text_field_tag with ActiveAdmin - ruby-on-rails

I've a hard time with ActiveAdmin and their DSL. I'm using it to build my admin and at some point in a form I need to have a text_field_tag; I mean some fields which aren't related to the model I'm manipulating in the form which will be sent through with the model related data.
A custom text field basically. Nothing too crazy.
So I've built this
panel 'Send payment authorization' do
active_admin_form_for EventPaymentAuthorization.new, url: { action: :send_event_payment_authorization } do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :body, as: :text
f.text_field_tag :line_items_label
f.text_field_tag :line_items_amount
f.input :fees_in_cents, as: :select, collection: [:free, :automatic], prompt: true, selected: :automatic
f.actions do
f.action :submit, label: 'Create payment authorization'
The f.text_field_tag get simply ignored by ActiveAdmin. Why is that? It doesn't raise any error, but it doesn't show either.
The reason I need custom unrelated inputs is because line_items in my example is a JSONB with values such as [{amount: 0.0, label: 'Hello'}] and I don't believe it can be processed through Formtastic or ActiveAdmin natively. It's also always good to be able to create custom inputs when sending data.

Working with JSON in ActiveAdmin is a bit tricky, it largely depends on your needs. The quickest way to get going is to use the activeadmin_json_editor gem. I also wrote a blog entry on working with JSON in ActiveAdmin with more detail and another approach, which may better suit your needs, as it appears you are not just working with arbitrary data into your JSON field.


Simple Form - Multiple attributes in checkbox group

I have a User Model with the following attributes:
# full_time :boolean
# part_time :boolean
# contract :boolean
I would like to create a simple form checkboxes group for these attributes. From what I've been able to understand, the simple form api is meant to map to has_many & has_and_belongs_to_many associations, as follows:
f.collection_check_boxes :role_ids, Role.all, :id, :name
Is there a way to handle updating multiple attributes on the given model within the form's API guidelines? Or is this an indication that should I be modeling the data in a different way?
f.collection_check_boxes is a generic method for generating multiple checkboxes with arbitrary name/value, for a single attribute. The sample you gave is mentioned in the docs as a last one for this method, probably because f.association is way better for association attributes.
<%= f.association :role, Role.all %>
In case of your attributes, I don't think f.collection_check_boxes is applicable. If the attributes aren't mutually exclusive, then I don't see anything wrong - stick with them and just give each one a checkbox of it's own.
<%= f.input :full_time %>
<%= f.input :part_time %>
<%= f.input :contract %>
simple_form will detect their type and generate a checkbox for each. Use wrapper: false option, if you want to get rid of wrapper divs and group them more tightly.
If they were mutually exlusive, then an integer column and enum would be probably a better idea.

Is there any way to use formtastic in activeadmin batch action form?

According to activeamdin document, we can do:
batch_action :flag, form: {
type: %w[Offensive Spam Other],
reason: :text,
notes: :textarea,
hide: :checkbox,
date: :datepicker
} do |ids, inputs|
# inputs is a hash of all the form fields you requested
redirect_to collection_path, notice: [ids, inputs].to_s
However, the above form is not formtastic and doesn't support advanced table configuration(set the size for the form window). Is there any way that I can change it to formtastic format like:
form do |f|
f.semantic_errors # shows errors on :base
f.inputs # builds an input field for every attribute
f.actions # adds the 'Submit' and 'Cancel' buttons
Probably not. The form is built in batch_action_form.rb but rendered dynamically by the front end in modal_dialog.js.coffee, which is currently using jQuery. It is possible to get creative rewriting batch action forms but I can't recommend it. If your batch actions are complex try seeing if Custom Pages can meet your needs.

How to create a custom method for the hint parameter of the input method in ActiveAdmin/Simple Form gems?

From this code:
ActiveAdmin.register News do
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :url
f.input :site_name
f.input :site_url
f.input :image,
as: :file,
hint: if f.object.image_url
I want to extract the if clause in a method, since I have this part repeating a lot. The question is - how exactly do I do that? To clarify:
Where do I define the method - in some helper, in a new file? How do I make sure ActiveAdmin has access to this file? Do I have to create a custom ActiveAdmin controller action?
Although something like some_method(f, field) (field is in my case image) is acceptable, I would like to have it in a more generic form, so that I repeat myself less, like f.hint with the hint method inferring the field name as the first parameter of f.input. Is this possible?
Any advice on this is appreciated.
Probably the easiest way would be to simply create your own formtastic input for images that either set the hint option by default, or add in extra HTML to show an image preview. Doing so might allow you to do something like this:
f.input :image, as: :image, preview: f.object.image_url

Adding description paragraph to ActiveAdmin /new Page

I have a page set up on ActiveAdmin and when the user clicks the "Create One" button, I want to add a short textbox on the /new page (either at the top or part of the actual form, whatever's easier) explaining what needs to be put into the form.
How can I do this?
Active Admin gives complete control over the output of the form by creating a thin DSL on top of the fabulous DSL created by Formtastic (http://github.com/justinfrench/formtastic).
And you can add :hint for each form input like this:
form do |f|
f.inputs 'Details' do
f.input :title, :required => true, :hint => "This field should be filled in"
f.inputs 'Advanced' do
f.input :keywords, :hint => "Example: ruby, rails, active-admin"
Take a look Formtastic documentation, there is lot of capabilities...
You can simply add new description column in your model or you can use active admin comments here is comments description for active admin.
Hope it would help you.

simple_form input with multiple fields

I'm not quite sure what the correct terms are, but what I'm trying to do is in a form (preferably using the simple_form gem) have one of the inputs, :maximum, use both a text field and select box. The user would type in the text box a number, and then select from a dropdown box of hours, days, or months. So 21 days, 3 months, 3 hours, etc. When the form was submitted I would convert that to days and store it in the database. I know how to change the input type in simple_form, but is it possible to have two inputs for one variable?
Sure :) Here is my idea:
First, you define accessors in your user model:
attr_accessor :thing, :another_thing, :and_another_thing
Then in your view, 'inside' form_for helper, you could write for example:
<%= form.input :thing, :as => :boolean %>
<%= form.input :another_thing, :as => :text %>
...or whatever you want. (Note: I am using formtastic here. You should consider using Rails methods if you're not using formtastic gem. )
Finally, you define a callback in you user model:
before_create :build_my_fancy_record
def build_my_fancy_record
self.storage_field = "#{thing} #{another_thing}"
