Regarding the consistency of convolutional neural networks - machine-learning

I am currently building a 2-channel (also called double-channel) convolutional neural network in order to classify 2 binary images (containing binary objects) as 'similar' or 'different'.
The problem I am having is that it seems as though the network doesn't always converge to the same solution. For example, I can use exactly the same ordering of training pairs and all the same parameters and so forth, and when I run the network multiple times, each time produces a different solution; sometimes converging to below 2% error rates, and other times I get 50% error rates.
I have a feeling that it has something to do with the random initialization of the weights of the network, which results in different optimization paths each time the network is executed. This issue even occurs when I use SGD with momentum, so I don't really know how to 'force' the network to converge to the same solution (global optima) every time?
Can this have something to do with the fact that I am using binary images instead of grey-scale or color images, or is there something intrinsic to neural networks that is causing this issue?

There are several sources of randomness in training.
Initialization is one. SGD itself is of course stochastic since the content of the minibatches is often random. Sometimes, layers like dropout are inherently random too. The only way to ensure getting identical results is to fix the random seed for all of them.
Given all these sources of randomness and a model with many millions of parameters, your quote
"I don't really know how to 'force' the network to converge to the same solution (global optima) every time?"
is something pretty much something anyone should say - no one knows how to find the same solution every time, or even a local optima, let alone the global optima.
Nevertheless, ideally, it is desirable to have the network perform similarly across training attempts (with fixed hyper-parameters and dataset). Anything else is going to cause problems in reproducibility, of course.
Unfortunately, I suspect the problem is inherent to CNNs.
You may be aware of the bias-variance tradeoff. For a powerful model like a CNN, the bias is likely to be low, but the variance very high. In other words, CNNs are sensitive to data noise, initialization, and hyper-parameters. Hence, it's not so surprising that training the same model multiple times yields very different results. (I also get this phenomenon, with performances changing between training runs by as much as 30% in one project I did.) My main suggestion to reduce this is stronger regularization.
Can this have something to do with the fact that I am using binary images instead of grey-scale or color images, or is there something intrinsic to neural networks that is causing this issue?
As I mentioned, this problem is present inherently for deep models to an extent. However, your use of binary images may also be a factor, since the space of the data itself is rather discontinuous. Perhaps consider "softening" the input (e.g. filtering the inputs) and using data augmentation. A similar approach is known to help in label smoothing, for example.


Where do # of epochs and batch size belong in the hyperparameter tuning process?

I'm fairly new to machine learning, and working on optimizing hyperparameters for my model. I'm doing this via a randomized search. My question is: should I be searching over # of epochs and batch size along with my other hyperparameters (e.g. loss function, number of layers, etc.)? If not, should I fix a these values first, find the other parameters, then return to tune these?
My concern is a) that searching over many epochs will be extremely time-consuming, so leaving it at one low value for the initial scan would be useful and b) that these parameters, esp. # of epochs, will disproportionately affect the results when the model is behaving well, and won't really give me much information about the rest of my architecture, as there should be a regime where more epochs, up to a point, are better. I know this isn't totally accurate, i.e. # of epochs is a real hyperparameter and too many can lead to overfitting issues, for example. Currently, my model is not clearly improving with # of epochs, though it was suggested by someone working on a similar problem within my area of research that this may be mitigated by implementing batch normalization, which is another parameter I am testing. Finally, I am worried that batch size will be quite affected by the fact that I am scaling my data down to 60% to allow my code to run reasonably (and I think the final model will be trained on vastly more data than the simulated data currently available to me).
I agree with your intuition on epochs. It is common to keep this value as low as possible in order to complete more training "experiments" in the same number of working hours. I don't have a great reference here, but I would welcome one in the comments.
For almost everything else, there is a paper by Leslie N. Smith that I can't recommend enough, A disciplined approach to neural network hyper-parameters: Part 1 -- learning rate, batch size, momentum, and weight decay.
As you can see, batch size is included but epochs are not. You will also notice that the model architecture is not included (number of layers, layer size, etc). Neural Architecture Search is a huge research field in its own right, separate from hyper-parameter tuning.
As for the loss function, I can't think of any reason to "tune" that except in the context of an Auxiliary Loss for training only, which I suspect is not what you are talking about.
The loss function that will be applied to your validation or test set is part of the problem statement. That, along with the data, defines the problem you are solving. You don't changing it by tuning, you change it by convincing a product manager that your alternative is better for the business need.

Why does random initialization of weights in neural network work?

