How does Beam Search operate on the output of The Transformer? - machine-learning

According to my understanding (please correct me if I'm wrong), Beam Search is BFS where it only explores the "graph" of possibilities down b the most likely options, where b is the beam size.
To calculate/score each option, especially for the work that I'm doing which is in the field of NLP, we basically calculate the score of a possibility by calculating the probability of a token, given everything that comes before it.
This makes sense in a recurrent architecture, where you simply run the model you have with your decoder through the best b first tokens, to get the probabilities of the second tokens, for each of the first tokens. Eventually, you get sequences with probabilities and you just pick the one with the highest probability.
However, in the Transformer architecture, where the model doesn't have that recurrence, the output is the entire probability for each word in the vocabulary, for each position in the sequence (batch size, max sequence length, vocab size). How do I interpret this output for Beam Search? I can get the encodings for the input sequence, but since there isn't that recurrence of using the previous output as input for the next token's decoding, how do I go about calculating the probability of all the possible sequences that stems from the best b tokens?

The beam search works exactly in the same as with the recurrent models. The decoder is not recurrent (it's self-attentive), but it is still auto-regressive, i.e., generating a token is conditioned on previously generated tokens.
At the training time, the self-attention is masked, such that in only attend to words to the left from the word that is currently generated. It simulates the setup you have at inference time when you indeed only have the left context (because the right context has not been generated yet).
The only difference is that in the RNN decoder, you only use the last RNN state in every beam search step. With the Transformer, you always need to keep the entire hypothesis and do the self-attention over the entire left context.

Adding more information for your later question and for people who have the same question:
I guess what I really want to ask is that, with an RNN architecture, in the decoder, I can feed it the b tokens that are highest in probability, to get the conditional probabilities of subsequent tokens. However, as I understand, from this tutorial here:…, I can't really do that for the Transformer architecture. Is that right? The decoder takes in the encoder outputs, the 2 masks and the target -- what would I input in for the parameter target?
The tutorial on the website you mentioned is using teacher forcing in the training stage. And it's possible to apply beam-search for the decoder of transformers in the testing stage.
Using beam-search for modern architecture like transformers in the training stage is not so popular. (Check this link for more info)
while teacher forcing as the tutorial mentioned in the training stage, can offer you parallel computation and speed up training once you are dealing with a large vocabulary-list task.
As for testing such a decoder, you could try the following steps to do beam-search (Just offering a possibility based on my understanding and there may have more better solutions):
First, Instead of taking the entire ground truth sequence as input for the decoder, you could only provide "[SOS]" and pad the rest positions.
Although output of your decoder is still [batch_size, max_sequence_len, vocab_size], only the (batch_size, 0, vocab_size) is giving you useful information and that is the first token your model generated. Select top b token and add to your "[SOS]" sequence. Now you have "[SOS] token(1,1)", ... , "[SOS], token(1,b)" sequences.
Second, use the above sequences as input for the decoder and search for the top b token among b * vocab_size options. Add them to their corresponding sequence.
Repeat until sequcences meet some restriction (max_ouput_length or [EOS])
P.S: 1) [SOS] or [EOS] means the Start or the End of the sequence.
2) token(i,j) means the j-th token in top b tokens for the i-th token in sequence


