascript something.
So my plan is to create docker image which will hold the files, and will specify a named volume in some /webapp folder. The nginx container will serve this volume. I do not see any other way how to move bunch of files to remote system the "docker containerized" way. Am I not actually creating cursed data container?
Anyway what happens during app containers exchange? When I stop the app container the volume remains accesible, as it is placed on host. When I pull and start new version of app container. The volume will be created again and prefiled with image files stored at the same location, replacing the content on host so the nginx container will server from now new version of the application.Right? What happens when I will reference volume that does not exist yet from the nginx container.
It seem that named values are not automatically filed with the content of the image. As well I'm not sure how to create named volume in docker file as this syntax taken from here doesn't work
FROM training/webapp
VOLUME webapp:/webapp
I think you might want what i have described here
The problem with volumes is, that when a container is recreated, not docker-compose down but rather docker-compose pull + up, the new container will not have your "new code stored in the volume" but rather, due to the recycled volume, still the old anon volume. The point is, you will need a anon-volume for the code anyway, since you want it redeployable, not a named volume since you want the code to be exchangeable.
On re-create the anon-volume is not removed, that said, lets say you have the image:v1 right now and you pull image:v2 and then do a docker-compose up. It will recreate your container based on image:v2 - when this finished, you will have a new container, but the code is still from the old container, which was based on image:v1, since the anon-volume has not been replaced, it was re-assigned. docker-compose down && docker-compose up will resolve that for you - but you have to keep this in mind when dealing with your idea. (down removes anon-volumes)
In general, there is a pro / con, see my other post.
Data-containers in general have a other meaning and have been replaced by so called named volumes. Data-containers have been used to establish a volume-mount which is "named" and not based on a anon-volume.
In the past, you had to create a container with a volume, and later use a container-name based mount of this volume ( the container would be the static / name part ), today, you just create a named volume name and mount by this volume-name, no need for a busybox killed after start based container-name based volume mount.

Deploy a docker app using volume create

I have a Python app using a SQLite database (it's a data collector that runs daily by cron). I want to deploy it, probably on AWS or Google Container Engine, using Docker. I see three main steps:
1. Containerize and test the app locally.
2. Deploy and run the app on AWS or GCE.
3. Backup the DB periodically and download back to a local archive.
Recent posts (on Docker, StackOverflow and elsewhere) say that since 1.9, Volumes are now the recommended way to handle persisted data, rather than the "data container" pattern. For future compatibility, I always like to use the preferred, idiomatic method, however Volumes seem to be much more of a challenge than data containers. Am I missing something??
Following the "data container" pattern, I can easily:
Build a base image with all the static program and config files.
From that image create a data container image and copy my DB and backup directory into it (simple COPY in the Dockerfile).
Push both images to Docker Hub.
Pull them down to AWS.
Run the data and base images, using "--volume-from" to refer to the data.
Using "docker volume create":
I'm unclear how to copy my DB into the volume.
I'm very unclear how to get that volume (containing the DB) up to AWS or GCE... you can't PUSH/PULL a volume.
Am I missing something regarding Volumes?
Is there a good overview of using Volumes to do what I want to do?
Is there a recommended, idiomatic way to backup and download data (either using the data container pattern or volumes) as per my step 3?
When you first use an empty named volume, it will receive a copy of the image's volume data where it's first used (unlike a host based volume that completely overlays the mount point with the host directory). So you can initialize the volume contents in your main image as a volume, upload that image to your registry and pull that image down to your target host, create a named volume on that host, point your image to that named volume (using docker-compose makes the last two steps easy, it's really 2 commands at most docker volume create <vol-name> and docker run -v <vol-name>:/mnt <image>), and it will be populated with your initial data.
Retrieving the data from a container based volume or a named volume is an identical process, you need to mount the volume in a container and run an export/backup to your outside location. The only difference is in the command line, instead of --volumes-from <container-id> you have -v <vol-name>:/mnt. You can use this same process to import data into the volume as well, removing the need to initialize the app image with data in it's volume.
The biggest advantage of the new process is that it clearly separates data from containers. You can purge all the containers on the system without fear of losing data, and any volumes listed on the system are clear in their name, rather than a randomly assigned name. Lastly, named volumes can be mounted anywhere on the target, and you can pick and choose which of the volumes you'd like to mount if you have multiple data sources (e.g. config files vs databases).

Appropriate use of Volumes - to push files into container?

I was reading Project Atomic's guidance for images which states that the 2 main use cases for using a volume are:-
sharing data between containers
when writing large files to disk
I have neither of these use cases in my example using an Nginx image. I intended to mount a host directory as a volume in the path of the Nginx docroot in the container. This is so that I can push changes to a website's contents into the host rather then addressing the container. I feel it is easier to use this approach since I can - for example - just add my ssh key once to the host.
My question is, is this an appropriate use of a data volume and if not can anyone suggest an alternative approach to updating data inside a container?
One of the primary reasons for using Docker is to isolate your app from the server. This means you can run your container anywhere and get the same result. This is my main use case for it.
If you look at it from that point of view, having your container depend on files on the host machine for a deployed environment is counterproductive- running the same container on a different machine may result in different output.
If you do NOT care about that, and are just using docker to simplify the installation of nginx, then yes you can just use a volume from the host system.
Think about this though...
FROM nginx
ADD . /myfiles
build: .
You could then use docker-machine to connect to your remote server and deploy a new version of your software with easy commands
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
even better, you could do
docker build -t me/myapp .
docker push me/myapp
and then deploy with
docker pull
docker run
There's a number of ways to achieve updating data in containers. Host volumes are a valid approach and probably the simplest way to achieve making your data available.
You can also copy files into and out of a container from the host. You may need to commit afterwards if you are stopping and removing the running web host container at all.
docker cp /src/www webserver:/www
You can copy files into a docker image build from your Dockerfile, which is the same process as above (copy and commit). Then restart the webserver container from the new image.
COPY /src/www /www
But I think the host volume is a good choice.
docker run -v /src/www:/www webserver command
Docker data containers are also an option for mounted volumes but they don't solve your immediate problem of copying data into your data container.
If you ever find yourself thinking "I need to ssh into this container", you are probably doing it wrong.
Not sure if I fully understand your request. But why you need do that to push files into Nginx container.
Manage volume in separate docker container, that's my suggestion and recommend by
Data volumes
A data volume is a specially-designated directory within one or more containers that bypasses the Union File System. Data volumes provide several useful features for persistent or shared data:
Volumes are initialized when a container is created. If the container’s base image contains data at the specified mount point, that existing data is copied into the new volume upon volume initialization.
Data volumes can be shared and reused among containers.
Changes to a data volume are made directly.
Changes to a data volume will not be included when you update an image.
Data volumes persist even if the container itself is deleted.
refer: Manage data in containers
As said, one of the main reasons to use docker is to achieve always the same result. A best practice is to use a data only container.
With docker inspect <container_name> you can know the path of the volume on the host and update data manually, but this is not recommended;
or you can retrieve data from an external source, like a git repository
