How to pass a generic decodable data using a delegate - ios

I have managed to create an APIClient and router for my app and here is my code
my result
enum Result<T> {
case success(data: T)
case failure(error: Error) }
Here is my server request
func request<T: Decodable>(router: APIRouter, completion: #escaping (Result<T>) -> ()) {
And the completion handler
completion(Result<T>.failure(error: ErrorResult.defaultError))
completion(Result.success(data: result))
And here is my viewModel where i am getting the result
switch result {
case .success(let successData):
print("successData \(successData)")
case .failure(let errorData):
print("errorData \(errorData.localizedDescription)")
Now what i need is i want to pass the result as decodable to my viewcontroller using delegate
#objc public protocol ViewModelDelegate {
func didStartFetchingData()
func didFinishFetchingData(_ result:Decodable)
#objc optional func didFinishFetchingDataWithFailure(_ message:String)
This is what I did but it is getting error
All I need is I want to pass the success data (decodable data) to my view controller from view model using custom delegate

You can do generic with this, check out the below example
func didFinishFetchingData<T: Decodable>(_ result: T)
// example models
struct Foo: Decodable {
struct Boo: Decodable {
To make it optional as you need , simply add ? in T .
func didFinishFetchingData<T: Decodable>(_ result: T?)
Note : You can't pass plain nil into the parameter but you can pass a nullable type of T check the code below .
let model = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Foo.self, from: Data()) // model is type of Foo?
didFinishFetchingData(model) // works fine


Swift Generics where T is undeclared

I have two questions involving Generics
a) I want to do an extension function where my Result class in the case of Success accepts a Generic of type T, however, I get the following error: Use of undeclared type 'T'
Here's my code:
extension Result<T> where Success == [T] {
/// Function extension for the .success case on a Result object. The result of the Result object are
/// multiple object, in case a list or an iterable in being wrapped.
/// - Parameter callback: Function that the will be executed when the .success case is triggered
func onSuccess(callback: ([T]) -> Void) {
switch self {
case .success(let results):
also regarding the same problem, I want a UIViewController to accept an array of a Generic type:
class UIObservableTableViewController: UITableViewController, LifecycleOwner {
func addLiveData<T>(_ liveData: LiveData<T>) {
private lazy var liveDataObservers = [LiveData<T>]()
However, I get the same error as the previous one, how can I implement T instead of Any, or could I cast T to Any or the other way around?
I have also tried the following code:
extension Result where Success == Collection {
/// Function extension for the .success case on a Result object. The result of the Result object are
/// multiple object, in case a list or an iterable in being wrapped.
/// - Parameter callback: Function that the will be executed when the .success case is triggered
func onSuccess(callback: (Success) -> Void) {
switch self {
case .success(let results):
However, I get the following compilation error: Protocol 'Collection' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
LiveData is the following class:
/// Class for implementing the Observable Pattern. This is a Mutable Observable (it can change its value)
class LiveData<T> {
private (set) var value: T
private var valueChanged: ((T) -> Void)?
init(value: T) {
self.value = value
/// Function that sets a value on a main thread. This could throw an error is the setValue is not called inside the Main Thread
/// - Parameter value: T object
fileprivate func setValue(value: T) {
print("The value is of type: \(value)")
try! assertMainThread(methodName: "setValue")
self.value = value
/// Function that sets a value on a background thread. This could throw an error is the setValue is not called inside the Main Thread
/// - Parameter value: T object
fileprivate func postValue(value: T) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.value = value
/// Function that checks if the current thread is the MainThread
private func assertMainThread(methodName: String) throws {
if !Thread.isMainThread {
throw CustomError("\(methodName) is not in the main thread")
/// Add closure as an observer and trigger the closure imeediately if fireNow = true
func observe(owner: LifecycleOwner, _ onChange: ((T) -> Void)?) {
valueChanged = onChange
// Add the live data into its LifecycleOwner
func removeObserver() {
valueChanged = nil
/// Class for implementing the Observable Pattern. This is a Mutable Observable (it can change its value)
class MutableLiveData<T>: LiveData<T> {
override func setValue(value: T) {
super.setValue(value: value)
override init(value: T) {
super.init(value: value)
override func postValue(value: T) {
super.postValue(value: value)