How Transformer is Bidirectional - Machine Learning

I am coming from Google BERT context (Bidirectional Encoder representations from Transformers). I have gone through architecture and codes. People say this is bidirectional by nature. To make it unidirectional attention some mask is to be applied.
Basically a transformer takes key, values and queries as input; uses encoder decoder architecture; and applies attention to these keys, queries and values. What I understood is we need to pass tokens explicitly rather than transformer understanding this by nature.
Can someone please explain what makes transformer is bidirectional by nature
Bidirectional is actually a carry-over term from RNN/LSTM. Transformer is much more than that.
Transformer and BERT can directly access all positions in the sequence, equivalent to having full random access memory of the sequence during encoding/decoding.
Classic RNN has only access to the hidden state and last token, e.g. encoding of word3 = f(hidden_state, word2), so it has to compress all previous words into a hidden state vector, theoretically possible but a severe limitation in practice. Bidirectional RNN/LSTM is slightly better. Memory networks is another way to work around this. Attention is yet another way to improve LSTM seq2seq models. The insight for Transformer is that you want full memory access and don't need the RNN at all!
Another piece of history: an important ingredient that let us deal with sequence structure without using RNN is positional encoding, which comes from CNN seq2seq model. It would not have been possible without this. Turns out, you don't need the CNN either, as CNN doesn't have full random access, but each convolution filter can only look at a number of neighboring words at a time.
Hence, Transformer is more like FFN, where encoding of word1 = f1(word1, word2, word3), and encoding of word3 = f2(word1, word2, word3). All positions available all the time.
You might also appreciate the beauty which is that the authors made it possible to compute attention for all positions in parallel, through the use of Q, K, V matrices. It's quite magical!
But understand this, you'll also appreciate the limitations of Transformer, that it requires O(N^2 * d) computation where N is the sequence length, precisely because we're doing N*N attention of all words with all other words. RNN, on the other hand, is linear in the sequence length and requires O(N * d^2) computation. d is the dimension of model hidden state.
Transformer just won't write a novel anytime soon!
On the following picture you will see in a really clear way why BERT is Bidirectional.
This is crucial since this forces the model to use information from the entire sentence simultaneously – regardless of the position – to make a good predictions.
BERT has been a clear break through allowed by the use of the notorious "attention is all you need" paper and architecture.
This Bidirectional idea (masked) is different from classic LSTM cells which till now used the forward or the backward method or both but not at the same time.
this is done by the transformer. The attention is all you need paper is presenting an encoder-decoder system implementing a sequence to sequence framework. BERT is using this Transformer (sequence to sequence Bidirectional network) to do other NLP task. And this has been done by using a masked approach.
The important thing is: BERT uses Attention but Attention has been done for a translation and as such do not care for Bidirectional. But remove a word and you have Bidirectional.
So why BERT now?
well the Transformer is the first transduction model relying
entirely on self-attention to compute representations of its input and output without using sequencealigned RNNs or convolution. Meaning that this model allows a sentence Embedding far more effective than before. In fact, RNN based architectures are hard to parallelize and can have difficulty learning long-range dependencies within the input and output sequences. SO break through in architecture AND the use of this idea to train a network by masking a word (or more) leads to BERT.
Edit of Edit:
forget about the scale product, it's the inside the Attention which is inside A multi head attention itself inside the Transformer: you are looking to deep. The transformer is using the entire sequence every time to find the other sequence (In case of BERT it's the missing 0.15 percentage of the sentence) and that's it. The use of BERT as a language model is realy a transfer learning (see this)
As stated in your post, unidirectional can be done with a certain type of mask, bidirec is better. And it is used because the go from a full sentence to a full sentence but not the way classic Seq2seq is made (with LSTM and RNN) and as such can be used for LM.
BERT is a bidirectional transformer whereas the original transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) is unidirectional. This can be shown by comparing the masks in the code.
Original Transformer
Tensorflow's tutorial is a good reference. The look_ahead_mask is what makes the Transformer unidirectional.
def create_look_ahead_mask(size):
mask = 1 - tf.linalg.band_part(tf.ones((size, size)), -1, 0)
return mask # (seq_len, seq_len)
If you trace the code, you can find the look_ahead_mask is applied to the attention_weights in the decoder. Basically each row in the attention_weights represents a attention query for token at certain position (the first row -> first token position; the second row -> second token position etc.). And the look_ahead_mask blacks out the tokens appear after this position in the decoder so it does not see the "future". In that sense, the decoder is unidirectional analogous to unidirectional in an RNN.
On the other hand, if you check the original BERT implementation (also in Tensorflow). There's only an optional input_mask applied to the entire BertModel. And if you follow the README on pre-training the model and run, you will observe that the input_mask is only used for padding the input sequence so for short sentences the unused tokens are ignored. Thus, attention in BERT can be applied to both the "past" and the "future" of a given token position. In that sense, the encoder in BERT is bidirectional analogous to bidirectional in an RNN.
I know this is an old post but for anyone coming back to this:
Adding to what Hai-Anh Trinh said, Transformers aren't 'bi-directional', it would be better to call them "omni-directional". Because of their self-attention method, they are able to consider every single word at the same time, simultaneously.
BERT on the other hand is "deeply bidirectional". This is because of the masked language model(MLM) pre-training objective that is used in BERT. (there are a lot of resources online, I can link some if need be)
It's easy to get confused so don't worry about it.
(; link to the original BERT paper)
(; link to the original Transformer paper)

