Most reliable way to determine if URL is a directory? - ios

This post gives a good answer, but the question did not specify which is the 'most reliable' way. For instance fileExistsAtPath has the following documentation.
Attempting to predicate behavior based on the current state of the
file system or a particular file on the file system is not
recommended. Doing so can cause odd behavior or race conditions. It’s
far better to attempt an operation (such as loading a file or creating
a directory), check for errors, and handle those errors gracefully
than it is to try to figure out ahead of time whether the operation
will succeed. For more information on file-system race conditions, see this.
The property hasDirectoryPath does not have any warnings in it's documentation. In fact, the documentation for it is pretty sparse.
So I'm now confused, because surely the above warning should say "use hasDirectoryPath instead of this".


Access Violation when pressing a button that uses a separate form for validation [duplicate]

What tips can you share to help locate and fix access violations when writing applications in Delphi?
I believe access violations are usually caused by trying to access something in memory that has not yet been created such as an Object etc?
I find it hard to identify what triggers the access violations and then where to make the required changes to try and stop/fix them.
A example is a personal project I am working on now. I am storing in TTreeView Node.Data property some data for each node. Nodes can be multiple selected and exported (the export iterates through each selected node and saves specific data to a text file - the information saved to the text file is what is stored in the Files can also be imported into the Treeview (saving the contents of the text files into the
The issue in that example is if I import files into the Treeview and then export them, it works perfect. However if I add a node at runtime and export them I get:
"Access Violation at address 00405772 in module 'Project1.exe'. Read of address 00000388."
My thoughts on that must be the way I am assigning the data to created nodes, maybe differently to the way I assign it when they are imported, but it all looks ok to me. The access violation only shows up when exporting, and this never happens with imported files.
I am NOT looking for a fix to the above example, but mainly advice/tips how to find and fix such type of errors. I don't often get access violations, but when I do they are really hard to track down and fix.
So advice and tips would be very useful.
It means your code is accessing some part of the memory it isn't allowed to. That usually means you have a pointer or object reference pointing to the wrong memory. Maybe because it is not initialized or is already released.
Use a debugger, like Delphi. It will tell you on what line of code the AV occurred. From there figure out your problem by looking at the callstack and local variables etc. Sometimes it also helps if you compile with Debug DCUs.
If you don't have a debugger because it only happens on a client side, you might want to use MadExcept or JclDebug to log the exception with callstack and have it send to you. It gives you less details but might point you in the right direction.
There are some tools that might be able to find these kind of problems earlier by checking more aggressively. The FastMM memory manager has such options.
"Access Violation at address 00405772
in module 'Project1.exe'. Read of
address 00000388."
So your problem results in a AV at addresss 00405772 in module 'Project1.exe'. The Delphi debugger will bring you to the right line of code (or use Find Error).
It is trying to read memory at address 00000388. That is pretty close to 00000000 (nil), so that would probably mean accessing some pointer/reference to an array or dynamic array that is nil. If it was an array of bytes, it would be item 388. Or it could be a field of a rather large object or record with lots of fields. The object or record pointer/reference would be nil.
I find that the really hard-to-find access violations don't always occur while I'm running in a debugger. Worse yet, they happen to customers and not to me. The accepted answer mentions this, but I really think it should be given more detail: MadExcept provides a stack traceback which gives me valuable context information and helps me see where the code fails, or has unhandled exceptions (it's not just for access violations). It even provides a way for customers to email you the bug reports right from inside your program. That leads to more access violations found and fixed, reported by your beta testers, or your users.
Secondly, I have noticed that compiler hints and warnings are in fact detecting for you, some of the common problems. Clean up hints and warnings and you might find many access violations and other subtle problems. Forgetting to declare your destructors properly, for example, can lead to a compiler warning, but to serious problems at runtime.
Thirdly, I've found tools like Pascal Analyzer from Peganza, and the audits-and-metrics feature in some editions of Delphi, can help you find areas of your code that have problems. As a single concrete example, Pascal Analyzer has found places where I forgot to do something important, that lead to a crash or access violation.
Fourth, you can hardly beat the technique of having another developer critique your code. You might feel a bit sheepish afterwards, but you're going to learn something, hopefully, and get better at doing what you're doing. Chances are, there is more way than one to use a tree view, and more way than one to do the work you're doing, and a better architecture, and a clean way of doing things is going to result in more reliable code that doesn't break each time you touch it. THere is not a finite list of rules to produce clean code, it is rather, a lifetime effort, and a matter of degrees. You'd be surprised how innocent looking code can be a hotbed of potential crashes, access violations, race conditions, freezes and deadlocks.
I would like to mention one more tool, that I use when other tools fail to detect AV. It's SafeMM (newer version). Once it pointed me to the small 5 line procedure. And I had to look more than 10 minutes at it, in order to see the AV that happened there. Probably that day my programming skills wasn't at their maximum, but you know, bad thing tend to happen exactly at such days.
Just want to mention other debugging or "code guard" techniques that were not mentioned in previous answers:
"Local" tools:
* Use FastMM in DebugMode - have it write zeros each time it dealocates memory. This will make your program PAINFULLY slow but you have a HUGE chance to find errors like trying to access a freed object.
* Use FreeAndNil(Obj) instead of Obj.Free. Some, people were complaining about it as creating problems but without actually providing a clear example where this might happen. Additionally, Emarcadero recently added the recommendation to use FreeAndNil in their manual (finally!).
* ALWAYS compile the application in Release and Debug mode. Make sure the Project Options are correctly set for debug mode. The DEFAULT settings for Debug mode are NOT correct/complete - at last not in Delphi XE7 and Tokyo. Maybe one day they will set the correct options for Debug mode. So, enable things like:
"Stack frames"
"Map file generation (detailed)"
"Range checking",
"Symbol reference info"
"Debug information"
"Overflow checking"
"Debug DCUs"
Deactivate the "Compiler optimizations"!
3rd Party Tools:
Use MadShi or EurekaLog (I would recommend MadShi over EurekaLog)
Use Microsoft's ApplicationVerfier

