using local folder into docker container - docker

Hi I have a windows machine and I installed a docker desktop on it and created a ubuntu container on it.
In docker settings I checked my C: Drive under shared drive option. and I created a folder under /opt named /mydata in this container
Now I run this command:
docker my_container_name run -v /Users/john/Documents/DOCKER_FOLDER:/opt/mydata
But I don't see the files under DOCKER_FOLDER to be in /opt/mydata folder.
Not sure what I a doing wrong.

the right command is:
docker my_container_name run -v c:/Users/john/Documents/DOCKER_FOLDER:/opt/mydata ls /opt/mydata
so you need to specify the volume letter and a command to run


Mounted Docker Volumes Are Empty

The $(pwd)/app directory locally contains many subdirectories and files. So does the directory in my Docker image /usr/local/app. When I run the following
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/app:/usr/local/app my_image bash
the command is successful, but the /usr/local/app directory is now empty. It seems that I've mounted something to this location, but it's empty.
Is there something that I'm missing here that I should be aware of?
This exact command used to succeed. The only recent change is that I uninstalled Docker Desktop in favor of just using the Docker Engine running on a local minikube instance. I'm using Docker version 20.10.22, build 3a2c30b63a on MacOS Ventura.

Windows WSL2 docker.exe volume mount differs from wsl docker volume mounts

I got Docker Desktop installed on Windows with WSL2 support. Everything works as expected. When I run my containers with a volume mount docker run -it --rm -v W:\projects:/projects busybox i can access all my windows files inside this folder.
Sadly the performance isn't that great with windows shares inside docker, so i tried to mount a path from my wsl machine.
i was under the impression that docker would run inside wsl? So I expected the two commands to output the same:
docker run -it --rm -v /home/:/myHome busybox ls -l /myHome
wsl docker run -it --rm -v /home/:/myHome busybox ls -l /myHome
but the output using docker is just total 0 where as the output using wsl is my home directory.
Can someone explain to me where this /home directory is (physically / in wsl / my computer) when I run docker from windows? And is it possible to run docker and it runs wsl docker without symlinks / path modifications so i can mount my linux directory inside the container?
If wsl-2 is installed, you can access its file system by going to the following path :-
/home wouldn't just work as its not physically present in Windows's file system
You can however use /home or any other linux based directories if you login to your wsl distro. Please note that the following command won't mount any volumes if you run it from windows. It should be run only from your wsl distro
docker run --name mycontainer -v /home:myhome busybox
To access the /home directory in an Ubuntu-16.04 distro from windows:-
You can replace Ubuntu-16.04 with your distro name - version
To mount any of the directories which is under wsl, ensure that you have turned on the option "Enable integration with my default wsl distro"
To mount a wsl's directory from windows as a volume, provide your host volume path in the given format
docker run --name mycontainer -v \\wsl$\Ubuntu-16.04\home:/myHome busybox
Basically, docker run -v has an effect from which environment its being executed i.e either windows or wsl
And docker volumes are present in the following path if you have enabled wsl-2 for docker but don't want to use your distro's file system

docker bind mounting not work with "not home" folder

I'm tring to play with bind mounting and i encourred in a strange behavior, i understand that bind mounting mount a host's folder in the container file system obscuring the original container content. Now when i try to do for examle:
docker run -it -v /home/user:/tmp ubuntu bash
in the /tmp folder of contaner there is the user's home but when i try to bind a "not home folder" like /var/lib:
docker run -it -v /var/lib:/tmp ubuntu bash
the /tmp folder inside a container is empty, why this appen?
Moreover if i do inside at the last container for example "touch foo" and i run another container with the same binding:
docker run -it -v /var/lib:/tmp ubuntu bash
I'll find the foo file inside /tmp folder
additional info: i run a ubuntu 19 server inside a VMaware virtual machine
i found a "dirty" solution, i had previoussly installed docker via snap, i reinstalled docker via apt and now work fine, this will remain a minstery

Volume not mounting properly when running shell inside a container

I want to encrypt my Kubernetes file to integrate it with Travis CI and for that, I am installing Travis CI CLI via docker container. When the container runs and I mount my current working directory to /app It just creates an empty folder.
I have added the folder in shared folders as well in the Virtual Box but nothing seems to work. I am using Docker Toolbox on Windows 10 home.
docker run -it -v ${pwd}:/app ruby:2.3 sh
It creates the empty app folder along with the other folders in the container but does not mount the volumes.
I also tried using
docker run -it -v //c/complex:/app ruby:2.3 sh
as someone suggested to use the name you specify in the Virtual Box.
Docker run -it -v full path of current directory:/app ruby:2

