Problem at tweeting with ESP8266 via Thingspeak - twitter

I programmed my ESP8266 to read the soil moisture. Depending on the moisture a water pump gets activated. Now I wanted the ESP to tweet different sentences, depending on the situation.
Therefore I connected my twitter account to and followed this code
Connecting to the internet works fine.
It does not tweet every time and if it tweets, only the first word from a sentence shows up at twitter.
According to the forum, where I found the code, I already tried to replace all the spaces between the words with "%20". However then nothing shows up at twitter at all. Also single words are not always posted to twitter.
This is the code I have problems with:
// if connection to is successful, send your tweet!
if (client.connect("", 80))
client.print("GET /apps/thingtweet/1/statuses/update?key=" + API + "&status=" + tweet + " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
client.print("Accept: */*\r\n");
client.print("User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; esp8266 Lua; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n");
Serial.println("tweeted " + tweet);
I don't get any error messages.
Maybe you could help me to make it visible if the tweet was really sent and how I manage to tweet a whole sentence.
I am using the Arduino IDE version 1.8.9 and I am uploading to this board
The rest of the code works fine. The only problem is the tweeting.
I now tried a few different things:
Checking server response
Works and helps a lot. The results are:
Single words as String don't get any response at all
Same for Strings like "Test%20Tweet"
Strings with multiple words like "Test Tweet" get the following response and the first word of the String shows up as a tweet
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.7.5
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 18:44:22 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1
Connection: keep-alive
Status: 200 OK
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, DELETE, PATCH
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, content-type, X-Requested-With
Access-Control-Max-Age: 1800
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
X-Request-Id: THE_ID
I think the Content-Length might be the problem?
But I don't know how to change it in this code.
Checking if the connection succeded
I implemented this into my code an it never shows up on the monitor. So I think i never have a problem with not connecting.
Use a hostname instead of IP address
I tried it and never got a bad request. On the other hand nothing shows up on twitter at all.

Check if your tweet variable contains any new-line characters (carriage return or line feed). For example, the following variable would cause problems
String tweet = "Tweet no. 1\r\n";
due to the new-line characters at the end. These characters will cause the first line of the HTTP request to be cut short. I.e., instead of
GET /apps/thingtweet/1/statuses/update?key=api_key&status=Tweet no. 1 HTTP/1.1\r\n
it would become
GET /apps/thingtweet/1/statuses/update?key=api_key&status=Tweet no. 1\r\n
and the server would reject it with a 400 (Bad request) error.
On the other hand
String tweet = "Tweet no. 1";
would be fine.
If your tweets may contain such characters, then try encoding them before passing them to client.print():
tweet.replace("\r", "%0D");
tweet.replace("\n", "%0A");
Use a hostname instead of IP address
According to, the relevant hostname for the API you are using is Use that instead of the IP address. This is preferable because the IP address a hostname points to can change regularly. (The IP address you are using doesn't even seem to be correct - and may already be out of date.)
I.e., change
if (client.connect("", 80)) {
if (client.connect("", 80)) {
API endpoint
Are you sure you are using the correct API endpoint? According to the link above, it looks like the API endpoint you need is - so you may need to change
client.print("GET /apps/thingtweet/1/statuses/update?key=" + API + "&status=" + tweet + " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
client.print("GET /update.json?api_key=" + API + "&status=" + tweet + " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
Check if the connection succeeded
Presently, your device sends the HTTP request if connects to the server successfully - but doesn't give any indication if the connection fails! So add an else block to handle that scenario and notify the user via the serial console.
if (client.connect("", 80)) {
client.print("GET /apps/thingtweet/1/statuses/update?key=" + API + "&status=" + tweet + " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
// etc.
else {
Serial.println("Connection to the server failed!");
Checking server response
To check the response from the server, add the following block to your main loop - which will print the server response via the serial console.
while (client.available()) {
String response_line = client.readString();
To clarify: that code should go inside your loop() function.
The response should include a status line - such as HTTP/1.1 200 OK if the request was successful, or HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request if there was a problem.
In the case of a Bad request response, the full message will quite likely contain more information about the precise reason the request failed.
Lastly, are you sure that the API supports (plain, unencrypted) HTTP as well as HTTPs? If not, that may be your problem.