When to "let it crash" and when to defend the code in Erlang?

So, with "let it crash" mantra Erlang code is meant to be resistant to cruel world events like unexpected pulling the plug, hardware failure, and unstable network connections.
On the other hand, there is defensive programming.
Being new to Erlang, I wonder, how to know when I want the process just crash and when I want it to defend the flow with if, case..of, type guards?
Say, I have an authentication module, which can return true/false result if authenticated successfully or not. Should it just have successful scenario and crash if the user authentication fails due to wrong login/password?
What about other scenarios, like, if a product is not found in the database, or search results are empty?
I suppose, I can't ignore defensive constructs completely, as any guards are in their nature to defend the "normal" flow of the app?
Is there a rule of thumb when to defend and when to crash?
As Fred Hebert says at -
If I know how to handle an error, fine, I can do that for that
specific error. Otherwise, just let it crash!
I'd say that authentication errors, empty search results, etc., are expected errors and those that warrant an appropriate response to the user.
I don't think there is actually a Rule of Thumb in this case.
As I see it, whenever you know how to handle an expected error - handle it. In case of authentication, I don't really think it's an actual error, it's a normal behavior so go ahead and write few lines of code to handle this specific case.
In contrast, network failure is something that might happen for various of reasons, they are not actually expected as part of your code normal behaviour, so in this case I would go with the "let it crash" philosophy.
Anyway, when going with let it crash - you of course still need to handle the case where the process crashed (i.e. using links and monitors and restarting the process).
Please check also this very good answer. And you may read more about it here and here.