Migrating generic function from Alamofire 3 to Alamofire 4

I'm migrating this code with Alamofire 3 to Alamofire 4.
The reference is: Creating a generic method with AlamoFire in Swift
I have this class:
import Foundation
import Alamofire
import AlamofireObjectMapper
import ObjectMapper
class HttpHandler {
static func sendRequest<T:BaseUser>(url: String, parameters: [String: AnyObject]?) -> T {
let res : T
.responseObject { (response: DataResponse<[T]>) in
switch response.result {
case .Success(let value):
case .Failure(let error):
return res
class BaseUser: ResponseObjectSerializable {
var valueHandle : ((BaseUser)->())?
var errorHandle : ((NSError)->())?
required init?(response: HTTPURLResponse, representation: AnyObject) {
public protocol ResponseObjectSerializable {
init?(response: HTTPURLResponse, representation: AnyObject)
But, I'm getting this error:
Cannot convert value of type '(DataResponse<[T]>) -> ()' to expected
argument type '(DataResponse<_>) -> Void'
How I can fix it?
You are returning from asynchronous method, and expecting that the result is valid, I think you should rethink your implementation of sendRequest method a bit. You can make it such that it takes in completion closure.
Also, your BaseUser does not seem to be a model class, it rather seems like some handler class, so to say. It only has two properties which are closure, what are you trying to map from http request. Should it have some real attributes.
With that, if you have a pure model class and a proper send method, you can achieve what you are trying pretty easily.
The error in your case is because you are using, AlamofireObjectMapper and trying to map values without actually implementing protocol.
Look at the signature of the method,
public func responseObject<T>(queue: DispatchQueue? = default,
keyPath: String? = default,
mapToObject object: T? = default,
context: MapContext? = default,
completionHandler: #escaping(Alamofire.DataResponse<T>) -> Swift.Void) -> Self where T : BaseMappable
Here the generic parameter T is expected to be of type BaseMapper. If you conform to the protocol Mappable from ObjectMapper, it should be just fine.
class BaseUser: BaseMappable {
func mapping(map: Map) {
// map your actual properties here
// like username, name
I have also changed your sendRequest method a bit, such that instead of returning values, it does the request and does a callback after finishing.
static func sendRequest<T:BaseUser>(url: String,
parameters: [String: AnyObject]?,
completion: #escaping ([T], Error?) -> Void) {
.responseObject { (response: DataResponse<[T]>) in
switch response.result {
case .success(let value):
completion(value, nil)
case .failure(let error):
completion([], error)
The code looks fine, but it does not yet work. You are expecting that your response to be mapped to array of BaseUser, but AlamofireObjectMapper, expect it to be of type, Mappable.
Now you can use extension to array and conform to the protocol. We can make use of Swift 4.1 Conditional Conformance here.
extension Array: BaseMappable where Element: BaseMappable {
public mutating func mapping(map: Map) {
var userHolder: [BaseUser] = []
// map array of values to your BaseUser
And with this you are good to go. Note, that I showed you how the problem that you had could be solved. I also did some small refactoring just to make code more clearer.
Please make changes according to your need.

