How is the secure key protected in cordova plugin encrypt source code? - cordova-plugins

When I protect my source Code with cordova plugin: "encrypt source Code"
the plugin generates a random Key to encrypt the source .
When I install the App, then files are decrypted.
The Question is: where is Key located to decrypt the source ?
Is the location secure ?


Cocoapods Error - Trouble in installing MapboxNavigation podfile -Mapboxnavigation sdk

In order to implement MapbocNavigation podfile according to mapboxnavigationsdk official documentation.adding Mapbox-iOS-SDK and MapboxNavigation through Cocoapods, always get error, shown bellow.enter image description here
Also tried: Generate access token and use secret key from Mapbox account and also configure .nertc file with secret key, follow all the steps of .nertc file configuration and research more about this error and implement all the possible ways but yet I am facing this error...
First, please remove already created .netrc files with this command.
sed -i '' '/^machine$/{N;N;d;}' ~/.netrc
Then Try To create new .netrc file with this steps:
To create .netrc file do next
Fire up Terminal
cd ~ (go to the home directory)
touch .netrc (create file)
open .netrc (open .netrc)
Set required data.
.netrc file should be like this
login mapbox
password <secret_key_created_from_your_mapbox_account>
May be it will help to you. If Its Help then please upvote to my answer.

Retrieve file from keyvault instead of secure files in InstallAppleCertificate task on azure pipeline

According to the documentation of the InstallAppleCertificate task, there is a certSecureFile parameter that looks for the certificate in the "Secure Files":
However in my organization I don't have the permission to upload secure files:
Any other way to select a certificate that isn't uploaded to "Secure Files" for this task?
They did gave me a separate keyvault which I can perfectly link to the pipeline build and get files/secrets from in bash scripts. Yet this InstallAppleCertificate task doesn't allow me to use those instead. I wouldn't even mind to put the certificate in my source repo (I know I shouldn't do this).
The certSecureFile field in InstallAppleCertificate task needs to use the .p12 file in secure file.
I am afraid that files that are not in the secure file cannot be used.
Based on my test, when I use the file from local machine, it will show the following error:
This means that before running the build, it will retrieve the files in the secure file. And the file needs to exist in secure file.
Since you could get the files/secrets , you could try to install the Apple Certificate(.p12 file) via script.
security import ./xxx.p12 -P secretPassword
Here is a thread about install .p12 or .cer in console macos.

Spring cloud data flow ,jdbc-sink-rabbit source code

I only can find the source for jdbc-sink (Link), but I can't find the source code for jdbc-sink-rabbit which used in spring cloud data flow.
Does anyone know it?
The jdbc-sink-rabbit is the generated application when building the starter project.
./mvnw clean install -PgenerateApps
cd apps
You will find the generated jdbc-sink-rabbit under apps directory.
The build instructions are specified here

Cocoapods Podspec Source HTTP Authentication Support

I am looking into setting up a private repo that allows distributing binary .framework files (so no source code) via Cocoapods.
The actual repo will be hosted on a Git server, just like the Cocoapods page suggests and the actual .framework files will be hosted on a different server that would allow accessing the .framework files via HTTPs.
Let's say I add this in the .podspec file:
spec.source = { :http => '' }
From reading the documentation it's not clear to me what kind of authentication does Cocoapods support for referencing the .framework file via HTTPs.
I had a look at both
CocoaPods' Downloader is using CURL for downloading files under the hood. If you want to use HTTP, you can setup your authentication credentials in the ~/.netrc file.

trying to install lockbox 3 for Delphi 2010

I'm trying to download LockBox3 so I can encrypt some files. I tried through Sourceforge and ran into all sorts of compiling difficulty such as the ANSI problem in the String Utility, $ENDIF rather than $IFEND, and others. I then went to the link and I see lists of files but I don't see how to ultimately make a package that I can use in the application.
I'm not interested in modifying any source - I'm just hoping to use the utility/component as-is to encrypt/decrypt file such as in the codec examples.
You can download a svn client (take 1 minute)
1) Download : Standalone command-line Subversion client for Windows
The installer contains all command line tools (svn, svnadmin, svnsync, svnserve, svnmucc) but no application bindings nor Apache modules.
2) goto
there you see
Command-line access
Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:
Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout tplockbox-read-only
3) create a folder where you want to store the download
4) inside that folder open windows cmd
5) paste above svn checkout ... link to cmd
after ENTER the download starts.