Access violation, Delphi 2005 TADOQuery [duplicate]

What tips can you share to help locate and fix access violations when writing applications in Delphi?
I believe access violations are usually caused by trying to access something in memory that has not yet been created such as an Object etc?
I find it hard to identify what triggers the access violations and then where to make the required changes to try and stop/fix them.
A example is a personal project I am working on now. I am storing in TTreeView Node.Data property some data for each node. Nodes can be multiple selected and exported (the export iterates through each selected node and saves specific data to a text file - the information saved to the text file is what is stored in the Files can also be imported into the Treeview (saving the contents of the text files into the
The issue in that example is if I import files into the Treeview and then export them, it works perfect. However if I add a node at runtime and export them I get:
"Access Violation at address 00405772 in module 'Project1.exe'. Read of address 00000388."
My thoughts on that must be the way I am assigning the data to created nodes, maybe differently to the way I assign it when they are imported, but it all looks ok to me. The access violation only shows up when exporting, and this never happens with imported files.
I am NOT looking for a fix to the above example, but mainly advice/tips how to find and fix such type of errors. I don't often get access violations, but when I do they are really hard to track down and fix.
So advice and tips would be very useful.
It means your code is accessing some part of the memory it isn't allowed to. That usually means you have a pointer or object reference pointing to the wrong memory. Maybe because it is not initialized or is already released.
Use a debugger, like Delphi. It will tell you on what line of code the AV occurred. From there figure out your problem by looking at the callstack and local variables etc. Sometimes it also helps if you compile with Debug DCUs.
If you don't have a debugger because it only happens on a client side, you might want to use MadExcept or JclDebug to log the exception with callstack and have it send to you. It gives you less details but might point you in the right direction.
There are some tools that might be able to find these kind of problems earlier by checking more aggressively. The FastMM memory manager has such options.
"Access Violation at address 00405772
in module 'Project1.exe'. Read of
address 00000388."
So your problem results in a AV at addresss 00405772 in module 'Project1.exe'. The Delphi debugger will bring you to the right line of code (or use Find Error).
It is trying to read memory at address 00000388. That is pretty close to 00000000 (nil), so that would probably mean accessing some pointer/reference to an array or dynamic array that is nil. If it was an array of bytes, it would be item 388. Or it could be a field of a rather large object or record with lots of fields. The object or record pointer/reference would be nil.
I find that the really hard-to-find access violations don't always occur while I'm running in a debugger. Worse yet, they happen to customers and not to me. The accepted answer mentions this, but I really think it should be given more detail: MadExcept provides a stack traceback which gives me valuable context information and helps me see where the code fails, or has unhandled exceptions (it's not just for access violations). It even provides a way for customers to email you the bug reports right from inside your program. That leads to more access violations found and fixed, reported by your beta testers, or your users.
Secondly, I have noticed that compiler hints and warnings are in fact detecting for you, some of the common problems. Clean up hints and warnings and you might find many access violations and other subtle problems. Forgetting to declare your destructors properly, for example, can lead to a compiler warning, but to serious problems at runtime.
Thirdly, I've found tools like Pascal Analyzer from Peganza, and the audits-and-metrics feature in some editions of Delphi, can help you find areas of your code that have problems. As a single concrete example, Pascal Analyzer has found places where I forgot to do something important, that lead to a crash or access violation.
Fourth, you can hardly beat the technique of having another developer critique your code. You might feel a bit sheepish afterwards, but you're going to learn something, hopefully, and get better at doing what you're doing. Chances are, there is more way than one to use a tree view, and more way than one to do the work you're doing, and a better architecture, and a clean way of doing things is going to result in more reliable code that doesn't break each time you touch it. THere is not a finite list of rules to produce clean code, it is rather, a lifetime effort, and a matter of degrees. You'd be surprised how innocent looking code can be a hotbed of potential crashes, access violations, race conditions, freezes and deadlocks.
I would like to mention one more tool, that I use when other tools fail to detect AV. It's SafeMM (newer version). Once it pointed me to the small 5 line procedure. And I had to look more than 10 minutes at it, in order to see the AV that happened there. Probably that day my programming skills wasn't at their maximum, but you know, bad thing tend to happen exactly at such days.
Just want to mention other debugging or "code guard" techniques that were not mentioned in previous answers:
"Local" tools:
* Use FastMM in DebugMode - have it write zeros each time it dealocates memory. This will make your program PAINFULLY slow but you have a HUGE chance to find errors like trying to access a freed object.
* Use FreeAndNil(Obj) instead of Obj.Free. Some, people were complaining about it as creating problems but without actually providing a clear example where this might happen. Additionally, Emarcadero recently added the recommendation to use FreeAndNil in their manual (finally!).
* ALWAYS compile the application in Release and Debug mode. Make sure the Project Options are correctly set for debug mode. The DEFAULT settings for Debug mode are NOT correct/complete - at last not in Delphi XE7 and Tokyo. Maybe one day they will set the correct options for Debug mode. So, enable things like:
"Stack frames"
"Map file generation (detailed)"
"Range checking",
"Symbol reference info"
"Debug information"
"Overflow checking"
"Debug DCUs"
Deactivate the "Compiler optimizations"!
3rd Party Tools:
Use MadShi or EurekaLog (I would recommend MadShi over EurekaLog)
Use Microsoft's ApplicationVerfier

