std::variant gives std#bad_alloc in assignment operatoe - c++builder

Rad Studio Rio 10.3.1, CLANG.
The simple code throws an exception in the assignment operator (y=x): 'std#bad_alloc'
typedef std::variant< std::string, int> MVariant;
MVariant x=10;
MVariant y;
I cannot see the reason. What am I missing?

I think that the problem is not in Rad Studio itself. It is about CLANG. This is known bug 33222 that seems to only affect libstdc++'s std::variant (and other constructs using the same combination). The problem is related to friend function to templates.
The variant from libc++ doesn't seem to use the technique of friends that libstdc++ used.
See get<string> for variants fail under clang++ but not g++


msvc trying to compile cv::Matx<float,3,1> as a 4-element vector

Using MSVC 2017, OpenCV 3.4. Code
typedef Vec3f localcolor;
inline double lensqd(const localcolor & c) {
return c.ddot(c);
error C2338: Matx should have at least 4 elements. channels >= 4
note: while compiling class template member function 'cv::Matx<float,3,1>::Matx(_Tp,_Tp,_Tp,_Tp)'
when compiling the ddot function.
The compiler is trying to instantiate a 3-element vector with 4 initializers. I can't see anything in the OCV source code that would make this happen.
So do I file a bug report with MS?
And how do you suggest I get a working build? The code is this way because I sometimes want
typedef Vec4f localcolor;
which BTW compiles without error.
Could you show the ddot function ?
I recently had the same error by attempting to initialize a Vec3f with 4 elements.

C++Builder > binary number 0b1 causes error E2141

I am using C++ Builder XE4.
I am trying to use a binary number such as 0b1 in my code.
Following is the code I tried:
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
int num = 0b11;
The above causes a compiler error:
Unit1.cpp(19): E2141 Declaration syntax error
Does C++Builder support binary numeration like this?
I confirmed that 0x11 works in C++Builder.
I also confirmed that 0b11 can be used in IDEOne using C++:
Binary notation of integer literals is a new feature in C++14. However, no C++Builder version has a C++14 compiler at this time.
In XE4, the Win32 compiler and OSX compiler do not support C++11 at all (a 32bit C++11 compiler was added in 10.0 Seattle). The Win64 compiler supports C++11, though.
The current C++Builder compilers support only decimal, octal, and hex. See Embarcadero's documentation for details: Integer Constants
If you want to compile this, you will need a newer version of the C++ Builder with a C++11 compiler.

OmniThreadLibrary C++ builder Build issues

I'v been trying to get OmniThreadLibrary to run in builder, i've built it with all the c++ required files it builds ok but when i use it in an c++ builder app i get a bunch of error messages that look like the following
[bcc32 Error] DSiWin32.hpp(385): E2040 Declaration terminated incorrectly
one points at this line of code in the generated hpp file
static const System::Int8 CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS = System::Int8(0x30);
has anyone had this working in C++ builder or know the best way to resolve these issues
I'm using c++ builder settle and OmniThreadLibrary version 3.06
The Win32 API (and Delphi, for that matter) already declares CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS, Omni should not be declaring it at all. It should be using Delphi's Shlobj unit instead.
The Win32 API declares CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS using a #define statement:
#define CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS 0x0030
So the declaration in Omni's .hpp is getting modified by the C++ preprocessor to this:
static const System::Int8 0x0030 = System::Int8(0x30);
Thus the "Declaration terminated incorrectly" compiler error.
When Delphi code declares something that already exists in C++, it needs to be declared as either {$EXTERNALSYM} or {$NODECLARE} to avoid duplicate declarations, and then optionally use {$HPPEMIT} to output a relevant #include statement in a generated .hpp file. Delphi's units already do that for its Win32 declarations.
If Omni is not already doing that (and the error would suggest it is not) then it needs to be updated accordingly.

