EF6, DbContext/POCO setting virtual nav property to attach new object: possible? - entity-framework-6

I am in the process of switching a very old EF6 edmx/ObjectContext implementation over to DbContext/POCO. I was able to generate the POCO model and all read operations seem to be working now.
My problem is that I have thousands of lines of code that do things like this:
var person = db.Persons.Single(x=> x.Id = 45);
var phone = new Phone { Person = person, Number = "123-456-7890"};
In the old edmx/ObjectContext world, when I set Person = person, the State of phone would be Added.
In the new DbContext/POCO world, this set has no effect at all, and the state remains Detached.
The new model code is using something like this to create the navigation property:
public virtual Person Person { get; set; }
Whereas the old edmx code was a getter setter, and the setter was doing this:
.GetRelatedReference<Phone>("Model.fk_Person_Phone", "Person")
.Value = value;
Is there any way to make the virtual nav property work similarly to the old method, and attach the new object to the database?


Passing values between classes in Vaadin

This might be more of a Java question, but how would you access values (say from a textfield) of a given view/class from a different class? For example if there was a TextField t1 that is in the MainView, and I wanted to get its current value for a computation in a different class. And is there a more Vaadin-specific approach here?
That can depend on the use case specifically. Since you mentioned a TextField value I assume the value is not yet stored in the DB, it's just on the UI yet -> I rule out singleton spring services.
A few ideas:
If the MainView and the different class are nested components and it's viable and not really complicated across a lot of classes... then probably passing it down the way when creating the sub-component. This is a naive solution - it can get pretty messy.
MainView() {
var t1 = new TextField();
var d = new Different(t1);
Fire and listen to Vaadin Component events. If you want really loose coupling, the most universal would be to use the UI instance as the event bus.
// listen in different class
ComponentUtil.addListener(attachEvent.getUI(), CloseMenuEvent.class, e -> closeMenu());
// fire change in MainView
ComponentUtil.fireEvent(ui, new CloseMenuEvent(ui))
A more specific version of number 2. is to pass the ValueChangeListener of the MainView's t1 to the different class.
MainView() {
var t1 = new TextField();
var d = new DifferentClass();
add(t1, d);
Extract the common field to a third party, to a third class. Use a #UIScoped spring bean (#SpringComponent, #Service, ...) that will hold that field, and inject it to both MainView and the different class.
public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {
public MainView(Model m, Different d) {
add(m.t1, d);
public class Different extends Component {
public Different(Model m) {
// something with m.t1
public class Model {
public final TextField t1 = new TextField(); // TODO use getter
You could change the 4th approach by keeping String in Model and having a value change listener that updates it.

ios swift models structure with realm database

I am developing my iOs App and I am using Realm database. As I am totally new to ios developing (also swift and xcode) I have question about structuring data (I've already read some general project structure guidelines but couldn't find the answer). My thinking is connected with Java structures
For Realm databases (RealmSiwft) I created a model like this:
#objcMembers class Patient: Object {
dynamic var patientId:Int = 0
dynamic var refNumber:String = ""
convenience init(id:Int, refNumber:String){
self.patinetID = id
self.refNumber = refNumber
Now, it looks just like a POJO class in Java. But as I learned, this model structure is made that way so it can be able to use Realm.
So the question is, if I need somewhere else in my project to use Patient objects, is this Realm-POJO-model good to use? I mean, should I use it just like a normal Model even when I dont need to make database operations on it? Or should I make this Realm model alike DAO class for databases operations and make another model class like Patient.swift for whenever I want to play with Patient without using databases (I hope not, cause it's so much code duplicating)
And what if I need variables in that Patient Model that won't be stored in database? Can I make it without dynamic? What about init than? That blows my mind, as far as I learn swift it seems so ugly and unstructured, or I just can't switch to it yet...
if I need somewhere else in my project to use Patient objects, is this
Realm-POJO-model good to use?
even when I dont need to make database operations on it?
You can use your Patient object without savings to the DB, move them to different controllers and so on.
what if I need variables in that Patient Model that won't be stored
in database?
Look to ignoredProperties() method.
Can I make it without dynamic?
No you can't because of Realm based on Objective-C object, so this is necessary type.
What about init than?
You can create different Constructors methods, look to the Initialization doc. In case with Realm you should setup values to noticed variables (if you don't give them Default Property Values)
Your class should look like this:
class Patient: Object {
// MARK: - Properties
#objc dynamic var patientId: Int = 0
#objc dynamic var refNumber: String = ""
// MARK: - Meta
// to set the model’s primary key
override class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "patientId"
//Ignoring properties
override static func ignoredProperties() -> [String] {
return ["tmpID"]
//It's ok
convenience init(id:Int, refNumber:String){
self.patientId = id
self.refNumber = refNumber
All other detail information you can find in: realm docs
Also you can extend you base code with swift extension:
extension Patient {
var info: String {
return "\(patientId) " + refNumber
func isAvailableRefNumber() -> Bool {
return refNumber.length > 6

