Autolayout issue with keyboard & UI element heights - ios

Swift 5, Xcode 10
The layout of my UIViewController:
I use this code to push the Server Text Field up when the keyboard is opened.
At first it pushed the bottom UIStackView into the top one, so I added the Server Stack >= Username Stack View.bottom + 20 constraint and now it's keeping a proper distance.
BUT now it also automatically decreases the height of the Server Text Field when it's pushed up. Giving the Server Stack View a fixed height of 60.5 smushes the "Login" button, so I set the height of the Username Stack View to a fixed 110.5, which didn't change anything.
I tried changing the Vertical Content Compression Resistance Priority of multiple UI elements to 999 but there's always one UI element whose height is decreased.
As you can see in this screenshot, there's enough space above the keyboard:
How can I make auto layout use this space instead of "smushing" UI elements?
I found out what this additional space is: It's the height of the "version" label and its constraint (30pts to the bottom of the screen in my case). Unfortunately I haven't been able to get rid of this yet - apart from removing the label, which still doesn't stop the "smushing".

The additional empty space above the keyboard equals to the height of the "version" label and its constraint (30pts to the bottom of the screen in my case).
The "squishing" is somehow caused by the centerY - 120 constraint of the UIStackView and even changing the "Content Compression Resistance Priority" didn't work. Plus, if there's a surrounding UIScrollView, it complains about a missing constraint for the "y position" (even if the other constraints are set properly).
Unfortunately the only fix I've found so far that works for both problems is to remove the cause and change the layout. :/
What I ended up with:
A few things worth noting:
The Child View was added to always keep the "version" label at the bottom of the screen - even when the keyboard is active.
The Login View uses the KeyboardLayoutConstraint class for its "bottom" constraint. Without it the scrolling would be completely disabled.
The size of the Stack View is set through the labels and text fields inside.
The two extra UIStackView and UIViews (1x username, 1x server) had to be added to maintain a width of 200 for the UITextFields but still have the surrounding UIStackView and UIScrollView use leading/trailing constraints of 0pts. Without, positioning everything horizontally didn't stick, Xcode complained and the UIScrollView was pretty narrow, which also meant that it wasn't possible to scroll on the sides.
The "top + 100" constraint (Stack View) is visible even when the keyboard is up and the UIScrollView is scrollable. I'm aware it's not pretty but it's the only solution I've found that doesn't stick the text fields to the top of the view, since "middle - 100" doesn't work. It's probably possible to get rid of it by changing the KeyboardLayoutConstraint class.


How do I ensure UILabel only takes the space it requires, without extra padding?

I have a peculiar issue when dealing with my label in Vertical, then horizontal stack view.
The horizontal stack view is supposed to be of a dynamic height based on the label's contents. I've tried other solutions mentioned before, such as embedding the label (and image which is also in the horizontal stack view) in separate UIViews and pinning the labels to the edges.
The issue is, when the label is set to 0 - the label grows beyond what it requires, adding padding above and below the label.
I did verify this wasn't an issue with constraints from where the Stack View begins below the imageView, as the warning label correctly floats upwards when aligning the stackview to "top", but the label still remains centered.
Everything has been done in the storyboards without code.
Take a look at the images, maybe someone can help me out and recognise how I can resolve this issue.
Desired Effect
What occurs upon running the application
Verifying that the stack view is correctly pinned to the image view by aligning top
Constraints involved
The second stackview in the hierarchy at the bottom is just to fill the empty space during the designing phase. I don't think that would be causing the issue.
I would guess that actually your second stackView at the bottom is also the part of your problem. If you pinned the vertical stack view to the bottom of the image (TOP constraint) but you also pinned it to the bottom of the screen (BOTTOM constraint), your vertical stack view tries to strech it's content. That's the reason why the label has the extra space.
What you can do: get rid of that bottom constraint (don't give vertical stackView bottom constraint) or maybe better set vertical content hugging priority of warning label to greater value.
Here, the warning UILabel is occupying the remaining available space, try adding an empty UIView in the second stack view which you kept for the later stage of the development. This will act like a spacer view.
Also, don't forget to call warningLabel.sizeToFit() inside viewDidLoad()
You can achieve this by calling yourLabel.sizeToFit()
Above will dynamically adjust the height of the label based on the amount of space your text occupies.