Sending non-ascii characters to a Zapier catch hook

A zapier web hook has been set up to catch JSON sent to it.
The issue is that if the JSON contains any non-standard characters, e.g. accented characters, the hook never catches the data (no error is displayed, it just doesn't log anything).
Id the catch hook is switched to a 'catch raw hook' then the data is received, but I then don't know how to transform the raw data into JSON for future steps. With the catch raw hook the data caught is e.g. as follows (with a special char ø in the name value):
[{"id":2426,"name":"James Hømmett"}]
[redacted IP address]
[redacted IP address]
[redacted IP address]
application/json; charset=utf-8
Apache-HttpClient/4.5.13 (Java/
As you can see charset=utf8 is specified in the content-type header.
The JSON validates with
Any ideas?
If you're on a paid account, you can add a Code by Zapier step that returns JSON.parse(inputData.raw_body), so that the data is available in future steps.
But, not handling non-ascii characters is likely a bug, so it's worth reaching out to support if you haven't already:

NodeMCU - Lua - HTTP Post or luasocket - Need guidance

This is my first time here and thought of joining the forum because I am new to Lua programming and have almost given up on HTTP Post method.
I am trying my hands on IOT using ESP8266 (running on NodeMCU) and using ESPlore to send the Lua program to ESP8266.
So, my program's objective is to call an API and post few parameters using my Lua program running on ESP8266.
I tried the following approaches -
1. Using HTTP Post
conn=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)
conn:on("receive", display)
local post_request = build_post_request(HOST,URI)
----function as below ----------------------------------------------------
function build_post_request(host, uri)
local data = ""
data = "param1=1&param2=2"
request = "POST uri HTTP/1.1\r\n"..
"apiKey: e2sss3af-9ssd-43b0-bfdd-24a1dssssc46\r\n"..
"Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n"..
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
return request
----------------Response --------------------------------------
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 16:10:55 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Language: en
Content-Length: 968
Connection: close
Apache Tomcat/7.0.54 - Error report
The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.
I don't understand what is wrong with it.
2. Using Luasocket
I have included following in my program -
local http = require"socket.http"
local ltn12 = require"ltn12"
and it throws following errors-
script1.lua:3: module 'socket.http' not found:
no field package.preload['socket.http']
no file 'socket/'
no file 'socket/http.lua'
I don't know how to get these libs and send to ESP8266 and not sure if that will suffice.
Question :
Which is the best method to post data to a server using an API.
a. If HTTP Post, what is the problem with my code.
b. If Luasocket then how do I send it to ESP8266 as I am not using a compiler on my laptop.
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
I don't understand what is wrong with it.
In HTTP,the headers are always delimited by \r\n\r\n. Without the second CR-LF pair, the following data with cause a header error as reported dy Tomcat.
Second you can't use the standard socket libraries on the ESP8266. You must use the net library which is a nodemcu wrapper around the Espressif SDK.

Server App on Heroku is not accessibe

Hi we have a Ruby on Rails server application on Heroku, but when I send a post request to it, I always get a 400 Bad Request response. I have searched other 400 errors, but none are related to our issue. The HTTP response that we receive looks like this below:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: Cowboy
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 21:55:25 GMT
Content-Length: 0
The post request that I am sending looks like this below:
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept: text/plain
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 38
Connection: Close
Sorry, I had to put blank lines after each header or it would all show up on one line.
If I create an HTML form to send the data, there is no issue. It's when I then try to send the same request from our file server, that I get the errors. I tried using a preflight request with all of the correct request headings, but received the same 400 Bad Request error.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong?
Well, just guessing from what you've said:
It's likely that you have something like params.require(:key) in your controller. And your request is missing that parameter.
Rails will respond with 400 status in case you missed some require'd params.
What fixed it was switching from HTTP1.0 to HTTP1.1, adding the host header and changing the uri.
The logs didn't tell us anything, and the params were ok. The problem was not fully grasping the HTTP header requirements.