The question of why the weights of a neural network cannot be initialized as 0's has been asked plenty of times. The answer is straightforward: zero initial weights would result in all nodes in a layer learning the same thing, hence the symmetry has to be broken.
However, what I failed to comprehend is that, why would initializing the weights to some random numbers close to zero work. Even more advanced initialization techniques such as Xavier modify only the variance, which remains close to zero. Some answers in the linked question point to the existence of multiple local optima, but I seriously doubt the validity of this argument because of the followings:
The (usual) cost function of an individual logistic regression has a unique minimum. Nonetheless this insight may not generalizable to more than one node, so let's forget it for now.
Assume for the sake of argument that multiple local optima exist. Then shouldn't the proper randomization technique be Monte-Carlo-ish-ly over the entire domain of possible weights, rather than some random epsilons about zero? What's stopping the weights from converging again after a couple of iterations? The only rationale I can think of is that there exists a global maximum at the origin and all local optima are nicely spread 'radially' so that a tiny perturbation in any direction is sufficient to move you down the gradient towards different local optima, which is highly improbable.
PS1: I am asking the question here in the main Stack Overflow site because my reference is here.
PS2: The answer to why the variance of the initial weights are scaled this way can be found here. However, it did not address my question of why random initialization would work at all due to the possibility of converging weights, or rather, the weights would 'diverge' to 'learn' different features.
You've hit the main reason: we need the kernels to differ so that the kernels (nodes) differentiate their learning.
First of all, random initialization doesn't always work; depending on how closely you've tuned your model structure and hyper-parameters, sometimes the model fails to converge; this is obvious from the loss function in the early iterations.
For some applications, there are local minima. However, in practical use, the happy outgrowth of problem complexity is that those minima have very similar accuracy. In short, it doesn't matter which solution we find, so long as we find one. For instance, in image classification (e.g. the ImageNet contest), there are many features useful in identifying photos. As with (simpler) PCA, when we have a sets of features that correlate highly with the desired output and with each other, it doesn't matter which set we use. Those features are cognate to the kernels of a CNN.

Neural Network gets stuck

I am experimenting with classification using neural networks (I am using tensorflow).
And unfortunately the training of my neural network gets stuck at 42% accuracy.
I have 4 classes, into which I try to classify the data.
And unfortunately, my data set is not well balanced, meaning that:
43% of the data belongs to class 1 (and yes, my network gets stuck predicting only this)
37% to class 2
13% to class 3
7% to class 4
The optimizer I am using is AdamOptimizer and the cost function is tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits.
I was wondering if the reason for my training getting stuck at 42% is really the fact that my data set is not well balanced, or because the nature of the data is really random, and there are really no patterns to be found.
Currently my NN consists of:
input layer
2 convolution layers
7 fully connected layers
output layer
I tried changing this structure of the network, but the result is always the same.
I also tried Support Vector Classification, and the result is pretty much the same, with small variations.
Did somebody else encounter similar problems?
Could anybody please provide me some hints how to get out of this issue?
I will assume that you have already double, triple and quadruple checked that the data going in is matching what you expect.
The question is quite open-ended, and even a topic for research. But there are some things that can help.
In terms of better training, there's two normal ways in which people train neural networks with an unbalanced dataset.
Oversample the examples with lower frequency, such that the proportion of examples for each class that the network sees is equal. e.g. in every batch, enforce that 1/4 of the examples are from class 1, 1/4 from class 2, etc.
Weight the error for misclassifying each class by it's proportion. e.g. incorrectly classifying an example of class 1 is worth 100/43, while incorrectly classifying an example of class 4 is worth 100/7
That being said, if your learning rate is good, neural networks will often eventually (after many hours of just sitting there) jump out of only predicting for one class, but they still rarely end well with a badly skewed dataset.
If you want to know whether or not there are patterns in your data which can be determined, there is a simple way to do that.
Create a new dataset by randomly select elements from all of your classes such that you have an even number of all of them (i.e. if there's 700 examples of class 4, then construct a dataset by randomly selecting 700 examples from every class)
Then you can use all of your techniques on this new dataset.
Although, this paper suggests that even with random labels, it should be able to find some pattern that it understands.
Firstly you should check if your model is overfitting or underfitting, both of which could cause low accuracy. Check the accuracy of both training set and dev set, if accuracy on training set is much higher than dev/test set, the model may be overfiiting, and if accuracy on training set is as low as it on dev/test set, then it could be underfitting.
As for overfiiting, more data or simpler learning structures may work while make your structure more complex and longer training time may solve underfitting problem