UIScrollView with multiple multi-line labels and AutoLayout?

Is there a way to achieve this? I have tried literally everything and nothing has worked for me yet.
So basically what i want to do is the following: I have a scroll view with some labels in it. All the labels get their text from a server and I have set their number of lines to 0 so that they change their height according to the amount of text. However, this does not affect the scrollview content size(even though my labels have constraints set up to the bottom,top,leading and trailing of the scrollview) and the labels go off screen and I am unable to scroll down. Can someone point me in the right direction to how I would set up my constraints, my view hierarchy and etc?
Any help is much appreciated! :)
Late, but this solved it for me:
Set leading (I have a 32pt inset), trailing and top constraints. The trailing will not actually seemingly do anything..
Make the trailing Greater Than or Equal to avoid localization alert.
Finally, add a new Equal Width constraint to the label matching the scrollview. Use the constant to subtract the required padding (I used 64 due to mirror my leading inset).
And voilĂ ! The Label will align correctly both in IB and in-app.
In Scrollview the last view's bottom constraint is so important. You should set its priority to 250 and put it to Greater than or equal.
Remember you should only change the bottom constraint of the last view, which in my case it's the continue button.
I would consider using UITableView instead, it has several benefits:
It allows for reuse of cells, if all the cells look the same
It manages recycling of cells when the number of values you're getting from the server increases (decreases memory pressure when number of cells becomes substantial)
It allows for more flexibility with the content (it's quite often for design to change last second or to evolve over the course of the project)
Most importantly, UITableView support auto sizing cells (as of iOS8), you need to specify the constraints between the label and the borders of the cell
There are several resources to start with:
Use a container view in a scrollView
Add constraints to superview (leading, trailing, top, bottom, height,width)
Make IBOutlet of constraints that you are going to update.
Add you all labels inside that view.
Update constrains/frame of your label so that it fits the text.
How much you increase the label height you should increase the container height too.
If the label count is not fixed use custom label class to add subview.
Perhaps you should need to understand how ScrollView works in Storyboard with autolayout.

Simple scroll view constraints change?

I created a scroll view in Xcode that works awesome because of this video.
When I was messing around after I made it I found out that if I clicked on the scroll view and went to Show the Size Inspector or the fifth button on the right hand side of the screen I had the option to make a constraint called Top Space change in value that caused the scroll view to become bigger and smaller. I decided to see if I could find a way to change the constraint programmatically by simply using dot notation and the equaling it to an int value that I wanted.
So what I'm trying to figure out is there a simple way to change these constraints values programmatically that change the scroll view constraints values?
Without actually following that tutorial (and there being no code in your question) I'm going to make a few assumptions.
Yes, it is possible to change the scroll view's content size by manipulating constraints in your code. If you are creating the constraints in a xib or storyboard, you will need to make sure they are hooked up to IBOutlets so that you can access them in your code.
If you have 2 views arranged vertically that affect the vertical content size of your scroll view, increasing the space between these views would also increase the vertical size of your scrollview's content size. The following would increase the space between 2 views by 20 (assuming a multiplier of 1) and subsequently increase the scrollview's vertical space by the same amount.
// This is a vertical space constraint created in your xib or storyboard between 2 views that drive the content size of your scrollview
someVerticalSpaceConstraint.constant += 20;