jmeter - second post request is not using the JSESSIONID created on my log in post request

I was successfully able to send a POST request for my log in end point and a JSESSIONID was created. I know the JSESSIONID is kept by the HTTP Cookie Manager that I have at the top of my thread because I see it being used on several GET requests I have in my thread.
But when I attempt a POST request it does not use the JSESSIONID and creates its own ID. Below are my settings:
Protocol: https
Method: POST
-Use KeppAlive
Sampler Result:
Thread Name: sim test 1-1
Sample Start: 2014-02-18 15:42:42 EST
Load time: 95
Latency: 95
Size in bytes: 239
Headers size in bytes: 239
Body size in bytes: 0
Sample Count: 1
Error Count: 0
Response code: 302
Response message: Found
Response headers:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=F16BF82FD28A84F6E28DDE30DECDC48C; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
Location: https : //api.zzzz com/site/needsAuth
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 20:42:42 GMT
HTTPSampleResult fields:
DataEncoding: null
POST https : //api.zzz com/rest/members/347/passengers
POST data:
{"relationshipToMember":null,"authorizedToBook":false,"authorizedToFly":true,"authorizedToGetInfo":false,"passenger":{"firstName":"Mighty","middleName":null,"lastName":"Max","dateOfBirth": 1380857200000}}
[no cookies]
Request Headers:
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 204
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.2.6 (java 1.5)
-Note: I don't know if I am doing my GET requests correctly but they are working. They have Follow Redirects on and it first goes to http : //api.zzz... - 302 Found, then goes https : //api.zzz...
I found this which is exactly my problem: Cookie Manager of Apache JMeter doesn't add the cookie to POST request, but I do not understand his solution if anyone can elaborate on the steps.
Solved: I had to keep the same Server Name as my Log in POST and change my Path
Haven't noticed your https protocol.
All you need is to set either property in your file or add it as an argument to JMeter command line as
jmeter -n -t path_to_jmx_script.jmx -l path_to_log_file.jtl
Leaving the rest of my response just in case anyone else will need it as a guide on how to share JMeter Cookies across different Thread Groups.
I'm not able to reproduce your use case in my environment using following scenarios:
HTTP Cookie Manager lives under Test Plan (same level as Thread Group(s))
HTTP Cookie Manager lives under Thread Group (same level as Samplers)
It's only reproducible if HTTP Cookie Manager added as a child of Login request. If it's your case - move it up 1 level to broaden it's scope.
If for some reason it doesn't help - see below for possible workaround details.
Your response code 204 doesn't sound like an error to me. I guess that the server would rather respond with something like 401 or 403 if there were problems with cookie-based authentication.
If you explicitly need to set cookie it still can be done via i.e. Beanshell
You need to do the following:
If you're going to share cookies between different thread groups or need them as JMeter variables for any other reason set property either in file or specify it during JMeter startup as jmeter
Add Beanshell Post Processor to your Login Request with following code:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
CookieManager manager = ctx.getCurrentSampler().getProperty("HTTPSampler.cookie_manager").getObjectValue();
props.put("cookiecount", String.valueOf(manager.getCookieCount()));
for (int i = 0; i < manager.getCookieCount(); i++) {
props.put("cookie_name" + i, manager.get(i).getName());
props.put("cookie_value" + i, manager.get(i).getValue());
props.put("cookie_domain" + i, manager.get(i).getDomain());
props.put("cookie_path" + i, manager.get(i).getPath());
props.put("cookie_expires" + i, String.valueOf(manager.get(i).getExpires()));
props.put("cookie_secure" + i, String.valueOf(manager.get(i).getSecure()));
Add Beanshell Pre Processor to your POST request with following code:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
CookieManager manager = ctx.getCurrentSampler().getProperty("HTTPSampler.cookie_manager").getObjectValue();
int count = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("cookiecount"));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(props.getProperty("cookie_name" + i), props.getProperty("cookie_value" + i),
props.getProperty("cookie_domain" + i), props.getProperty("cookie_path" + i),
Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("cookie_secure" + i)),
Long.parseLong(props.getProperty("cookie_expires" + i)));
JMeterProperty cookieprop = ctx.getCurrentSampler().getProperty("HTTPSampler.cookie_manager");
The code at point 2 fetches all available cookies from HTTP Cookie Manager and stores them to JMeter Properties prefixed with cookie_
The code at point 3 reads all properties prefixed with cookie_, constructs JMeter Cookies from them and adds them to HTTP Cookie Manager.
See How to use BeanShell guide for more information on extending JMeter via scripting.
I had to keep the same Server Name/IP as my Log in POST and change my Path

