Need docker registry URL for - docker

In our org, we have to use Nexus as proxy for downloading docker images from internet as our servers won't have internet connectivity.
I've setup proxy for Docker hub registry using URL ""
I want to setup proxy for the new MCR ( registry.
Can someone please tell me what registry URL should i configure in my proxy server to be able to pull images from mcr through proxy...
instead of below command,
docker pull
I want to be able to use
docker pull <IP_Of_Nexus_Proxy>:<Port_Of_Proxy>/dotnet/core/sdk
Below is working for me and pull image from docker hub
docker pull <IP_Of_Nexus_Proxy>:<Port_Of_Proxy>/hello-world


Is there a way to use multiple docker registry proxy in cluster?

My fellow mates and I encountered in a situation in which we'd like to have one computer with an internet connection (will be referred as HOST 1) to proxy multiple registries to few computers without internet connection (will be referred as CHILD HOST) but with a direct connection to HOST 1.
Registries Layout
General requirements
We'd like to pull images from dockerhub without any prefix (e.g. docker pull ubuntu and not docker pull localregistry:<someport>/ubuntu)
We'd like the local registry in HOST 1 to cache downloaded images from every registry
We'd like to be able to pull from multiple registries
From docker hub - docker pull ubuntu
From registry1 - docker pull registry1.dns/nameofimage
From registry2 - docker pull registry2.dns/nameofimage
What we have tried so far:
Docker private registry - we installed a docker private registry and added it to registry mirror, the disadvantages are that the private registry can only mirror one registry.
in order to cache & enable CHILD HOSTS to pull also docker hub images, we changed docker HTTP_PROXY to be the private registry, this led that we can only proxy 1 registry at a time.
Sonatype Nexus3 - we created proxy registries for docker-hub, registry1 and registry2. then we grouped them into nexus docker group and added the group registry to docker mirror registry, the disadvantages are that we weren't able to pull images from docker hub with docker pull ubuntu, we had to pull with docker pull <nexus3address>:<docker group port>/ubuntu of course that didn't work for us either.
We had tried to use as well and we encountered the same issues as the above (required prefix for docker pull)
Any ideas?

Can't push docker built image to SSL artifactory

Having trouble to push docker to internal Artifactory (6.11.1).
We have Artifactory installed on port 443 with Docker setting Repository Path.
If I login to using, pull an image tag it and push it back it works
docker push artifactory.local/repo/image-name
but when I build an image my self or pull directly from docker hub and try to push
docker will try to connect to port 80 and timeout because Artifactory isn't listening to this port.
I also tried to tag an image with the port I get:
docker push artifactory.local:443/repo/image-name
error parsing HTTP 400 response body: invalid character 'B' looking for the beginning of value: "Bad Request\r\nThis combination of host and port requires TLS.\r\n"
Am I missing some port or TLS configuration? why am I able to push pulled images back to artifactory but new images aren't working?
docker push https://artifactory.local/repo/image-name
You might need to login first:
docker login https://artifactory.local/repo/
In your example the docker client tries accessing Artifactory over port 443, but using http protocol instead of https protocol.
Before you push any image to Artifactory, you have to tag it and for more details click on "Set Me Up button" in Artifactory and select the docker repository it will provide detailed steps.
Docker access method also matters, Artifactory uses 3 methods
1. Repository path
2. Subdomain
3. Port method
You have to perform the steps based on this method which you can setup in HTTP settings in Artifactory.
You can not use HTTPS with Repository Path and without a reverse proxy for Docker - Artifactory integration. If you would like to keep using Repository Path you will need to configure HTTP, and if you want HTTPS you can use either Port method or SubDomain (SubDomain is more recommended).

How to install kubernetes from local registry

I want to use local registery for my kubernetes. I can use How to access private Docker Hub repository from Kubernetes on Vagrant and it works i can pull my image from it but i should use
But i do not want it. i want to every image pull form my docker registery without assign any IP and port.
What should i do?
How can i use proxy?
What you're asking is not possible out-of-the-box with docker, if you want to use a registry different to Docker hub, you have to specify it as stated in the documentation.
$ docker pull <private_registry>/image_name:tag
Refer to this Github issue for more information

How to set a default registry to pull from in docker machine?

I have docker machine and by default it pulls my images from docker hub.
Now we have our own repo which can serve as a remote proxy to docker hub.
We can pull with docker pull server/repo/image.
Now I want that docker pull image resolves to our registry instead of docker hub. How can I achieve this in docker machine?
Changing the default docker registry is not possible. You can only configure a private registry to act as a mirror for the dockerhub registry as documented in Registry as a pull through cache.
Check moby-33069 issue which has requested this feature.
It can be done if you're using the Red Hat fork of Docker which is in their repo's, CentOS or EPEL not sure.
You use the --add-repository flag.
If I'm not mistaken you can also change the default repo if you build from source.

How can i mirror a private docker registry to other docker registry server?

i want to clone a private docker registry on other machine. Is it possible to copy or mirror all images available on one registry server to other registry server.
Is it possible to do a scp of all repositories available on one registry server to my other registry server.
