how can i add hyperlink into open word document in OleContainer - delphi

i want to use MsWord as editor for my HTML document.
i open anther form with some list of files.
i want the user to select one of the files
and add this as alink in the open document (at the place the user select)
i open HTML document in word created in olecontainer.
with :
with OleContainerFrame do
OleContainer1.CreateObjectFromFile(FileToEditName{myfile.html}, False);
OleContainer1.AutoActivate := aaGetFocus;
how can i add this link, as :
at the place the user select

Suppose there is a TEdit on your form which contains a URI (I used the BBC's site). Then the following code will add a hyperlink to it in the active Word document in your OLEContainer:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Anchor := OleContainer1.OleObject.Selection.Range,
Address := Edit1.Text, // contains e.g.
TextToDisplay := 'Link'
The way this works is that OleContainer1.OleObject is a variant reference to Word.Application (see e.g. the Word2000.Pas unit that comes with Delphi) and once you have this reference you can call Word's automation methods using late (or early) binding.
Btw the unusual syntax of the arguments to OleContainer1.OleObject.ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add is a special syntax that Delphi supports to enable named parameters to be used in latebound calls.
Update: You say in a comment that you have tried the code above but get the error "Method 'Selection' not supported by automation object". When I put together my test project, I didn't have an association set up between HTML and MS Word, so I write the code necessary to activate Word and load an HTML file into it. I do this in the FormCreate event:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
V : OleVariant;
AFileName : String;
OleContainer1.CreateObject('Word.Application', False);
V := OleContainer1.OleObject;
Caption := V.Name;
V.Visible := True;
AFileName := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'Hello.Html';
Note that this and Button1Click are the entire code of my project and it inserts the link as you asked. If you get a different result, I think it must be because of some detail of your set-up that we readers can't see.

yes that work.
i didnot now we can use
(Anchor := ....
but now
word remove the execet PATH and change it to 'href="../../../../MzIAI/Images/2019-06/12/45545_5679.Pdf">'
and remove full path


Delphi, retrieve both visible text and hidden hyperlink when pasting into a delphi application

How can I do that? I've been looking all over the internet to find some clues but failed.
You can click on a link in the browser and copy it and then paste it into a word doc document for example.
I using a tcxGrid with some fields and want to paste this link into the field. The field will show you the text but if you click on it it will open the browser with this link.
I can fix all the later part but I don't know how to extract the text and the link from the clipboard.
Does anyone know how to do it?
I've found an old article that describes how you can do it but the result is not good. I get Chinese text instead of HTML.. see below my test code:
function TForm2.clipBoardAsHTML: string;
URL: THandle;
HTML: THandle;
Ptr: PChar;
CF_HTML := RegisterClipboardFormat('HTML Format');
CFSTR_INETURL := RegisterClipboardFormat('UniformResourceLocator');
result := '';
with Clipboard do
HTML := GetAsHandle(CF_HTML);
if HTML <> 0 then
Ptr := PChar(GlobalLock(HTML));
if Ptr <> nil then
Result := Ptr;
Data looks like:
and much more.
So something is wrong with my code it looks.. :(
The recommended format CFSTR_INETURL does not exist in the clipboard when takes a copy from Firefox, and Excel so I couldn't get any data using that format.
Latest test - Retrieve of format names.
procedure TForm2.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
s: string;
szFmtBuf: array[0..350] of PWideChar;
fn: string;
fmt: integer;
for i := 0 to clipBoard.FormatCount - 1 do
fmt := clipBoard.Formats[i];
fn := WideCharToString(#szFmtBuf);
if fmt >= 49152 then
Memo1.Lines.Add(fmt.ToString+ ' - '+fn);
Finally I made this code work :) but the main question how I'll get the url from the clipboard are still unsolved. :(
If I loop through all found formats I only get garbage from them.
The formats from Firefox looks:
49161 - DataObject
49451 - text/html
49348 - HTML Format
50225 - text/_moz_htmlcontext
50223 - text/_moz_htmlinfo
50222 - text/x-moz-url-priv
49171 - Ole Private Data
It really depends on which format(s) the copier decides to place on the clipboard. It may place multiple formats on the clipboard at a time.
A hyperlink with url and optional text may be represented using either:
the Shell CFSTR_INETURL format (registered name: 'UniformResourceLocator') containing the URL of the link, and the CF_(UNICODE)TEXT format containing the text of the link, if any.
the CF_HTML format (registered name: 'HTML Format') containing whole fragments of HTML, including <a> hyperlinks and optional display text.
The VCL's TClipboard class has HasFormat() and GetAsHandle() methods for accessing the data of formats other than CF_(UNICODE)TEXT (which can be retrieved using the TClipboard.AsText property).
You need to use the Win32 RegisterClipboardFormat() function at runtime to get the format IDs for CFSTR_INETURL and CF_HTML (using the name strings mentioned above) before you can then use those IDs with HasFormat() and GetAsHandle().
You can also enumerate the formats that are currently available on the clipboard, using the TClipboard.FormatCount and TClipboard.Formats[] properties. For format IDs in the $C000..$FFFF range, use the Win32 GetClipboardFormatName() function to retrieve the names that were originally registered with RegisterClipboardFormat().