Things to try when Neural Network not Converging

One of the most popular questions regarding Neural Networks seem to be:
Help!! My Neural Network is not converging!!
See here, here, here, here and here.
So after eliminating any error in implementation of the network, What are the most common things one should try??
I know that the things to try would vary widely depending on network architecture.
But tweaking which parameters (learning rate, momentum, initial weights, etc) and implementing what new features (windowed momentum?) were you able to overcome some similar problems while building your own neural net?
Please give answers which are language agnostic if possible. This question is intended to give some pointers to people stuck with neural nets which are not converging..
If you are using ReLU activations, you may have a "dying ReLU" problem. In short, under certain conditions, any neuron with a ReLU activation can be subject to a (bias) adjustment that leads to it never being activated ever again. It can be fixed with a "Leaky ReLU" activation, well explained in that article.
For example, I produced a simple MLP (3-layer) network with ReLU output which failed. I provided data it could not possibly fail on, and it still failed. I turned the learning rate way down, and it failed more slowly. It always converged to predicting each class with equal probability. It was all fixed by using a Leaky ReLU instead of standard ReLU.
If we are talking about classification tasks, then you should shuffle examples before training your net. I mean, don't feed your net with thousands examples of class #1, after thousands examples of class #2, etc... If you do that, your net most probably wouldn't converge, but would tend to predict last trained class.
I had faced this problem while implementing my own back prop neural network. I tried the following:
Implemented momentum (and kept the value at 0.5)
Kept the learning rate at 0.1
Charted the error, weights, input as well as output of each and every neuron, Seeing the data as a graph is more helpful in figuring out what is going wrong
Tried out different activation function (all sigmoid). But this did not help me much.
Initialized all weights to random values between -0.5 and 0.5 (My network's output was in the range -1 and 1)
I did not try this but Gradient Checking can be helpful as well
If the problem is only convergence (not the actual "well trained network", which is way to broad problem for SO) then the only thing that can be the problem once the code is ok is the training method parameters. If one use naive backpropagation, then these parameters are learning rate and momentum. Nothing else matters, as for any initialization, and any architecture, correctly implemented neural network should converge for a good choice of these two parameters (in fact, for momentum=0 it should converge to some solution too, for a small enough learning rate).
In particular - there is a good heuristic approach called "resillient backprop" which is in fact parameterless appraoch, which should (almost) always converge (assuming correct implementation).
after you've tried different meta parameters (optimization / architecture), the most probable place to look at is - THE DATA
as for myself - to minimize fiddling with meta parameters, i keep my optimizer automated - Adam is by opt-of-choice.
there are some rules of thumb regarding application vs architecture... but its really best to crunch those on your own.
to the point:
in my experience, after you've debugged the net (the easy debugging), and still don't converge or get to an undesired local minima, the usual suspect is the data.
weather you have contradictory samples or just incorrect ones (outliers), a small amount can make the difference from say 0.6-acc to (after cleaning) 0.9-acc..
a smaller but golden (clean) dataset is much better than a big slightly dirty one...
with augmentation you can tweak results even further.

Random Perturbation of Data to get Training Data for Neural Networks

I am working on Soil Spectral Classification using neural networks and I have data from my Professor obtained from his lab which consists of spectral reflectance from wavelength 1200 nm to 2400 nm. He only has 270 samples.
I have been unable to train the network for accuracy more than 74% since the training data is very less (only 270 samples). I was concerned that my Matlab code is not correct, but when I used the Neural Net Toolbox in Matlab, I got the same results...nothing more than 75% accuracy.
When I talked to my Professor about it, he said that he does not have any more data, but asked me to do random perturbation on this data to obtain more data. I have research online about random perturbation of data, but have come up short.
Can someone point me in the right direction for performing random perturbation on 270 samples of data so that I can get more data?
Also, since by doing this, I will be constructing 'fake' data, I don't see how the neural network would be any better cos isn't the point of neural nets using actual real valid data to train the network?
I think trying to fabricate more data is a bad idea: you can't create anything with higher information content than you already have, unless you know the true distribution of the data to sample from. If you did, however, you'd be able to classify with the Bayes optimal error rate, which would be impossible to beat.
What I'd be looking at instead is whether you can alter the parameters of your neural net to improve performance. The thing that immediately springs to mind with small amounts of training data is your weight regulariser (are you even using regularised weights), which can be seen as a prior on the weights if you're that way inclined. I'd also look at altering the activation functions if you're using simple linear activations, and the number of hidden nodes in addition (with so few examples, I'd use very few, or even bypass the hidden layer entirely since it's hard to learn nonlinear interactions with limited data).
While I'd not normally recommend it, you should probably use cross-validation to set these hyper-parameters given the limited size, as you're going to get unhelpful insight from a 10-20% test set size. You might hold out 10-20% for final testing, however, so as to not bias the results in your favour.
First, some general advice:
Normalize each input and output variable to [0.0, 1.0]
When using a feedforward MLP, try to use 2 or more hidden layers
Make sure your number of neurons per hidden layer is big enough, so the network is able to tackle the complexity of your data
It should always be possible to get to 100% accuracy on a training set if the complexity of your model is sufficient. But be careful, 100% training set accuracy does not necessarily mean that your model does perform well on unseen data (generalization performance).
Random perturbation of your data can improve generalization performance, if the perturbation you are adding occurs in practice (or at least similar perturbation). This works because this means teaching your network on how the data could look different but still belong to the given labels.
In the case of image classification, you could rotate, scale, noise, etc. the input image (the output stays the same, naturally). You will need to figure out what kind of perturbation could apply to your data. For some problems this is difficult or does not yield any improvement, so you need to try it out. If this does not work, it does not necessarily mean your implementation or data are broken.
The easiest way to add random noise to your data would be to apply gaussian noise.
I suppose your measures have errors associated with them (a measure without errors has almost no meaning). For each measured value M+-DeltaM you can generate a new number with N(M,DeltaM), where n is the normal distribution.
This will add new points as experimental noise from previous ones, and will add help take into account exprimental errors in the measures for the classification. I'm not sure however if it's possible to know in advance how helpful this will be !
