Performance Issue with neo4j - neo4j

There is DataSet at my Notebook’s Virtual Machine:
2 million unique Customers [:VISITED] 40000 unique Merchants.
Every [:VISIT] has properties: amount (double) and dt (date).
Every Customer has property “pty_id” (Integer).
And every Merchant has mcht_id (String) property.
One Customer may visit one Merchant for more than one time. And of course, one Customer may visit many Merchants. So there are 43 978 539 relationships in my graph between Customers and Merchants.
I have created Indexes:
CREATE INDEX on :Customer(pty_id)
CREATE INDEX  on :Merchant(mcht_id)
Parameters of my VM are:
Oracle (RedHat) Linux 7 with 2 core i7, 2 GB RAM
Parameters of my Neo4j 3.5.7 config:
- dbms.memory.heap.max_size=1024m
- dbms.memory.pagecache.size=512m
My task is:
Get top 10 Customers ordered by total_amount who spent their money at NOT specified Merchant(M) but visit that Merchants which have been visited by Customers who visit this specified Merchant(M)
My Solution is:
Let’s M will have mcht_id = "0000000DA5"
Then the CYPHER query will be:
(c:Customer)-[r:VISITED]->(mm:Merchant)<-[:VISITED]-(cc:Customer)-[:VISITED]->(m:Merchant {mcht_id: "0000000DA5"})
NOT (c)-[:VISITED]->(m)
DISTINCT c as uc
,round(100*sum(rr.amount))/100 as v_amt
Result is OK. I receive my answer:
uc.pty_id - v_amt: 1433798 - 348925.94; 739510 - 339169.83; 374933 -
327962.95 and so on.
The problem is that this result I have received after 437613 ms! It’s about 7 minutes!!! My estimated time for this query was about 10-20 seconds….
My Question is: What am I doing wrong???

There's a few things to improve here.
First, for graph-wide queries in a graph with millions of nodes and 50 million relationships, 1G of heap and 512M of pagecache is far too low. We usually recommend around 8-10G of heap minimum for medium to large graphs (this is your "scratch space" memory as a query executes), and to try to get as much of the graph size as possible in pagecache if you can to minimize cache misses as you traverse the graph. Neo4j likes memory. Memory is relatively cheap. You can use neo4j-admin memrec to get a recommendation of how to configure your memory settings, but in general you need to run this on a machine with more memory.
And if we're talking about hardware recommendations, usage of SSDs is highly recommended, for when you do need to hit the disk.
As for the query itself, notice in the query plan you posted that your DISTINCT operation drops the number of rows from the neighborhood of 26-35 million to only 153k rows, that's significant. Your most expensive step here (WHERE
NOT (c)-[:VISITED]->(m)) is the Expand(Into) operation on the right side of the plan, with nearly 1 billion db hits. This is happening too early in the query - you should be doing this AFTER your DISTINCT operation, so it operates on only 153k rows instead of 35 million.
You can also improve upon this so you don't even have to hit the graph to do that step of the filtering. Instead of using that WHERE NOT <pattern> approach, you can pre-match to the customers who visited the first merchant, gather them into a list, and keep them around, and instead of using negation of the pattern (where it has to actually expand out all :VISITED relationships of those customers and see if any was the original merchant), we instead do a list membership check, and ensure they aren't one of the 1k or so customers who visited the original merchant. That will happen in memory, since we already collected that list, so it shouldn't hit the graph. In any case you should do DISTINCT before this check.
In your RETURN you're performing an aggregation with respect to a node's unique property, so you're paying the cost of projecting that property across 4 million rows BEFORE the cardinality drops from the aggregation to 153k rows, meaning you're projecting out that property redundantly across a great many duplicate :Customer nodes before they become distinct from the aggregation. That's redundant and expensive property access you can avoid by aggregating with respect to the node instead, and then do your property access after the aggregation, and also after your sort and limit, so you only have to project out 10 properties.
So putting that all together, try this out:
(cc:Customer)-[:VISITED]->(m:Merchant {mcht_id: "0000000DA5"})
WITH m, collect(DISTINCT cc) as visitors
UNWIND visitors as cc
MATCH (uc:Customer)-[:VISITED]->(mm:Merchant)<-[:VISITED]-(cc)
mm <> m
DISTINCT visitors, uc
WHERE NOT uc IN visitors
uc, round(100*sum(rr.amount))/100 as v_amt
RETURN uc.pty_id, v_amt;
Okay, let's try something else. I suspect that what we're encountering here is a great deal of duplicates during expansion (many visitors may have visited the same merchants). Cypher won't eliminate duplicates during traversal unless you explicitly ask for it (as it may need this info for doing aggregations such as counting of occurrences), and this query is highly dependent on getting distinct nodes during expansion.
If you can install APOC Procedures, we can make use of some expansion procs which let us change how Cypher expands, only visiting each distinct node once across all paths. That may improve the timing here. At the least it will show us if the slowdown we're seeing is related to deduplication of nodes during expansion, or if it's something else.
MATCH (m:Merchant {mcht_id: "0000000DA5"})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(m, {uniqueness:'NODE_GLOBAL', relationshipFilter:'VISITED', minLevel:3, maxLevel:3}) YIELD path
WITH last(nodes(path)) as uc
,round(100*sum(rr.amount))/100 as v_amt
RETURN uc.pty_id, v_amt;
While this is a more complicated approach, one neat thing is that with NODE_GLOBAL uniqueness (ensuring we only visit each node once across all expanded paths) and bfs expansion, we don't need to include WHERE NOT (c)-[:VISITED]->(m) since this will naturally be ruled out; we would have already visited every visitor of m, and since they've already been visited, we cannot visit them again, so none of them will appear in the final result set at 3 hops.
Give this a try and run it a couple times to get that into pagecache (or as much as possible...with 512MB pagecache you may not be able to get all of the traversed structure into memory).

