Unable to install flutter IOS app on non development IOS device - ios

I am working on a Flutter application. I am able to build the release version of my app without any issue, but for iOS when I use DIAWI to give a link to any other user with Enterprise distribution the installation will not complete. We have an unfocused icon on the device and clicking it will do nothing.

Thanks for the help Krish. I was able resolve the issue. the Runner.app generated through flutter build ios cant be used for this purpose.You have to use Product > Archive which will use the Scheme select in Xcode. So before using this you have change the scheme or generate a new scheme with release mode selected. This will allow the system to use Enterprise Distribution Profile and give you .ipa file generated automatically at iso>Runner>"selected folder" Using this .ipa there was no issue installing the app on any IOS device.


Uploading expo application version to app store

I have been uploading versions of my app for a while, and suddenly, after an update of mac os, I cannot upload my app anymore, I've upgraded my mac os version, xcode and still nothing....
Its important to note that this is a react native application that i am generating using expo by running expo build ios
these are the errors that i am getting...
ERROR ITMS-90163: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements
in your app bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained
in the provisioning profile. The bundle contains a key that is not
included in the provisioning profile:
'com.apple.developer.icloud-services' in
WARNING ITMS-90725: "SDK Version Issue. This app was built with the
iOS 11.4 SDK. Starting March 2019, all iOS apps submitted to the App
Store must be built with the iOS 12.1 SDK or later, included in Xcode
10.1 or later."
Does anyone have an idea?
The first part, ITMS-90163, is an error -- basically stating that your app is trying to use iCloud but the provisioning profile (that you set up at developer.apple.com) doesn't have iCloud enabled. This is what's blocking your upload.
Since you say this just started happening, probably this means the iCloud switch in Xcode got flipped on accidentally (if your app is not a actually using iCloud).
In Xcode 10.1, be sure your project is selected in the upper left and your target is selected, then click on the Capabilities tab and scroll down until you see iCloud, and click it OFF. Important: This is only a reasonable choice if your app does not use iCloud.
If your app does use iCloud, you instead need to generate a new provisioning profile. You can do this manually by going to developer.apple.com, and click on Account in the upper right. Click "Certificates, IDs, & Profiles", and follow Apple's instructions. However, you can have Xcode managing provisioning profiles for you automatically, by clicking on the General tab and then checking the box "Automatically Manage Signing".
The second part, ITMS-90725, is just a warning, so it's not blocking you from uploading (though it will be a problem in March). To resolve this, first, be sure you are on Xcode 10.1 or later. (While in Xcode, go up to the menu bar and click Xcode -> About Xcode to check.). It's possible that you could be using Xcode 10.1 and still not using the latest SDK for some reason. Under Build Settings, check Base SDK. It should just say "iOS".

Deploying IPA on iPhone

I'm trying to deploy my ipa to my iphone. but the blue outlines don't seem to appear on itunes. I've deployed a app to this device before but it seems after i updated my iPhone it isn't possible anymore. iTunes is updated to the latest update, which is 11.2.1 atm.
Using a mac in our network to build from, development is being done on a PC.
I have an apple developer account, the UDID is added to the iOS Provisioning Profile.
In the app the bundle identifie is set to the App ID in the provisioning profile.
What i've tried is to untrust all pc's doing (both):
To untrust all computers, tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset
Location & Privacy. This will also reset your location and privacy
settings. You can also untrust all computers by tapping Settings >
General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. This will also reset your
network settings.
Rebuild the application from scratch and still no luck, even with nothing in the project but the mainpage.xaml ( welcome to xamarin forms message ). app is build in xamarin
Add a colleague his iphone to profile, and rebuilding it. That works and i get to deploy the ipa to his iphone. I tried switching phones again, no luck there. He's updated to the latest ios version as wel.
So basicly my iphone won't accept my build.
Here is the another way to test your IPA in your device
If you have added UDID in your provisioning profile then,
Upload your IPA on https://www.diawi.com/ after uploading it will generate sharable link. Open this link in your device with safari browser and allow to download the application. This will download the application in your device and test your application.
you can install through xcode. In xcode go window->Devices and simulators.Select Phone . Click on + button select IPA.It will install ipa in phone.

Can anyone recommend a way for me to deploy a titanium alloy iOS app as an executable for others to preview?

I am looking for a solution where I have built an iOS app in titanium alloy and I would like to share it with my business owners in another state. I am looking for a way to create an executable so they can preview it before deploying it to the app store.
Is this possible? If so how can I do it?
No. The app can only run in the simulator or on an actual iDevice. You could run it on your Mac in the simulator and do a screen record over the simulator, making a demo vide of the app?
I figured one way of doing it.
must have UDID's of all the devices you would like to distribute to.
go to: Apple Developer Member Center, navigate to provisioning profile.
add the phones/UDID's to the profile.
In Ti Studio 3, right click your project > run as > run configurations.
Under Titanium iOS Devices select your driver as iTunesSync, then select your new provisioning profile. then run your build.
after it syncs to iTunes, right click on your app and click 'show in finder'.
copy the .ipa application file and then you can distribute to your users. the app will only work on the devices that you provided UDID's for. The end user must also import the .ipa file to their iTunes to 'sync' to their phone/device.

Distribute Archive shows Mac OS instead of iOS

I created a brand new project in the latest version of Xcode and have been building and running it fine in both Simulator and on Devices plugged into my Mac.
Recently I needed to archive & export an .ipa for someone else to install (still using my developer profile and one of my developer devices), but was unable to do so because when I click on the "Distribute" button on the "Archive" tab of the Organizer window, the top choice is "Submit to Mac App store" instead of the iOS store.
Nothing in my project settings indicates Mac OS instead of iOS, so I'm baffled as to why this is happening. I've tried duplicating the Target/Product, but the results are the same. I've also had someone else build the project on a different Mac and they experience the same problem.
Is this a known bug in Xcode and is there some way to get past it?
Check if you have accidentally made your Info.plist part of your target. It shouldn't be. Uncheck it in the Target Membership pane or remove it from the Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
(Found answer via this question: My iPhone app is being archived as "Mac App Archive" and not "iOS app archive".)

Workflow when using Appcelerator and IOS Deployment

I'm using Appcelerator to build smartphone apps, only iPhone right now but the plan is to expand into Android territory later.
I'm having some problems (as many others I understand) with understanding the provisioning profiles and ad-hoc deployment.
I have created a provisioning profile that contains the UDID's of my iPhone, my iPad and my sons iPhone. I build using Titanium Studio, and then select the "Install to IOS Device" to build an app and also an "ipa" file. Syncing with iTunes to my own devices.
I'm now planning to use TestFlight with the ipa file to distribute beta versions. It seems to work OK with the existing UDID's in the profile. The problem is now when I add more UDID's. Do I have to update the profile manually (on developer.apple.com), download it and fully rebuild my app for every added UDID? Or is there a simpler way? As I understand it, the profile is embedded into the "ipa" file, so does that mean I HAVE to rebuild?
"Do I have to update the profile manually (on developer.apple.com), download it and fully rebuild my app for every added UDID?"
Yep, it's exactly as you say. When you build your app, the provisioning profile the app is built against is embedded within the .ipa file. This is used to determine which devices can run the app, as TestFlight illustrates after the .ipa file is upload - all devices within that profile that match devices you've registered with TestFlight are listed. So after changing the device provisioning, you'll need to download and install the provisioning profile by dropping it into XCode, and then rebuild the app.
