When trying to run a model created by AutoML getting this error: Model provided has model identifier 'OCTY', should be 'TFL3' - google-coral

I am trying to use a model created and trained by AutoML. When running on Coral Edge board:
edgetpu_detect_server --model ~/edgetpu_model.tflite --labels ~/dict.txt
edgetpu_classify_server --model ~/edgetpu_model.tflite --labels ~/dict.txt
I am getting following runtime error:
RuntimeError: Model provided has model identifier 'OCTY', should be 'TFL3'
I am sorry,I am totally new to that thing and was trying to google for hours OCTY vs. TFL3 and can't find any info on this.
Please help!

I had the same issue today. It looks like it's happening if you download the model via http and not through gsutil.


Fitnesse: Could not find or load main class

When I run a test I get the below error:
Error: Could not find or load main class C:\GrowthEdition.QA\fitnesse\fitSharp\Runner.exe
The runner is in the specified location.
In the suitesetup I have defined the test runner:
variable defined: TEST_RUNNER=C:\GrowthEdition.QA\fitnesse\fitSharp\Runner.exe
What could be causing this issue, and how can I resolve it?
Many Thanks,
Rahul Dixit
please ignore.
I dont, know what I did differently, but it suddenly started working again.

MVC 4 Server error

I am new to mvc in asp.net, so I have started with movie application in mvc with code first approach. My problem is when I change or add new field in movie class, then I got an error like
The model backing the 'MovieDBContext' context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=238269).
So anyone knows the solution for it with code first approach after changing or add any new field ...
using three command its solve which are list below.....which we have to write in package manager console
1)Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName MvcMovie.Models.MovieDBContext
2)add-migration Initial
but why this error occurs and is there any other solution for it without the above three commands in mvc 4?
You have changed the Code First models since applying them to your database, so you need to reupdate, to apply these changes. First you add a new migration. Do this by typying this into the package manager console:
add-migration migrationName
migrationName should be unique and descriptive of the changes. After running this command, you should have a migration file, which you can apply by running:
Given that the changes are valid, they should now be applied to your database.
You have to do this every time you make changes to your CF models.

Generate model fails

When attempting to follow examples from Engineering Long-Lasting Software (Fox and Patterson) the command:
rails generate model Moviegoer name:string provider:string uid:string
run from ~/Documents/application_root (a project home directory generated by course staff) results in a
rails generate model Moviegoer name:string provider:string uid:string:command not found
message being displayed; why might such a message be returned and what can be done to make the command execute successfully?
Try adding 'sudo' at the beginning if you haven't already.
If rails installed to default root location, then your command will only find your app folder when ran as root user.
So... I tried again and only changed the input by copying/pasting a space character from the portion of the command which was working ('rails model generate' became 'rails model generate Moviegoer' with the last space being reused) and the command worked. Since the original commands from which this command was derived were typed into a terminal from one input source the mystery of how the console could have seen two different space characters remains...

Actsaswizard Rails Plugin

I'm having a problem implementing the example in the actaswizard readme, and I was wondering if my error would be obvious to anyone here.
My controllers, models, and migrations are exactly as shown here: https://github.com/adkron/actsaswizard
My routes are as follows:
match 'test' => 'employees#new'
resources :employees
However when I navigate to localhost/test I recieve the following error:
NoMethodError (undefined method state' for #<Employee:0x00000001c22ad0>):
Does anyone recognize this error, or have any advice on how to get around it? Thanks in advance for any help! In addition, if you know of any good guides or additional examples using this plugin I'd be grateful for them as well.
I think that the actsaswizard uses the AASM (acts as state machine) to navigate you through the steps. That is why you need to specify a field "state" for the model that actsaswizard! This means that you must run a migration that makes a column named state of string type. Let me know if that worked!

unable to save a model from rake task

I am writting a rake task that would connect to a legacy ORACLE database, get some 'issues' records from a helpdesk application, apply some transformation and store it in another database (Redmine).
The problem is that even though the script runs smoothly on Windows, it fails to run on RHEL 5. The library files are all installed on RHEL 5 and there are no connection errors as such. The script fails on a line '_issue.save' (where _issue is a model of type Issue 0n Redmine)!! There is no error (Just that _issue.save returns false). I've been stuck for the last 2 days on this one.
Any suggestions would be extremely helpful.
I am using Rails 2.1.2, Ruby 1.8.6 (patch level 111) and Rake 0.8.1
Thanks in advance.
No errors, but save returns false means validation might have failed. You can output the validation errors like so:
_issue.errors.each_full { |msg| puts msg }
Here's a bit more info on the each_full method.
I would create some tests and run them on the RHEL server to see where the issue is. I would use RSPEC, but test/unit can get you there as well.