Using Generics in completionHandler

I have a simple app, that communicates with server via TCP Socket using custom protocol. I want to achieve HTTP-like response-request behaviour, abstracting from socket layer.
So I have simple protocol:
protocol ResponseType {
init(with frame: SocketMessage)
And some of examples:
struct MessageAck: ResponseType {
var messageId: String
init(with frame: SocketMessage) {
messageId = frame.messageId
I created simple protocol for sending requests:
protocol APIClient {
func send<T: ResponseType>(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?)
enum SocketAPIRequest {
case textMessage(messageId: String, ...)
And finally:
enum Result<T> {
case success(T)
case failure(Error)
class SocketAPIClient: APIClient {
typealias MessageId = String
private var callbacks = [Receipt: ((Result<ResponseType>) -> Void)]()
func send<T>(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?) where T : ResponseType {
callbacks[stompFrame.receiptId] = completion
So, when I want to store callback for each request, to call it after answer will be received, I got such error:
Cannot assign value of type '((Result<T>) -> Void)?' to type '((Result<ResponseType>) -> Void)?'
I guess the problem with mixing Type's and objects, or maybe something else.
Swift generics are not covariant (with special hard-coded exceptions for Array which involve copying the elements). That means that Result<Apple> is not a subtype of Result<Fruit>. See Swift Generics & Upcasting for examples of why.
In your case, what would prevent you from passing a Result<MessageBody> to a callback that expected a Result<MessageAck>? For example:
for callback in callbacks {
How could you know this was legal at compile time for any given type of result?
You can hide the type inside a closure to get what you want. Try this:
class SocketAPIClient: APIClient {
typealias MessageId = String
private var callbacks = [Receipt: ((Result<SocketMessage>) -> Void)]() // <--- Change
func send<T>(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?) where T : ResponseType {
// Store the closure we don't understand inside a closure we do
callbacks[stompFrame.receiptId] = { result in
switch result {
case .success(let message):
completion?(.success(T.init(with: message)))
case .failure(let error):
Now, instead of trying to hold T directly in callbacks, it's held in each individual closure, hidden from the rest of the class, and T never escapes this function. When you get to wherever you call callback in your code, just pass it the Result<SocketMessage> that I assume you already have somewhere.
The simplest solution to your problem is to have the callback always pass a Result<Data> and remove T entirely:
protocol APIClient {
func send(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<Data>) -> Void)?)
Then leave it to the MessageAck (in the completion handler) to deserialize itself from the raw data.
There are other ways to achieve all this with type erasers, but they're much more complex and sometimes very fiddly.
Have you tried the following signature
func send<T:ResponseType>(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?){ ... }
and still getting error?
Edit 1:
or probably you should try something like this
protocol APIClient {
associatedtype T
func send(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?)
class SocketAPIClient: APIClient {
typealias MessageId = String
typealias T = ResponseType
private var callbacks = [Receipt: ((Result<ResponseType>) -> Void)]()
func send(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?) {
callbacks[stompFrame.receiptId] = completion

Pass a class that follows a given protocol into a method and then instantiate the class using swift

I'm looking to create a very generic service layer that looks to call Alamofire. See code:
func getRequest(from endpoint:String!, withParameters parameters:[String:Any]?,withModel model:RuutsBaseResponse, andCompleteWith handler:#escaping (RuutsBaseResponse?, NSError?) -> ()){
func generateModel(withResponse result:NSDictionary?, withError error:NSError?) -> (){
handler(model.init(fromDictionary: result),error);
alamoFireService.AlamoFireServiceRequest(endpoint:endpoint, httpVerb:.get, parameters:parameters!, completionHandler:generateModel);
This is what the RuutsBaseResponse looks like:
protocol RuutsBaseResponse {
init(fromDictionary dictionary: NSDictionary);
The getRequest looks to do the following:
Taken in any class so long as it conforms to RuutsBaseResponse protocol.
Make a service call using alamoFire using the parameters passed into it.
alamoFire will call the generateModel method once the service call is completed.
When it calls the generateModel the method is supposed to instantiate the model and pass into it the Dictionary received from alamoFire.
The issue is the model, i'm struggling to achieve the requirements above. I keep getting:
Error:(22, 21) 'init' is a member of the type; use 'type(of: ...)' to
initialize a new object of the same dynamic type
All I'm looking to do is make a layer generic enough to make a service call and create an object/model that is created from the Dictionary passed back from alamoFire.
What you are looking for is how to use Generics:
protocol RuutsBaseResponse {
init(fromDictionary dictionary: NSDictionary);
struct BaseModel: RuutsBaseResponse {
internal init(fromDictionary dictionary: NSDictionary) {
print("instantiated BaseModel")
struct SecondaryModel: RuutsBaseResponse {
internal init(fromDictionary dictionary: NSDictionary) {
print("instantiated SecondaryModel")
// state that this function handles generics that conform to the RuutsBaseResponse
// protocol
func getRequest<T: RuutsBaseResponse>(handler: (_ response: T) -> ()) {
handler(T(fromDictionary: NSDictionary()))
getRequest(handler: { model in
// will print 'instantiated BaseModel'
(model as! BaseModel)
getRequest(handler: { model in
// will print 'instantiated SecondaryModel'
(model as! SecondaryModel)

