How can a string control be added in a form during run time? - x++

I want to add a string control on a form during run time when a button is clicked.
What I have tried so far:
Created a form
Added run form method
Added runTimeControl_validate form method
Added button on the form
The button has the following code in its clicked method:
void clicked()
FormBuildDesign design =;
FormBuildGroupControl formBuildGroupControl;
FormStringControl c;
FormControlType fC;
// c = addGroup.addControl(FormControlType::String, 'RunTimeControl');
c = ButtonGroup.addControl(fC::String, 'test');
c.label("New control");
formBuildGroupControl = formBuildDesign.control(;
I am getting error in the line c = ButtonGroup.addControl(fC::String, 'test');
Error: Enumeration doesn't exist

Firstly, replace fC::String with FormControlType::String.
Secondly, string controls cannot be added to button groups (ButtonGroup control type) - add it to a normal Group instead.
Thirdly, to avoid such issues as missing labels, etc., it makes sense to add element.lock(); before adding the control and element.unlock(); after updating its label. - ignore this.


Vaadin grid - change component column in one row only

I have a grid with several columns. For three columns i used the column renderer. Each of the columns contains one button.
If i click one of those buttons, i want to replace the three buttons in that specific row with two other buttons. All the other rows should not be affected. Is this possible in a Vaadin grid?
Components in different columns don't know each other, as they are all defined in a separate scope (in the componentRenderer of their own column. You cannot define the Button outside of the componentRenderer as you found out in another question today). So the "obvious" solution won't work, where you add a clickListener on the Button to directly change the other buttons.
If you had one column with 3 Buttons inside then this would be much easier.
There is a way, but I see this more as a hack than as a solution. Because you need some extra implementation in the item class for this to work.
In the ComponentRenderer, you can add an if-statement where you look at some value of the item. In one case, you'll render button 1, in the other case you'll render the other button. And in the click listeners of the button you change that value in the item and refresh the dataprovider, so the componentRenderer is invoked again. It will now see the value on the item has changed, therefore displaying some other Button.
Here is some code to show what I mean:
// grid item class
public class Foo {
private boolean buttonPressed = false;
public Foo(){
public isButtonPressed(){
return buttonPressed;
public setButtonPressed(boolean buttonPressed){
this.buttonPressed = buttonPressed;
// adding of button columns
// do this 3 times for a test of your scenario.
grid.addComponentColumn(item -> {
return new Button("Before Button was Pressed", click -> {
} else {
return new Button("Button was Pressed", click -> {

How can I like and retwweet with cefsharp?

I am trying to send a like and a retweet command to a twitter page, with cefsharp, but my tries don't work any more until now.
The like button has 'ProfileTweet-actionButton js-actionButton js-actionFavorite' as button class name.
The tweet buutton has 'ProfileTweet-actionButton js-actionButton js-actionRetweet' as classname : that opens a window with a button having 'EdgeButton EdgeButton--primary retweet-action' as class name.
string click = "document.getElementsByClassName('EdgeButton EdgeButton--primary retweet-action')[0].submit();"; //.button();"; //ProfileTweet-actionButton js-actionButton js-actionRetweet
Task<JavascriptResponse> response = browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(click);
click = "document.getElementsByClassName('ProfileTweet-actionButton js-actionButton js-actionFavorite')[0].submit();"; //.button();";
response = browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(click);
gives a {not yet computed} Task.result, and button() instead of submit() methods give the same result.
Perhaps the do-undo buttons add a layer of something, to click on them ?
Tx a lot for your tips/ideas, in all cases.

Unhighlight first highlighted item from AutoComplete

Here I am using p:autoComplete tag in PrimeFaces 5.1, but I can't remove first highlighted/selected item from the suggestions list. How I can remove this ?
Since your "problem" comes from this particular line,
What happens here is when the suggestions are ready to show up the script highlights the first item of the list, so in your case you would just "unhighlight" that item.
I have created a small function that would do that on every AutoComplete you have, you can call it in your document.ready or where ever you see suitable:
function removeHighlightedFirstItem() {
var oldAutoCompleteShowSuggestions = PrimeFaces.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.showSuggestions;
PrimeFaces.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.showSuggestions = function(query) {
//calling original ShowSuggestions
oldAutoCompleteShowSuggestions.apply(this, [query]);
//after ShowSuggestions
//remove first item highlight
var firstItem = this.items.eq(0);
The result would look like this:
Note: The feature you are requesting is available for 5.1.5, 5.0.14 and 5.2 by adding the autoHighlight = "false" attribute to the component.

Working with textarea

How can I work with textareas using watin? There is no function like "browser.TextArea(...)".
Is there another name for textareas? I only need to find it and work with rows/cols.
Use the TextField method to access a TextArea.
From the Watin Homepage (modified for this question)
public void SearchForWatiNOnGoogle()
using (var browser = new IE(""))
// If there was a TextArea with the name q - the next line would get the TextArea object and assign it to the textField variable.
var textField = browser.TextField(Find.ByName("q"));
// Do what you need to do with the TextArea, for example, get the text from the textArea:
string textAreaText = textField.Value;
Just came across this myself. I thought I would post a more complete answer for people that are still stumped by this. Just use the GetAttributeValue method on the TextField instance like so:
TextField field = Document.TextField(Find.ByName("comments"));
Assert.AreEqual("10", field.GetAttributeValue("rows"));
Assert.AreEqual("42", field.GetAttributeValue("cols"));

Add an event to HTML elements with a specific class

I'm working on a modal window, and I want to make the function as reusable as possible. Said that, I want to set a few anchor tags with a class equals to "modal", and when a particular anchor tag is clicked, get its Id and pass it to a function that will execute another function based on the Id that was passed.
This is what I have so far:
// this gets an array with all the elements that have a class equals to "modal"
var anchorTrigger = document.getElementsByClassName('modal');
Then I tried to set the addEventListener for each item in the array by doing this:
var anchorTotal = anchorTrigger.length;
for(var i = 0; i < anchorTotal ; i++){
anchorTrigger.addEventListener('click', fireModal, false);
and then run the last function "fireModal" that will open the modal, like so:
function fireModal(){
//some more code here ...
My problem is that in the "for" loop, I get an error saying that anchorTrigger.addEvent ... is not a function.
I can tell that the error might be related to the fact that I'm trying to set up the "addEventListener" to an array as oppose to individual elements, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