I have tested all optimised query on Neo4j and on Oracle. Results are:
Oracle - 2.197 sec
Neo4j - 5.326 sec
You can see details here:
And there is more complimentared for Neo4j case at


Query optimization that collects and orders nodes on very large graph

I have a decently large graph (1.8 billion nodes and roughly the same number of relationships) where I am performing the follow query:
MATCH (n:Article)
WHERE IN $pmids
MATCH (n)-[:HAS_MENTION]->(m:Mention)
WITH n, collect(m) as mentions
RETURN as pmid, mentions
where $pmids are a list of strings, e.g. ["1234", "4567"] where the length of this list varies from 100-500 length.
I am currently am holding the data within neo4j docker community instance with the following conf modifications: NEO4J_dbms_memory_pagecache_size=32G, NEO4J_dbms_memory_heap_max__size=32G. Index has been created for
This query has been quite slow to run (roughly 5 seconds) and I would like to optimize to make for faster runtime. As part of work, I have access to neo4j enterprise so one approach would be to ingest this data as part of a neo4j enterprise account where I can tweak advanced configuration settings.
In general, does anyone have any tips in how I may improve performance, whether it be optimizing the cypher query itself, increase workers or other settings in neo4j.conf?
Thanks in advance.
For anyone interested - I posed this question in the neo4j forums as well and there have already been some interesting optimization suggestions (especially around the "type hint" to trigger backward-indexing, and using pattern comprehension instead of collect()
Initial thoughts
you are using a string field to store PMID, but PMIDs are numeric, it might reduce the database size, and possibly perform better if stored as int (and indexed as int, and searched as int)
if the PMID list is usually large, and the server has over half dozen cores, it might be worth looking into the apoc parallel cypher functions
do you really need every property from the Mention nodes? if not try gathering just what you need
what is the size of the database in GBs? (some context is required in terms of memory settings), and what did neo4j-admin memrec recommend?
If this is how the db is always used, all the time, a sql database might be better, and when building that sql db, collect the mentions into one field (once and done)
Note: Go PubMed!