How to know what exceptions to rescue?

I often find myself without knowing what exceptions to rescue when using a specific library of code in Ruby.
For instance, I often use HTTParty for any HTTP requests my rails/sinatra app would make. I dug around the code for HTTParty and found a file containing the defined exceptions used. Great! I'll just rescue them when making a request.
To test it out, I put in a bogus domain name for the request, but instead of HTTParty::ResponseError exception I expected, I instead get got a SocketError exception.
What is the best way to deal with this? I'm aware that HTTParty is a wrapper for Ruby's implementation, and that's probably what threw the SocketError exception. But how would I know that normally?
I could solve this by just rescuing "Exception", but that's pretty awful practice. I'd rather be well aware of the exceptions I could be causing and dealing with those.
EDIT: I should clarify that what really prompted me to create this question was that I have no idea how I can figure out the possible exceptions that CAN be raised when calling a specific function... that is, without looking through every single function call in the stack.
In general terms (I'm not a ruby programmer) I use the following approach.
I deal with exceptions in the following way:
Can I recover from it? If the exception can happen and I know I can recover or retry perhaps, then I handle the exception.
Does it need to be reported? If the exception can happen but I know I can't recover or retry perhaps, then I handle the exception by logging it and then passing it on to the caller. I always do this on natural subsystem boundary like major module or services. Sometimes (dependant on the API) I might wrap the exception with a 'my module' specific one so that the caller only has deal with my exceptions.
Can't handle it? All exceptions that are not dealt with should be caught at the top level and (a) reported, (b) ensure that the system remains stable and consistent. This is the one that should always be there regardless of whether the other two are done.
Of course there is another class of exception - the ones that are so serious that they give you no chance to deal with them. For these there is only one solution -Post Mortem debugging and I find the best thing for this is logs, logs and more logs. And having worked on many system from small to large, I would prefer to sacrifice performance for stability and recoverability (except where it's critical) and add copious amounts of logging - introspectively if possible.
A socketError response is totally fine if you put in a bogus domain name.
After all - trying to connect to a non-existant domain would cause the connection to fail AKA SocketError.
The best way to deal with that is to use a valid Domain with a false URL in your test, but catch socketError in your live code.
The problem here is not that you're catching the wrong exception but that you're priming the test with bad data.
The best course of action is understand what exceptions could happen and manage them,
When I say understand, I'm getting at - Where does the URL come from, is it entered by your user ? if so never trust it and catch everything. Does it come from your config data; Semi trust it and log errors, unless it's mission critical that the URL is ok.
There's no right or wrong answer here but this approach will, I hope, give you a good result.
Edit: What I'm attempting to do here is advocate the mindset of a programmer that is aware of the results of their actions. We all know that trying to connect to 'thisServiceIsTotallyBogus.somethingbad.notAvalidDomain' will fail; but the mindset of a programmer should be to first validate exactly where that domain comes from. If it is inputted by the user then you must assume full checks; if you know it's from a config file only accessed by yourself or your support team; you can relax a little; Sadly though, this is a bad example as you should really always test URLS because sometimes the internet doesn't work!
Ideally, the developer documentation for anything you use should tell you what exceptions that it can throw.
For libraries or gems where the source code is publicly available, you can typically find the types of exceptions in an exceptions.rb file. (Ref here). Otherwise you will have to rely on the documentation. If all else fails you can rescue StandardError, although it is a less-than-ideal practice in many cases (ref this SO answer.