how to get the selected text from acropdf component to an edit directly with Delphi 7

I study preparing a dictionary programme with delphi. So far I have solved my problems about Word documents but I've got some problem about PDF documents.
I imported and installed the AcroPdf component with Delphi 7 and I want to get the word (or text) which was selected by dblclicking by user from pdf document which was viewed by the ACROPDF component in Delphi. If I can get it I'll send it the dictionary database directly.
If you help me I'll be glad. Thank you...
The following shows one way to get the selected text from a Pdf document which is
open in Adobe Acrobat Professional (v.8, English version).
Update The original version of this answer neglected to check the Boolean result of calling MenuItemExecute and specified the wrong argument to it. Both these points are fixed in the updated version of this answer. It turned out that the reason the call to MenuItemExecute was failing was that it is essential to call BringToFront on the Acrobat document before trying to copy the text selected in to to the clipboard.
Create a new Delphi VCL project.
In D7's IDE go to Projects | Import Type Library, and in the Import Type Library pop-up, scroll down until you see something like "Acrobat (Version 1.0) in the list of files, and
"TAcroApp, TAcroAVDoc..." in the Class names box. That is the one you need to import. Click the Create unit button/
In the project's main form file
a. Make sure it USES the Acrobat_Tlb.Pas unit from step 2. You may need to add the path to wherever you saved Acrobat_Tlb.Pas to the SearchPath of your project.
b. Drop a TButton on the form, name it btnGetSel. Drop a TEdit on the form and name it edSelection
Edit the source code of your main form unit as shown below.
Set a debugger breakpoint on Acrobat.MenuItemExecute('File->Copy'); Do not set a breakpoint within the GetSelection procedure as this is likely to defeat the call to BringToFront in it.
Close any running instance of Adobe Acrobat. Check in Task Manager that there are no hidden instances of it running. The reason for these step is to make sure that when you run your app, it "talks" to the instance of Acrobat that it starts, not another one.
Compile and run your app. Once the app and Acrobat are open, switch to Acrobat, select some text, switch back to your app and click the btnGetSel button.
uses ... Acrobat_Tlb, ClipBrd;
TDefaultForm = class(TForm)
FFileName: String;
procedure GetSelection;
Acrobat : CAcroApp;
PDDoc : CAcroPDDoc;
AVDoc : CAcroAVDoc;
procedure TDefaultForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
// Adjust the following path to suit your system. My application is
// in a folder on drive D:
FFileName := ExtractfilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'Printed.Pdf';
Acrobat := CoAcroApp.Create;
AVDoc := CoAcroAVDoc.Create;
AVDoc.Open(FileName, FileName); // := Acrobat.GetAVDoc(0) as CAcroAVDoc; //
PDDoc := AVDoc.GetPDDoc as CAcroPDDoc;
procedure TDefaultForm.btnGetSelClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure TDefaultForm.GetSelection;
// call this once some text is selected in Acrobat
edSelection.Text := '';
if AVDoc.BringToFront then // NB: This call to BringToFront is essential for the call to MenuItemExecute('Copy') to succeed
Caption := 'BringToFront ok'
Caption := 'BringToFront failed';
if Acrobat.MenuItemExecute('Copy') then
Caption := 'Copy ok'
Caption := 'BringToFront failed';
Sleep(100); // Normally I would avoid ever calling Sleep in a Delphi
// App's main thread. In this case, it is to allow Acrobat time to transfer the selected
// text to the clipboard before we attempt to read it.
edSelection.Text := Clipboard.AsText;