Auto Layout Not So Auto

I have the most basic set up possible. See pic 1:
Believe it or not this is my first project using AutoLayout, I have created everything prior programatically. This basic set up is literally a UIWebView with 1 custom UIView positioned at the bottom. Previously I was using a tool bar that handled everything for me and had no issues with constraints whatsoever. However, the tool bar created discrepancies for event handling when adding a UILongPressGesture to the subview of the UIBarButtonItem so I decided to convert the tool bar to a UIView (Even inserting a UIView into a tool bar, it naturally converts to a button item) for easier handling. But run-time, the view gets pushed off screen by half of the UIView size (48px) See Pic 2. Then when I add buttons, it just gets worse:
I have reviewed the documents and the support HERE with no results. I've spent about 24 hours in total researching it and learned a lot, so my efforts aren't in vein. I KNOW by 'Adding Missing Constraints', the constraints are just recommendations based on the current set up, they aren't concrete in all cases, so I did try to create my own with control drag after reviewing the documents but my set up concluded with no different results, and exponentially more sloppy. So I decided to include the populated constraints by Xcode below :
UIWebView Constraints
Custom UIView (toolBar) Constraints
Any solid starting point recommendations? Does Intrinsic Size have anything to do with it?
EDIT : WORKING CONSTRAINTS I didn't realize you could simply omit a constraint. It seems the culprit was adding one to the top layout guide.
Just for answerer #Matt :
Constant 0 result : there are small gaps at edges
-16 for leading space/trailing space results as a true toolbar emulation in my case with no outstanding warnings or issues. Thanks
Let's talk about the view at the bottom of your interface and how you would use auto layout to position and size it the way a toolbar would be positioned and sized.
To use auto layout, you need to supply sufficient info to determine both position and size. This view is a subview of the view controller's main view. The main view will be resized depending on the screen, so we want to use auto layout to resize the subview ("toolbar") as well. This is what auto layout is for!
So constrain subview leading edge to the leading edge of the superview, and constrain subview trailing edge to the trailing edge of the superview, both with a constant of 0. Now the right and left edges match the superview!
That takes care of horizontal position and size.
Now let's talk about vertical position. The position should be the bottom. So constrain subview bottom edge to the bottom layout guide of the view controller, again with a constant of 0. Now the bottom of the view is at the bottom!
The only thing we don't know is the top of the subview. This, in our situation, is the same as knowing its height. So give the subview a height constraint, set its constant to a reasonable value like 40, and you're done.

UIScrollView + Centered View + Ambigous Scrollable Content Size + many iPhone sizes

I have:
application, that should work in landscape and portrait mode.
view with full-size scroll view on top.
some view inside scroll view with fixed width and height. (with added H and W constraints)
set to view inside scroll view as horizontal centered in container. (added according constraint)
I have warning in interface builder "Has ambiguous scrollable content width".
The only way to fix this problem, that I know - is set trailing and leading constraints.
But for different iPhones (5.5", 4.7", 4") I need to set different trailing and leading constraints.
How can I eliminate this warning and still have centered horizontally view with fixed W and H for all iPhone sizes?
I create Github repo to illustrate this problem: ScrollViewAmbigous
This is not duplicate of UIScrollView Scrollable Content Size Ambiguity
, but it similar (and not answered although), but this question especially related to different sizes of iPhones.
In the morning with a fresh cup of coffee I figured out workaround for this issue!
So, here is the initial state for simplest case:
scrollView with 0 constraints to all edges
Button centered Horizontal and Vertical with fixed Width and Height
And, of course Has ambiguous scrollable content width and Has ambiguous scrollable content height annoying warnings.
All, that we have to do is:
Add 2 additional constraints, for example "0" for trailing and/or bottom space for our view (in my case - UIButton)
Important: you have to add trailing and/or bottom constraints. Not "leading and top" - it's not works!
You can check it in my example project, that demonstrating how to fix this issue: ScrollViewAmbigous
I don't know why it works and how Xcode detect which constraint is more prioritised (because I'm not set priority for these constraints explicity), but I'll be thankful if someone explain, why it works in comments below.
Problem :
The warning is telling us that the the content size of the
scrollview depends on its subviews.
while your subview don't have any strict rule of position and size (no fixed constraints) it will confuse nib generated scrollview
content size.
Solution :
Make only one subview as a 'contentView' for scrollview.
Add strict (fixed) constraints to that 'contentView'.
Best practice : equal width and height to its scroll view.
Add all other subviews and constraints to your 'contentView'.
There seems to be a lot of confusion on this issue. My take is that a UIScrollView must have TWO trailing space constraints, an 'inner' one connecting it to one of it's subviews (so it can know its content width), and another 'outer' one connecting it to a sibling or superview so it knows its frame width.
Same principle applies for height, i.e. two bottom space constraints.