Neo4j count increases execution time substantially and runs out of memory

I am using Neo4j to store data regarding movie ratings. I would like to count the number of movies that two users both rated. When running the query
match (a:User)-[:RATED]->(b:Movie)<-[:RATED]-(c:User) return a,b,c limit 1000
it completes in less than a second, however running
match (a:User)-[:RATED]->(b:Movie)<-[:RATED]-(c:User) return a,count(b),c limit 1000
the database can't finish the query as the heap runs out of memory, which I have set as 4gb. Am I using the count function properly? I don't understand how the performance between these two queries can differ so significantly.
MissingNumber has a good explanation of what's going on. When you do aggregations, the whole set has to be considered to do the aggregations correctly, and that must happen before the LIMIT, and this is taking a huge toll on your heap space.
As an alternate in your case, you can try the following:
match (a:User)-[:RATED]->()<-[:RATED]-(c:User)
with DISTINCT a, c
where id(a) < id(c)
limit 1000
match (a)-[:RATED]->(m:Movie)<-[:RATED]-(c)
with a, c, count(m) as moviesRated
return a, moviesRated, c
By moving the LIMIT up before the aggregation, but using DISTINCT instead to ensure we only deal with a pair of nodes in this pattern once (and apply a predicate based on graph ids to ensure we never deal with mirrored results), we should get a more efficient query. Then for each of those 1000 pairs of a and c, we expand out the pattern again and get the actual counts.
I have ran into a similar similar situation and solved this using the following approach, this will be applicable to you.
I used a data set having:
(TYPE_S) - 380 nodes
(TYPE_N) - 800000 nodes
[:S_realation_N] - 5600000 relations
Query one :
match (s:TYPE_S)-[]-(n:TYPE_N) return s, n limit 10
This took 2 milli-seconds.
As soon as 10 patterns(relations) are found in db, neo4j just returns result.
Query two :
match (s:TYPE_S)-[]-(n:TYPE_N) return s, sum(n.value) limit 10
This took ~4000 milli-seconds.
This might look like a query as fast as last one. But surely it won’t be as fast as the previous one because of aggregation involved.
For the query to aggregate over pattern, Neo4j has to load all the paths that matches given pattern (these are way more than 10 or given limit here and will be 5600000 as per my dataset) into ram before performing aggregation. Later this aggregation is performed over 10 full records S_TYPE nodes, so this falls into specified return format with given limit now. Rest of the relations in the ram are then flushed. Which means for a moment ran is loaded with lot data which will later be ignored due to limit.
So to optimize runtimes and memory usage here you have to avoid part of query which leads to loading data which will later be ignored.
This is how I optimized it:
match (s:TYPE_S) where ((s)-[]-(:TYPE_N))
with collect(s)[0..10] as s_list
unwind s_list as s
match (s)-[]-(n:TYPE_N) return s, sum(n.value)
This took 64 milli-seconds.
Now neo4j first shortlists 10 nodes of type TYPE_S which have relations with TYPE_S, and then matches the pattern with these nodes and get their data. 
This should work and run better than query2 since you are loading a limited set of records in to ram.
You could use this similar way to build your query, by shorting 1000 (a,b) distinct user pairs and then perform aggregations on them.
But this approach will fail in case where need to order by aggregation.
Reason for your query to run out of memory is because you are using 4 gb ram and running a query that may load a lot of combinational data into ram(this may sometimes be more than size of you db due multiplicity of data combinations defined in you patterns, in your case even if you have 50 unique users, you have 50*49 possible unique combinations of patterns that can loaded in to ram). Also other transactions and queries running in parallel could also impact.

Neo4j Recommendation Cypher Query Optimization

I am using Neo4j community edition embedded in java application for recommendation purpose. I made a custom function which contains a complex logic of comparing two entities, namely product and users. Both entities are present as nodes in graph and has more than 20 properties each for comparison purpose. For eg. I am calling this function in following format:
match (e:User {user_id:"some-id"}) with e
match (f:Product {product_id:"some-id"}) with e,f
return e,f,findComparisonValue(e,f) as pref_value;
This function call on an average takes about 4-5 ms to run. Now, to recommend best product to a particular user, I wrote a cypher query which iterates over all products, calculate the pref_value and rank them. My cypher query looks like this:
MATCH (source:User) WHERE id(source)={id} with source
MATCH (reco:Product) WHERE reco.is_active='t'
with reco, source, findComparisonValue(source, reco) as score_result
RETURN distinct reco, score_result.score as score, score_result.params as params, score_result.matched_keywords as matched_keywords
order by score desc
Some insights on graph structure:
Total Number of nodes: 2 million
Total Number of relationships: 20 million
Total Number of Users: 0.2 million
Total Number of Products: 1.8 million
The above cypher query is taking more than 10 seconds as it is iterating over all the products. On top of this cypher query, I am using graphaware-reco module for my recommendation needs (Using precompute, filteing, post processing etc). I thought of parallelising this but community edition does not support clustering. Now, as number of users in system is increasing day by day, I need to think of a scalable solution.
Can anyone help me out here, on how to optimize the query.
As others have commented, doing a significant calculation potentially millions of times in a single query is going to be slow, and does not take advantage of neo4j's strengths. You should investigate modifying your data model and calculation so that you can leverage relationships and/or indexes.
In the meantime, there are a number of things to suggest with your second query:
Make sure you have created an index for :Product(is_active), so that it is not necessary to scan all products. (By the way, if that property is actually supposed to be a boolean, then consider making it a boolean rather than a string.)
The RETURN clause should not need the DISTINCT operator, since all the result rows should be distinct anyway. This is because every reco value is already distinct. Removing that keyword should improve performance.

