ArgumentError testing State Machine - ruby-on-rails

I am using the following versions:
ruby 2.5.5
rails 5.2.3
state_machines-activerecord 0.6.0
I have a model Foo that has a state machine on it:
class Foo < ApplicationRecord
def post_activate
puts "hello from sunny post_activate"
state_machine :state, initial: :initial do
state :active
after_transition any => :active, :do => :post_activate
event :activate do
transition initial: :active
I'm trying to write an rspec test to ensure post_activate gets called after the transition to state :active.
I can test ok from the Rails console:
2.5.5 :001 > thinger =
=> #<Foo id: nil, state: "initial", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
2.5.5 :002 > thinger.activate
(0.1ms) begin transaction
Foo Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "foos" ("state", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?) [["state", "active"], ["created_at", "2019-06-28 21:35:22.555917"], ["updated_at", "2019-06-28 21:35:22.555917"]]
hello from sunny post_activate
(0.7ms) commit transaction
=> true
However, when I run my test:
describe 'Foo' do
it 'should fire post_activate' do
foo =
expect(foo).to receive(:post_activate)
I get the following error:
1) Foo should fire post_activate
Failure/Error: foo.activate
Wrong number of arguments. Expected 0, got 1.
Interestingly, another test runs correctly with no errors:
it 'should change the state' do
foo =
}.to change {
This test passes and prints my debug message.
I tried putting a parameter into the post_activate definition:
def post_activate(arg)
puts arg
puts "hello from sunny post_activate"
Now the test passes - and the puts statement reveals that the object passed in is a StateMachines::Transition
hello from sunny post_activate
I'm not sure how this works - I know how to make a parameter optional, but I don't know how to optionally pass an argument.
In any case - the test passes if I add a parameter to my method definition. But I don't want to add a parameter I'm not using just to get my specs to pass. How do I resolve this?

RSpec verifying proxy in validate_arguments! getting call for post_activate with current transition. You can see it if you add something like byebug to your Gemfile, and add same byebug conditionally into validate_arguments! of Rspec:
#method_reference.with_signature do |signature|
verifier =, actual_args)
byebug unless verifier.valid?
raise ArgumentError, verifier.error_message unless verifier.valid?
That will give you access to actual_args:
(byebug) actual_args
[#<StateMachines::Transition ...]
So to fix your problem, you just need to add omitted parameter to your callback (as you clearly already figure out):
def post_activate(_)
And to be sure why underscore used that way, take a look at Ruby Style Guide.


ActiveRecord::QueryMethods not working within rspec test but in console it working fine

I have a test where I want to test that a book_group cannot delete when is associated with a book, this test failed but in the application, this feature works fine
describe 'callbacks' do
context 'before_validation' do
include_examples 'examples for strippable attributes', :book_group, :name, :description, :spawn_button_label
it 'is not destroyed and returns a base error if there is an book associated to the it' do
error = 'Cannot delete record because dependent books exist'
book_group.books << create(:book)
expect(book_group.destroy).to be false
I debugged into the test and found that the error is because this query not working as expected
First, I valid that these two models have an association
pry(#<RSpec::ExampleGroups::bookGroup::Callbacks>)> book_group.books
=> [#<book:0x0000563cb3f6eaf0
id: 1,
review_id: 1,
name: "Vernie Becker",
level: "site",
book_group_id: 831812,
author_book_id: nil]
I do the next query but its result is wrong
book_group.books.where(author_book_id: nil).order(id: :desc).first
=> nil
but this query within console working as expected
[4] pry(main)> #book_group.books.where(author_book_id: nil).order(id: :desc).first DEBUG
[2022-04-02T16:16:49.295Z] book Load (0.7ms) SELECT `books`.* FROM `books` WHERE `books`.`book_group_id` = 6 AND `books`.`author_book_id` IS NULL ORDER BY `books`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1
=> #<book:0x000055d2217339c8 id: 261, review_id: 1, name: "Base book site", level: "site", book_group_id: 6, book_template_id: 2, author_book_id: nil]
the book_group is created in this way
def create
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
#book_group =
#book_group.author_id = params[:author_id]!
json: { message: #book_group },
status: :ok
I already have reset and prepared the bd, I'm not sure why it working so weird, I will say thank you for whatever helped with it.

