Parsing and count words from multi lines text in Lua - lua

Say I have the multi-lines text:
str = [[
The lazy dog sleeping on the yard.
While a lazy old man smoking.
The yard never green again.
I can split each words using:
for w in str:gmatch("%S+") do print(w) end
But how I can get results as an example:
The = 3 words, line 1,3
Lazy = 2 words, line 1,2
Dog = 1 word, line 1
..and so on?
Thank you

You could detect the \n using gmatch like you are already to count the words.
The pattern would be something like "[^\n]+" and the code something like this:
local str = [[
The lazy dog sleeping on the yard.
While a lazy old man smoking.
The yard never green again.
local words = {}
local lines = {}
local line_count = 0
for l in str:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
line_count = line_count + 1
for w in l:gmatch("[^%s%p]+") do
w = w:lower()
words[w] = words[w] and words[w] + 1 or 1
lines[w] = lines[w] or {}
if lines[w][#lines[w]] ~= line_count then
lines[w][#lines[w] + 1] = line_count
for w, count in pairs(words) do
local the_lines = ""
for _,line in ipairs(lines[w]) do
the_lines = the_lines .. line .. ','
--The = 3 words, line 1,3
print(w .." = " .. count .. " words , lines " .. the_lines)
Full output, note i also changed the pattern you used for capturing the words to "[^%s%p]+" i did this to remove the . that was getting attached to smoking, again, and yard.
smoking = 1 words , lines 2,
while = 1 words , lines 2,
green = 1 words , lines 3,
never = 1 words , lines 3,
on = 1 words , lines 1,
lazy = 2 words , lines 1,2,
the = 3 words , lines 1,3,
again = 1 words , lines 3,
man = 1 words , lines 2,
yard = 2 words , lines 1,3,
dog = 1 words , lines 1,
old = 1 words , lines 2,
a = 1 words , lines 2,
sleeping = 1 words , lines 1,


How do I make it look like the picture in Lua

This is my code
local level = 5
for i = 1, level do
local text = ""
for j = 1, i do
text = text..""
for j = 1, level-i, 1 do
text = text.." "
for j = 1+level, level+(level-i) do
text = text.." "
for j = 1, level + i-level do
text = text..""
I want the result to be similar to the one in the picture.
Here is what your code looks like with proper formatting.
local level = 5
for i = 1, level do
local text = ""
for j = 1, i do
text = text..""
for j = 1, level-i, 1 do
text = text.." "
for j = 1+level, level+(level-i) do
text = text.." "
for j = 1, level + i-level do
text = text..""
Your current code prints... well... an empty string. You haven't yet added the characters it's to display to be on par with the image.
The amount of characters per row is 9. So you ideally need 9 characters per row. You will also be incrementing the number once per row. The amount of characters per row also increases by 2; one on each side.
We can use the string.rep(string, number) function to duplicate a 'string' 'number' times. You can feed in your current level into that so it generates 1 2 or 3 depending on the line the number of times. Then you have whitespace to worry about. You can use string.rep again along with a bit of distance math to calculate the amount of whitespace you need from what you take up. Then finally throw everything together concatenated trailing with the first string and print.
local levels = 5
local columns = 9
for i=1, levels do
local str = string.rep(i, i)
local padding = columns - (#str * 2) + 1
print(str .. string.rep(" ", padding) .. str)

A better way on improving my roman numeral decoder

Quick explanation, I have recently started using codewars to further improve my programming skills and my first challenge was to make a roman numeral decoder, I went through many versions because I wasnt satisfied with what I had, So I am asking if there is an easier way of handling all the patterns that roman numerals have, for example I is 1 but if I is next to another number it takes it away for example V = 5 but IV = 4.
here is my CODE:
function Roman_Numerals_Decoder (roman)
local Dict = {I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000}
local number = 0
local i = 1
while i < #roman + 1 do
local letter = roman:sub(i,i) -- Gets the current character in the string roman
if roman:sub(i,i) == "I" and roman:sub(i + 1,i + 1) ~= "I" and roman:sub(i + 1,i + 1) ~= "" then -- Checks for the I pattern when I exists and next isnt I
number = number + (Dict[roman:sub(i +1,i + 1)] - Dict[roman:sub(i,i)]) -- Taking one away from the next number
i = i + 2 -- Increase the counter
number = number + Dict[letter] -- Adds the numbers together if no pattern is found, currently checking only I
i = i + 1
return number
print(Roman_Numerals_Decoder("MXLIX")) -- 1049 = MXLIX , 2008 = MMVIII
at the moment I am trying to get 1049 (MXLIX) to work but I am getting 1069, obviously I am not following a rule and I feel like its more wrong then it should be because usually if its not correct its 1 or 2 numbers wrong.
The algorithm is slightly different: you need to consider subtraction when the previous character has less weight than the next one.
function Roman_Numerals_Decoder (roman)
local Dict = {I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000}
local num = 0
local i = 1
for i=1, #roman-1 do
local letter = roman:sub(i,i) -- Gets the current character in the string roman
local letter_p = roman:sub(i+1,i+1)
if (Dict[letter] < Dict[letter_p]) then
num = num - Dict[letter] -- Taking one away from the next number
num = num + Dict[letter] -- Adds the numbers together if no pattern is found, currently checking only I
num = num + Dict[roman:sub(-1)];
print("+",Dict[roman:sub(-1)], num)
return num
print(Roman_Numerals_Decoder("MXLIX")) -- 1049 = MXLIX , 2008 = MMVIII

