application dump files missing when run via Squish - crash-dumps

I enabled Application Crash Dumps for MyApp as follows:
Key Name = MyApp.exe
- DumpFolder = %PROGRAMDATA%\MyApp\CrashDumps
- DumpType = 0
- CustomDumpFlags = 41826 (hex)
- DumpCount = 2
This works fine when I run my app normally, but when I run it through Squish testing automation, it does not create an application crash dump.
Is there any way to get the crash dump to be produced when run via Squish testing automation ?
(My App is a C++ app using Qt 5.5 and Squish automation for Qt.)


Is there a way in LeanFT / UFT Developer to get active element on OS level?

My automation Framework consists of the following: UFT developer V15.0 (previously LeanFT) + Java + Maven + Junit.
UI Tests are executed by Jenkins on a dedicated VM (OS = Windows 10).
Many of my test cases include actual keyboard press, as this is a requirement of the AUT which is a web application.
My problem is that if tests are executed while user is not actually logged in - the cases which require to focus on the browser and press the keyboard - will fail.
When i use RDP to log in to the VM and minimize - tests will still fail.
when I use RDP, login to the VM and keep the screen open - test will focus successfully on relevant field and will pass.
I tried to disconnect using tscon using the below script, but still no use:
for /f "skip=1 tokens=3" %%s in ('query user %USERNAME%') do (
%windir%\System32\tscon.exe %%s /dest:console
As per my understanding - the problem seems to be focus.
To try and understand the source of the problem, i would like to try and get the actual active element which is currently in Focus on the OS level, just like getting the active element on browser ("").
As UFT developer is able to interact with Windows elements - is there a way to retrieve such info from the OS?
Or alternatively , solution to the original problem (keeping the focus on the running browser) would be great.

How to execute single command by using Appium Xcode Instruments

Currently I'm writing all the Test Case actions in one javascript file, and using Xcode Instruments automation.traceTemplate file for executing the Test Case.
Following are contents from TestCase file.
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var app = target.frontMostApp();
var window = app.mainWindow();
UIATarget.localTarget().captureScreenWithName("Application launched");
UIATarget.localTarget().captureScreenWithName("Username entered");
var passwordfield = target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().secureTextFields()[0];
My Requirement:
I want to perform one action at a time on iOS device using Xcode Instruments instead of passing complete Test Case file as a input similar to implementation of Appium tool.
Thanks in advance..........
XCode instruments natively do not support on the fly Javascript. You have to have all your javascript in one file and execute all of the script at once. You are not able to stop execution, have separate test cases etc.
This is where appium comes into play, it will allow arbitrary JS execution. You create your test cases in the appium/selenium format and they would send commands to instruments in the background.
Run through this tutorial and you don't even have to use JS, you can use Java/Ruby and you will be in a better shape.
Check out appiumRepl
You can send commands one-by-one and watch them happen on the device/emulator in realtime :)
There's a Ruby REPL as well.

IOS testing: Test interaction between two apps

I need to automate a test on an IOS app using UI automation.
I need to test the following scenario.
1) open the mail app and select a file to share. This will open my app
2) Now I need to perform UI actions on my app and do some tests
I can't figure out how do automate this scenario using Instruments or Appium. All these tools take bundle name of one app. I need a way to control and perform UI actions on two app from a single script.
Any suggestions?
Edit: For clarification
This is not possible within one session
The solution is to split up your tests to encompass one or more webdriver sessions.
Part One:
desired_caps['app'] = 'sampleApp1'
driver ='', desired_caps)
// Do what you need to do.
Part Two:
desired_caps['app'] = 'sampleApp2'
driver ='', desired_caps)
// Do what you need to do.

How to profile an ASP.NET web service on a remote server by EQATEC profiler?

I am thinking the modified dlls will create a log file some where in the remote system so I can open it later after load test but all I found was a log file in $(SystemRoot)\Temp\EQATECProfilerLogs saying nothing other than app started. Do I need to install EQATEC profiler on the remote server?
This scenario is adressed in this EQATEC forum thread:
A profiled app needs to be told when we want it to produce its profiling report. For plain apps this is simple and has therefore been automated: when Main exits. But your web-service has no similar "exit point" - it just keeps on running until you kill it.
Therefore you have to explicitly/manually tell the profiled web-service to take a snapshot. The easiest way is to simply run the profiler on the same machine as the web-service is running on: when the web-service is starting up it will automatically connect to the profiler and you can then run your tests and control/dump timing info at will using the "take snapshot" and "clear counters"-buttons.
Alternatively, you can make a reference to the supplied runtime-module from within your code and make explicit calls to the API (TakeSnapshot etc) precisely where you want in your code. The runtime-modules reside in C:\Program Files\EQATEC\EQATECProfiler\RuntimeDLL.

Redirect BlackBerry device simulator output to console

I'm currently developing a BlackBerry application using JDE 4.6.1 on Windows XP. Since I'm running the application directly from the console using fledge.exe I would like to know if there is a parameter for redirecting my application output, namely a simple system.out.println call, to the windows prompt console. Right now I'm able to view that output only on the Eclipse console window in Debug mode.
The simulator only outputs through its JDWP interface. If you don't want to use Eclipse, but are ok with a lighter-weight non-command-line tool, you can run the standalone debug server - you'll find a jdwp.bat file under your eclipse\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpackX.X.X.X\bin directory.
There may also be command line tools that let you print JDWP info, not sure as I haven't ever used one.
I don't know of a way to redirect the output, but you might consider using the BB event logger. You can use a simple script to extract the logger output