cypher performance for multiple hops /

I'm running my cypher queryies on a very large social network (over 1B records). I'm trying to get all paths between two person with variable relationship lengths. I get a reasonable response time running a query for a single relationship length (between 0.5 -2 seconds) [the person ids are index].
MATCH paths=( (pr1:person)-[*0..1]-(pr2:person) )
RETURN paths
However when I run the query with multiple lengths (i.e. 2 or more) my response time goes up to several minutes. Assuming that each person has in average the same number of connection I should be running my queries for 2-3 minutes Max (but I get up to 5+ min).
MATCH paths=( (pr1:person)-[*0..2]-(pr2:person) )'123456'
RETURN paths
I tried to use the EXPLAIN did not show extreme values for the VarLengthExpand(All) .
Maybe the traversing is not using the index for the pr2.
Is there anyway to improve the performance of my query?
Since variable-length relationship searches have exponential complexity, your *0..2 query might be generating a very large number of paths, which can cause the neo4j server (or your client code, like the neo4j browser) to run a long time or even run out of memory.
This query might be able to finish and show you how many matching paths there are:
MATCH (pr1:person)-[*0..2]-(:person)
If the returned number is very large, then you should modify your query to reduce the size of the result. For example, you can adding a LIMIT clause after your original RETURN clause to limit the number of returned paths.
By the way, the EXPLAIN clause just estimates the query cost, and can be way off. The PROFILE clause performs the actual query, and gives you an accurate accounting of the DB hits (however, if your query never finishes running, then a PROFILE of it will also never finish).
Rather than using the explain, try the "profile" instead.