Rails 5 - Sidekiq worker shows job done but nothing happens

I'm using Sidekiq for delayed jobs with sidekiq-status and sidekiq-ent gems. I've created a worker which is reponsible to update minor status to false when user is adult and has minor: true. This worker should be fired every day at midnight ET. Like below:
config.periodic do |mgr|
# every day between midnight 0 5 * * *
mgr.register("0 5 * * *", MinorWorker)
class MinorWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform
User.adults.where(minor: true).remove_minor_status
rescue => e
Rails.logger.error("Unable to update minor field. Exception: #{e.message} : #{e.backtrace.join('\n')}")
class User < ApplicationRecord
scope :adults, -> { where('date_of_birth <= ?', 18.years.ago) }
def self.remove_minor_status
update(minor: false)
No I want to check this on my local machine - to do so I'm using gem 'timecop' to timetravel:
config.time_zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
config.after_initialize do
t = Time.local(2021, 12, 21, 23, 59, 0)
After firing up sidekiq by bundle exec sidekiq and bundle exec rails s I'm waiting a minute and I see that worker shows up:
2021-12-21T22:59:00.130Z 25711 TID-ovvzr9828 INFO: Managing 3 periodic jobs
2021-12-21T23:00:00.009Z 25711 TID-ovw69k4ao INFO: Enqueued periodic job SettlementWorker with JID ddab15264f81e0b417e7dd83 for 2021-12-22 00:00:00 +0100
2021-12-21T23:00:00.011Z 25711 TID-ovw69k4ao INFO: Enqueued periodic job MinorWorker with JID 0bcd6b76d6ee4ff9e7850b35 for 2021-12-22 00:00:00 +0100
But it didn't do anything, the user's minor status is still set to minor: true:
2.4.5 :002 > User.last.date_of_birth
=> Mon, 22 Dec 2003
2.4.5 :001 > User.last.minor
=> true
Did I miss something?
I have to add that when I'm trying to call this worker on rails c everything works well. I've got even a RSpec test which also passes:
RSpec.describe MinorWorker, type: :worker do
subject(:perform) { }
context 'when User has minor status' do
let(:user1) { create(:user, minor: true) }
it 'removes minor status' do
expect { perform }.to change { user1.reload.minor }.from(true).to(false)
context 'when user is adult' do
let(:registrant2) { create(:registrant) }
it 'not change minor status' do
expect(registrant2.reload.minor).to eq(false)
Since this is the class method update won't work
def self.remove_minor_status
update(minor: false)
Make use of #update_all
def self.remove_minor_status
update_all(minor: false)
Also, I think it's best practice to have some test cases to ensure the working of the methods.
As of now you can try this method from rails console and verify if they actually work
test "update minor status" do
user = User.create(date_of_birth: 19.years.ago, minor: true)
User.adults.where(minor: true).remove_minor_status
assert_equal user.reload.minor, false
I think you need to either do update_all or update each record by itself, like this:
User.adults.where(minor: true).update_all(minor: false)
class MinorWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform
users = User.adults.where(minor: true)
users.each { |user| user.remove_minor_status }
rescue => e
Rails.logger.error("Unable to update minor field. Exception: #{e.message} : #{e.backtrace.join('\n')}")
You may also want to consider changing update to update! so it throws an error if failing to be caught by your rescue in the job:
def self.remove_minor_status
update!(minor: false)

RSpec/Mongoid inheritance of defaults completely different result in test/development

This is one of those ones that makes you think you're going insane...
I have a class Section, and a DraftSection that inherits from it:
(Trimmed for brevity)
class Section
include Mongoid::Document
belongs_to :site
field :name, type: String
class DraftSection < Section
field :name, type: String, default: "New Section"
All simple stuff... console proves (again, trimmed for brevity):
004 > site = Site.first
=> #<Site _id: initech, name: "INITECH">
005 >
=> #<Section _id: 1, site_id: "initech", name: nil>
006 >
=> #<DraftSection _id: 2, site_id: "initech", name: "New Section">
As you can see - the draft section name correctly defaults to "New Section" as it is overridden in the subclass.
Now when I run this spec:
describe "#new" do
it "should return a draft section" do
get 'new', site_id:, format: :json
assigns(:section).should == "Something..."
Which tests this controller method:
def new
#section =
respond_with #section
Which fails (as expected), but with this:
Failure/Error: assigns(:section).should == "Something..."
expected: "Something..."
got: #<DraftSection _id: 1, site_id: "site-name-4", name: nil> (using ==)
What gives???
I figured it might be an issue with the different environment settings, so I looked at the mongoid.yml config file and saw this in the options:
# Preload all models in development, needed when models use
# inheritance. (default: false)
preload_models: true
I added it to the test environment settings too, but still no joy :(
Update 2 - the plot thickens...
Thought I'd try loading up the console in the test environment and trying the same as before:
001 > site = Site.first
=> #<Site _id: initech, name: "INITECH">
002 >
=> #<DraftSection _id: 1, site_id: "initech", name: "New Section">
Ok, no one's listening, but I'll post the solution here for future reference anyway...
For some reason, some time ago I had a debug session that meant I had left this code in my Spork.each_run block
# Reload all model files when run each spec
# otherwise there might be out-of-date testing
# require 'rspec/rails'
Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/controllers//*.rb"].each do |controller|
load controller
Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/models//*.rb"].each do |model|
load model
Dir["#{Rails.root}/lib//*.rb"].each do |klass|
load klass
This was causing the models to get reloaded on each run of a spec. Not surprisingly, this screwed up the way the classes were set up in memory whilst the specs were running.
Definitely explains why it was such a hard one to debug...
So for future googlers with similar inheritance problems in Rspec only - make sure that there's nothing reloading models anywhere in the test stack.

