Firebase database update google pay translation details - firebase-realtime-database

If someone send me money to my google pay is there any way to update that info in my firebase database only for personal use (no company registration)


Allow user to input financial information for stripe express account?

I'm trying to build a Patreon-like app: A creator creates an account where users can then subscribe for some price.
I have gotten to the point in my code where I now need the user to add his bank info into stripe so he can receive funds. I have come across questions like this, and this, but neither shares any information on how a user can input his bank info on the client-side (they only deal with the backend).
The connected accounts are Express accounts.
How do I make the user add banking information on the client-side?
I have been recommended this stripe page but it does not show how to allow a creator to input banking info on client-side. I have also implemented the example backend code from firebase and updated it for my specific case.
I've also come across this page about Managing bank accounts and debit cards but it appears to be for custom accounts not express.
Stripe uses a hosted onboarding page for Express accounts. It's basically a form hosted on a Stripe domain that handles all the common onboarding requirements (e.g. verification documents and bank account details) needed.
Once the user has filled everything in they are redirected back to your site/app. In other words you don't really have to worry about collecting bank details client side, Stripe does it for you:

ios Stripe payment(Account to Account Transfer)

I am making an application in Objective-C(iOS). I want to transfer some amount from my account to the other account using my application.
Case: The transfers will be user specific.
1.There will be a user who will post his need for money.
2.The other person who wants to help him will contact him in personal chat.
3.There will be a payment option from where the donator will send money to the person in need.
Please help if anybody is having knowledge about it, as I haven't worked with stripe before.
Thanks in advance.
The first step would be setting up Stripe
The tutorial uses Heroku which handles the backend side of the payments.
Here is the documentation
Just incase you're looking for a way to do this with Firebase, check out my answer here Swift Firebase Stripe Connect
The next step would be altering your Stripe project to work for Stripe Connect
The documentation for Stripe connect is here
You basically need to setup your account to allow for users to sign up as 'Connected accounts' that can receive payments. Your stripe account takes the payment and then dishes out to the connected account accordingly, it needs to be setup in the node server.
Stripe has an example project that uses Stripe connect which is what you're looking for, this handles marketplace style payments.
Take a look at their project. The concept is that users can sign up online and be accepted for payments.
Here is the project
and the demo website

Future payment with iOS Stripe SDK

Using the iOS SDK for Stripe, can we do the following
Create a customer profile where the customer id can be sent and stored to the backend
Add, edit, delete credit cards to the customer profile
Card can be charged automatically from the backend
Note that, once the user make a payment via stripe, we ask them to allow auto-payment next time the balance goes below a certain level. So, it is not periodic subscription. But it is a permission in advance, to charge later.
For a single payment, the SDK takes the card info and provides the token. Token passed to server where the payment is finally process. This looks very nice and secured.
I do not want to store the card info in the iOS app, also not in server. But does stripe take the responsibility to store it and allow the backend to charge it later? I need a way so that server can communicate with stripe with a unique id and amount, so that stripe accepts the request and make the payment.
You can ask for webservice to your webservice developer which can make APIs to create customers in stripe account and store its customer_id in database so for next all payment you can make payment using customer id. Stripe will store card details in its database so no need to store card details at our side.

Using iTunes store client data for authenticating users in iPhone App

I know that the iTunes Store stores client information, such as the client name and credit card information. Eg, if you want to buy a game, you have to log in using your apple account and provide credit card details. These details are already stored with Apple
I want to build an app that uses this credit card information stored with Apple to allow clients to make payments. Note: I do not want to use the in-app purchase model.
Does Apple provide an API that given the client username and password, allows me to access the credit card information and then make payments?
The idea is to build a charity donation app around this. But the in-app model does not support this.
In a nutshell, we basically want to use the existing iTunes infrastructure to build a charity donation app. Any ideas?

Amazon Simple Pay - Send Up User Data

I am trying to integrate my web app with Amazon Simple Pay, so that users can pay for added functionality on the website.
Once a user makes a payment, I need to update that user in the database to mark them as being paid. It seems, however, like I can't send up any data, like the USER ID, so when my IPN comes back from Amazon, I don't know how to link the payment information with the user. How can I do this?