How to handle docker API /images/create?

Docker API image creation / pull (/v1.6/images/create) apparently always return
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
no matter if the process is a success or a failure.
Furthermore, the payload is not valid json.
eg: /v1.6/images/create?fromImage=whatevertheflush
{"status":"Pulling repository whatevertheflush"}{"error":"Server error: 404 trying to fetch remote history for whatevertheflush","errorDetail":{"code":404,"message":"Server error: 404 trying to fetch remote history for whatevertheflush"}}
Not being valid json, and the HTTP error not being forwarded / used makes it awkward to handle errors for clients.
Indeed, docker-py just puke the payload ( And DockerHTTPClient from openstack tries to return a value based on the http error code, which is always 200... (
Now, I understand the pull might take a long time, and that it somewhat make sense to start streaming an answer to the client, but I can't help thinking something is wrong here.
So, this is three fold:
am I missing something entirely here?
if not: if you are implementing a client application (say, in Python), how would you handle this (elegantly, if possible :))? try to detect valid json blocks, load them, and exit whenever we "think" something is wrong?
if not: is this going to change (for the better) in future docker versions?
This question is a bit old, but for the future reader who has landed on this page, I'd like to let you know you're not alone, we feel your pain. This API is indeed as terrible as it looks.
The TL;DR answer is "the /images/create response format is undocumented; discard the output and query /images/XXX/json after your create call completes."
I wrote some orchestration tools a few years ago, and I found the /images/create API to be extremely annoying. But let's dive in:
There is no documented schema of the 200 response; the v1.19 docs simply gave examples of a few records. The v1.37 (latest at the time I write this) docs don't even go that far, no details are provided at all of the response.
The response is sent as Transfer-Encoding: chunked, and each record sent is preceded by the byte count in hex. Here's a low-level exerpt (bypassing curl, so we can see what actually gets sent on the wire):
host-4:~ rg$ telnet localhost 2375
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
POST /images/create?fromImage=jenkins/jenkins:latest HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:2375
User-Agent: foo/1.0
Accept: */*
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Api-Version: 1.39
Content-Type: application/json
Docker-Experimental: true
Ostype: linux
Server: Docker/18.09.1 (linux)
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2019 16:53:19 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
{"status":"Pulling from jenkins/jenkins","id":"latest"}
{"status":"Digest: sha256:abd3e3f96fbc3445c420fda590f37e2bd3377f69affd47b63b3d826d084c5ddc"}
{"status":"Status: Image is up to date for jenkins/jenkins:latest"}
Yes, it streams the image download progress -- client libraries that don't give low-level access to the chunked records may just concatenate the data before it's provided to you. As you encountered, early versions of the API returned JSON records with the only delimiter being the chunked transfer encoding, so client code received a concatenated block of undelimited JSON and had to parse it by tracking curlies/quotes/escape chars! It has since been updated to now emit records delimited by newlines, but can we count on them always being there? Who knows! This behavior changed without ceremony, and was not preserved if you call older versions of the API on newer daemons.
It returns 200 OK immediately, which doesn't represent success or failure. (Given the nature of the call, I'd imagine it should probably return 202 Accepted instead. Ideally, we'd get a Location header pointing to a new URL that we could use to query the progress/status.)