What information should I be logging in my web app?

I finishing up a web application and I'm trying to implement some logging. I've never seen any good examples of what to log. Is it just exceptions? Are there other things I should be logging? What type of information do you find useful for finding and fixing bugs.
Looking for some specific guidance and best practices.
Follow up
If I'm logging exceptions what information specifically should I be logging? Should I be doing something more than _log.Error(ex.Message, ex); ?
Here is my logical breakdown of what can be logged within and application, why you might want to and how you might go about doing it. No matter what I would recommend using a logging framework such as log4net when implementing.
Exception Logging
When everything else has failed, this should not. It is a good idea to have a central means of capturing all unhanded exceptions. This shouldn't
be much harder then wrapping your entire application in a giant try/catch unless you are using more than on thread. The work doesn't end here
though because if you wait until the exception reaches you a lot of useful information would have gone out of scope. At the very least you should
try to collect specific pieces of the application state that are likely to help with debugging as the stack unwinds. Your application should always be prepared to produce this type of log output, especially in production. Make sure to take a look at ELMAH if you haven't already. I haven't tried it but I have heard great things
Application Logging
What I call application logs includes any log that captures information about what your application is doing on a conceptual level such as "Deleted Order" or "A User Signed On". This kind of information can be useful in analyzing trends, auditing the system, locking it down, testing, security and detecting bugs of coarse. It is probably a good idea to plan on leaving these logs on in production as well, perhaps at variable levels of granularity.
Trace Logging
Trace logging, to me, represents the most granular form of logging. At this level you focus less on what the application is doing and more on how it is doing it. This is one step above actually walking through the code line by line. It is probably most helpful in dealing with concurrency issues or anything for that matter which is hard to reproduce. You wouldn't want to always have this running, probably only turning it on when needed.
Lastly, as with so many other things that usually only get addressed at the very end, the best time to think about logging is at the beginning of a project so that the application can be designed with it in mind. Great question though!
Some things to log:
business actions, such as adding/deleting items. Talk to your app's business owner to come up with a list of things that are useful. These should make sense to the business, not to you (for example: when user submitted report, when user creates a new process, etc)
Some things to NOT to log:
do not log information simply for tracking user usage. Use an analytics tool for that (which tracks the client in javascirpt, not in the client)
do not track passwords or hashes of passwords (huge security issue)
Maybe you should log page/resource accesses which are not yet defined in your application, but are requested by clients. That way, you may be able to find vulnerabilities.
It depends on the application and its audience. If you are managing sales or trading stocks, you probably should log more info than say a personal blog. When you need the log most is when an error is happening in your production environment, but can't reproduce it locally. Having log level and log hierarchy would help in such situations, because you can dynamically increase the log level. See log4j's documentation and log4net.
My few cents.
Besides using log severity and exceptions properly, consider structuring your log statements so that you could easily look though the log data in the future. For example - extracting meaningful info quickly, doing queries etc. There is no problem to generate an ocean of log data, the problem is to convert this data into information. So, structuring and defining it beforehand helps in later usage. If you use log4j, I would also suggest using mapped diagnostic context (MDC) - this helps a lot for tracking session contexts. Aside from trace and info, I would also use debug level where I usually keep temp. items. Those could be filtered out or disabled when not needed.
You probably shouldn't be thinking of this at this stage, rather, logging is helpful to consider at every stage of development to help diffuse potential bugs before they arise. Depending on your program, I would try to capture as much information as possible. Log everything. You can always stop logging certain components or processes if you don't reference that data enough. There is no such thing as too much information.
From my (limited) experience, if you don't want to make a specific error table for each possible error type, construct a generic database table that accepts general information as well as a string that you can populate with exception data, confirmation messages during successful yet important processes, etc. I've used a generic function with parameters for this.
You should also consider the ability to turn logging off if necessary.
Hope this helps.
I beleive when you log an exception you should also save current date and time, requested url, url refferer and user IP address.