What is used to train a self-attention mechanism?

I've been trying to understand self-attention, but everything I found doesn't explain the concept on a high level very well.
Let's say we use self-attention in a NLP task, so our input is a sentence.
Then self-attention can be used to measure how "important" each word in the sentence is for every other word.
The problem is that I do not understand how that "importance" is measured. Important for what?
What exactly is the goal vector the weights in the self-attention algorithm are trained against?
Connecting language with underlying meaning is called grounding. A sentence like “The ball is on the table” results into an image which can be reproduced with multimodal learning. Multimodal means, that different kind of words are available for example events, action words, subjects and so on. A self-attention mechanism works with mapping input vector to output vectors and between them is a neural network. The output vector of the neural network is referencing to the grounded situation.
Let us make a short example. We need a pixel image which is 300x200, we need a sentence in natural language and we need a parser. The parser works in both directions. He can convert text to image, that means the sentence “The ball is on the table” gets converted into the 300x200 image. But it is also possible to parse a given image and extract the natural sentence back. Self-attention learning is a bootstrapping technique to learn and use the grounded relationship. That means to verify existing language models, to learn new one and to predict future system states.
This question is old now but I came across it so I figured I should update others as my own understanding has increased.
Attention simply refers to some operation that takes the output and combines it with some other information. Typically this just happens by taking the dot product of the output with some other vector so it can "attend" to it in some way.
Self-attention combines the output with other parts of the input (hence self part). Again the combination usually occurs via the dot-product between the vectors.
Finally how is attention (or self-attention) trained?
Let's call Z our output, W our weight matrix and X our input (we'll use # as matrix multiplication symbol).
Z = X^T # W^T # X
In NLP we will compare Z to whatever we want the resulting output to be. In machine translation it is the sentence in the other language for example. We can compare the two with average cross entropy loss over each word predicted. Finally we can update W with back propagation.
How do we see what is important? We can look at the magnitudes of Z to see after the attention what words were most "attended" to.
This is a slightly simplified example as it only has one weight matrix and typically the inputs are embedded but I think it still highlights some of the necessary details concerning attention.
Here is a useful resource with visualizations for more information about attention.
Here is another resource with visualizations for more about attention in transformers specifically self-attention.

How to handle <UKN> tokens in text generation

In my text generation dataset, I have converted all infrequent words into the token (unknown word), as suggested by most text-generation literature.
However, when training an RNN to take in part of a sentence as input and predict the rest of the sentence, I am not sure how I should stop the network from generating tokens.
When the network encounters an unknown (infrequent) word in the training set, what should its output be?
Sentence: I went to the mall and bought a <ukn> and some groceries
Network input: I went to the mall and bought a
Current network output: <unk> and some groceries
Desired network output: ??? and some groceries
What should it be outputting instead of the <unk>?
I don't want to build a generator that outputs words it does not know.
A RNN will give you a sampling of tokens that are most likely to appear next in your text. In your code you choose the token with the highest probability, in this case «unk».
In this case you can omit the «ukn» token and simply take the next most likely token that the RNN suggests based on the probability values that it renders.
I've seen <UNK> occasionally, but never <UKN>.
Even more common in word-embedding-training is dropping rare words entirely, to keep vocabularies compact, and avoid having words-without-sufficient-examples from serving as 'noise' in the training of other words. (Folding them all into a single magic unknown-token – which then becomes more frequent than real tokens! – would just tend to throw a big unnatural pseudo-word with no clear meaning into every other word's contexts.)
So, I'm not sure it's accurate to describe this as "suggested by most text-generation literature". And to the extent it might be, wouldn't any source suggesting this then also suggest what-to-do when a prediction is the UNK token?
If your specific application needed any real known word instead, even if the NN has low confidence that the right word is any known-word, it would seem you'd just read the next-best-non-<UKN> prediction from the NN, as suggested by #petezurich's answer.

