iOS simulator issue with SceneKit displays only black shapes - ios

I have developed a small dice rolling app using SceneKit. While everything works correctly on device my dice nodes are shown as black shapes in the simulator. This used to work fine before but I stopped working on the app for a year and Xcode updated since. You can find screenshots of the issue below.
I tried using an other version of Xcode (11 beta). I tried deleting everything Xcode and Simulator related and reinstalling. I tried disabling every fancy effect on my dice nodes but nothing seems to have an impact, the issue really seems to come from the simulator rendering.
As anyone ever encountered a similar issue? Any help on how to fix it would be appreciated as I use Fastlane Snapshot to generate new screenshots when I release.
Simulator Screenshot:
Device Screenshot:

I made it work by trying random stuff: the culprit seems to be my SCNLight node that lights the scene. My light type was set to .spot but if I set it to something else my dice appear correctly in the simulator.


XCode 13.4.1 - SwiftUI iPhone simulator does not display content (white screen)

As the heading states, I do not get the contents on my live preview appearing on the simulator. The issue does not seem to stem from a syntax error, as the simulator runs perfectly fine. Current solutions I have found have been completed using the storyboard, not the swiftUI.
I have only been able to "resolve" the error through a painstaking restart on my computer every time I update the code. Any solutions appreciated.
Update 1: The white screen persists across projects as well. It may be a software problem, so I am considering reinstalling XCode.
Update 2: "Hello World" works after a bit of waiting. It seems to simply be a really slow launch time..
I realised that all I had to do was run the simulator and then stop the simulator. Then, the updated form would appear within the app.

How to debug multiple scenes loading at the same time in unity?

We have a really weird bug in out game where when we upload it into Beta and send it out through test flight, so phones play the game as intended and other phones have a weird issue pictured below:
From the image you can see the problem. One it does a ghosting type of thing with the characters as they move. Two, it acts like no scene is actually closing, but keeps stacking them on top of each other.
This problem does not occur on iPhone 6s or iPad Pro. It also doesn't occur on Android. We have only seen it on 5S and iPads.
We have looked at versions and that doesn't seem to be an issue either. We are using Unity 5.3 for this build (we reverted to this build as we felt it was the most stable, just to make sure that wasn;t an issue)
Anyone have an idea of what could be causing this problem?
Keep in mind that the things that are being seen are in different scenes.
in your camera settings you probably set clear flags to Dont clear set it to Depth only

iOS OpenGLES not rendering images on iPhone 5s+

I followed this tutorial for the first short bit on setting up a basic 2D game engine: Basic 2D Game Engine Tutorial and completed the first bit to render a basic image to the screen. It works fine on the iPhone 4s and iPhone 5 simulator but not any simulator newer than that.
I decided to download his finished project to see if it works on the newer devices and it does. To try and figure out what was wrong I slowly deleted everything to the bare bones on his project and it still worked.
The next thing I did was delete everything in his project and ported over my code into his project directly. It still renders the image fine! So now I have two X-code projects running the exact same code (I could change code in one project and it affects the other one.) Despite this it still works in one project on the iPhone5s+ device simulator but not the other one.
They both work fine on the iPhone 4s simulator (I changed the background color just to prove they are both running on the same code.)
This seems almost silly to me, they are running the exact same code and all of the settings are identical. Does anyone have any idea what is going on that could make OpenGL-ES not work on specific device simulators?
It might be some 64/32bit issue. Look for areas where you've cast pointers or where you used float instead of CGFloat.

Pictures compiling into wrong sizes

I've created a game using SpriteKit in Xcode 5. Everything worked perfectly, I tested the app on all of the iPhones in Xcode 5 and the game worked beautifully; however, I was planning to release it sometime this week and updated to Xcode 6 so I can see if the app would work on the iPhone 6 (I saw no reason why It wouldn't, but I wanted to try on the simulator).
I am not sure where to start to look for bugs, since everything worked exactly the way I wanted it to, so I'm sorry if I cannot provide you with any information about what I've tried so far. On a side note, the resizing is only weird in simulator, when I compile the same code in Xcode 6 on my actual device, it still works fine.
I have heard that the iPhone 6 automatically resized things, but is this the case?
Is it a problem with the simulator? Xcode 6? Should I release the app and don't worry?
node1 = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:[SKTexture textureWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"redUp"]]];
node2 = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:[SKTexture textureWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"redUp"]]];
The above code is an example of two of the images that are being scaled wrong on simulator on device. After the above lines, all I do is add a couple actions and set properties such as name and physics body.
This link shows the simulator running the game. This is NOT what is supposed to happen.
This IS what's supposed to happen. This is a screenshot of my iPhone running the game, NOT the simulator. Perhaps this is because simulator is iOS8 and my iPhone is iOS 7? Why would that make a difference?
EDIT The reason my device works but not simulator (I believe) is because I don't have iOS 8 on my device yet. Could that be a reason?
I solved the issue. For those in the future with the same problem, my #2x image was not scaled down in iOS 7, and so in iOS8 I added an NSLog statement to output the size of my images. For some reason they were twice as small. I went into Inkscape and doubled the sizes for every picture, thus solving the issue.

Sprites is not loading in Ad-HOC mode in iOS

I am completely stumped here. Created my game, all working in XCode' simulator and also on my device when directly deployed from XCode.
I Submitted my app and they rejected it and asked me to run in Ad-HOC mode in my device to test since the app was not working.
I can replicate the issue in Ad-HOC mode.
Issue: Once replace scene is invoked, the tile map is not populating
the Sprites from the sprite-sheet created using the TexturePacker
software. The app does not crash, however the Scene is empty with just
the background without any Sprites loaded in it.
Not sure how can this be a code issue since works fine when I install directly from XCode.
Please help, thanks in advance :)
#LearnCocos2D, Thanks, I found out the bug last night. I did not use CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR() when placing sprites using tilemap co-ordinates. Amazing thing is, it worked in debug mode but did not as soon as I released the binary :)