JEDI JCL runtime compiler error E2040 when using JclWin32.hpp

I have installed the current stable JEDI Code library in C++ Builder XE3 on Windows 7 x32. It works fine, but only as long as I don't include files like JclFileUtils.hpp which are including JclWin32.hpp. Then I get always the compiler error E2040: "Declaration terminated incorrectly" (in file JclWin32.hpp, line 682, second line in the following code snippet):
#define NetApi32 L"netapi32.dll"
static const System::Int8 CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 = System::Int8(0x2a);
#define RT_MANIFEST (System::WideChar *)(0x18)
I neither have an idea were this error comes from, nor could I found any hints to this. What could be the cause? Thanks in advance.
I got help and the solution for this problem. Just replace the static const declaration:
static const System::Int8 CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 = System::Int8(0x2a);
with this macro definition:
This is a bug in JclWin32.pas.
In C/C++, the Win32 API declares CSIDL values in Microsoft's shlobj.h header using preprocessor #define statements, eg:
#define CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 0x002a
After the preprocessor is run and performs #define symbol replacements, the compiler ends up seeing the following invalid declaration in JclWin32.hpp:
static const System::Int8 0x002a = System::Int8(0x2a);
JCL should not be re-declaring CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 (or any other CSIDL value) at all. It should be either:
using Delphi's own Winapi.ShlObj unit, which already declares CSIDL values.
if not using the Winapi.ShlObj unit, then it should at least be declaring its manual CSIDL values as {$EXTERNALSYM} so they do not appear in the generated JclWin32.hpp file. If needed, JCL can include an {$HPPEMIT '#include <shlobj.h>'} statement to pull in the existing Win32 API declarations for C/C++ projects to use.

How can I solve fatal compiler errors when installing GLScene into RAD Studio 2010?