Delphi TWebBrowser get HTML source after AJAX load

I have the following function that gets the HTML document's source code after DocumentComplete event.
function TBrowser.GetWebBrowserHTML(const WebBrowser: TWebBrowser): string;
LStream: TStringStream;
Stream : IStream;
LPersistStreamInit : IPersistStreamInit;
if not Assigned(WebBrowser.Document) then exit;
LStream := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.UTF8);
LPersistStreamInit := WebBrowser.Document as IPersistStreamInit;
Stream := TStreamAdapter.Create(LStream,soReference);
result := LStream.DataString;
The problem: the source code is retrieved before AJAX calls are performed on the page.
The page finishes loading (as WebBrowser determines), but AJAX continues to modify the DOM and additional elements appear on the page.
What I need is the equivalent of Mozilla's "View Generated Source", or the html source that appear when inspecting the web page with Firebug or Chrome Inspector or IE Developer Tools.
Seems that in C there is DocumentText property that does this thing, but couldn't find any property or methods to achieve this in Delphi.
Any ideas/hints/help please?
You can use the IHTMLDocument2 interface, which is the interface that TWebBrowser.Document implements. The property is exposed as an IDispatch, but you can cast it to the interface, or to an (Ole)Variant, although you won't benefit from code completion then.
The IHTMLDocument2 interface supports the DocumentElement property, which points to the root element of the document. That element (as any other) has the property outerHTML, which gives you the element and all its contents as a string:
d: OleVariant;
d := WebBrowser1.Document;
As far as I can see, this is the actual state of the document, including any changes that are made by Javascript.
It doesn't seem to include the doctype, but then again, if I find the doctype element through Webbrowser1.Document.All, then its outerHTML property doesn't return anything. Other parts of the document are also changed (tag names in capitals, for one), but that only confirms that this is a generated document structure based on the loaded DOM, rather than the original source of the document.

MS Word 2010 mailmerge in Delphi 5

could anyone help?
I've inherited some software written in Delphi 5 which allows member data and fields from a database (.ADT file) to be used merged in to word.
It works fine with all version of Word except 2010 where it won't load any documents and shows the error:
"That Method is not available on that object"
I have been told the solution is to replace the preset components OpWord and OpDataSet with Ole variants. I have done so with OpWord using:
wrdApp := CreateOleObject('Word.Application');
and the documents now load up but without any merge field data. Can anyone let me know how to extract this data from the database, as the OpDataSet seems to simply just point at the table?
Or can anyone suggest a better solution than the one I'm trying. I'm very new to Delphi so I'm in abit over my head
Edit: (Requested Info)
Sorry I have more details and code if required.
The components appear to belong to a library called OfficePartner along with TOpExcel,TOpOutlook and others.
The .doc is selected from a popup ListPane on Form30, opened and populated with merge field data from Table 4. Table 1 is the members database:
{Use Table4 as we can Set a range on it}
Table4.SetRange([Table1.FieldByName('Member Id').AsString],[Table1.FieldByName('Member Id').AsString]);
{Open Word}
OpWord1.Connected := True;
{Open the Test Document}
OpWord1.OpenDocument(DocumentDirectory + '\' + Form30.ListBox1.Items[Form30.ListBox1.ItemIndex]);
{Populate the Test Document}
OpWord1.ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OfficeModel := OpDataSetModel1;
I hope this helps...
Here is a little procedure for word mail merge that I used way back for D6, it's a just snippet and you have to include in some class, I don't have Delphi anymore so can't compile to make sure that it works, anyway here it is, hope it helps:
procedure MailMergeWord;
WordApp: TWordApplication;
WordDoc: TWordDocument;
doc : WordDocument;
FileName: OleVariant;
xx: integer;
WordApp := TWordApplication.Create(nil);
WordApp.ConnectKind := ckNewInstance;
WordDoc := TWordDocument.Create(WordApp);
FileName := 'TemplateDoc.doc';
doc := WordApp.Documents.Open(FileName,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam
for xx := 1 to WordDoc.Fields.Count do
WordDoc.Fields.Item(xx).Result.Text := OnWordVariable(WordDoc.Fields.Item(xx).Code.Text);
function OnWordVariable(varName: string): string;
Result := 'Value based on variable name';

OLE Automation: How do i copy text between Word documents without using the clipboard