The response data returned is huge, spammy, and just... silly. If you have a docker instance listening on TCP, try curl -Nv -X POST http://yourdocker:2375/images/create?fromImage=jenkins/jenkins:latest -o /tmp/omgwtf.txt. You'll be amazed. A ton of bandwidth is wasted transferring server-rendered ASCII bar graphs!!!. In fact, the records return each layer's progress three different ways, as numeric fields for current and total bytes, as a bar graph, and as a pretty-printed string with MB or GB units. Why isn't this just rendered on the client? Great question.
Instead, you need your client to parse kilobytes or megabytes of spam.
The bar graph has a randomly escaped unicode rep of the > character, despite being safely inside a JSON string. Someone was just throwing escape calls at the wall to see what stuck? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The records themselves are pretty arbitrary. There's an id field that changes what it references, and the only way to know what kind of record it is to parse the human-readable string. Pulling from XXX vs Pulling fs layer vs Downloading etc. As far as I can tell, the only real way to know if it's done is to track all the ids, and ensure you get a Pull complete for each at the time that the socket closes.
You might be able to look for Status: Downloaded newer image for XXX but I'm not sure if there are multiple possible responses for this.
As I mentioned at the start, you'll probably have the best luck requesting /images/XXX/json after /images/create claims to be complete. The combination of the two calls will give a pretty reliable indication of whether /images/create worked or not.
Here's a longer block of concatenated client response that shows a few different record types. Edited for brevity:
{"status":"Pulling from jenkins/jenkins","id":"latest"}
{"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"ab1fc7e4bf91"}
{"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"35fba333ff52"}
{"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"f0cb1fa13079"}
{"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"3d1dd648b5ad"}
{"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"a9f886e483d6"}
{"status":"Pulling fs layer","progressDetail":{},"id":"4346341d3c49"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":110118,"total":10780995},"progress":"[\u003e ] 110.1kB/10.78MB","id":"35fba333ff52"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":457415,"total":45344749},"progress":"[\u003e ] 457.4kB/45.34MB","id":"ab1fc7e4bf91"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":44427,"total":4340040},"progress":"[\u003e ] 44.43kB/4.34MB","id":"f0cb1fa13079"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":817890,"total":10780995},"progress":"[===\u003e ] 817.9kB/10.78MB","id":"35fba333ff52"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":1833671,"total":45344749},"progress":"[==\u003e ] 1.834MB/45.34MB","id":"ab1fc7e4bf91"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":531179,"total":4340040},"progress":"[======\u003e ] 531.2kB/4.34MB","id":"f0cb1fa13079"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":1719010,"total":10780995},"progress":"[=======\u003e ] 1.719MB/10.78MB","id":"35fba333ff52"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":3205831,"total":45344749},"progress":"[===\u003e ] 3.206MB/45.34MB","id":"ab1fc7e4bf91"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":1129195,"total":4340040},"progress":"[=============\u003e ] 1.129MB/4.34MB","id":"f0cb1fa13079"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":2640610,"total":10780995},"progress":"[============\u003e ] 2.641MB/10.78MB","id":"35fba333ff52"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":1719019,"total":4340040},"progress":"[===================\u003e ] 1.719MB/4.34MB","id":"f0cb1fa13079"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":4586183,"total":45344749},"progress":"[=====\u003e ] 4.586MB/45.34MB","id":"ab1fc7e4bf91"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":3549922,"total":10780995},"progress":"[================\u003e ] 3.55MB/10.78MB","id":"35fba333ff52"}