I'm trying to install GLScene into RAD Studio 2010, with the aim of using it from a mostly C++ project. I downloaded the latest snapshot (5991, November 2011) and have been trying to compile and install the two main packages: GLScene_DesignTime and GLScene_RunTime. I haven't even tried some of the other libraries (CUDA, etc), I just want to get the base packages running.
I've encountered a number of problems, one of which I can't solve, and I'm seeking the help of anyone on SO who has successfully installed GLScene, or might know how to solve these Delphi compiler errors.
First problem (solved?)
When compiling, a number of files gave the following error:
[DCC Warning] GLSelection.pas(297): W1025 Unsupported language feature: 'abstract class method'
This is caused by a method declaration something like:
TGLBaseSelectTechnique = class
class function IsSupported: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
It seems that a virtual abstract class method is not supported in Delphi 2010, and I have solved it by removing 'abstract' and providing a dummy implementation, e.g. just returning false.
The second problem (not solved) - Delphi compiler fatal errors
I am now encountering two more serious errors. When compiling, the compiler fails like so:
[DCC Fatal Error] Exception EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 05AE8ED9 in module 'dcc140.dll'. Read of address 00000003
[DCC Error] Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
It doesn't say what file caused this, but I think it's caused by Spline.pas. Occasionally and not as often, I get this:
[DCC Fatal Error] Spline.pas(1): F2084 Internal Error: AV062D8ED9-R00000003-0
This indicates Spline.pas, and I think the first error is probably related to the file too, because after getting the first one if I then clean the project, cleaning will fail saying it could not delete Spline.hpp. (I have to close and reopen the IDE.) Spline.hpp just contains the following:
// CodeGear C++Builder
// Copyright (c) 1995, 2009 by Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
// All rights reserved
// (DO NOT EDIT: machine generated header) 'Spline.pas' rev: 21.00
#ifndef SplineHPP
#define SplineHPP
#pragma delphiheader begin
#pragma option push
#pragma option -w- // All warnings off
#pragma option -Vx // Zero-length empty class member functions
#pragma pack(push,8)
#include <System.hpp> // Pascal unit
#include <Sysinit.hpp> // Pascal unit
and there it stops. It looks to me like it failed when trying to generate the HPP file.
I always get one of these two failures. The second is the only one I can tie to a specific file; the first fails halfway through the project, but I can't see where it got up to when it failed. I am compiling from inside the IDE.
I've looked in Spline.pas, and it seems pretty basic code - I can't see anything unusual at all. You can find it here, and apparently the file hasn't been touched for seven years... so I think it should compile :)
If I change the project settings so it does not generate headers, it compiles fine. (Generating just obj files, and any other of the settings that does not include "headers", all work fine.) But this isn't a good workaround for me - after all, I need to use it from C++ Builder, so my normal setting would be "Generate all C++ Builder files". At a bare minimum, I need HPP and OBJ files.
Has anyone here used GLScene in a recent version of C++ Builder? Have you encountered similar problems? Any idea how to solve this one?
I am using:
RAD Studio 2010 (fully patched and up to date; DDevExtensions and IDEFixPack installed.)
The November 2011 snapshot; I tried the March 2011 snapshot too, and got the same problems. Link to snapshots here.
The Delphi 2010 packages modified only by changing the linker output to generate C++ Builder files; and also the BCB 6 packages. Both give the same errors.
Edit: GLScene now has compatibility with RAD Studio XE3 (including C++ Builder.)
Now there is full compatibility of GLScene with Embarcadero RAD Studio
C++Builder XE3 as in design and runtime mode.
You can download it from (95Mb)
-- from Pal Wassail's post on the Embarcadero forum thread.
{quote:title=David M wrote:}{quote}
I'm trying to install GLScene into RAD Studio...
And here is more simple Test for EMB developers of Delphi XE3 header generator -
1.Create a VCL Form Application
2.Add in Unit1.pas interface section
TVector3f = array[0..2] of single;
TVector4f = array[0..3] of single;
function VectorAdd(const v : TVector3f; const f : Single) : TVector3f; overload;
function VectorAdd(const v : TVector4f; const f : Single) : TVector4f; overload;
3.Add in implementation section
function VectorAdd(const v : TVector3f; const f : Single) : TVector3f;
function VectorAdd(const v : TVector4f; const f : Single) : TVector4f;
Set Delphi Compiler option “Generate C++ .objs, headers, namespaces, export”
Build the project
Then Delphi XE3 compiler generates wrong header file Unit1.hpp with lines:
extern PACKAGE TVector3f __fastcall VectorAdd
(float const v, const float f)/ overload */;
extern PACKAGE TVector4f __fastcall VectorAdd
(float const v, const float f)/ overload */;
If now you are trying to use this header file Unit1.hpp in my.cbproj you get fatal error:
“E2238 Multiple declarations in …”
Yes, if you change vector array types to records:
TVector3f = record
case boolean of
true : (Coord: array[0..2] of single);
false : (X,Y,Z: single);
then the problem could be solved, because in this case Delphi compiler generates
extern PACKAGE Vectortypes::TVector3f __fastcall VectorAdd
(const Vectortypes::TVector3f &v, const float f)/* overload */;
extern PACKAGE Vectortypes::TVector4f __fastcall VectorAdd
(const Vectortypes::TVector4f &v, const float f)/* overload */;
and you could build your C++Builder VCL application without "Multiple declaration " error. It was done for old GLScene version in 2007, but now you need to rewrite some part of code in new library, starting from VectorGeometry.pas module.
There are second way to fix such automatic header's errors - improvement of Delphi compiler in Generating C/C++ headers, namespaces and packages option. But it's in hands of EMB developers.
Here's how I do it:
Download and extract this ZIP file (directly into the root folder of GLScene, allowing it to overwrite as necessary)
Load up the appropriate RAD Studio version (2007 to XE2) and open the file *GLScene_Group.groupproj* (where = your RAD Studio version)
Build/Install each Package in group order
I have carefully assembled these fixed packages to ensure they all install and function properly from 2007 to XE2. Some packages (at the bottom of each group) require additional dependencies to function (such as the Python package) so be mindful of these.
I have tested and confirmed that these work on RAD Studio 2007 to XE2 only.
Don't forget to add the \Source folder (and all subfolders) to the Search Paths (either for the IDE itself or an individual Project, as you desire) otherwise the projects using GLScene components will fail to compile complaining of missing units.
Not for RAD Studio 2009 but for old GLScene installation in BCB6 she was running well. But current version after installation in RAD Studio XE/XE2/XE3 does not work at all. It seems that the main problem is hidden in overload mechanism of procedures in Vectorgeometry.pas, so Delphi compiler (with using an option for Output of all C++ files and packages) creates coincident strings in Vectorgeometry.hpp and others. Thus you have visual components in C++Builder panel, but your application fails with errors during building. It must be repaired in .pas files by GLScene developers.
When you trying to build an application with GLScene under C++Builder XE3 you will get over 50 BCC32 errors in glcrossplatform.hpp, vectorgeometry.hpp and so on. There is a way to repair the library on your own discretion. Make a new copy of GLScene directory. In GLCrossPlatform.pas rename the procedure RGB to GLRGB (it's work!). Then in VectorGeometry.pas and in many others files of source codes change all overload procedures with slightly different parameter names, so you should't encounter coincident procedures in .hpp files after Delphi option output C++ (last option that includes packages). Then rebuild all GLScene packages. At the end of the process I hope it should work for C++Builder XE3.
I have exact he same errors.
#The second problem
Go to "spline.pas" and change
TCubicSplineMatrix = array of array[0..3] of Single;
TCubicSplineMatrixEx = array[0..3] of Single;
TCubicSplineMatrix = array of TCubicSplineMatrixEx;
Now "Rad Studio 2009" can compile and install GLScene for C++Builder. I can start a new C++Builder VCL Application and select GLScene components from the toolbox and drop in my VCL form.
I think, this is the solution for your basic problem, but unfortunately I can not compile my VCL project successful. I get over 50 BCC32 errors in glcrossplatform.hpp and vectorgeometry.hpp. If anyone can help here, that would be great.
#Your First problem
I get this warnings too, but I have nothing changed for it. Just ignore it?!