While doing som Word automation from Delphi XE, I have two documents open simultaneously. I want to copy the contents of a given range of one document to another range in the other document. How can I do this?
Consider the following code:
procedure TForm1.ManipulateDocuments;
vDoc1,vDoc2 : TWordDocument;
vFilename : olevariant;
vRange1,vRange2 : Range;
vDoc1 := TWordDocument.Create(nil);
vDoc2 := TWordDocument.Create(nil);
vFilename := 'c:\temp\test1.doc';
vFilename := 'c:\temp\test2.doc';
vRange1 := GetSourceRange(vDoc1);
vRange2 := GetDestinationRange(vDoc2);
vRange2.CONTENTS := vRange1.CONTENTS; //What should I substitute for CONTENTS?
Is there something I could substitute for CONTENTS? I can't use text, since I want to copy formatting, bookmarks, field codes etc. Do I have to do it another way alltogether? Any suggestions?
I don't know a way for earlier versions of Word, but for newer versions (2007 and up) you can export a range from a document to a fragment file, and then import it from another document. If you want early binding, you might need to import the type library (msword.olb), I don't know if Delphi XE has it. Otherwise the code might look like this:
function GetTempFileName(Prefix: string): string;
SetLength(Result, MAX_PATH);
GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, PChar(Result));
windows.GetTempFileName(PChar(Result), PChar(Prefix), 0, PChar(Result));
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
// wdFormatDocument = 0;
wdFormatRTF = $00000006;
WordApp : OleVariant;
fragment: string;
vDoc1, vDoc2: OleVariant;
vRange1, vRange2: OleVariant;
WordApp := GetActiveOleObject('Word.Application');
WordApp := CreateOleObject('Word.Application');
WordApp.Visible := True;
vDoc1 := WordApp.Documents.Open(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'test1.doc');
vRange1 := vDoc1.Range(20, 120); // the export range
fragment := GetTempFileName('frg');
vRange1.ExportFragment(fragment, wdFormatRTF);
vDoc2 := WordApp.Documents.Open(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'test2.doc');
vRange2 := vDoc2.Range(15, 15); // where to import
With my test, 'document' format threw an error (something like not being able to insert XML formatting), hence usage of RTF format.
With earlier versions, it seems to be possible to insert a named selection from one document to a selection in another document. The result seems not to be perfect regarding formatting if one of the selections happens to be in the middle of some text. But otherwise it seems to be working good.
WordApp.Visible := True;
vDoc1 := WordApp.Documents.Open(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'test1.doc');
vRange1 := vDoc1.Range(20, 188); // the transfer range
vDoc1.Bookmarks.Add('TransferSection', vRange1); // arbitrary bookmark name
vDoc2 := WordApp.Documents.Open(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'test2.doc');
vRange2 := vDoc2.Range(103, 104); // where to import the bookmark
vDoc2.ActiveWindow.Selection.InsertFile(vDoc1.FullName, 'TransferSection');
vDoc1.Bookmarks.Item('TransferSection').Delete; // no need for the bookmark anymore
If you can use the Office Open XML-format (ie. the docx file format that was introduced in Word 2007), then you can do this without automation.
Word versions prior to 2007 must install a compatibility pack which will enable docx-files for Word 2003, 2002 and 2000.
The docx-file is actually a zip-file that contains several xml-files. Try to change the extension of a docx-file from .docx to .zip and open this file in eg. WinZip.
So... Unzip docx-file and grab the xml-part you need. As pure string or as a xml document. Then you can inject this xml-part into the other docx-file. You need to know where in the xml-structure to grab/insert the xml, though. This will depend on how well you know the document structure and how much editing the user is allowed to do in the document.
I don't know how Word will handle duplicate bookmark names etc with this approach.
It seems I found the canonical solution to this question while digged into similar problem. The FormattedText property of Range object is the exact what do you need. Just use:
vRange2.FormattedText := vRange1;
and the contents of vRange1 will be copied into vRange2. Also, this works too:
vRange2 := vRange1;
Though, the second statement doesn't copy the formatting.
Why not use the clipboard? If all the text is selected in vDoc1, then to copy this to the clipboard involves one simple call: vDoc1.copy. Similarly, copying the contents of the clipboard to the second document requires one simple call: vDoc2.paste. The clipboard buffer will hold all the formatting information.
