why error "accessing build database disk I/O error"? - oclint

When I use Xcode10.2.1 run Oclint target,there is a error as below:
Build system information :-1: error: accessing build database
disk I/O error


How can I delete cached downloaded objects (e.g. from http_archive) in Bazel?

The CI build for my Bazel C++ project recently broke. The error indicates that the HTTPS download for a http_repository failed:
INFO: Repository eigen instantiated at:
no stack (--record_rule_instantiation_callstack not enabled)
Repository rule http_archive defined at:
/private/var/tmp/_bazel_kstaley/efca2582089f638162aa9f6ccfe4282e/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/http.bzl:336:31: in <toplevel>
WARNING: Download from https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/archive/56b3e3f3f8ca9972ca390c8296fde363bdab271c/eigen-56b3e3f3f8ca9972ca390c8296fde363bdab271c.tar.gz failed: class com.google.devtools.build.lib.bazel.repository.downloader.UnrecoverableHttpException GET returned 406 Not Acceptable
ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'eigen':
java.io.IOException: Error downloading [https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/archive/56b3e3f3f8ca9972ca390c8296fde363bdab271c/eigen-56b3e3f3f8ca9972ca390c8296fde363bdab271c.tar.gz] to /private/var/tmp/_bazel_kstaley/efca2582089f638162aa9f6ccfe4282e/external/eigen/eigen-56b3e3f3f8ca9972ca390c8296fde363bdab271c.tar.gz: GET returned 406 Not Acceptable
ERROR: /Users/kstaley/src/myrepo/library/utilities/BUILD:58:11: //library/utilities:mylibrary depends on #eigen//:eigen in repository #eigen which failed to fetch. no such package '#eigen//': java.io.IOException: Error downloading [https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/archive/56b3e3f3f8ca9972ca390c8296fde363bdab271c/eigen-56b3e3f3f8ca9972ca390c8296fde363bdab271c.tar.gz] to /private/var/tmp/_bazel_kstaley/efca2582089f638162aa9f6ccfe4282e/external/eigen/eigen-56b3e3f3f8ca9972ca390c8296fde363bdab271c.tar.gz: GET returned 406 Not Acceptable
ERROR: Analysis of target '//library/mypackage:mybinary' failed; build aborted: Analysis failed
I would like to reproduce this error locally, but I already have that file cached locally (the download error seems to be intermittent), so my local build succeeds.
How can I delete Bazel's cached copy of the .tar.gz file so that I can test whether the download succeeds locally? I've tried bazel clean --expunge but it does not seem to delete downloaded artifacts.
rm -r $(bazel info repository_cache) is the brute force solution. Passing --repository_cache= to commands should also disable it.
There's more about the repository cache in the documentation.

Error During Bazel Build of Tensorflow (Serving tutorial): Ubuntu

OS: Ubuntu 16.04
bazel: 0.17.2
I am using commit : 30248e75390cd068af7af37d62ac158304436415 of serving repository. I am following the tutorial at: https://www.tensorflow.org/serving/serving_advanced
After cloning the serving repo, I use the WORKSPACE file in the current version of serving repository.
The tensorflow commit it points is downloaded correctly in the build process, but next thing I see is the following error:
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
ERROR: /home/vaibhavs/tensorflow_serving/serving/.cache/_bazel_root/45e5a12780caa2dd1c70f796d572c44c/external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/BUILD:73:1: error loading package '#org_tensorflow//tensorflow/python/keras': Extension file not found. Unable to load package for '#pip_deps//:requirements.bzl': The repository could not be resolved and referenced by '#org_tensorflow//tensorflow/python:no_contrib'
ERROR: Analysis of target '//tensorflow_serving/example:mnist_saved_model' failed; build aborted: error loading package '#org_tensorflow//tensorflow/python/keras': Extension file not found. Unable to load package for '#pip_deps//:requirements.bzl': The repository could not be resolved
INFO: Elapsed time: 23.963s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (67 packages loaded)
currently loading: #org_tensorflow//tensorflow/python/keras ... (2 packages)
I could not find this exact error message on Google.
Can somebody give me any pointers on what I may be missing?
Try pulling from master again - there was a bug which was fixed.

Receiving intermittent warning - "Unable to delete temporary files"

We've noticed that we're getting the following warnings when running some of our CDF jobs.
Is this anything to be concerned about?
2015-04-27T22:42:16.442Z: S09: (49e39a5770173e26): Unable to delete
temporary files
Causes: (49e39a5770173187): Unable to delete directory:
This is a harmless error message and it should not impact the pipeline.

unable to run scripts from jenkins

We are using sikuli tool for mobile automation on our MAC OSX 10.7.3 I have written a shell script to open simulator and to run scripts on simulator:
/Users/ezprintsqa/Downloads/FoneMonkey/bin/iphonesim launch /Users/ezprintsqa/Documents/Xcode/DerivedData/SnapCards-btmjdowsgmixpvdyfxfvhxtoihab/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SnapCardsFoneMonkey.app&
/Users/ezprintsqa/Downloads/Sikuli-IDE.app/sikuli-ide.sh -r /Users/ezprintsqa/Downloads/SikuliWorkSpace/SnapcardsTestSuite1.sikuli
When I execute from command line I can see simulator opening and scripts getting executed on simulator.
But when I run from Jenkins I am getting the following error:
[JavaAppLauncher Error] CFBundleCopyResourceURL() failed loading MRJApp.properties file
[DEBUG] Could not start simulator session: Error Domain=DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain Code=5 "Operation failed with underlying error 4294956486." UserInfo=0x100305c70 {NSLocalizedDescription=Operation failed with underlying error 4294956486., NSUnderlyingError=0x100300610 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -10810.)"}
[LaunchRunner Error] No main class specified
[JavaAppLauncher Error] CallStaticVoidMethod() threw an exception
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at apple.launcher.LaunchRunner.run(LaunchRunner.java:113)
at apple.launcher.LaunchRunner.callMain(LaunchRunner.java:51)
at apple.launcher.JavaApplicationLauncher.main(JavaApplicationLauncher.java:61)
Any suggestions will be very helpful
It definitely looks like a permission issue. The official Jenkins installer for Mac sets up Jenkins to run either as user "daemon" or user "jenkins". You need to make tools needed by Jenkins readable and executable by that user. Also, they need to be in a directory which is readable and executable by that user.
However, even if you get the permissions fixed, you will probably have further problems with your test run. The official Jenkins installer for Mac sets up Jenkins to run as a launch daemon. These run in the system context and they have no access to any desktop or GUI session, which means it is not possible to draw windows on the screen => Any tool that displays windows, like iPhone Simulator or Sikuli is going to fail.
You could try my unofficial Jenkins.app instead, which should solve your problem. It is available at https://github.com/stisti/jenkins-app (download it under the Downloads tab.)

Msbuild error: failed to start monitoring file changes

when i run Msbuild web.csproj i get the following error:
AfterBuild target> -> C:..\web\obj\debug\csautoparameterize\original\web.config
: error ASPconfig: an error occurred
loading a configuration file:
Directory C:..\web\obj\debug\csautoparameterize\original\Configs'
does not exist. Fail to start
monitoring file changes.
if i open visual studio (2010)..clean solution and rebuild, its fine. if i try to do publish via visual studio, this error returns and i cant build again (until i clean solution).
any ideas?
Is that a network drive? I was getting a similar error when I had my SVN working copy on a network drive, apparently the folder monitoring service for the test server completely freaks out when it's not a physical drive.