Writing API requests with completion blocks using Swift generics

I am experimenting with generics in Swift and I am attempting to push it to its limits.
In my application I have a super simple API wrapper around Alamofire. The structure is like so:
API -> Request -> Alamofire request
Here is some generic code that I threw into a playground to test some concepts. Here is what I have so far:
protocol SomeProtocol {
var cheese: String { get }
class Something: SomeProtocol {
required init() { }
var cheese: String {
return "wiz"
class API {
class func performRequest<T: SomeProtocol>(completion: (T?, NSError) -> Void) {
// This code is irrelevant, just satisfying the completion param
let test = T()
let error = NSError(domain: "Pizza", code: 1, userInfo: nil)
completion(test, error)
func test() {
API.performRequest<Something> { item, error in
Calling the function gives the error:
"Cannot explicitly specialize a generic function"
****** UPDATE ******
As per the answer below, removing the typical <> generic type specifier and instead adding the expected type to the completion params solves the issue. Just a quick example:
func test() {
API.performRequest { (item: Something?, error) in
Additionally, I have discovered that making the API wrapper class a generic class solves the issue like so:
protocol SomeProtocol {
var pizza: String { get }
class SomeObject: SomeProtocol {
var pizza: String { return "pie" }
class API<T: SomeProtocol> {
class func performRequest(completion: (T?, NSError?) -> Void) {
func test() {
API<SomeObject>.performRequest { item, error in
// Do something with item, which has a type of SomeObject
Either way, the end goal is accomplished. We have a single generic method that will perform a set of tasks and return, via completion closure, the object based on the type passed in with each use.
The way generics work is they allow a function to use unspecialized variables inside of its implementation. One can add functionality to these variables by specifying that the variables must conform to a given protocol (this is done within the declaration). The result is a function that can be used as a template for many types. However, when the function is called in the code itself, the compiler must be able to specialize and apply types to the generics.
In your code above, try replacing
func test() {
API.performRequest<Something> { item, error in
func test() {
API.performRequest { (item: Something?, error) in
this lets the compiler know which type it must apply to the function without explicitly specifying. The error message you received should now make more sense.
Here is what i did using alamofire and alamofire object mapper:
Step 1: Create modal classes that conforms to Mappable protocols.
class StoreListingModal: Mappable {
var store: [StoreModal]?
var status: String?
required init?(_ map: Map){
func mapping(map: Map) {
store <- map["result"]
status <- map["status"]
Step 2: Create a fetch request using the generic types:
func getDataFromNetwork<T:Mappable>(urlString: String, completion: (T?, NSError?) -> Void) {
Alamofire.request(.GET, urlString).responseObject { (response: Response<T, NSError>) in
guard response.result.isSuccess else{
print("Error while fetching: \(response.result.error)")
completion(nil, response.result.error)
if let responseObject = response.result.value{
completion(responseObject, nil)
Step 3: Now all you need is to call this fetch function. This can be done like this:
self.getDataFromNetwork("your url string") { (userResponse:StoreListingModal?, error) in
You will not only get your response object but it will also be mapped to your modal class.
