remove white background with ImageMagick but not the white inside picture? - image-processing

im trying to delete the background with a batch process in pictures of products for an e-commerce site.
The problem is that the script also remove the white color in the inside of the product, leaving the product transparent in some areas..
For example:
convert *.jpg -set filename: %t -fuzz 5% -transparent white %[filename:].png
this is the best I can ok with this result around the product, but I need that the white inside the product remains white and not transparent.

The problem with your current approach is that it doesn't respect boundaries, it is just applied globally, making all white pixels transparent regardless of their connectivity to the background.
Instead, you will get on better using a "floodfill" that only floods into areas that are within the fuzz distance of the top-left corner pixel.
So, I chose an unused colour of magenta so you can see what is happening:
convert product.jpg -fuzz 5% -fill magenta -draw 'color 0,0 floodfill' result.png
You would then follow that with the command to make magenta transparent like this:
convert product.jpg -fuzz 5% -fill magenta -draw 'color 0,0 floodfill' -transparent magenta result.png


imagemagick Fill region outside of rectangle

I have an image and I want to fill with some color (e.g. blue) parts of that image which are outside of a rectangle. Position of left upper corner and width/height of this rectangle relative to the left upper corner of the original image are known.
Here borders of the original image are in red and borders of the rectangle are in black. Blue area should be filled.
How can I do this? I tried to create a tmp image and use a mask but it seems to also fill transparent regions inside the rectangle which is not what I want.
Also, there is probably a way to do it without creating intermediate images? I'd be interested in both options though, because I'm not sure how requirements will change over time -- maybe in the future I'd have to apply some other shape (not a rectangle), so having a way to apply an arbitrary mask would be better in that case.
coordinates of the rectangle (assuming x axis runs from left to right, y axis from top to bottom, with (0,0) being left-upper corner of the original image):
left-upper corner (117,-24)
right-bottom corner (1117,1676)
Find a colour that doesn't exist in the original image. Hint: use -unique-colors
Fill/draw the black image with that colour
Make everything that is not that colour blue. Hint: use -fill blue +opaque THATCOLOUR
The blue pixels are your mask
Not sure if I have understood you correctly, but here is what I get for the first part:
magick 7uZfM.png -alpha deactivate -fill yellow -draw "rectangle 117,-24 1117,1676" result1.png
And then the second part:
magick 7uZfM.png -alpha deactivate -fill yellow -draw "rectangle 117,-24 1117,1676" -fill blue +opaque yellow -transparent yellow result2.png
Ok, now with the original image showing through:
magick 7uZfM.png \( +clone -alpha deactivate -fill yellow -draw "rectangle 117,-24 1117,1676" -fill blue +opaque yellow -transparent yellow \) -flatten -background magenta result3.png

ImageMagick count how many identical or almost identical color pixels are on the edges left and right of image

This is an example PNG image:
it's 50x40 but enlarged here to see it better.
The hex of bottom left and bottom right pixels is F9E4B7
I need to know how many pixels there are on vertical edges from the bottom left and right with almost this color, like 1% fuzz because they are not all exactly F9E4B7 but some are very slightly different.
In this case it would be 20px of each side:
I'll mark the areas which need to be counted just to make it perfectly clear:
I also need to be able to count how many pixels are exactly F9E4B7, which in this case would be 15 left and 20 right, I'll mark the slightly different areas so it's clear where the counter needs to stop:
The way to do that in Imagemagick is to use fuzz to change all your pixels close to that color to white and the rest black. The crop the first or last column and use -fx to get the count from mean*width*height. So for example for the left full column of the whole image, one has
Unix Imagemagick 6 syntax:
convert tan.png -alpha off \
-fuzz 1% -fill white -opaque "#F9E4B7" -fill black +opaque white \
-gravity west -crop 1x+0+0 -format "%[fx:round(mean*w*h)]\n" info:
Windows Imagemagick Syntax:
convert tan.png -alpha off ^
-fuzz 1% -fill white -opaque "#F9E4B7" -fill black +opaque white ^
-gravity west -crop 1x+0+0 -format "%[fx:round(mean*w*h)]\n" info:
To get the right side, use -gravity east.
For exact count, use -fuzz 0
For Imagemagick 7, change convert to magick

Imagemagick - Inverse

I've a png image containing transparent pixels and colored pixels (mainly white).
I'd like to transform all transparent pixels to white pixels and all white pixels to transparent pixels within a given rectangle.
My idea would be to
convert the white pixels to red
the transparent colors to white
and the red colors to transparent
. Here' s my code:
1) convert ldl_0.png -fuzz 10% -fill red -opaque white lx.png
2) convert lx.png -background white -alpha remove -alpha off lx2.png
However I can' t figure out how do I transform red colors to transparent. How do I do that?
Also how can I force to do this only within a given rectangle?
Thank You.
Try this in ImageMagick. Negate the alpha channel and turn the whole RGB channels to white.
convert in.png -channel a -negate +channel -fill white -colorize 100 out.png

Change Background in Image (Imagemagick, GraphicsMagick, ...)

I have scanned books with black imitation leather as background.
The text recognition unfortunately recognizes text on this background. I like to color the border black, so that the program does not find any text at the edge. Is this possible with tools like ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick?
Here is an example (original is in tif):
Perhaps a combination of floodfill and fuzz?
convert input.png -fill white -fuzz 20% -draw 'color 1,1 floodfill' output.png
Also checkout Fred's awesome textcleaner script.
emcconville has an excellent solution. I might add just a bit to it to include some deskew and trim/shave, since your margins are large enough to permit shaving the excess black that remains after a trim. The deskew might help in the OCR.
convert image.png -bordercolor black -border 1 -background black -deskew 40% -fuzz 50% -trim +repage -shave 10x10 result.png

Image Magick: dimmed caption with border

I am using Image Magick to overlay a dimmed caption to an image, with IM automatically choosing the best fontsize:
convert -background '#0008' -fill white -geometry +0+330 -size 370x60 caption:$title $image +swap -composite $imageOutput
My problem is that there is not enough space around the text, I would like to add some "padding". I usually do that with the -border option but if I add this to my command above, the caption is not dimmed anymore.
Do you have a solution to create a dimmed caption with enough room around the text?
I have a solution, but it's a bit of a kludge because I had trouble extending or bordering a semi-transparent background. In the end, I just constructed the caption on a black background and bordered it in black, then I tweaked the alpha channel afterwards:
convert -background black -bordercolor black -fill white \
-size 370x60 caption:"This is the title" \
-trim -border 20 -channel A -fx '(lightness/2)+.5' \
-geometry +0+200 background.gif +swap -composite result.png
The only tricky part is -channel A -fx .... The first part means that we are only affecting/modifying the alpha/opacity channel. The 0.5 means that all pixels become at least 50% opaque, and (lightness/2) means that absolutely white pixels, i.e. your lettering, (which will have a lightness of 1) become fully opaque because 0.5+(1/2) totals to one. The point of this is to preserve the anti-aliasing around the edges of the letters to some degree.