Why does rails change the type of the attribute _was value after it is set?

I have an attribute in my model that is stored as text but interpreted as a rational. I have this method to handle that:
def start
When I set the start attribute to a new value, the start_was helper method returns a string, instead of a rational, but before I do so, it returns the correct value. Why?
Loading development environment (Rails 3.2.8)
1.9.3p194 :001 > d = Day.find(55)
Day Load (8.7ms) SELECT "days".* FROM "days" WHERE "days"."id" = ? LIMIT 1 [["id", 55]]
=> #<Day id: 55, date: "2012-03-30", start: "1/2", finish: "2/2", created_at: "2012-09-18 15:16:42", updated_at: "2012-09-19 08:20:41", day_year_id: 1>
1.9.3p194 :002 > d.start_was
=> (1/2)
1.9.3p194 :003 > d.start=0
=> 0
1.9.3p194 :004 > d.start_was
=> "1/2"
I think the reason is this method in ActiveModel (activemodel-3.2.8\lib\active_model\dirty.rb)
# Handle <tt>*_was</tt> for +method_missing+.
def attribute_was(attr)
attribute_changed?(attr) ? changed_attributes[attr] : __send__(attr)
As you see, if attribute was not actually changed it just calls its own getter, in your case hitting your start method which does the transformation. But if the attribute is actually changed, it reads its raw value from the changed_attributes storage.

Rails boolean values and callbacks to default to false

If the after_validation callback is used, it works as desired (e.g. the false value is persistent). Still would like to know why that is, but I guess this is solved for my purposes :)
For a boolean field, I would like a callback in the model to set the default value to false instead of nil.
Currently when I create a new record, it initially shows the value as false, but then shows it as nil.
Wondering what's going on here and if the desired behavior is possible w/ a callback.
This is in the model:
after_save :default_is_forsale
def default_is_forsale
self.not_for_sale = false if self.not_for_sale.nil?
Here is the rails console output (irrelevant bits omitted):
1.9.3p125 :001 > Item.create(name: "thing 4")
(0.1ms) begin transaction
SQL (6.4ms) INSERT INTO items [...]
(190.8ms) commit transaction
=> #<Item id: 20, name: "thing 4", not_for_sale: false>
Cool, created the new record with a default value of false. But when I check again:
1.9.3p125 :002 > Item.last
Item Load (0.3ms) SELECT [...]
=> #<Item id: 20, name: "thing 4", not_for_sale: nil>
Weird, now the value is nil.
But if I create a new record and explicitly set the value to false, it acts as I'd expect:
1.9.3p125 :003 > Item.create(name: "more thing", not_for_sale: false)
(0.1ms) begin transaction
SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO items [...]
(225.2ms) commit transaction
=> #<Item id: 21, name: "more thing", not_for_sale: false>
When retrieved, the record still shows its boolean value of false
1.9.3p125 :004 > Item.last
Item Load (0.3ms) SELECT [...]
=> #<Item id: 21, name: "more thing", not_for_sale: false>
BTW, I read elsewhere that the desired result is achievable via db migrations, but I am new to rails and would like to accomplish it through the model.
Change your migration to set this boolean to false, as default. if there was code i'd show you.
I just read you were 'new to rails' but that doesn't matter. You don't need to do it in the model, unless you want that record to be true.
You want this in a before_save callback. The after_save callback is called, unsurprisingly, after the record has already been saved.
