How to copy files to a docker container via docker compose, without binding to host? - docker

IOs are very slow in Docker for Mac due to the overhead of syncing files between the host and container. I want to be able to use docker compose to copy my application files to a certain directory in the container, but WITHOUT any kind of syncing/mounting. If I modify my application, I would just do docker-compose restart to create a new container using the updated files. It seems that all docker volume functionality necessitates some kind of syncing to/from the host, which I don't want. How do I accomplish this?
My current volume config, which DOES do syncing, looks like this:
- ./application:/var/www/application:cached


Blazor server app multi-platform and docker data persistency

I am creating a core library for Blazor server Apps creating a core DB automatically at runtime.
Until now, I create the database in Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData which I got working on multiple platforms (OSX, Ubunt and Windows).
As I just discovered Docker's simplicity for deploying images, I am trying to make my library compatible with it.
So I face two issues:
Determine if the app is hosted on a Docker image or not
Persist data on a different volume that is NOT on the host if running Docker.
Of course, if in Docker, I shall not use Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData as this is not a persistent location on the image itself. I can mount a volume when starting the image as described here.
So my natural idea is to assume users will mount a volumne with a specific path when starting the image, say
docker volume create MyAppDB
and run it with
docker run -dp 3000:3000 -v MyAppDB:/app/Data/MyAppDB myBuildDockerImage
can be verified by testing the existance of folder /app/Data/MyAppDB, and once 1. is verified, 2. become trivial.
If the folder does not exist, I am for sure on non-docker image... Well am I? What if users forgot to mount the volume? Or misspelled it? Maybe the folder does not exist because I am running on a non-docker environment...!
Is there a way to tweak my docker image when building it to force the mount volumes - i.e. created by ME and not the end-user? That seems safest... Alternatively, if not possible, can I add some specific element in Docker image to make absolutely sure I am running on the docker image I built or not?

Writing and reading files to/from host system on Docker

I have a Java Spring Boot Application which has been deployed to run on a Docker Container. I am using Docker Toolbox to be precise.
The application exposes a few REST API's to upload and download files. The application works fine on Docker i.e. i'm able to upload and download files using API.
In the application I have hard coded the path as something like "C:\SomeFolder". What location is this stored on the Docker container?
How do I force the application when running on Docker to use the Host file system instead of Docker's File system?
This is all done by Docker Volumes.
Read more about that in the Docker documentation:
In the application I have hard coded the path as something like "C:\SomeFolder". What location is this stored on the Docker container?
c:\SomeFolder, assuming you have a Windows container. This is the sort of parameter you'd generally set via a command-line option or environment variable, though.
How do I force the application when running on Docker to use the Host file system instead of Docker's File system?
Use the docker run -v option or an equivalent option to mount some directory from the host on that location. Whatever the contents of that directory are on the host will replace what's in the container at startup time, and after that changes in the host should be reflected in the container and vice versa.
If you have an opportunity to rethink this design, there are a number of lurking issues around file ownership and the like. The easiest way to circumvent these issues are to store data somewhere like a database (which may or may not itself be running in Docker) and use network I/O to send data to and from the container, and store as little as possible in the container filesystem. docker run -v is an excellent way to inject configuration files and get log files out in a typical server-oriented use.

Windows Container with Sidecar for data

I am trying to setup a windows nanoserver container as a sidecar container holding the certs that I use for SSL. Because the SSL cert that I need changes in each environment, I need to be able to change the sidecar container (i.e. dev-cert container, prod-cert container, etc) at startup time. I have worked out the configuration problems, but am having trouble using the same pattern that I use for Linux containers.
On linux containers, I simply copy my files into a container and use the VOLUMES step to export my volume. Then, on my main application container, I can use volumes_from to import the volume from the sidecar.
I have tried to follow that same pattern with nanoserver and cannot get working. Here is my dockerfile:
# Building stage
FROM microsoft/nanoserver
RUN mkdir c:\\certs
COPY . .
VOLUME c:/certs
The container builds just fine, but I get the following error when I try and run it. The dockerfile documentation says the following:
Volumes on Windows-based containers: When using Windows-based
containers, the destination of a volume inside the container must be
one of:
a non-existing or empty directory
a drive other than C:
so I thought, easy, I will just switch to the D drive (because I don't want to export an empty directory like #1 requires). I made the following changes:
# Building stage
FROM microsoft/windowservercore as build
VOLUME ["d:"]
WORKDIR c:/certs
COPY . .
RUN copy c:\certs d:
and this container actually started properly. However, I missed in the docs where is says:
Changing the volume from within the Dockerfile: If any build steps
change the data within the volume after it has been declared, those
changes will be discarded.
so, when I checked, I didn't have any files in the d:\certs directory.
So how can you mount a drive for external use in a windows container if, #1 the directory must be empty to make a VOLUME on the c drive in the container, and use must use VOLUME to create a d drive, which is pointless because anything put in there will not be in the final container?
Unfortunately you cannot use Windows containers volumes in this way. Also this limitation is the reason why using database containers (like microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer) is a real pain. You cannot create volume on non-empty database folder and as a result you cannot restore databases after container re-creation.
As for your use case, I would suggest you to utilize a reverse proxy (like Nginx for example).
You create another container with Nginx server and certificates inside. Then you let it handle all incoming HTTPS requests, terminate SSL/TLS and then pass request to inner application container using plain HTTP protocol.
With such deployment you don't have to copy and install HTTPS certificates to all application containers. There is only one place where you store certificates and you can change dev/test/etc certificates just by using different Nginx image versions (or by binding certificate folder using volume).
Also if you still want to use sidecar container you can try one small hack. So basically you will move this operation
COPY . .
from build time to runtime (after container starts).
Something like this:
FROM microsoft/nanoserver
RUN mkdir c:\\certs_in
RUN mkdir c:\\certs_out
VOLUME c:/certs_out
CMD copy "C:\certs_in" *.* "D:\certs_out"