BeanItem not updating associated Field more than one, when changing property by hand

I'm scratching my head, trying to work out why a BeanItem's property isn't updating the component Field's value - more than once :(.
class MyComponent extends CustomComponent {
TextField firstNames
BeanItem<MyObject> bean = new BeanItem<MyObject>(new MyObject())
MyComponent() {
Layout layout = new FormLayout()
firstNames = new TextField("First Names")
FieldGroup binder = new FieldGroup(bean)
void setFromAccount(MyObject newObject) {
The first time I call setFromAccount the value of the firstNames text field is updated on screen. The second time it isn't, and the first value persists.
Does anyone know what's going on? I thought that whenever I set the value on the underlying property everything was updated through internal listeners. Why is it only happening the first time?

Actionscript, objects and event listeners

Say I have an object
var my_obj = new Object();
my_obj['key'] = value;
Is there a way to add an event listener to the value, like
my_obj['key'].addEventListener(Blah Blah);
I have a long(ish) list of buttons on the timeline (the layout is so different from section to section that just makes more sense to do on the timeline rather than trying to build the layouts via actionscript).
button1 = plays "frame label 1"
button2 = plays "frame label 2"
and so on....so I was just thinking of storing everything in an array
obj["button1"] = "framelabel1"
Then I could just have one event handler for all of the buttons and use target to get the frame label value...
Yes, you can do exactly what you're asking in the exact way you've mentioned, here's an example:
var value:Sprite = new Sprite();
var my_obj = new Object();
my_obj['key'] = value;
So calling:
my_obj['key'].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrameHandler);
is exactly the same as calling:
value.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrameHandler);
If the value is an IEventDispatcher or extends EventDispatcher you can add a listener to it.
The question is rather obscure to me. My guess is that you need something triggered every time a value is set. If this is the case, then you have to create a custom class, and declare a getter-setter property there.
For instance:
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class TestAccessor extends Sprite
private var someVarValue:uint = 0;
public function TestAccessor()
public function get someVar():uint
return someVarValue;
public function set someVar(value:uint):*
someVarValue = value;
// this is the place where someVar is set.
// do whatever else you like here,
// you may choose to dispatch an event from here if you need.
Back in AS1-AS2 era we had watch() and addProperty() for that purpose, but these times are long since gone. For good. :)

Has-A Relationship

public class Elevator ()
Button firstFloorbutton = ButtonFactory.getButtonInstance(this, 1);
Button secondFloorbutton = ButtonFactory.getButtonInstance(this, 2);
Button thirdFloorbutton = ButtonFactory.getButtonInstance(this, 3);
Button fourthFloorbutton = ButtonFactory.getButtonInstance(this, 4);
Fan fan1 = FanFactory.getFanInstance(this);
Light light1 = LightFactory.getInstance(this);
private void goUp()
private void goDown()
public class Button()
Elevator E;
int floor;
public button (Elevator E, int floor )
this.E = E;
this.floor = floor;
public void buttonPressed()
//logic to determine which floor the elevator is currently at and determine whether to go up or down to reach "this.floor"
E.goUp(); // if need to go up
E.goDown() // if need to go down
public class ButtonFactory()
public Button getButtonInstance(Elevator E, int floor)
Button b =new Button(E, floor);
return b;
public class FanFactory(){ .................}
public class LightFactory() { ........... }
What kind of relationship exist between the Elevator and Button class?
According to Kathy and Bert (SCJP) page 92 : HAS-A relationship are based on usage rather than inheritance. In other words, class A HAS-A B if code in class A has a reference to an instance of class B.
In my example Elevator class code have a reference to a instance of Button and Button have a reference to instance of Elevator class.
Can anyone please clarify on this.
The Elevator has a button. Actually, it has four, but with each of those buttons, there's a has-a relationship.
Has-a is a somewhat informal term used to refer to two more formal kinds of relationship: association and aggregation. In both cases, one party in the relationship has a pointer to the other, but they're distinguished by semantics: in an association relationship, the first party knows about the other, but doesn't completely dominate it (think you and a colleague, or a boss, or a subordinate), whereas in an aggregation relationship, the latter party is part of the former party, and has no independent existence (think you and your liver). In this case, i'd say the Button is more specifically on the subordinate end of an aggregation relationship with the Elevator, not merely an association relationship.
Other examples of association might be a Customer and a Salesman, or a Department and an Employee. Of aggregation, an Order and and OrderLine, or a Structure and a Component. Interesting corner cases are a Category and a Product, and an Order and an Invoice.
One practical consequence of the kind of relationship is object lifetime: in an association, if the first object dies, the second may live, but in an aggregation, it will die. Think about your Elevator: if you deleted one (or removed it from your live data structures and let it be garbage collected, at least), would you want the Buttons to survive?
It is a Has-A relationship, which is a simple way of remember the composition model. Button class is composed of Elevator class; i.e. Button class has a Elevator class.
