TFS 2018: Copy artifact to server - tfs

I'm using TFS 2018 to automatically build a Cypress Creator Projekt via cmd line tools. After a successfull build I want to copy only my .hex file to another server, not the whole directory.
I followed the instructions here:
My Publish Artifact looks like this:
Error message: "PathToPublish is not found."
If I change the PathToPublish like this:
It works without any problem. So I think there is a syntax issue here.
Question: How to publish just a specific file instead of a whole directory?
Thanks in advance!

You can’t specify files in Publish Build Artifact task in TFS 2018. For your requirement, you can add Copy Files task to copy necessary files to a folder, then publish this folder:


How best to download source files from VSTS?

I need to regularly download a complete set of latest code for a particular project from a VSTS account (server workspace), to a folder on a file server for readonly archiving.
Currently I log on to the web portal and click Download as ZIP for the selected project and save this to the file server.
But I'd like a more automated way, preferably something I can schedule to run from the file server itself which won't have Visual Studio installed or cached credentials for the online account.
Any of the following soluions would be ok:
A permanent URL to download the latest code as a zip file
to get all latest files
A command line tool to connect to the VSTS
account and download all latest files for a particular project to a specified local folder, not the default local folder
Nice to have:
Option to download as ZIP or recursive folder of files
Set files modified date as check-in time
Remove source control binding information from the downloaded files
Provide user credentials as part of the command line, not assume to use the default cached credentials on the machine
You could use our tools in Visual Studio, Eclipse, or from the command line to keep a local copy of your source code on your machine.
More details please refer official tutorial: Download (get) files from the Server
Also, if you want to download your code as a zip:
You can click on any ellipsis to find the menu which contains Download as Zip option.
If you want a automated way, suggest you use the build pipeline. You could disable the default get source steps in the build definition. And use your own powershell script to do the get source/pull files to the workspace. How to, please follow: Is it able to ignore/disable the first step Get source in vNext Build?
This will download files in your build agent, if it's not the machine you are working on. You could combine Archive Files & Windows Machine File Copy task and select Scheduled trigger in your build definition.
you might consider using an agent + build definition to download the source code (this could happen either based on a schedule or triggered after every check-in). This could easily include compression to a ZIP file and some copy commands.
An additional benefit would be that the build definition doesn't have to re-download the entire source code repository each time it is run - instead, it can be configured to just download get the changes that occurred.
$tfsurl = ""
$collection ="/defaultcollection"
$project = "/MyProject"
$api = "/_api/_versioncontrol/itemContentZipped?repositoryId=&path="
$path = "$/MyProject/Source/Datafolder"
Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials -Uri "$tfsurl$collection$project$api$path" -OutFile ".\"
Expand-Archive .\

TFS 2018 MSBUILD Download files task equivalent?

We are moving to TFS 2018 from 2012 and I'm working on migrating the builds. One of the builds has a few mtbwa:DownloadFiles activities in it but I don't see an equivalent way to do this in the new build system. We have a few utilities in a different branch that are used to build installers. So I need to download those utils before completing the build. How would I do this in the new build system?
If the files are in source control, then you can map the source directly in Get source step.
Then the files will be automatically downloaded to the $(build.sourcesDirectory) by deafult on the agent machine.
After that you can also add a Copy Files task to copy the files to any location as needed.
If the files are not in source control, you can also use the Copy Files task to copy them, but you need to make sure that the service account has the proper permission to access the source folder.
If the team projects are in same collection, map sources in Get Sources step is also available. You need to manually specify the Server path (Click ... can only navigate to the root path of current team project).
In below screenshot I entered the server path $/2017ScrumProjectFromVS/WpfTest
This also works with the Copy Task, that means you can copy the files directly from another team project which in the same collection.

Can we create TFS build definition of website without .proj file

I am using TFS 2015 for creating builds of application. I am able to create build template for web application as web application have both .sln and .proj.
But for Websites, I only have .sln file and no .proj.
How can I create Build definition in TFS 2015 for website having only .sln file?
As #Cece said, the answer is yes, you can run the MSBuild on the server without a .csproj.
I am assuming that your project is not running on the final version of the .Net Framework. In your case I suggest you to make this change
Then you should copy all the files from the PrecompiledWeb folder, and there you should find your .sln
Sometimes there are vb/cs projects that I have seen that they do not come with a project file, csproj or vbproject. They run with the .NET Framework 2.0. For those, you can create a build definition just to compile the .sln, but when you deploy the application, you need to copy the entire PrecompiledWeb folder to the IIS folder on your server. Try to add the task that has the option copy and publish and put all the changes to your server.
Check the privilege of the folder where you want to put the files, and be sure that the agent that is running the builds on the TFS has access READ/WRITE access to the server folder.
In your case, please check the .sln file, inside of it you should have a TargetPath, by default is PrecompiledWeb, but sometimes when you run the msbuild on the tfs you end with an error saying that the PrecompiledWeb can't be on the same tree of your solution, what you need to do then is putting a level up of your solution folder
Debug.AspNetCompiler.TargetPath = "..\..\PrecompiledWeb\YourProject"
Then on your CopyTask you need to change the CopyRoot directory, if you made any transformation before your build step to the webconfig, those transformations will be reflected on the PrecomiledWeb\YourProject. All the files in that folder should be deployed to the server folder path.
Lets say that you have this structure in your Branch
Branch/MyProject, then after you compile the source code on the TFS, your precompiled folder will be stored at the same level of your project on the agents folder. Please see the picture below to get the idea how to copy the files from the PrecompiledWeb.
The answer is Yes. You can create a build definition for a WebSite project by specifying the .sln file.

Where will Build Go

I am thinking to use team city for a TFS project. I created team city configurations using TFS server. It is started and creating builds as usual. I was thinking to make the builds for my local version of TFS checked out directory before putting it live. Can anyone please suggest where my current builds are going and can I do something what I am thinking.
help please !!
There is a working directory, the same as TFS build agent working directly.
Agent work directory is the directory on a build agent that is used as
a containing directory for the default checkout directories. By
default, this is the Build agent home /work directory.
To modify the default directory location, see workDir parameter in
Build Agent Configuration.
Source: Agent Work Directory
To change this checkout location, you just need to change the workDir=../work of the file (which stored in the /conf/)

TFS Build Template Copy Directory and Exclusion of files

I have TFS Build Default Template and I added to it, between "Run on Agent' and "Check In Gated Changes for CheckInShelveset Builds", Copy Directory with Source BuildDetail.DropLocation and destination a shared directory on a server.
My problem comes that the Copy Directory is not executed or is executed, but no files are copied.
I am not sure if this is the right location to place this activity, but as I read the tutorial in msdn it seems correct. How can I force the built version of the web site be copied in a specific directory, and on a separate note is there a way to exclude some files from the copy? I wish to copy the built web site without copying the web.config file.
You can use copy activity which OOB and also if you use TFS 2013 default template it has post build activity which can run powershell