{"status":"Downloading","progressDetail":{"current":2513643,"total":4340040},"progress":"[============================\u003e ] 2.514M
{"status":"Pull complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"6d9b49fc8a28"}
{"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":380,"total":380},"progress":"[==================================================\u003e] 380B/380B","id":"6302e8b6563c"}
{"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":380,"total":380},"progress":"[==================================================\u003e] 380B/380B","id":"6302e8b6563c"}
{"status":"Pull complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"6302e8b6563c"}
{"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":1548,"total":1548},"progress":"[==================================================\u003e] 1.548kB/1.548kB","id":"7348f018cf93"}
{"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":1548,"total":1548},"progress":"[==================================================\u003e] 1.548kB/1.548kB","id":"7348f018cf93"}
{"status":"Pull complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"7348f018cf93"}
{"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":3083,"total":3083},"progress":"[==================================================\u003e] 3.083kB/3.083kB","id":"c651ee7bd59e"}
{"status":"Extracting","progressDetail":{"current":3083,"total":3083},"progress":"[==================================================\u003e] 3.083kB/3.083kB","id":"c651ee7bd59e"}
{"status":"Pull complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"c651ee7bd59e"}
{"status":"Digest: sha256:abd3e3f96fbc3445c420fda590f37e2bd3377f69affd47b63b3d826d084c5ddc"}
{"status":"Status: Downloaded newer image for jenkins/jenkins:latest"}
This code runs the Internet now. =8-O
This particular endpoint actually returns chunked encoding. An example via curl:
$ curl -v -X POST http://localhost:4243/images/create?fromImage=base
* About to connect() to localhost port 4243 (#0)
* Trying ::1...
* Connection refused
* Trying
* connected
* Connected to localhost ( port 4243 (#0)
> POST /images/create?fromImage=base HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8y zlib/1.2.5
> Host: localhost:4243
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
< Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 04:21:59 GMT
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
{"status":"Pulling repository base"}{"status":"Pulling image (ubuntu-quantl) from base","progressDetail":{},"id":"b750fe79269d"}{"status":"Pulling image (ubuntu-quantl) from base, endpoint:","progressDetail":{},"id":"b750fe79269d"}{"status":"Pulling dependent layers","progressDetail":{},"id":"b750fe79269d"}{"status":"Download complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"27cf78414709"}{"status":"Download complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"b750fe79269d"}{"status":"Download complete","progressDetail":{},"id":"b750fe79269d"}* Closing connection #0
Now I'm not sure how you go about parsing this in Python, but in Ruby, I can use Yajl like so:
parts = []
Yajl::Parser.parse(body) { |o| parts << o }
puts parts
{"status"=>"Pulling repository base"}
{"status"=>"Pulling image (ubuntu-quantl) from base", "progressDetail"=>{}, "id"=>"b750fe79269d"}
{"status"=>"Pulling image (ubuntu-quantl) from base, endpoint:", "progressDetail"=>{}, "id"=>"b750fe79269d"}
{"status"=>"Pulling dependent layers", "progressDetail"=>{}, "id"=>"b750fe79269d"}
{"status"=>"Download complete", "progressDetail"=>{}, "id"=>"27cf78414709"}
{"status"=>"Download complete", "progressDetail"=>{}, "id"=>"b750fe79269d"}
{"status"=>"Download complete", "progressDetail"=>{}, "id"=>"b750fe79269d"}
Using Docker v1.9 I still having this problem to deal with.
Also have found an issue on Docker Github repository: Docker uses invalid JSON format in some API functions #16925
Where some contributor suggests to use Content-Type HTTP header like this: application/json; boundary=NL
This not worked for me.
Then, while struggling with my custom parser, found this question StackOverflow: How to handle a huge stream of JSON dictionaries?