Lua char spacing perfectly

Failed Spacing
I'm trying to get all of these names with a max char of 31 to line up all together in the same row by adding the number of spaces per player name that it needs. I've been trying to accomplish this for some time now and I just can't figure this out completely.
This is my current code which is a disaster I know..
local c = client.GetPlayerNameByIndex(i)
if c ~= nil and client.GetPlayerNameByIndex(i) ~= "nil" then
playerlist[i] = all_trim(client.GetPlayerNameByIndex(i))
local leve = 67
local namelength = #client.GetPlayerNameByIndex(i) --max 31 chars
local output = "" .. client.GetPlayerNameByIndex(i)
local newspace = ""
local neededspaces = 31 - #client.GetPlayerNameByIndex(i)
for i=1, 31-#string.sub(client.GetPlayerNameByIndex(i), 1, 31) do
newspace = newspace .. " "
playerinfolist[i] = output .. newspace .. "a"
In simple terms I want all of the "a"s to line up with each string. Thanks for helping me!

How to look for anagrams in 1 or 2 dictionaries?

This is our code now:
#anagram is a word formed by rearranging the letters of a different word
text = open("words.txt")
counter = 0
d = {}
e = {}
for word in text:
w = word
a = list(word)
s = sorted(a)
counter += 1
d[counter] = s
e[counter] = s
We want to ask python to show us the words which have the same values/letters. So for example: AAB is the same as BAA.
Our file exists from:
Does anyone know how to program this?

Using Regex and ruby regular expressions to find values

So I'm currently trying to sort values from a file. I'm stuck on the finding the first attribute, and am not sure why. I'm new to regex and ruby so I'm not sure how to go about the problem. I'm trying to find values of a,b,c,d,e where they are all positive numbers.
Here's what the line will look like
length=<a> begin=(<b>,<c>) end=(<d>,<e>)
Here's what I'm using to find the values
current_line = file.gets
if current_line == nil then return end
while current_line = file.gets do
if line =~ /length=<(\d+)> begin=((\d+),(\d+)) end=((\d+),(\d+))/
length, begin_x, begin_y, end_x, end_y = $1, $2, $3, $4, $5
puts("length:" + length.to_s + " begin:" + begin_x.to_s + "," + begin_y.to_s + " end:" + end_x.to_s + "," + end_y.to_s)
for some reason it never prints anything out, so I'm assuming it never finds a match
Sample input
length=4 begin=(0,0) end=(3,0)
A line with 0-4 decimals after 2 integers seperated by commas.
So it could be any of these:
2 4 1.3434324,3.543243,4.525324
1 2
18 3.3213,9.3233,1.12231,2.5435
7 9 2.2,1.899990
0 3 2.323
Here is your regex:
r = /length=<(\d+)> begin=((\d+),(\d+)) end=((\d+),(\d+))/
#=> nil
First, we need to escape the parenthesis:
r = /length=<(\d+)> begin=\((\d+),(\d+)\) end=\((\d+),(\d+)\)/
Next, add the missing < and > after "begin" and "end".
r = /length=<(\d+)> begin=\(<(\d+)>,<(\d+)>\) end=\(<(\d+)>,<(\d+)>\)/
Now let's try it:
str = "length=<4779> begin=(<21>,<47>) end=(<356>,<17>)"
but first, let's set the mood
#=> [["4779", "21", "47", "356", "17"]]
Lastly (though probably not necessary), we might replace the single spaces with \s+, which permits one or more spaces:
r = /length=<(\d+)>\s+begin=\(<(\d+)>,<(\d+)>\)\send=\(<(\d+)>,<(\d+)>\)/
The OP has asked how this would be modified if some of the numeric values were floats. I do not understand precisely what has been requested, but the following could be modified as required. I've assumed all the numbers are non-negative. I've also illustrated one way to "build" a regex, using Regexp#new.
s1 = '<(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)>' # note single parens
#=> "<(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)>"
s2 = "=\\(#{s1},#{s1}\\)"
#=> "=\\(<(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)>,<(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)>\\)"
r ="length=#{s1} begin#{s2} end#{s2}")
#=> /length=<(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)> begin=\(<(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)>,<(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)>\) end=\(<(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)>,<(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)>\)/
str = "length=<47.79> begin=(<21>,<4.7>) end=(<0.356>,<17.999>)"
#=> [["47.79", "21", "4.7", "0.356", "17.999"]]
Sample input:
length=4 begin=(0,0) end=(3,0)
length=3 begin=(0,0) end=(3,0)
length=4 begin=(0,1) end=(0,5)
length=2 begin=(1,3) end=(1,5)
Try this:
require 'pp'
Line =
lines = []
IO.foreach('data.txt') do |line|
numbers = []
line.scan(/\d+/) do |match|
numbers << match.to_i
lines <<*numbers)
pp lines
puts lines[-1].begin_x
[#<struct Line length=3, begin_x=0, begin_y=0, end_x=3, end_y=0>,
#<struct Line length=4, begin_x=0, begin_y=1, end_x=0, end_y=5>,
#<struct Line length=2, begin_x=1, begin_y=3, end_x=1, end_y=5>]
With this data.txt:
2 4 1.3434324,3.543243,4.525324
1 2
18 3.3213,9.3233,1.12231,2.5435
7 9 2.2,1.899990
0 3 2.323
Try this:
require 'pp'
data = []
IO.foreach('data.txt') do |line|
pieces = line.split
csv_numbers = pieces[-1]
next if not csv_numbers.index('.') #skip the case where there are no floats on a line
floats = csv_numbers.split(',')
data <<
pp data
[[1.3434324, 3.543243, 4.525324],
[3.3213, 9.3233, 1.12231, 2.5435],
[2.2, 1.89999],