How to classify text with Knime

I'm trying to classify some data using knime with knime-labs deep learning plugin.
I have about 16.000 products in my DB, but I have about 700 of then that I know its category.
I'm trying to classify as much as possible using some DM (data mining) technique. I've downloaded some plugins to knime, now I have some deep learning tools as some text tools.
Here is my workflow, I'll use it to explain what I'm doing:
I'm transforming the product name into vector, than applying into it.
After I train a DL4J learner with DeepMLP. (I'm not really understand it all, it was the one that I thought I got the best results). Than I try to apply the model in the same data set.
I thought I would get the result with the predicted classes. But I'm getting a column with output_activations that looks that gets a pair of doubles. when sorting this column I get some related date close to each other. But I was expecting to get the classes.
Here is a print of the result table, here you can see the output with the input.
In columns selection it's getting just the converted_document and selected des_categoria as Label Column (learning node config). And in Predictor node I checked the "Append SoftMax Predicted Label?"
The nom_produto is the text column that I'm trying to use to predict the des_categoria column that it the product category.
I'm really newbie about DM and DL. If you could get me some help to solve what I'm trying to do would be awesome. Also be free to suggest some learning material about what attempting to achieve
PS: I also tried to apply it into the unclassified data (17,000 products), but I got the same result.
I won't answer with a workflow on this one because it is not going to be a simple one. However, be sure to find the text mining example on the KNIME server, i.e. the one that makes use of the bag of words approach.
The task
Product mapping to categories should be a straight-forward data mining task because the information that explains the target variable is available in a quasi-exhaustive manner. Depending on the number of categories to train though, there is a risk that you might need more than 700 instances to learn from.
Some resources
Here are some resources, only the first one being truly specialised in text mining:
Introduction on Information Retrieval, in particular chapter 13;
Data Science for Business is an excellent introduction to data mining, including text mining (chapter 10), also do not forget the chapter about similarity (chapter 6);
Machine Learning with R has the advantage of being accessible enough (chapter 4 provides an example of text classification with R code).
First, you will have to preprocess your product labels a bit. Use KNIME's text analytics preprocessing nodes for that purpose, that is after you've transformed the product labels with Strings to Document:
Case Convert, Punctuation Erasure and Snowball Stemmer;
you probably won't need Stop Word Filter, however, there may be quasi-stop words such as "product", which you may need to remove manually with Dictionary Filter;
Be careful not to use any of the following without testing testing their impact first: N Chars Filter (g may be a useful word), Number Filter (numbers may indicate quantities, which may be useful for classification).
Should you encounter any trouble with the relevant nodes (e.g. Punctuation Erasure can be tricky amazingly thanks to the tokenizer), you can always apply String Manipulation with regex before converting the Strings to Document.
Keep it short and simple: the lookup table
You could build a lookup table based on the 700 training instances. The book Data mining techniques as well as resource (2) present this approach in some detail. If any model performs any worse than the lookup table, you should abandon the model.
Nearest neighbors
Neural networks are probably overkill for this task.
Start with a K Nearest Neighbor node (applying a string distance such as Cosine, Levensthein or Jaro-Winkler). This approach requires the least amount of data wrangling. At the very least, it will provide an excellent baseline model, so it is most definitely worth a shot.
You'll need to tune the parameter k and to experiment with the distance types. The Parameter Optimization Loop pair will help you with optimizing k, you can include a Cross-Validation meta node inside of the said loop to obtain an estimate of the expected performance given k instead of only one point estimate per value of k. Use Cohen's Kappa as an optimization criterion, as proposed by the resource number (3) and available via the Scorer node.
After the parameter tuning, you'll have to evaluate the relevance of your model using yet another Cross-Validation meta node, then follow up with a Loop pair including Scorer to calculate the descriptives on performance metric(s) per iteration, finally use Statistics. Kappa is a convenient metric for this task because the target variable consists of many product categories.
Don't forget to test its performance against the lookup table.
What next ?
Should lookup table or k-nn work well for you, then there's nothing else to add.
Should any of those approaches fail, you might want to analyse the precise cases on which it fails. In addition, training set size may be too low, so you could manually classify another few hundred or thousand instances.
If after increasing the training set size, you are still dealing with a bad model, you can try the bag of words approach together with a Naive Bayes classifier (see chapter 13 of the Information Retrieval reference). There is no room here to elaborate on the bag of words approach and Naive Bayes but you'll find the resources here above useful for that purpose.
One last note. Personally, I find KNIME's Naive Bayes node to perform poorly, probably because it does not implement Laplace smoothening. However, KNIME's R Learner and R Predictor nodes will allow you to use R's e1071 package, as demonstrated by resource (3).