Dealing with data in Docker Containers with Gitlab-Ci

So I am using gitlab-ci to deploy my websites in docker containers, because the gitlab-ci docker runner doesn't seem to do what I want to do I am using the shell executor and let it run docker-compose up -d. Here comes the problem.
I have 2 volumes in my docker-container. ./:/var/www/html/ (which is the content of my git repo, so files I want to replace on build) and a mount that is "inside" of this mount /srv/data:/var/www/html/software/permdata (which is a persistent mount on my server).
When the gitlab-ci runner starts it tries to remove all files while the container is running, but because of this mount in mount it gets a device busy and aborts. So I have to manually stop and remove the container before I can run my build (which kind of defeats the point of build automation).
Options I thought about to fix this problem:
stop and remove the container before gitlab-ci-multi-runner starts (seems not possible)
add the git data to my docker container and only mount my permdata (seems like you can't add data to a container without the volume option with docker compose like you can in a Dockerfile)
Option 2 would be ideal because then it would also sort out my issues with permissions on the files.
Maybe someone has gone through the same problem and could give me an advice
seems like you can't add data to a container without the volume option with docker compose like you can in a Dockerfile
That's correct. The Compose file is not meant to replace the Dockerfile, it's meant to run multiple images for an application or project.
You can modify the Dockerfile to copy in the git files.

Appropriate use of Volumes - to push files into container?

I was reading Project Atomic's guidance for images which states that the 2 main use cases for using a volume are:-
sharing data between containers
when writing large files to disk
I have neither of these use cases in my example using an Nginx image. I intended to mount a host directory as a volume in the path of the Nginx docroot in the container. This is so that I can push changes to a website's contents into the host rather then addressing the container. I feel it is easier to use this approach since I can - for example - just add my ssh key once to the host.
My question is, is this an appropriate use of a data volume and if not can anyone suggest an alternative approach to updating data inside a container?
One of the primary reasons for using Docker is to isolate your app from the server. This means you can run your container anywhere and get the same result. This is my main use case for it.
If you look at it from that point of view, having your container depend on files on the host machine for a deployed environment is counterproductive- running the same container on a different machine may result in different output.
If you do NOT care about that, and are just using docker to simplify the installation of nginx, then yes you can just use a volume from the host system.
Think about this though...
FROM nginx
ADD . /myfiles
build: .
You could then use docker-machine to connect to your remote server and deploy a new version of your software with easy commands
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
even better, you could do
docker build -t me/myapp .
docker push me/myapp
and then deploy with
docker pull
docker run
There's a number of ways to achieve updating data in containers. Host volumes are a valid approach and probably the simplest way to achieve making your data available.
You can also copy files into and out of a container from the host. You may need to commit afterwards if you are stopping and removing the running web host container at all.
docker cp /src/www webserver:/www
You can copy files into a docker image build from your Dockerfile, which is the same process as above (copy and commit). Then restart the webserver container from the new image.
COPY /src/www /www
But I think the host volume is a good choice.
docker run -v /src/www:/www webserver command
Docker data containers are also an option for mounted volumes but they don't solve your immediate problem of copying data into your data container.
If you ever find yourself thinking "I need to ssh into this container", you are probably doing it wrong.
Not sure if I fully understand your request. But why you need do that to push files into Nginx container.
Manage volume in separate docker container, that's my suggestion and recommend by
Data volumes
A data volume is a specially-designated directory within one or more containers that bypasses the Union File System. Data volumes provide several useful features for persistent or shared data:
Volumes are initialized when a container is created. If the container’s base image contains data at the specified mount point, that existing data is copied into the new volume upon volume initialization.
Data volumes can be shared and reused among containers.
Changes to a data volume are made directly.
Changes to a data volume will not be included when you update an image.
Data volumes persist even if the container itself is deleted.
refer: Manage data in containers
As said, one of the main reasons to use docker is to achieve always the same result. A best practice is to use a data only container.
With docker inspect <container_name> you can know the path of the volume on the host and update data manually, but this is not recommended;
or you can retrieve data from an external source, like a git repository