Unable to share/mount Volume with Docker Toolbox on Windows 10

I am trying to setup my project with docker. I am using Docker Toolbox on Windows 10 Home. I am very new to docker. To my understanding I have to copy my files to new container and add a volume so that I can persist changes made by gulp.
Here is my folder structure
-- src
|- dist
|- node-modules
|- gulpfile.js
|- package.json
|- Dockerfile
The Dockerfile code
FROM node:8.9.4-alpine
RUN npm install -g gulp
CMD [ "ls", 'source' ]
I tried many solutions for *docker run -v *
docker run -v /$(pwd):/source <container image>
docker run -v //c/Users/PcUser/Desktop/proj:/source <container image>
docker run -v //c/Users/PcUser/Desktop/proj:/source <container image>
docker run -v //d/proj:/source <container image>
docker run -v /d/proj:/source <container image>
* But No luck *
Can anyone describe how would you set it up for yourself with the same structure. And why am I not able to mount my host folder.
P.S: If I use two containers one for compiling my code with gulp and one with nginx to serve the content of dist folder. How will I do that.
#sxm1972 Thank you for your effort and help.
You are probably using Windows Pro or a server edition. I am using Windows 10 Home edition
Here is how I solved it, so other people using same setup can solve their issue.
There may be a better way to solve this, please comment if there is an efficient way.
First, the question... Why I don't see my shared volume from PC in my container.
Ans: If we use docker's Boot2Docker with VirtualBox (which I am) then whenever a volume is mounted it refers to a folder inside the Boot2Docker VM
Image: Result of -v with docker in VirtualBox Boot2Docker
So with this if we try to use $ ls it will show an empty folder which in my case it did.
So we have to actually mount the folder to Boot2Docker VM if we want to share our files from Windows environment to Container.
Image: Resulting Mounts Window <-> Boot2Docker <-> Container
To achieve this we have to manually mount the folder to VM with the following command
vboxmanage sharedfolder add default --name "<folder_name_on_vm>" --hostpath "<path_to_folder_on_windows>" --automount
After running the command, you'll see <folder_name_on_vm> on root. You can check it by docker-machine ssh default and then ls /. After confirming that the folder <folder_name_on_vm> exist, you can use it as volume to your container.
docker run -it -v /<folder_name_on_vm>:/source <container> sh
Hope this helps...!
P.S If you are feeling lazy and don't wan't to mount a folder, you can place your project inside your C:/Users folder as it is mounted by default on the VM as show in the image.
The problem is because the base-image you use runs the node REPL as its ENTRYPOINT. If you run the image as docker run -it node:8.9.4-alpine you will see a node prompt and it will not run the npm command like you want.
The way I worked around the problem is to create your own base image using the following Dockerfile:
FROM node:8.9.4-alpine
CMD ["sh"]
Build it as follows:
docker built -t mynodealpine .
Then build your image using this modified Dockerfile:
FROM mynodealpine
RUN npm install -g gulp
CMD [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "ls source" ]
For the problem regarding mounting of volumes, since you are using Docker for Windows, you need to go into Settings (click on the icon in the system tray) and then go and enable Shared Drives.
Here is the output I was able to get:
PS C:\users\smallya\testnode> dir
Directory: C:\users\smallya\testnode
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 2/18/2018 11:11 AM dist
d----- 2/18/2018 11:11 AM node_modules
-a---- 2/18/2018 11:13 AM 77 Dockerfile
-a---- 2/18/2018 11:12 AM 26 gulpfile.js
-a---- 2/18/2018 11:12 AM 50 package.json
PS C:\users\smallya\testnode> docker run -it -v c:/users/smallya/testnode:/source mynodealpinenew
Dockerfile dist gulpfile.js node_modules package.json
PS C:\users\smallya\testnode>
Thanks for the question, possible more simple configuration via a VirtualBox graphical dialogue, worked for me, without the use of command line, albeit maybe not necessarily more versatile:
configuring the sharing folder inside VirtualBox shared folders configuration dialogue,
and then calling mount like this
docker run --volume //d/docker/nginx:/etc/nginx
I will be binding the /etc/nginx directory in my container to
D:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\nginx