What type of ML is this? Algorithm to repeatedly choose 1 correct candidate from a pool (or none)

I have a set of 3-5 black box scoring functions that assign positive real value scores to candidates.
Each is decent at ranking the best candidate highest, but they don't always agree--I'd like to find how to combine the scores together for an optimal meta-score such that, among a pool of candidates, the one with the highest meta-score is usually the actual correct candidate.
So they are plain R^n vectors, but each dimension individually tends to have higher value for correct candidates. Naively I could just multiply the components, but I hope there's something more subtle to benefit from.
If the highest score is too low (or perhaps the two highest are too close), I just give up and say 'none'.
So for each trial, my input is a set of these score-vectors, and the output is which vector corresponds to the actual right answer, or 'none'. This is kind of like tech interviewing where a pool of candidates are interviewed by a few people who might have differing opinions but in general each tend to prefer the best candidate. My own application has an objective best candidate.
I'd like to maximize correct answers and minimize false positives.
More concretely, my training data might look like many instances of
{[0.2, 0.45, 1.37], [5.9, 0.02, 2], ...} -> i
where i is the ith candidate vector in the input set.
So I'd like to learn a function that tends to maximize the actual best candidate's score vector from the input. There are no degrees of bestness. It's binary right or wrong. However, it doesn't seem like traditional binary classification because among an input set of vectors, there can be at most 1 "classified" as right, the rest are wrong.
Your problem doesn't exactly belong in the machine learning category. The multiplication method might work better. You can also try different statistical models for your output function.
ML, and more specifically classification, problems need training data from which your network can learn any existing patterns in the data and use them to assign a particular class to an input vector.
If you really want to use classification then I think your problem can fit into the category of OnevsAll classification. You will need a network (or just a single output layer) with number of cells/sigmoid units equal to your number of candidates (each representing one). Note, here your number of candidates will be fixed.
You can use your entire candidate vector as input to all the cells of your network. The output can be specified using one-hot encoding i.e. 00100 if your candidate no. 3 was the actual correct candidate and in case of no correct candidate output will be 00000.
For this to work, you will need a big data set containing your candidate vectors and corresponding actual correct candidate. For this data you will either need a function (again like multiplication) or you can assign the outputs yourself, in which case the system will learn how you classify the output given different inputs and will classify new data in the same way as you did. This way, it will maximize the number of correct outputs but the definition of correct here will be how you classify the training data.
You can also use a different type of output where each cell of output layer corresponds to your scoring functions and 00001 means that the candidate your 5th scoring function selected was the right one. This way your candidates will not have to be fixed. But again, you will have to manually set the outputs of the training data for your network to learn it.
OnevsAll is a classification technique where there are multiple cells in the output layer and each perform binary classification in between one of the classes vs all others. At the end the sigmoid with the highest probability is assigned 1 and rest zero.
Once your system has learned how you classify data through your training data, you can feed your new data in and it will give you output in the same way i.e. 01000 etc.
I hope my answer was able to help you.:)