Neo4j crashes on 4th degree Cypher query

neo4j noob here, on Neo4j 2.0.0 Community
I've got a graph database of 24,000 movies and 2700 users, and somewhere around 60,000 LIKE relationships between a user and a movie.
Let's say that I've got a specific movie (movie1) in mind.
START movie1=node:Movie("MovieId:88cacfca-3def-4b2c-acb2-8e7f4f28be04")
MATCH (movie1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersLikingMovie1)
RETURN usersLikingMovie1;
I can quickly and easily find the users who liked the movie with the above query. I can follow this path further to get the users who liked the same movies that as the people who liked movie1. I call these generation 2 users
START movie1=node:Movie("MovieId:88cacfca-3def-4b2c-acb2-8e7f4f28be04")
MATCH (movie1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersLikingMovie1)-[:LIKES]->(moviesGen1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersGen2)
RETURN usersGen2;
This query takes about 3 seconds and returns 1896 users.
Now I take this query one step further to get the movies liked by the users above (generation 2 movies)
START movie1=node:Movie("MovieId:88cacfca-3def-4b2c-acb2-8e7f4f28be04")
MATCH (movie1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersLikingMovie1)-[:LIKES]->(moviesGen1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersGen2)-[:LIKES]->(moviesGen2)
RETURN moviesGen2;
This query causes neo4j to spin for several minutes at 100% cpu utilization and using 4GB of RAM. Then it sends back an exception "OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded".
I was hoping someone could help me out and explain to me the issue.
Is Neo4j not meant to handle a query of this depth in a performant manner?
Is there something wrong with my Cypher query?
Thanks for taking the time to read.
That's a pretty intense query, and the deeper you go the closer you're probably getting to a set of all users that ever rated any movie, since you're essentially just expanding out through the graph in tree form starting with your given movie. #Huston's WHERE and DISTINCT clauses will help to prune branches you've already seen, but you're still just expanding out through the tree.
The branching factor of your tree can be estimated with two values:
u, the average number of users that liked a movie (incoming to :Movie)
m, the average number of movies that each user liked (outgoing from :User)
For an estimate, your first step will return m users. On the next step, for each user you get all the movies each of them liked followed by all the users that liked all of those movies:
gen(1) => u
gen(2) => u * (m * u)
For each generation you'll tack on another m*u, so your third generation is:
gen(3) => u * (m * u) * (m * u)
Or more generically:
gen(n) => u^n * m^(n-1)
You could estimate your branching factors by computing the average of your likes/users and likes/movie, but that's probably very inaccurate since it gives you 22.2 likes/user and 2.5 likes/movie. Those numbers aren't reasonable for any movie that's worthy of rating. A better approach would be to take the median number of ratings or look at a histogram and use the peaks as your branching factors.
To put this in perspective, the average Netflix user rated 200 movies. The Netflix Prize training set had 17,770 movies, 480,189 users, and 100,480,507 ratings. That's 209 ratings/user and 5654 ratings/movie.
To keep things simple (and assuming your data set is much smaller), let's use:
m = 20 movie ratings/user
u = 100 users have rated/movie
Your query in gen-3 (without distincts) will return:
gen(3) = 100^3 * 20^2
= 400,000,000
400 million nodes (users)
Since you only have 2700 users, I think it's safe to say your query probably returns every user in your data set (rather, 148 thousand-ish copies of each user).
Your movie nodes in ASCII -- (n:Movie {movieid:"88cacfca-3def-4b2c-acb2-8e7f4f28be04"}) are 58 bytes minimum. If your users are about the same, let's say each node is 60 bytes, your storage requirement for this resultant set is:
400,000,000 nodes * 60 bytes
= 24,000,000,000 bytes
= 23,437,500 kb
= 22,888 Mb
= 22.35 Gb
So by my conservative estimates, your query requires 22 Gigabytes of storage. This seems quite reasonable that Neo4j would run out of memory.
My guess is that you're trying to find similarities in the patterns of users, but the query you're using is returning all the users in your dataset duplicated a bunch of times. Maybe you want to be asking questions of your data more like:
what users rate movies most like me?
what users rated most of the same movies as I rated
what movies have users that have rated similar movies to me watched that I haven't watched yet?
To minimize the explosion that #cod3monk3y talks about, I'd limit the number of intermediate results.
START movie1=node:Movie("MovieId:88cacfca-3def-4b2c-acb2-8e7f4f28be04")
MATCH (movie1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersLikingMovie1)-[:LIKES]->(moviesGen1)
WITH distinct moviesGen1
MATCH (moviesGen1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersGen2)-[:LIKES]->(moviesGen2)
RETURN moviesGen2;
or even like this
START movie1=node:Movie("MovieId:88cacfca-3def-4b2c-acb2-8e7f4f28be04")
MATCH (movie1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersLikingMovie1)-[:LIKES]->(moviesGen1)
WITH distinct moviesGen1
MATCH (moviesGen1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersGen2)
WITH distinct usersGen2
MATCH (usersGen2)-[:LIKES]->(moviesGen2)
RETURN distinct moviesGen2;
if you want to, you can use "profile start ..." in the neo4j shell to see how many hits / db-rows you create in between, starting with your query and then these two.
Cypher is a pattern matching language, and it is important to remember that the MATCH clause will always find a pattern everywhere it exists in the Graph.
The problem with the MATCH clause you are using is that sometimes Cypher will find different patterns where 'usersGen2' is the same as 'usersLikingMovie1' and where 'movie1' is the same as 'movieGen1' across different patterns. So, in essence, Cypher finds the pattern every single time it exists in the Graph, is holding it in memory for the duration of the query, and then returning all the moviesGen2 nodes, which could actually be the same node n number of times.
MATCH (movie1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersLikingMovie1)-[:LIKES]->(moviesGen1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersGen2)
If you explicitly tell Cypher that the movies and users should be different for each match pattern it should solve the issue. Try this? Additionally, The DISTINCT parameter will make sure you only grab each 'moviesGen2' node once.
START movie1=node:Movie("MovieId:88cacfca-3def-4b2c-acb2-8e7f4f28be04")
MATCH (movie1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersLikingMovie1)-[:LIKES]->(moviesGen1)<-[:LIKES]-(usersGen2)-[:LIKES]->(moviesGen2)
WHERE movie1 <> moviesGen2 AND usersLikingMovie1 <> usersGen2
Additionally, in 2.0, the start clause is not required. So you can actually leave out the START clause all together (However - only if you are NOT using a legacy index and use labels)...
Hope this works... Please correct my answer if there are syntax errors...
