I have run spock tests with robolectric in the past with robospock and electricspock in other projects with older versions of robolectric. My new project uses robolectric 4.3 but it according to release notes confirmed by experiments neither robospock nor electricspock support robolectric 4.3 yet. Has any one had success running spock tests with robolectric 4.3? If so, could you please share your setup. TIA.
I checked out some forks of ElectricSpock and this fork supports Roboelectric 4.x. Hopefully this helps someone.
The latest version of this fork is 4.7.3-3 which has been updated to support Robolectric version 4.7.3
I am using specflow for BDD for a POC project. I had installed the nuget packages for Specflow ,Specflow.NUnit, NUnitTestAdapter and NUnit (version 2.6). I seemed to be happy since i was getting the expected result.
After a few days, I am working on a new project and i installed all the nuget packages mentioned above. Everything worked fine again. However, when i upgraded Nunit from version 2.6 to the latest stable version 3.0, my tests were not discovered in the Test explorer.
I can continue with the older version but still i would like to go with the latest stable version
I am not sure what steps do i need to take to get my specs running and see all my tests in the Test Explorer.
Any help would be appreciated.
The current version of specflow at time of writing (1.9) won't work with nunit 3. The new version, currently under development (v2) will support it so you will need to wait for that to use nunit v3, or use the beta version from the CI build
The project I've been working on needs to upgrade it's grails version from 2.2.3 to 2.5.1. Needless to say, the project is huge and I am sure there will be lots of issues while upgrading.
What are the precautions needed while upgrading? And what are the changes required in the dependencies below:
dependencies {
runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.34'
compile ('ar.com.fdvs:DynamicJasper:5.0.0')
compile ('org.apache.poi:poi:3.10-FINAL')
compile ("com.aspose:aspose-words:14.5.0")
compile ("com.aspose:aspose-cells:8.4.2")
As well as in plugins below:
plugins {
compile ":aws-sdk:1.6.7"
compile ":export:1.5"
You can find the high level changes listed for each major release up to 2.5.0 in the 2.5.1 documentation.
You will need to note all of the features which will change during the upgrade, identify where you are using them and plan how you are going to migrate.
What I usually do when upgrading the Grails version (apart from reading the upgrade sections of the version I'm upgrading to and all in between major versions) is create a new empty application with the new Grails.
And then use a tree compare tool (like meld) and compare all the build and configuration files to see what has changed.
This way you get most of the needed changes without much trouble. You still need to test your application thoroughly. Hopefully you have lots of unit and integration tests to help you with that...
I am struggling to configure grails 2.3.X in IntelliJ idea 12.0.1. Grails 2.2.X is configured successfully.
Grails 2.3.2 is working properly from terminal. I can compile, test, run my application. But while trying to configure it in IntelliJ so that dependencies get resolved, I get the IntelliJ shouting straight to me(as pictured below).
Looks like Grails Distribution in specified path is broken. Cannot
determinate version.
What I see is changes in grails-2.3.x/dist/ to earlier version's grails-2.2.x/dist/.
Is this because there's no support for newer version(2.3.x) of grails in IntelliJ 12 or what ?
I want nothing else but my application (jar) dependencies to be resolved in the IDE.
Make sure you are running the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA - v12.1.6. There was a "Grails 2.3.0 not working" bug fixed in 12.1.6.
You may also want to take a look at the Grails SDK is not configured question. One of the IntelliJ IDEA developers has a detailed answer in that question that may help.
Also, this thread on the IntelliJ IDEA forum may be useful.
For Information to reload the dependencies in IntelliJ 12.1.6 , following path works fine.
-> Grails
-> Synchronize Grails settings
I need to upgrade my application which is using Cordova 1.8 version to Cordova 2.0 version. I followed the steps mentioned in the http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/2.8.0/guide_upgrading_ios_index.md.html. My application's running for 1.9 but when am trying to upgrade it to 2.0 version am not able to find 'Preprocessor Macro' in build setting.
Also I am not able to find 'CordovaLib' folder, but in the 10th step they have mentioned related to PreprocessorMacro which am not able to find.
As you main motivation seems to be up to date with the last version of Cordova, I would recommend to create a new clean project with Cordova 2.8 and import your html files in the www folder.
Upgrading version by version is painful and you will not get any benefits from it. However, you might not get any performance improvement but you will get a better support from the community.
I been struggling for awhile following every single article, blog post etc that I can find.
I need to setup Jenkins to build my XCode 4.5.2 project and run the unit test... I got the build part working but not the unit test part...
I first tried the Xcode Plugin and then all the different other options to run it from the command line with xcodebuild etc which all fail...
Xcode 4.5.2
Mac OS Lion
Jenkins CI
can anyone give me reference to something that can help me?
I've seen a lot of people complaining that XCode 4.5 broke command line unit test execution. Here is one reference post with a possible workaround solution:
Xcode 4.5 command line unit testing
Facebook built a tool that might be helpful: https://github.com/facebook/xctool
If that does not work for you you will have to wait until Apple builds better tools for unit testing and continuous integration.